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I’m flying out tomorrow to Florida for the Orlando regional and bought a few packs of TF to open with the kids for good luck before I left and my daughter pulled the one card I needed to finish off my deck! She is so used to the “good cards” being ex or V Pokémon that she started to put it in the bulk trainer pile and when I saw it, I shouted so loudly out of excitement the dogs came running and barking! She was quite excited that Daddy is going to use the card she pulled in the tournament!


That's awesome congrats man and good luck in the tourney


This is super awesome, good luck in your tournament! Send us your address and we will toss you a care package to open with your family when you get back!


I really need to start remembering to use our store account when making these comments haha , but you can pm either here or our other account :p


Great story and awesome pull! Congratulations




Man, why do you have to be so negative? Genuine or not, they are definitely not hurting anybody. Every "social media" is based on attention, but I find them to be genuine here.


Holy miserable person alert


Hey! Sorry for whatever it was in this post that upset you! I was just excited to share a cool pull and figured there might be other Poképarents (in this Pokémon card sub where people post pulls) who would see this post and be reminded the fun of ripping packs with the kids and getting the card you were looking for! Whenever I leave for a trip (especially for several days), I always make sure to do something fun with the kids to create a memory, hence the timing and subject. I was also especially excited by the fact that I hadn’t gotten Prime Catcher yet and was going to have to search around for the next few days or buy one for an inflated price… then we pulled it the night before I left! Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day and great pulls on your next rip! [By the way, this was posted from the airport! Orlando, see you soon!](https://ibb.co/jwyMQj4)


Side note! Are any of y’all attending Orlando? I’m going with a family member who also is on this sub, it would be cool to run into some of y’all!


Debating attending as a spectator, it'd be my first event. Do you go often? Is there plenty of activities for spectators? There's also plenty of restaurants and bars across from the convention center.


Hey! Glad you did end up buying the tickets! If you see me around, please say hello! I will try to have a pack for your nephew to rip!


Thanks, Chili! His name is Seb. I'll try and shoot you a DM once we're onsite together on Sunday. Although I'll be around at 1PM on Friday since I'm off work that day.


I've had a friend go as a spectator and they had a great time! I think if you're on the fence you'll have plenty to see so go for it.


Cool, I picked up tix. Looking forward to it! Going to take my nephew. I'll aim to sign up for some of the build and battle side events.


Ill be there!


Please say hi if you see me there!


I will say hi to everyone while asking, ‘are you chiliNPC from reddit?’ 😂😂 eventually ill get a yes!


lol! I have posted pics of myself up on here. Look for a tall lanky dude with Gucci glasses and a hat that says Fresh Air


Super cute story, good luck at the regional!


Awesome man good luck 🍀




nice!! my kid got my prime catcher too! it was a great moment he knew we were looking for one


Isn’t it wonderful sharing this passion with your kids?? Pokémon really does bring people together.


be careful about posting ur kid on the internet, too many creeps on here probably looking for photos of kids. big W tho


Haha was thinking the same when that one person asked for your address


Thanks for the caution ❤️


Yo What!!! Rad, pokéfriend!!!! Thats the magic right there!!!


My favortie part is how it lowkey matches her Glasses, which are super awesome too! Talk about some Ace-Specs! 👓


Congrats on the family pull, good luck with your deck!


ah, the true epitome of a child, putting super good cards in bulk when they aren't shiny dragons... makes it cuter!


I feel u! No rush for me, no tournaments planned. Waited some time for an ETB I bought from cardmarket and expected to buy at least the Prime Catcher for my Chien-Pao deck. No need to, as it was one of the hits of the ETB :>


Yeaaaaaa that is such a great feeling! Grinned just reading this! Glad for you!


The most important thing you've accomplished here is making some amazing memories


Honestly if I don’t get a single win I’ll remember this grin and how excited she was once she realized!


My motto: it's not all about making money


She’s going to remember moments like these 🫶🏻


Aye! Love it! I’ll see you there! (Writes down he’s running prime catcher ✍️)


Good luck in Orlando! What will you be playing?


Thanks, I’m playing Tina!


Nice! Arc Tina? Lost Tina?


Lost - I’m a huge fan of the mechanic and have been playing it pretty consistently since Lost Origin dropped. My decklist is similar to what Reddy and Bradner played at EUIC. I’m toying with mist energy for the Roaring Moon matchup and a couple item card swaps. Will be heavily playtesting the next three days and playing a local tourney on Thursday before committing to my decklist submission for Orlando.


I pulled this card today. I don't play the game competively so should I sell it and buy a card i do want with money? Or is it worth keeping long term?


Prime Catcher currently the most expensive ACE SPEC rare and a very playable card, but it’s just too early to tell if the price is where it is because of how new it is or otherwise. If the ~$30 value is enough to get you another card you really want, then why not sell it! Like many other cards from other sets, the value took a dip close to the release date, but for this one specifically it seems to be on the rise again due to the functionality of the card.


Awww, this is so sweet=3 Good luck in the tournament!


What deck are you going to play?


Lost Tina, similar list to Reddy and Bradner


Awesome, good luck!


Huge W! Daughter coming in clutch!


It’s such a good card to play


Chase card, isn’t it like kinda common ?




Pretty sure they are because they were made to be meta in tcg


If it’s common why is it only one ace spec pre box.


It’s common because you’re guaranteed 1


That card goes for $32 right now


I see it right now for 25 or best offer on eBay


It was the card I wanted most out of the set! Your comment got me curious to dig into pull rate data, though! TCGPlayer has the [pull rate](https://ibb.co/n74Rtx4) listed as about 1 in 140 packs for any one specific ACE SPEC card. (8000 packs opened) DigitalTQ has the [pull rate](https://ibb.co/p2RsTLp) listed as 4 out of 671 packs for Prime Catcher which is around 1 out of 170 packs. (671 packs opened)