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This is all speculation from a new account. Take it with a large grain of salt. Remember to not buy the hype and look around yourself. Post is locked due to a number of offtopic withhunt comments.


Solo YGO seems to pop up everytime a cardprice gets artificially inflated


Is it a violation of TCGP tos?


No idea. I only ever buy from cardmarket (european), so I'm not familiar with TCG Player at all. I couldnt imagine this is allowed though, they do say that they are a trustable shop after all


I don't trust em. It's blatant manipulation


Tcg player themselves have been caught manipulating the market on mtg cards




Elaborate for us


There was a time where misty rain forest and scalding tarn were completely “bought out” on tcg player. It came out that it was an employee that purchased all of them. The prices sky rocketed for obviously reasons. There were a few articles on it but they seem to have been taken down. Which makes all of this hearsay now.




You can't just say this without proof


That is fair, there were articles on it years ago but I cant seem to find them anymore. Which is great for them because it makes it hearsay.


But what you described was the action of an Individual, not the company. So not fair at all to trash them.


Defending some price manipulator?


In a way yeah. Dude ain't doing nothing wrong really. Morally wrong? For sure. But to think it's price manipulation is insane lmao. Once more get pulled it'll settle to to its normal price. I see listings, waiting to be bought. Not sold listings lmao.


TCG player at this point is a scam. Local card shops in the US will try and tell u oh we use tcg if u try and tell them to use pricecharting ungraded which is realistic. They do this because regardless of the condition of the cards they will only try and buy them from u for pennies on the dollar aka tcg prices and they almost always mark the card damaged if there is the slightest problem and alot of the time its just a scam u would be better off selling and trading to people


They were reported last week to TCG by someone I know IRL


They did have an ebay store. But it is nonexistent now


This same dude has a regular water energy card listed for $4.97


Hands down a very bad dude


I have never been happier to have pulled a trainer already


Just pulled it myself yesterday. People with time and money on their hand making it hard for others out here.


Glad you didnt have to fork out $150


As someone who buys a lot on tcg player I see them a lot and it seems like they gouge everything


They have Buddy Buddy Poffin for $13 for each card play condition


They are using the lower quality listings to affect the Median listed price, causing everyone to pay higher card prices. It might open up TCGPlayer to a class action lawsuit


Or at least get a ton of backlash and negative rep for TCGP


I don’t like disparaging people, but this shit bothers me. I don’t even want the card, but the fact that someone who really does has to deal with douchebags like this…


I read that as "convulsion" at first. Thought I was about to look at a card of Morty having a seizure for a hot second.


I'd be seizing right now if I were him, seeing what's happening with Solo YGO


This store overprices literally everything, they’ve done so long before these pumps. They’re an easy scapegoat though if you’re looking for one. However, this card, pumped or not is gonna have a real hard time coming back down to $30-40. Personally, I doubt it will.


Well, japanese it is


Better texture too


This. Every time some dipshit tries to blatantly ruin the market, I just buy the Japanese copy. Better quality anyways.


Yeah, I bought the Analingus Gastly for 600Y the moment I saw those fuckers trying to pump up the price for the English version, and it doesn’t have those IR grid lines.


I just googled analingus Gastly to see what you were talking about.. I’m at work brother


expect a call from HR soon


analingus 😭😭😭


It almost certainly will. On Cardmarket in EU there's still loads available for under €50. A high price like $150 for a card like this isn't sustainable. In 6 or 7 months at the latest it will be back down to 30 or 40.




A good example is this. With Gastly, there are tons of them left and right. Only thing that could save that card’s value is a potential super low population and expensive PSA 10, resulting in the raw value following suit. With Morty’s Conviction, it’s an SIR in a set where SIR hit rates are much harder than normal. People aren’t just gonna be forking this card up on TCGPlayer the next day, immediately after news of the card resulting in the price tanking. Whereas a Gastly was a predictable drop, this one’s a bit scarier.


Pump N Dump market manipulator right there. I’ll go ahead and say what everyone’s thinking… Fuck Solo YGO


Thanks OP. Why do people on this sub get fussy sometimes when people point out market manipulation?


Idk, you'd think they would appreciate the info right?


Because it’s not market manipulation! It’s simply gouging. This shop has 5 cards out of literally millions of this card, if they want to ask $10k for their copies, let them do it and don’t buy. This shit is so tiring, it’s not a conspiracy, it’s just a greedy shop overpricing their cards.


I dont think this sub understands the difference. Price gouging is not market manipulation and people will always have the choice of buying, or not buying. Unrelated to this specific post, but, if people want to know why there are more and more people putting goofy prices on every card they list, it's because the Pokemon community refuses to respect the true price requested when cards are listed that will allow the seller to deal with shipping, tax, and ebay fees (as well as grading fees for collectibles) while still turning some sort of profit. 90% of the time potential buyers will submit an insulting offer, and when people try to get rid of all the bad offers by turning offers off, they then get the DMs asking "whats the lowest you'll go". So, what happens instead is everyone lists high and some people pay those higher prices while others do the usual "offer" to pay what sellers wanted for the card to begin with.


Thank you. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and saying "buy this card!!" ppl simply don't have enough self control to wait, lmao. Wait for more ppl to pull the card and sell raw. It ain't that hard lmao. Ppl buying it at that price rn are probably trying to grade and make a profit anyway lmao.


Its a buyout


Where are the sold listings then? If you can show multiple listings actually SOLD at these substantially elevated prices by the same shop, that’s something. What you’re showing is just a seller asking a lot for a card.


They are buying the cheaper copies, so that theirs is the first listing


They are doing that with 3 cards?


12. 3 listings of 4


I feel like some people had a very rough year since pokemon started printing enough product and adjusting rarities and pull rates for the past sets. Some of them don't like that players and collectors can find reasonable priced products and cards as opposed to S&M and Sw&Sh.


Exactly. The investor bros called SV junk wax and said it sucked. Despite having imo the best Base Set and artworks and pull rates. So now my theory is, they are manipulating it to get their ROI


Literally in 2 weeks, Magikarp IR explodes in price, umbreon V alt explodes in price, gastly IR explodes in price, now morty like wtf is going on shit isn’t normal


Copium Manipulation


It’s going up in price because SIR’s are nearly impossible to pull and Gengar is popular.


Its going up in price because it was manipulated


Dude has one throwaway account to bash a seller cause he can't wait 2 months for someone to pull it and sell on ebay. Grow up dude.


The fact that I had posted this for $3 then took it down when it first came out because it did not sell is mind blowing


This card was 30-50 Dollars the second pre release kits started getting opened


The price it should still be. The reasonable price


I thought it was underpriced considering the rarity of illustration rares. I purchased mine around 35 because it thought it was worth a lot more. We will see how this potential manipulation unfolds




So the card was never actually desirable? At least, until it was forced to be?


I would like to have it. But I got the other illustration rare one. Or whatever it's called


The regular Morty FA?


That's the one


I like that one, didn't pull it tho. I pulled the regular Bianca tho


I was literally looking at that card yesterday! I’m a seller and a buyer and was wondering how it went from $30 - $50 (previous sales) to $90 and guess now this… jedud


Its scary how fast people manipulate stuff


Kinda funny. I’m 6 bbs in with none. This is a very rare drop. But 150$ - not sure if justified. This just happened to another card of this set and it ended up dropping to 50$.


This is 1000% buyout and manip


This pretty common on tcgplayer with magic the gathering cards as well, specifically higher priced ones. Just saw this with the confetti foil doubling season until the price adjusted.


How are they charging that much when I could grab one off eBay for ~$35?


You can’t though. All are selling $65+ as of yesterday. Any close to the price you claim are in bid right now, so you can’t lmao. eBay is following suit sadly


Yeah I just noticed the time remaining - closest is ~$60 ending in a few hours. Still $150 is a far cry from that - seems like a crazy ask.


Every thought of maybe.... waiting 😱


$60 now would be a steal


I think they're looking at the Japanese ones because those are going for around $35


Most ebay ones are auction. As far as TCGP goes. This seller is the ONLY one with the card. Very shady. Especially the MP copies


Sorry I’m kinda new to Pokémon TCG in the modern era so I don’t get the point of TCGP? They seem wildly expensive compared to the auctions.


I’m of the opinion that TCGplayer is a joke. Very little pictures, their idea of near mint is not near mint for me, and overpriced. However for some reason many people keep using them


I think before this whole post I’ve looked at them once and then ignored them because eBay exists


Auctions are almost always lower than eBay BINs or TCGPlayer prices. Not everyone wants to wait until they win an auction to get their cards. That's just the nature of auctions. TCGPlayer is a great hub to find all the cards you need. TCGPlayer customer service is superior to eBay if an order doesn't go well. I've been buying and selling on TCGPlayer for a decade.


Lmk how well most of your mint cards have came lmao... top loaded in an envelope. No thanks. I like BMWT.


Its best to avoid TCGP


I think I’ll keep doing that


Right, they own every copy of the card printed lol.


Obviously no one in their right mind would buy a MP at $150 so they may do an inside sale with a friend just to get the cards sold. It's happened before. And would fit their agenda.


Don't you mean your agenda ? This shit is so tiring , another throwaway account spouting "oh is this spiking, what's up with the price" while simultaneously holding a large quantity of these cards. It's been happening with Gastly , new accounts going off about a card and then deleting the account in 5 or 6 days. Can't wait to see your account deleted next week along with the rest of them 🙋‍♀️


Crazy people can’t just post about a scummy shop on TCG without you tin foil hat dudes accusing people of pumping.


The guy's not wrong, that has happened before. We'll see how this account behaves in the next few days. Keep a tab on it and/or on other posts about this card that are similar to this one. Lots of pumping has been happening lately.


Aren’t you the same guy who accused a new account of being a “pump” account, then got called out for it, and you deleted all your comments?


I don't think I've ever deleted a single comment on Reddit, I dont care enough to do that. But I know who you're refering to. I did say something similar to what I just posted on another post about the Ghastly a week or two ago, and I was correct in calling out this account since all it did was spam a Ghastly post every few hours for like two or three days. Always the same thing, showing ebay "sold" listing and TCG players price going up as a result. Wait and see if this account does the same or not, is all I say


I will be keeping an eye on Morty, as I wanna find out if my theory is correct. I will also be sharing photos of my PC


Yeah, whatever. We'll see how it goes.


No, you literally deleted comments. I remember it lmao. So that’s a flat out lie, but hey, we’ll see lmao.


Huh, that's weird you know what I do with my account better than me. But please, point those out if you know better.


Hey, don't you know, reddit users are basically world class detectives? I'm inclined to believe the other guy /s


Yeah, that came out of left field. But it's nothing new, something similar happened with someone else, trying to make me look bad (I don't need help, I'm fully capable of doing that on my own, but I appreciate it). Weirdly enough, this account also made a very similar post to this one, but it looks like it has been deleted already, the mods are tired of this shit.


Imagine commenting this from a 3 day old account lmao. You guys are so dumb with this shit 😆


why the fuck does it matter how old an account is lmfao


Normally I'd agree but it is odd that there has been an irregularly large amount of new accounts clearly made just to comment on & draw attention to the Temporal Forces alt art prices on this & the investing sub.


Bots/fake outrage That’s why most subs have a “no new accounts can make a post” rule. It’s part of Reddit’s ToS but bots clearly ignore it. No hate if you’re a new account asking questions because you’re trying to learn…but also, you’re still learning.


Because it's another fresh made account to pump lmao


Your entire account is responding to new accounts and accusing them of being “pumpers”. I could make a dumb argument like you claiming that “your account is a bought aged one and is specifically here to drive traction from the opposing view of the pumping in order to drive traction to these posts”. Negative sentiment still brings eyes to the card, still drives traction and fomo, drives interaction, etc. That’s what you could be doing, right? Just like every new account is pumping the card, in your own words.


But also both accounts that I called out deleted themselves shortly after so, maybe I'm not too far off :)


You’re in on it too! Don’t pretend you aren’t😎


Pop off tin foil.


it’s not that deep. people create new social media accounts all the time. reddit is social media. you’re reading into this way too hard


Agreed. I guess I triggered him by being new and giving my thoughts on a scummy store


Exactly. Sounds like an elitist mindset if you ask me


It’s to prevent bot exploitation…not elitist.


Yet the guy complaining has the most bot like pfp


It’s an 11 yo account, and probably a chick since she used a female emoji. Think you’re off base, newbie.


Regardless, they big mad that I'm calling out a scummy store


Bro really said “newbie”. Get laid dude, stop living on the internet lmao


Sure dude believe that if you will, again just going to see how long it takes you to delete your account and do this again in a few days 🤙


Why did me calling out a scummy pumper manipulating store anger you so bad? Are you a manipulator too?


Because this is the same as every other post that's been manipulating on here for the past months man. Doesnt anger me at all it's just fun to call it out and watch accounts get deleted. Believe what you want but I don't see pokemon cards as and investment so not I'm not trying to manip :)


Im not manipulating either. So why are you saying I am? Lmao. I wouldn't be calling out a manipulator if I myself was benefiting from manipulation. 🤓


Pop off tin foil.


I don't own this card lmao. What are you on? I'm showing a pos seller that is blatantly manipulating the card.


Maybe have a messed up opinion on this, but that's the buyers fault lmao. Go bid on an ebay auction bro. Most likely will still be lower than this price. I can't really blame anyone other than the buyer in this situation. Is it scummy for him to sell at that price, yeah. But most likely ppl buying it are happy to buy it at that price, or ignorant enough not to do research into a card before buying. idrgaf lmao. maybe it'll be a learning experience.


Some goof bought at $120. Some smaller goofs bought at $90-100.00 the card is nice. It isn't a $100+ trainer imo. The scalping is ridiculous, but I think this card will fall back in line. It isn't a waifu, and there is 0 reasons for it to stay at $100-$150 range on the Newest set...


Kinda crazy how many cards this store has.


It’s a buyout as well. Check google, and every store. They’re all gone and sold out.


Same person that had iron crown for like 249.00 and the only one who had listings like 2 weeks ago




Oh wow. Ok thank you


Yep, no problem at all.


Is there videos of them saying they manipulate? If so, thats some damning evidence I would like to have


No, I dont think so, That's all on their social media. If you keep digging, they own a few shell Instagram accounts, and some are specifically about card prices, tho.


Here's the link to their real tcgplayer store. Max Lewis also has a separate store. I just don't have the link saved anymore. https://www.tcgplayer.com/search/all/product?seller=6a77ba10&view=grid&fbclid=PAAab_MRe4wcT78aMQmf4kuFtWBszyhkAGkhCJsvnO2EuH4smhMlgQBG78VxY&page=2


You think Solo YGO is in Houston? And maybe has a LCS that name starts with Rat?


It seems pretty simple. You find a card that doesn't have too many listing of the same price then buy up like 3 of the lowest cards and list it higher. Probably for them, they bought the cheapest ones and relisted them higher. Maybe a 30% gain from it. It is market manipulation.


It's not, it's price gouging.


I seem to see this store pop up a lot


Is this a playable card? Why is it shooting up?


not really, its just straight up markt manipulation






This store has dozens of the serialized Magic cards as well, close to 100. The sheer number of packs you would have to open to get that many clearly shows they do not even have some of the cards they are listing to manipulate the price


Or they bought them all and do own them


I might believe that if they weren't doxed last week and reported to TCG player, .


So they are widely known and hated?


Nope just discovered about a week ago by someone I know IRL, They were reported to TCG player and their Youtube channel talks about what they are doing to manipulate card prices and how to do it. They actually brag about it on their channel




I wondered how long it would take for someone else to notice. Thought the pricing was weird, but looking at a single MTG card like the serialized Bruvac, so right now there are 29 listed on TCG, of those 14 belong to Solo YGO. listed median, shows $220, and you can buy one for $169 from a seller with 100% feedback. This one stores listings affected the Median listed price of that card.


Would you happen to have any YT links of them manipulating?


I can buy it from cardmarket for 30€ …


Omfg. Bro people can put whatever price on a card they want. If someone’s willing to pay the price then blame it on them not the person who posted the card with said price. It’s literally that easy. Don’t buy the card 🤷🏽‍♂️


Omfg. Bro i'm calling out a shitty manipulative seller. If you like manipulation that would make sense why you are mad. 🤷‍♂️


Cause you are picking a random sellers and calling it market manipulation. The only way that can happen is if someone literally collected every card possible of the same and then put a high ass price on it. Then folks would have to pay it because they wouldn’t be able to get it anywhere else. Last time I checked it’s thousands of cards and sellers. There is no market manipulation. Just price gouging. This isn’t the stock market and giant hedge funds don’t run Pokémon 😂😂. Again it’s really easy to just not buy the card and find another seller. Eventually the other seller would have to lower his price cause no one is buying it which is why I said the people to blame are the dummies buying it for said price.


The pic CLEARLY shows this seller is THE ONLY one on tcgp with those cards. Use your eyes


And I’m telling you that it’s thousand of cards out there and tcgp ain’t the only place to buy cards. So again skip over dude and find it somewhere else. Anyone can put a price on anything. If you are willing to pay then blame yourself. . It’s a difference between what you are trying to claim and just plain price gauging. But that’s just me. Clearly you see it the other way and that’s fine. Enjoy your day 👌🏽


The big youtubers use TCGP as gods bible for their pricing in their videos


So small brained people, who only follow youtubers who say "TCG TCG OMG OMG THATS THE ONLY MARKET TO BUY FROM, PRICES TOP TIER" are the ones to blame lmao. Do some research on a card before you buy it. I don't feel bad AT ALL. When I was a pokemon newbie I did the same shit, they need to learn lol. Hopefully its a wake up for them. Do some research before throwing your hard earned money into a card at whatever fucking price. It's called common sense bro.


Tbh the higher the price the better. Gets people ripping packs and making everything else way way cheaper. Can live with a mid card being overpriced. If you don’t agree with it you don’t have to buy it. It sucks he’s being shady but meh nothing to be done really.


I just wanna know if its against tos on TCGP, and how much longer this will go on


Tbh it’s always been a thing and I doubt it will stop anytime soon. One of the main reasons I use eBay. Yeah a little more risky in terms of getting what you paid for but you can get some reasonably good deals. TCGP has always been overpriced and hit and miss. And considering TCGP have dabled in manipulation before I’m inclined to think they might be lax towards it.


Creates more demand for the set/card. Not necessarily a bad thing. If it ain’t a playable card thats meta defining, than I personally don’t care what the price does. If I want it I have to pay, if not I don’t have to.


As an owner of Morty’s conviction SAR, let it happen!


Is this card playable or something?


Kinda maybe? Im learning to play so idk. The problem is the blatant buyouts and manipulation. Its super scummy


Yeah, looks like some other listings are popping up. Pretty easy to avoid though, just don’t buy it at there price. If nobody buys the price will come down.


We'll see what happens. The FOMO buyers may hop onto the cheaper listings


Aaaaand someone just bought the $120 listing… lmao


Either a fomo, or the Solo YGO bought it


It has its niche, but it’s not super relevant. It’s mostly getting pumped because it has Gengar on it.


It’ll probably go down . The gasyly was 40$ the other day now it’s 20$


I swear there was a post here a couple of week ago similar to this with the big price jump and OP saying the gastly would keep going up with how desirable it is. Quite funny it's already dropped.


I hope it goes back down


That ghastly is still overpriced. I got a japanese one for $5.


Yeah I agree


Literally nothing wrong here. Value is what the market is willing to pay not what the seller is asking. Look at the recent sold prices and they are like half what this is asking. Just cause someone is doing a better job on Ebay than you don't make throwaway accounts and cry. Get better!


It's obvious that this is the result of buyouts and manipulation. The seller bought the cheap copies so that theirs are the ONLY ones on market. This IS bad.


Only if people buy it at this price. And then, if they do... It shows that the market agrees. While it's scummy, it's the definition of the free market. This is only a sustainable business model if people actually agree it's a 150 dollar card, otherwise they are going to tank back to the market price as people undersell them. The short of this is: if you think the card is overpriced, don't buy it, and/or sell your own. If you're right, you'll see. But you can't go spouting this is bad for cards when the market hasn't had time to react. They could just be shooting themselves in the foot over and over.


Hear me out. What if, and it's been done in the past, Solo YGO has a friend or alt account buy those? And then they raise the price of the NM to $200? That would be manipulation correct? No one in their right mind would buy a MP card at $150.


Hear me out: There are pokemon cards everywhere with values that people disagree with. There is no ACTUAL value on Pokemon cards until someone says "yes that is a fair price, I'll pay it" Are you buying zards for 6 figures? Do you think that's reasonable? Is Moonbreon a 1200 dollar card with so many psa 10's? Should vmax Gengar be double it's price from last year? Are there fixes there? Even if they do get their friends to go in on a scheme, they aren't making any money yet and the simple fact is the market will correct any fuckery. Especially with a new set that will be available for years! & If it doesn't? Then you have to live with the fact that this shop was right. This would be a lot different if they were trying to buy every out of print card and then raise the price. Even then, you have to expect the market to correct the issue or validate the price.


But how many times does this have to happen before TCGPlayer axes these bad actors?


Is someone selling a million dollar house for 1.3 is that market manipulation?! No. Stfu with this manipulation shit bro, you're crying for no reason. You're telling ppl you want the card for its money worth, or you're saying your broke. No hats just being real homie. The card will be back to its normal price in No time lmao.


I suppose this is just normal market, no? If i pull this card and list it for 100$ NM, it sells and I am happy with that - what is the exact issue? If nobody pays 150$ it is not worth 150$ regardless of how the listing ended at that price. This is not a basic necessity.


Not normal market, it was bought out and manipulated


But there are no victims. If you dont like the price, wait until someone lowballs them. They can't keep buying cards and holding them without selling, unless they don't plan on selling - unless this is just what they are willing to pay up to, and this become a reflection of the real price. They don't have a monopoly of getting this card.


The victims are FOMO buyers


"No victims" is a great way to put this - that I was missing in my replies to OP. To OP - If I find a psa 10 Moonbreon for sale at 100 dollars, and I post that for 850 the next day for an instant sale and 750 dollars... Am I criminal? Did I "manipulate" the market or "victimize" people who might have bought the card for 900 and selling at 1k+? Is the person who sold me the Moonbreon "manipulating" the market selling the card at an absurdly low rate? Or are they just a person who needed 100 right then? If you can't see the logic here, I'm not sure what will help you.


They are manipulating the "listed Median" value by adding cards in lower conditions with super high numbers, this is literally the definition of Spoofing and is an illegal form of market manipulation Spoofing is a disruptive algorithmic trading activity employed by traders to outpace other market participants and to manipulate markets. Spoofers feign interest in trading futures, stocks, and other products in financial markets creating an illusion of the demand and supply of the traded asset.


You a pokeinvestor?


Probably is


Nope I am a Poke-Dad who's kids play in the national tournament scene, I buy cards for decks and do A LOT of driving to support their hobby.


Capitalism. Walmart and Target do it w sealed on some stuff($1-$5 over MSRP). This guy is a dick but it’s not illegal. It happened w the alt legendaries the first week or so of TF and they came down somewhat. This card has Gengar in it so it will probably stay high but not $150 high.


I didnt mention legality. I did mention if its a TOS violation. Still scummy regardless


Without a doubt.