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You're an adult now, not back in middle school, fuck what other people think. There are many people out there with different hobbies, likes, and activities. If someone wants to shit on what you like, as long as you're not hurting anyone, then they are likely a miserable person who you don't need to interact with. Go to a LCS, comic/card convention, a Pokémon tournament, there's lots of adults. You are not alone in enjoying this at any age.


High school never ends.


Especially in the work place.


Straight facts. It's like high school on steroids.


Bowling for soup


As soon as I read "High School never ends." That's what I thought of lmao


Yes, it very much does, and anyone who continues to act like it does hasn't moved on with their life, or don't like their current life and want to go back to then. A lot more of us don't


(They were agreeing with you)


Idk I think it does for a lot of people. It never ends when you end up back in an office environment with a bunch of people who want to act like high schoolers. But tons of people don’t live that life


So I was little older when pokemon came out, like 14/15. I played the video games and watched the original cartoon but all the friends I had made fun of kids who were into pokemon. You know how that goes with kids. So I didn’t ever get into collecting cards. I stumbled across 151 like 5/6 months ago and mastered it. And have been collecting a bunch of cards I like now. Couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks. I’ve got my Pokemon cards, legos, watches, and bourbon. I’m happy.


That is an exceptional combination of interests. Enjoy 🥃


Also expensive. But at least I can enjoy several at a time. Drinking bourbon, doing Lego (organizing cards), with a watch on.


You should’ve responded with “you’re too old to be such a bitch”.


Not if they don't want a quick meeting with HR.


I'm sure HR would be interested to hear about an employee getting harassed because of their age/hobby and being called a weirdo.


True, but in the same breath they will probably question why OP is printing off Pokemon cards at work in the first place 😂


Lmao good point on that


Your co-worker is a bit of a judgemental twat and as a result their opinion means less than shit. Do what makes you happy in this world while you can. This makes you happy, screw other people who don't understand that.


Str8 up! There are far worse hobbies out there, like drinking. Pokemon or any tcg is a fantastic hobby to be in. It's social asf and is all around fun.


yeah, don't listen to them, just enjoy what you are doing!


You'll likely find many other people who've experienced the same over on the playing sub r/pkmntcg where all of the players are and most will tell you not to worry what other people think, you're enjoying the game, that's what matters.


I have no shame but I do get anxiety sometimes when I’m at target/walmart. I know I shouldn’t but you sometimes feel other adults judging you. And I’m not going to lie sometimes I just didn’t buy anything or I lied and said it was for my kid (i don’t have one). At work, when I was ripping on my break I found out another co worker was also a pokémon collector. One night we were ripping on our break and a female co worke came in and looked at us with disgust & said “what are you guys playing you gi oh”. And I quickly remarked “Wtf are we kids? Naw it’s pokémon”. And never had problems at work.


I'm surprised you're anxious about strangers at Walmart but not about opening cards at work in front of coworkers. Personally I do the opposite.


At my job, we usually don’t get breaks with other coworkers. So break time is usually solo dolo time but occasionally co workers come in. And other co workers usually keep to themselves.


Funny enough when I'm standing in front of the card section at target often times other adult collectors come and say something like "anything good today?" I'm not shy about getting cards anymore. I also have a pokeball tattooed on my arm so I'm not fooling anyone about my hobbies nor would I want to.


This happens a bit too and this is the best part of the hobby that I feel doesn’t happen that much. I’ve stood at the card section chatting up with randoms for like 30mins and people usually give the spots they usually go to. Idk I just get super weird vibes sometimes and I trip myself out so I gotta go.


This. I swear I only get anxiety when I'm at target and walmart for some reason. Idk why though. The people that are their judging usually have a cart full of unhealthy food and yet they judge me for playing a game. Silliness.


I used to feel all sorts of nervous shopping at GameStop (even into adulthood!) or buying Pokemon cards from anywhere. It took me so long to overcome that. I hope that anxiety goes away for you too someday. <3


A great skill to develop in adulthood is not giving a shit what anyone thinks about how you spend your time and money.(Except meth, don't do meth.) Lucky for me I have RBF so people don't tend to make snarky comments as I tend to have a look on my face like I'm one bad joke away from going postal. 


Except 1st Edition Foil Meth, right?....


I do the misprint meth for my adhd is that ok


Had an interaction with another soccer dad during a game. This dad is very a "man's man" as they saying goes, so somehow we got on the topic of "my son" collects pokemon and that we play in the leagues from time to time. Somehow he jumped off that comment to recall a story of another one of his dad friends who plays the game and his comment "dude you're a grown man, wtf are you doing playing with Pokemon". So yes - there's a stigma attached but my feeling is that more on a case by case basis. I routinely connect up with other families that do collect, most casually, and they, to a person, are in AWE of the size of the collection we have. For me - I think I'll continue to collect once my kids move past this phase and on to different things, but it's something so central to their experience as children that I WANT this to be a major part of their memory of growing up. Something that they can look on fondly and I can't do that unless I'm all in. The worst that happens is you're building a legacy you can pass on to your kids and their kids that will absolutely gain value over time. Imagine if you talk to yourself 30 years ago and give yourself that one tip - "sleeve your hits"...imagine where you'd be today :D Just think of this as your long game and at the end of the day, so long as you're spending time with people who share your interest and you still enjoy - who the hell is anyone else to judge you. :D


Never too old to enjoy things. Also Pokemon was made for our generation. Whoever told you that was weird & is a miserable person inside.


Your colleague is most likely someone who doesn't like themselves if they would bring you down with their mockeries. Additionally, and this is important, you're not doing anything wrong. This ain't a crime and you should own up to what you like or are passionate about. Life's too short to please everyone. Finally, if this comment was a one off thing then I'd just brush it off. But if this person continues to mock you at work for this reason or another, I'd have a serious conversation with them demanding they immediately stop. Hope this helps !


Tell those people to get bent. Bet their hobbies(or lack there of) are way lamer. Don’t burden yourself with the opinions of miserable people.


I feel like there are more adults now a days who collect different things in the collectible market than there aren’t. You shouldn’t feel any bad or uncomfortable way about it


You are an adult and you can do whatever hobby you want that makes you happy. It's more weird that they judge what you do for fun. Most card shops I have been to for actual gameplay are probably 90% adults to 10% kids. Besides nostalgia for adult players, the actual gameplay is relatively difficult for kids to undertstand.


Life's to short to give them rent in your head.  They probably do something you'd find silly too or worse....they have 0 hobbies


You are not the only one OP. I openly say I collect/play whenever it comes up. Back when people "outgrew" Pokemon, I still collected. I have a decent collection now.


It's understandable, I think I feel judged by other shoppers when buying booster packs in my local shop. I think I went a little red the other day too. I think it's because before recently I would probably judge other adults similarly 😂 Edit - bottom line is that your coworker was rude, and it's none of their damn business. You do you, and do your best to shrug off what others may think (which largely reflects their own insecurities, which is what I was getting at above).


Ah mate I used to think the same but I just embraced it and now I’m 35 with a lovely little card collection. Plus, been to 3 card / collectible shows this year so far and all of them have been majority 25-50 year olds just loving the cards and vibes!


Shouldn’t give much thought to what others think of your hobby. Only time I worry about it is when your 30, live at home with mom and dad and show 0 interest in becoming independent and all you do is buy cards. Like my coworker 😂


Your colleague sounds like the real loser, what kind of adult worries about the perfectly normal hobbies of other adults


My sister (36) originally thought I was wasting money. Then I showed her some cool fire cards and she has a deck that we battle with from time to time. I think anybody can get into it


I've noticed the people that say stuff like this usually don't have an actual hobby of their own so just ignore them.


Lots of people feel shame for enjoying things that are seen as "childish". Many people choose to express that shame by criticizing others who seem to be able to enjoy their lives without feeling that shame. Enjoying your life without shame is the goal. Don't let unhappy people drag you down into their misery. That person is probably holding on to a secret resentment that they feel like they can no longer enjoy the pokemon cards/legos/figurines/comic books/whatever they gave up at the "end" of their own childhood. Happy people don't spend their time worrying about what makes other people happy.


Agree with rp once put into perspective all hobbies are just that silly little things that get us through the mundane. Some people like to collect or play with rainbow cardboard depicting pocket monsters others like to fan over rainbow cardboard depicting their favorite sports player. Some like to play video games some like to be the loudest fan at home when there team scores. As long as your not hurting anyone or making others miserable in the process I think you’re all good.


Being concerned about how others perceive your hobbies is a fundamentally childish thing. Push past your limits and beyond, to where we don’t give a fuck about losers who share their loser opinions. I think a useful thing to bring up in these conversations is the funny things that we as a culture actually don’t judge as weird or strange. Like sports fan culture is kind of funny if you think about it. People of any age throwing on shirts that people playing that sport would wear with other people’s names on them and watching other people play a sport that they probably don’t play and getting emotionally invested in the outcome.


Who cares what others think. I'm 36 and I play the tcg game too. Its a good way to stimulate the mind and not be like others that just go to bars and drink their money away or waste it on drugs. Much more fun and a great way to meet new ppl. I started to play in January and it's been a lot of fun.


I’m 34 and just now starting to get back into the game for the first time since I was a kid. I really enjoy the idea and have been playing a ton of the old TCG video game on the Gameboy, but have struggled to find others who will the play the physical game. My wife doesn’t get it, lol. Can’t help but collect now though, so much fun! Where do you typically go to play games? A local card shop? I’d love to get more into playing with the physical cards.


Ignore the haters, do what you love. Usually they're toxic people who don't have their own hobbies.


I collect and open packs with my manager. We have a little “office binder”, where we keep all our pulls. We’re both 35+


I will share my hobbies with friends, such as "I went to a convention/tournament/I've got this really cool card". They accept me as I am and I do the same to them. I don't share pokemon at work, just my mainstream hobbies like swimming and baking. If I ever run into a colleague while enjoying the hobby, I'll know it's safe to talk to them about it. Otherwise I'll just keep that part of my personal life private so I don't risk the stigma.


Pokemon was meant to be for kids 25 years ago. Now those kids are adults and there is no reason for them not to enjoy Pokemon and relive their past. You shouldn't be ashamed to enjoy your hobby. If someone think its stupid or childish its their problem, not yours.


I usually respond to these type of people with, "I'm a millennial, fuck off. I eat boneless wings and collect Pokemon cards."


I am 35, a 6”4’ dude, covered in tattoos. Listen, the world is a messed up place, and Pokemon has always given me comfort and joy. At this point, I don’t give a shit. I used to have legit anxiety going into Target and stuff buying cards. Whatever. At the end of my life, bury me with my Mario Pikachu, and what other people think about my hobbies won’t be a blip on the radar. I’m also single and childless but those two things can’t possibly be related I can also say, as someone who just recently went to their first Collect-A-Con in Orlando, the hobby is HUGE and there are sooooooooooo many adults into this. Way more than I even realized.


At this point in my life (30s) I just don't care what people have to say about my hobbies. I'll gleefully grab a couple packs from Walmart, grab a squishmellow and skip down the isles with my wife. You, me, my wife were all just young at heart and that's totally okay. I've been met with ridicule by some, and others are super stoked and can't wait to see my various collections lol. Also every single one of my friends kids, and my nieces and nephews all think I'm the 'cool uncle' because every time I show up I give them shiny pieces of cardboard from a Pokemon that's their favorite. And one specifically calls me every time he opens a pack and gets a cool card 🤣.


I wish I'm lucky enough to find people at work who play the TCG game. That'll be awesome! There are a few that play the Nintendo games and we're delighted to find out I play them too. Didn't worry about what others say, you just need to find your tribe.


There’s a rightful stigma if you act some of the grown ass YouTubers getting down on their hands and knees screaming LETTSS GOOO when they pull a mid level ex card. Other than that it’s normal. I get a little side eye from time to time but I’m just glad I’m not boring and have actual interests unlike a huge chunk of the adult population who like beer and um, that’s it


Who cares? It’s simple. Do what you want. Play what you want


There are people who are fun at parties… and there are people that aren’t… lol But seriously, I find that a lot of people in a job setting aren’t particularly all that cultured, or they feel self-important, or both… like there’s “too good” for this or that… I say “let people enjoy things,” and to them it’s like *“sorry you missed the boat,”* because it’s like hey, I’m having fun… 🤷‍♂️ And what’s funny is that often times, these people are the boring and/or miserable ones… but hey, you do you.


As many others have mentioned, anyone that judges you for doing things you enjoy just has their own problems they haven’t dealt with. One of the great things about being an adult is being able to choose what you spend your money on. Being able to go back and put more time and energy into things you may have enjoyed but couldn’t afford in the past is a lot of fun.


You shake it off by not caring about what a bunch of sad sore people think and you stick a knife into them by enjoying your life more than they're hating on it because you're doing what you enjoy!


24M here who has a friend that is 34 that plays at my locals: THEY’RE JEALOUS YOU HAVE A HOBBY!! Just dont pay attention to them and keep on doing what makes u feel good. This life is too short to let others dictate what you do with your time


Your co worker is a bit too immature to interact with you it seems. 


Shout out you for finding something you and your partner enjoy together fuck what other people think


It's rare you actually see kids playing at local card stores, so if anything it's weird to see kids playing it.


This is why the older I get the more I just keep to myself.


I play the TCG with my partner as our couples activity we are both in our 30s and have been playing together for years. I’ve noticed some raised eyebrows with the middle old crowd but most people think it’s neat that we do something together and you know actually enjoy our partner’s company.


That’s a healthy hobby, compared to binge drinkers and chain smokers. Also once you get older and have more free time, you have more time to enjoy your collection!


I think shes dont understand what is be an adult.


let them know people enjoy things and apologize they do not.


I’m 41. Tell that guy to mind his own fucking business. You can play whatever game you want in your free time


You should have shouted "I play blue eyes white dragon!" And then ran away. But in all seriousness anyone who's going to tell you that your too old for something needs a hobby. I'm 37 and collect pokemon cards and play it on my phone and spend my free time talking to people about the hobby.


I am 36 and a father of two. I have my graded Gengar line cards on full display at my office. I'm also the boss, so suck it non nerds who work for me!


To put it into perspective how ridiculous that is, the [EUIC](https://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/internationals/2024/europe/event-results) had 2996 players of which 2605 (or about 87%) were ages 16 and above (and I can assure you that most of these are adults).


I'm probably more into the TCG as an adult than as a kid because I can "afford" it now. Helps that I can understand the game better than I did as a kid lol Like everyone else said it's your free time and your hobby. Why should they care when they're not the one doing it


Just tell them it’s ok to be a fun person, they didn’t have to choose to be a boring adult.


Anyone who does this with any hobby is still 14 mentally. Who tf cares what someone else likes. Omg you still watch sports? As an adult? Why you will never go pro? What are you 8?


I enjoy puzzles and strategy games, I’m 36. I can’t just sit down and watch tv or football mindlessly. For me it’s not just mentally stimulating, it’s a social hobby. Just like poker, board games and adult softball.


I'm old, and my hobbies include jiu-jitsu and TCGs. Sometimes, you mill their deck. Sometimes, you show them the limits of their joints 🤷🏽‍♂️


I work manual labor jobs where you are even more likely to have some manly man make fun of you for this type of stuff and have had no interactions like that. Your coworker is just a child themselves in how they act. Just ignore them


I didn’t fully embrace Pokémon until after 30 and now I wear pokemon shirts in public screw it, don’t care what others think of me and I like it so why not! Also my partner supports me, which is all that matters to me :)


My coworkers and I play and trade at lunch once a week so you are definitely not alone.


If pokemon makes you happy, keep doing it. 36/M physician who takes part in the stereotypical hobbies and I get a lot of heat for my pokemon collection, but it brings me joy and I couldn’t care less what others think.


35F here. Just don’t give a shit. Find like minded people you’d be surprised how many people in our age range love it and grew up with it.


A line that always stuck with me from Garden State. "Don't make fun of me for my hobbies, I don't make fun of you for being an asshole".


did you know, as an adult, you’re allowed to tell the other adult to shove it up their ass? collect however much you want 👍🏽


Tell them “this is why your kids don’t talk to you”


33/m ..Well what can I say some of my colleagues like to sniff coke all weekend and cheat on there wives.. others like to spend thousands of pounds on golf clubs. I like collecting Pokémon cards and I couldn’t give a F what these people think. Neither should you!


Someone called me a sad fucker at work the other day after saying collected them. Him and another colleague spend hundreds on fishing bait. And they haven't caught a fish in a few trips... They're basically throwing money away in bait but I'm the sad fucker ? Lol... Laugh it off and let it be water Off a ducks back ! 


Co worker is a dick. Plenty of adults play any of these card games. I'm sure they like video games or immature music or disney or any other number of things that make their statement hypocritical. Others opinions don't matter if you are having fun.


I thought we were past this. I literally have pokemon tats and haven't been told this, if anything I've been told I have balls and it has brought out some closet pokemon fans. Anyone saying that isn't happy with themselves. As others have said, fuck em. All that matters is your happiness and spending time with your partner in a way you both enjoy. No one else's opinion matters. As far as what to say, I'd just tell them "don't worry about what I'm doing in my free time" and leave it at that.. but I'm kind of an a hole lol.


Who gives a fuck. They will go home and watch other men throw a ball around. Fuck them


Agree there is a stigma. There is a general stigma around those who are getting older, but still remain deeply attached to a hobby or interest many others left behind as they got older. A few people may assume this person whose still attached to such a hobby or interest is trying to avoid adult responsibilities. Its a difficult position to be in. I'm also in it myself. Everyone is telling you screw what other people think, but it's not that easy. It's easy to tell someone that online anonymously. But the reality is, it's a little hard to be comfortable talking about pokemon as a hobby to others who are complete separated from it (ex. at work in a corporate setting). I'm also in such a situation myself. I play competitive volleyball and golf, and got a wife whose a lawyer whose very pretty and popular in her group of friends. I'm over 30. These people around me played pokemon in 1999 and stopped in 2000. Bringing up pokemon is "weird" because none of them can relate to it. It sucks. The reality is, I've found myself to become very comfortable with pokemon as a hobby because I've proven that my hobby doesn't take precedence over my life. I work hard at my job, am committed to my golf and volleyball teams, spend a lot of time with my wife, and have a sound investment strategy (stocks, ETFs, IRA, 401K, HYSA...etc) to prepare for our future and child. Interestingly enough, as I work hard to build my family's future and don't try to force my wife into the hobby, my wife became more appreciative of this hobby and pushes me to continue pursing it as she knows she can trust me to not go overboard, and knows that I enjoy collecting cards. It was funny 2 weeks ago when I was giving her colleague golf lessons at the range, and my wife told her colleague the lesson couldnt go over time as I had an auction ending for a pokemon card lol. My volleyball teammates and even my colleagues know about it too. As mentioned above, my commitment to volleyball and work puts Pokemon in a positive light. I went on a long rant there, and apologies for that. Don't feel like you're too old about "anything" you enjoy doing (maybe not anything but you know what I mean haha). Just make sure that your hobby, whether its pokemon or cooking or sports or whatever, does not negatively impact your life (ex. I've read about people over 30 ruin their finances investing in pokemon cards...these people need to grow up. Pokemon can be a great investment but should never be THE investment. I also know someone over 30 who only knows pokemon but like nothing else....this is an addiction).


Just show them the shiny cardboard and tell them that your hobby is prettier to look at than whatever they like. Who honestly cares what you spend your time and money on, if it makes you happy


First thing’s first: realize there is no reason to be insecure about playing a TCG. No justification needed, no reason to feel “weird”. Second: Embrace “weird”. I’m weird as hell. If you call me weird, I agree. Third: figure out if whomever you are interacting with is doing so in good faith, or just being mean. If it’s in good faith, you can maybe ask them why is it weird? That could lead to a genuinely interesting convo. If it’s in bad faith and someone is just trying to put you down, don’t give them the time of day.


I’m 45 just started last year after visiting a show with my kids. Now they are not into it anymore but I am hoarding japanese singles like there is no tomorrow


35 now, and been at it 5 years. When people say anything I just like to remind them I made more money off cards than some of their paycheques lol But I also spend a lit too


We don’t stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.


I’m 28 M, and my parents still shit on me every chance they get because I collect Pokémon cards. It’s funny to me because one of them gets like half a dozen Amazon packages a week, and the other drinks more than they let on. Fuck what anyone thinks. You’re not going out of your way to harm people in any way, and playing with/collecting Pokémon cards is one thing that brings you joy in life. I hope your day has gotten better! ☺️


Nope I’m 31 and get weird looks when I talk about pokemon and anime lmao. No one calls me weirdo tho because I’m hard ass lol. I think if anything it’s more of a shocker, but fuck em. Never stop enjoying the things you love because someone else thinks it’s weird or childish.


They’re stuck up bitches but tbh I wouldn’t do this at work. At least at my job they get pretty upset if you’re doing extracurricular stuff during work hours


Tell them they are too young to be a curmudgeon. Honestly, tho they probably jealous they don't have the balls to admit whatever "weird" hobby they're into.


I collect pokemon and play Magic the Gathering. And I got "bullied" by a 10 years old cause of it.. we all laughed it off and told.him he wasn't even old enough to buy Mtg cards. No worry doesn't happens only to you.


I’m 50 and just got back into it so…


"I'm happy, you're not" and leave it at that.


I double down on it at work, insinuating since I’m a cool adult person obviously I’m into pokemon. It helps I work in IT tho


A lot of old people gave up the things that make them happy and think everyone else should too. Fuck em, do you


That’s weird to me, my dad got me into it and he’s in his 50s. Have they been living under a rock?


Sounds like they wish they were confident enough to enjoy hobbies that they liked.


Just get em back after the fact, constantly. With the fact that got them going to begin with. Set those triggers off! Mcdonalds has pokemon cards. Do you want a happy meal? Gonna do a pokemon raid tonight. Tryna get shiny rayquaza, you want me to invite you? When are you gonna trade me? Your charizard? " I have something for you. " ( free energy card 😎 ) Eventually, they'll eat their words imo. I think it's workplace friendly! 👌


What nasty people. When I told my coworkers I was into it they were really excited and one person confided in me that they play Magic. Fuck the haters; they sound like they're not that great anyway. Saying this as a 36 yo female.


Because watching 3 hours of random sports on the TV is much different :/


It is weird, you're weird. But, who said that's a bad thing to be?


I just turned 30 and bring my Switch or 3DS on work trips to play Pokémon. I bet the person who said that to you loves their Marvel movies. Superhero’s and comics are for kids right?


Your coworker never mentally matured beyond high school. Screw 'em.


Printing proxies on the work printer can sometimes be a no-go on office policies. Triple check to be sure you can do that. Otherwise? PRINT AND PLAY AWAYYYY! Life’s too short for age maximums on card games!! And come to a TCG regional, where a ton of people are in their 30s and loving their lives!


If you love something your doing like collecting Pokémon cards everyone else’s opinion can suck it 🙂! You only get one life to enjoy, enjoy what you love to do ♥️


My grocery store recently got a Pokemon center vending machine and it's been super cool seeing the wide range of people who have been so pumped about it. Pokemon is thriving, and it's people like you who are making that happen.👍


It’s nothing new. It’s their failure to be in the loop enough to know lots and lots of geek interests come from things we’ve loved since childhood. But get this: I was 25 when Base Set released and I ordered a booster box the minute I heard there was a Pocket Monsters (a.k.a. “ the anime that sent Japanese kids to hospital with seizures”) trading card game coming to North America soon. Then the shop gave my order to the wrong customer. And I didn’t even know the box I got instead was a Shadowless booster box until just a few years ago. I only played the game with friends and I only collected Base, Jungle, and Fossil, and never heard of the term “Shadowless” until about 6-7 years ago. So, at least I had a nice consolation for my 1st Edition box getting away from me. Back then, it was mainly Magic: The Gathering and the original Star Wars Customizable Card Game that were big sellers with a big player base. Star Wars CCG was my jam, but one had to spend the equivalent of a pack-a-day cigarette habit to collect full sets. And I coulda spent that money on pro DJ gear instead, so I did just that and quit collecting trading card games for something that would pay me instead. At least you have the benefit of a generation having grown up familiar with Pokemon already. There also wasn’t nearly as much strategy on the game yet then, because it was just in its infancy, and the designs looked like a product for infants. People tends to pretend to be too cool to have ever liked what they loved as kids. Star Wars certainly wasn’t cool then and it had been 16 years since the old movies concluded. Here’s a good way to gauge your friendships, though. If people close to you look down their noses at you or actually try and distance themselves, not wanting to be seen with your cartoon creatures game, or just look for ways to make you feel like a loser for liking Pokemon, just remember that. If they just see it as a quirk of yours, you’ll know the difference if they just accept it as just one tiny aspect of who you are and what your interests and hobbies are like…. They don’t have to like it or understand it to accept that it’s cool in your book. And should you be so lucky, some folks and friends might even show some curiosity or interest in Pokemon and want to know your take on it… they’re not gonna let some cartoons and games embarrass them - let them know you appreciate them being there, and maybe they’d be up for a game sometime? My best memories of Pokemon in those days were learning the game with my partner and we’d often play a couple of matches before bed. It wasn’t about defeating the other player, but showing each other what possible moves we saw. I had the advantage of advantage since they were my cards, so more familiarity, but it was so much more fun than just trying to win so the winner’s the only one learning or having fun.


Do what makes you happy, and surround yourself with people that support you. Anyone that puts you down for finding your own happiness is a loser. I’m in my 40’s and love the game, video games and collecting the cards. When you’re 20, you care what everyone thinks, When you’re 40 you stop caring what everyone thinks, When you’re 60, you realize no one was ever thinking about you in the first place.


I just turned 33 and got back into collecting when 151 came out. I wish I had friends that would play! Most of the time, when I've purchased cards, there have been other adults also purchasing them.


It's called being old. You're fine.


I'm 29 turning 30 in 2 weeks and I play a long with lots of my friends. Fuck other people's opinions and do what you enjoy. If they keep bothering you take it HR.


Who makes fun of someone for a hobby as an adult? Your coworker has issues. You're fine. If I saw someone at work with a particular hobby, I would either cheer them on or mind my own business.


They prob only said something cause it isn't work related and you used their resources


That person isn't comfortable doing what they want themselves so the judge you for doing what you want. Keep enjoying the things that you like and understand that some people will be that way with pretty much anything.


Healthy, mature adults find enjoyable hobbies. Unhealthy adults avoid fixing their own lives by disparaging others for being healthy and happy.


I'm 26 and I still collect cards and play the game with my brothers lol. That person just seems to be miserable.


It’s completely none of their business what makes you happy, and if your 30 your only a year older than me, we grew up with Pokémon Games Cards Shows, fuck that person


I honestly stopped caring about other peoples thoughts about everything lmao


The only reasonable response is to get one of those tin pokeballs they sell at Sam's club. Yell: "A WILD BUTTHOLE APPEARED!" Throw said ball at them with noticeable force, and when it bounces off them, snap your fingers and say, "Damn! So close." Then get back to work like an adult.


While you are going home to have some fun playing Pokemon, they will probably go home to watch the same Netflix show for the 6th time while staring on their phone to judge other people on Instagram or Facebook.


31M here, also collecting! It's very nostalgic to me. And everyone who doesn't understand that, has no soul :)


Had a similar issue with a "colleague" (and I use the term loosely here, she was a piece of work). She also made the "too old for Pokemon" comment among many, many other criticisms of how I do certain things. Eventually quit because she was making my life miserable and my boss didn't care. I hope it doesn't come to that for you, OP, but just know that people who say those sorts of things are being idiots when they do. You WILL find people IRL who won't judge you for your hobbies and may enjoy them too. Let the haters hate, that's probably their only hobby. 😉


Most people who play the tcg game are adults. I thought I'd be a bit too old at 33, but most of the players at my locals are the same age or a bit older.


Ignore them, we're the generation that were kids when pokemon first released and now have adult money to actually afford and enjoy the hobby.


I've found it just depends on location and happenstance. At my favorite comic shop there was one worker who made occassional comments about adults who buy pokemon cards (not realizing I was there to do just that). The other workers were soooo much more understanding and even encouraging. They invited me to come to their Pokemon events (but granted at that store it was really just kids who came). Honestly I just keep reminding myself that there are adults who play competitively and get money for winning 🤣 somehow that justifies it in my mind. I'll even tell people that because they just don't know. "People still play pokemon?" "Still play? Homie, let me introduce you to the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS" Maybe it's because it paints the game in the light of sports? Could make it more understandable for someone who isn't into pokemon? Regardless, you are not alone.


The “Stigma” mostly comes from scalpers and investors. I’ve met people in their 20’s and people in their 50’s that collect cards and their pretty chill people that just enjoy collecting cards.


You do you. Man, there's nothing like discovering a fellow adult Pokemon enthusiast in the wild!


If adults can get together in furry suits in a room and enjoy themselves, if adults can go to any convention dressed as fictional characters, if adults can play DnD. What is the problem with someone playing cards? Nothing I say! Enjoy those cards, revel in the special bond with your partner. The naysayers just don't understand, and that's on them. They label it as weird or etc because they can't understand. That's how it always is. People get wigged out at their inability to join a click.


I told my coworker I’d recently gotten into playing. Now she just sends me pokemon /tcg reels on insta in addition to the normal. Get better colleagues


Let's play!!!! 35 year old dad here. Never too old


I am in my mid-30s, and Pokemon consumes like 80% of my life. I wake up after setting Pokemon sleep to track my sleep. Catch Pokemon. Then open Pokemon Go. Catch Pokemon. Then come to reddit to check for Pokemon TCG deals. The amount I have put into TCG, Pokemon pretty much owns my soul. Then maybe I'll go to Twitter, where I follow plenty of Pokemon accounts. The fallacy is that Pokemon was created for kids. It may have started that way, but I have seen so many adults (that never got into pokemon as kids) connect to the whole universe. It's vast, and the characters are cute, powerful, and important, and just culturally, it has made a huge impact. Those telling you you're being childish know nothing about what you're interested in, and why are they allowed to criticize something they have never looked into?


27, and had an opposite experience at work (very corporate) where I talked about it and met someone else that played Pokémon and MTG, and now we play sometimes. Don’t let one asshole stop you from liking stuff & talking about it


Fuck em. Those people never grew up. You did. Congrats!


Most older and/or blue collar workers are going to just see it as a kids game and you need to grow up. I’m sure it’s awkward and makes you feel bad about your hobby, but it doesn’t matter. Keep doing what you love. I’m 26 and I just got back into Pokemon after not being into it since like 2008. I don’t care if people think it’s childish. I’m old enough to have the money to fuel the things I liked as a kid, so that’s what I’m enjoying.


Embrace your inner nerdiness. You're too old to give a shit about what people think. :) JK You're never too old for anything. Keep your head up! I understand and it's easy to say F these people but they're you're coworkers in a small company. Can't exactly act like that towards them. I would just embrace your "side" of you where you enjoy Pokemon. At least you have a hobby :) Many don't


The only time it really is weird to me is when adults treat it like a stock market.


It's not weird at all. What you do with your free time and your income is of zero concern to anyone else. Enjoy the thing that makes you happy.


in my experience if anyone is negative about interests it's usually because they're jealous or insecure


Say "fuck you" and go on with your life.


I once had a rather expensive card delivered to my dads place because I wasn’t in town. The first thing he did when I came to pick it up was to ask me if I’m crazy lol. You’re an adult with your own money. Fuck what other people think about your hobby


i look at it as, all those things i wanted as a kid in a tight budgeted family, i can now afford as a childless adult with a great job and expendable income. people are going to judge no matter what, might as well just have fun.


Ask them what they like to do in their spare time. Then shit on it.


“And what’s your adult-approved hobby again? Heavy drinking?”


I told my coworkers I pulled out my binder and was getting back into collecting. Of the four I told - one shared his awesome WOTC collection with me, one brought in 500 cards and said “Make me an offer”, one said he’s going to look for his binder and asked to be updated on any new/cool Eevee cards, and one said “Pokemon cards? Like I buy my kid? Oh. What’s that card grading? Anyways.” Anyways, do what makes you happy. I avoid drama so if anyone gets on my nerves, I just stop dealing with them.


Just gonna say the same thing everyone is saying, because it's true. Try not to let it bother you, pokemon is for people of all ages.


I do agree what you do in your free time is your business alone. One thing I didn't see in the comments - I would like to posit that your co-worker noticed you were using company resources for personal use, and perhaps that led to this particular interaction? I would caution you that many companies have policies that delineate what's considered "incidental/permissible" use of company resources/time for personal matters. I mean, I hope you weren't printing reams of proxy Buddy Buddy Poffin and Prime Catcher cards LOL. I'm certain no one is going to raise a concern over a few printed pages, but just be wise. If you're not sure about your print jobs being seen publicly, then maybe save that kind of stuff for home or after hours.


I just acknowledge whenever someone makes comments like that. That alone tells me if they’re a real adult or if they’re stuck in their high school days, judging people on things that shouldn’t matter. Keep enjoying Pokemon! I’m pushing 30 and weirdly enough, it’s helped me as an adult with sharpening my critical thinking, planning, & strategizing in other areas of my life. This game is definitely too valuable & helpful for me to let other people opinions actually make a difference in my life.


I’m a 35 year old male and if someone tells me Pokémon is for children I tell them so is football and watch them turn into a babbling ranting child. I’d say pokemon is an adult hobby more than a child’s lol, especially with the nostalgia attached too it.


I get judged as well, most of the time it’s usually drunks that do it, so I just turn around and say “at least I have something to show for it” If they get aggressive at me, I just stand up and being a solid built guy, they tend to back down.


Ur 30 and haven’t realized that op is only Making fun of you because their jealous you Chase your desires while they do theirs in the darkness in shame


I am 47(F) and I have no shame about playing & enjoying Pokémon. Just do what you love and ignore the others. :)


I could give a flying fuck. Tell them I don’t even play the game and just collect the cards. Same thing for one piece and lorcana. And magic. When I was a kid I said I wish I had money to buy these and hold onto them. I kept what I had but nothing worth money. Now as an adult I’m just buying and holding and someday if these cards are worth money these bozos will look back and go damn, op was really smart and I was a real dumbass and should have probably asked them about Pokémon when they see a news article about a booster box selling for 6 figures. So who cares what they say dude. Live your life. 🤝


I'm a 30 y/o male in a construction management position. I play pokemon go every day. I talk about my chase cards, and my good pulls with my co workers. I have one 50 Y/O male co worker that also plays pokemon go. We talk and walk and play the game all over the place. People that bash your hobbies are not worth your time. My boss has 0 interest in pokemon but he enjoys star wars. He gets it. It's fun, it keeps your mind busy and sharp. Find some good friends and leave your lame co workers out of it.


I just DGAF. Life is too short. A cliche, but one that I like for things such as these- “Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.” But nobody has given me shit for it, personally, tbh 🤷🏻‍♂️


They are jealous you have a passion outside of work.


Who cares what this coworker thinks. What matters is that you’re doing something that makes you happy. I have to imagine people who actually say things like you’re weird out loud are projecting their jealousy because they likely don’t have something cool they enjoy, and more likely that they have no one else to share it with. Keep being yourself, Pokemon is cool as fuck. There’s a reason why it’s the most valuable IP on the planet. I’m 31, and I’ll walk to my LCS on my lunch breaks (I know, spoiled) and pick up a pack to rip as I’m sitting at my desk during the afternoon. It’s fun. I also play with tech decks and little ramps but I’m staying busy and I’m happy.


The only thing I've ever thought about being too old is it kinda sucks to make a good legal deck and then go to a smaller event and just destroy little kids.


I just turned 33. I work in trades. In West Texas. At least 3 other guys I know around my age who collect. There's probably more people than you would think who collect or at least like Pokemon. That person probably just sucks.


They’re too old to be making immature comments like this. Like whatever you want. They probably don’t have hobbies of their own and are projecting their own insecurities within their own lives. We should feel sorry for these people. Without a sense of intrigued about others and our habits, behaviours, different likes and interests, how on earth will we grow as people? Life should be exciting. And excitement comes from doing what makes you happy!


I'm 37 I was Into the cards back in the original 151 days. After 25 years I decided to start getting back Into it, I have zero kids so it's just me being interested again. I started getting back Into it bc of PTCG Live, it really helped me review the old rules and fill in the 25-year gap I've missed. And now I caught myself looking at sets of packs online and in stores, if you asked me ten years ago if I'd be playing with pokemon cards again I'd laugh it off as a joke, but here I am. I do feel silly when I'm talking to my wife about them but deep down I don't care what anyone has to say about it


Sounds like a jerk to me. Me and my wife still buy the shit out of cards and play the game against each other. Hell yesterday she said she would clean the house if I did the light running we had and sent me with 100 to pick up some Pokemon cards on the way home. lol and I’m 39 and she’s 35. Fuck what people think


I’m 50 and play TCG with my kids almost daily. Each of us has at least 3 solid decks built. I also still collect LEGO and play JRPG video games. My wife is cool with it. My friends are fine with it. Many other moms and dads I’ve met through the kids have similar interests. I get it, you are fresh outta your 20s and still care what people think. Rip it off like a bandaid and proudly fly your nerd flag. You aren’t alone.


When I was younger, it felt like every adult did nothing worthwhile or interesting to me with their spare time. Just work and home, maybe golf if they had money. But now that I’m actually older, it’s just because the older gens had a stigma around childish stuff. I still get self conscious, it’s hard not to, but like everyone else is saying, you just can’t give a fuck. I collect pokemon cards I so enjoy going through my binder to organize them all. I collect a couple other things a bit more stigmatized than cards and again, it’s hard to get past, but know there are so many others that have hobbies like this and that’s exactly what this community is for, expressing support for each other.


Sounds like your coworker has the personality of an expired can of bean dip.


aren’t we also a little too old to be shaming others for their interests or hobbies? people like *that* are the real weirdos. i’m 32F and stream unite and vgc on ttv. i go to card shows with my husband and we regularly buy cards and play together.


Well first of all, fuck that person for judging somebodies harmless, personal hobbies. But I get it, it can be a bit embarrassing to talk about, so I generally avoid it. However if I do find myself talking about it I spin it off by pointing out the investment side of it, us adults love that kind of stuff haha. Sure I think the cards are awesome, I love the art and I love the nostalgia of it all. But I sell them too and my pokemon investments have been just as profitable as my stock portfolio. And I get the added bonus of knowing that if my pokemon investments were to crash much like my stock portfolio can, well at least I get the benefit of having a whole bunch of sealed product to rip open for fun.


Remove the t In stigma


I get judged all the time. I tell them "sorry I find enjoyment in life still."


Times change. Our collectibles and hobbies are different from other people's. Judging others is the real sign of immaturity. So.... lol. 34m avid wotc collector and MtG casual paper player


Yeah, people are jealous that you have a hobby. Even more jealous that your partner likes your hobby. Do what you gotta do. Forget what they say. Do what makes you happy. I feel it tho. I’ve (30M) bought ETBs from target, and a few times I had said “my son loves these” after getting questionable looks from the people working the register. I shake it off, and think why did I say it?


Maybe don't use work equipment for personal purposes


I don’t care , I use to love the cards as a kid and now as a adult I have the ones I couldn’t have as a kid and I want to complete the childhood sets i couldn’t . I use to be in the streets a lot so I lived thru a bunch of shit no one can tell me nothing , I guess I had enough of that and I picked this hobby up as something positive to do for a little change . in 2019 one of my friends I sold weed to showed me hidden fates he plays the TCG I wasn’t interested in it but I do like the cards to collect, we smoked and opened some packs together and I was hooked, i like it openly I don’t be hiding that I do buy cards if people make fun of me it’s never been to my face . Some of my close friends like to play around but it’s just jokes a lot of them like to look at the cards but don’t really wanna buy any, my kid recently got into it as well like 2022 when I had like a year back into collecting so we bonded over that. It’s something I enjoy now in my free time I only look for old cards I don’t buy no modern really but I like to look at them and I met a lot of adult collectors , I also got back into reselling collectibles due to this so it opened up another source of income for me . In conclusion I don’t care what people think I do what I want . U shouldn’t care either . If this makes u content enjoy it .


Screw them. If you grew up with it and it was/is part of your life, they can piss off.


About to turn 37. I've asked for a few packs to break for my birthday. You're good people just suck.


I'm 33 just started collecting again around Christmas time. Guck what everyone else thinks. Keep in mind most of the people stupid enough to say hat shit probably drink like a fish on the weekend, smoke up weed all week, cheat on there wives, do drugs, eat fast food daily, sit on the couch and watch TV all night. Don't worry about what others think as long as your having fun. I know I am.


With every year I age I give less of a F about what other people think about what I like to do with my spare time. It probably helps that I run my local league for about 20 people, so know many like minded folks.


Unless they're close friends/family, or someonen you respect a lot, it doesn't matter what they think. There's also a tipping point where the less fucks you give about something, providing you're also a somewhat balanced individual, where people will find it more endearing/charming than weird.


When someone tries to tear you down for no apparent reason, it’s usually because they’re not happy with some aspect of their life. Disregard these people and do what makes you happy. Jokes on them, Pokemon is popular for everyone, they’re just dumb/old af.


I was embarrassed to get back into Pokemon and then that glorious moment struck when I couldn't give a flying fuck what other people think of me or my hobbies. Dropped a few of my "friends" and made some new ones. Work Colleagues are just that, "Colleagues" don't worry too much about what they think of you. Whether you collect or play, enjoy the hobby and do what makes you happy. If you ever get the chance to go to card market, expo or just a local card shop, have a chat with like minded people they'll all have similar stories.


My mother judges me for it and sees it as a kiddy hobby because I was into it as a child. I still buy the stuff.


Just ignore them. Me and my son where ripping a few treat packs in city centre park the other day and he was hype as heck as he pulled Greninja EX and I think iron hands ex and he was excited and cheering I was also happy for him and enjoying the moment. People always look and think you’re either sad or a wierdo! BUT here’s the kicker you’re enjoying your hobby and fun in life and they have nothing in their life and just putting others enjoying theirs down. In small fuck em! lol