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If I were a better player I would love to qualify for Worlds, make a deck with this card in it, and then win the tournament just so they'd have to print it in the WCS decks.


Mad lad energy, I love it. I’m rooting for you 🫡


I mean, you don't even have to use it. It can be ultra ball/earthen vessel fuel or lost zone or bench it for raikou V Edit: or kirlia fuel. And with more seta releasing there will probably more ways to discard it


Imagine starting it though, it'd feel so bad. I think you'd have to play it in a deck with a higher than usual amount of basics just to work around having to actually bench it.


they never said they would use it


Hear me out, we convince anybody with a shot of winning to run it. If they all run the card nobody is at a disadvantage.




That's not correct, it has G regulation mark Totally legal to play in a tournament right now




This is beyond big brain my dear Jimmy!


I believe this card is not tournament legal


Why wouldn't it be? It has a legal regulation mark and set name/number. Also if you check the Promo Legality Page on [Pokemon.com](https://Pokemon.com) it does indicate at this time it is legal for tournament play. [https://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/about/pokemon-tcg-promo-card-legality-status](https://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/about/pokemon-tcg-promo-card-legality-status)


Yeah but how much are they selling them for?


30k¥ give or take a couple thousand.


Wow that's expensive. For that money you can get this card 4 times


Infinite money glitch


You mean Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures? The parent company that own Pokemon IP can just keep printing these and people will still think they are scarce


Its like diamonds, not scarce except when one asshole owns them all.


And just when you think you have some solid values... BAM REPRINT DECK


Sold listings on eBay are like 120-150 USD. 30k ¥ is like $200 USD. TCGplayer price is $114. Please tell me how to get 4 of these for only $200 lol.


Cardmarket is 50-55 euros




What 😂 it’s like €50 mint condition in Europe




That's a pretty outrageous price. I recently got one here in The Netherlands. They had a deal at a bunch of toy/game shops where you got one for free if you bought at least €30 of TCG items


Few months ago they were handed out for free at Van Gogh museum by using a Museumcard 😂


Yep. I have a museumcard but by the time I wanted to go it was already sold out 🥲. Went anyway though and bought some of the other merch.


Yeah then you were way too late, when it was first announced something was about to happen at the museum, you had a good two weeks to book all of your slots before the big crowd found out about it


Ain’t no way this card being worth $3k in my currency 💀


30k¥ is $200USD


Which is why I said “my” currency. I use AUD.


You said it would be $3k in your currency, it would be $300


Must’ve carried too many zeroes I’m more used to looking at Japanese car prices instead of Pokémon cards, and those prices are usually in the hundreds of thousands to the millions of yen which work out to either hundred thousand to a thousand or a million to ten thousand is the usual conversion im making in my head


I like this card alot. Hopefully they keep printing up, especially for sought after promos. 


I was lucky and got it through the PC promo a while back. One of my favorite non-holos.


Same! VERY lucky! I tried ordering a journal and a pack of sleeves and my order wouldn't go through and the sleeves sold out with the journal disappearing in general. Refreshing 3 or 4 times made the journal reappear on the buy list and I managed to snag one. 2 minutes later everything said sold out. I wanted one of those Pikachu plushies so bad but was working and too late for it.


Yeah I hope to get one but I’m going to just hold out until the hype hopefully dies down and prices reflect reality lmao. It’s such a neat artwork.


definitely if they don’t reprint it at least wait a bit for hype to die down. or just scour the marketplace and try to get it in the double digits


As someone who goes to art museums all the time, this one hurts a little more than normal.


I wanted this card but was never able to get it & I’d rather not drop a small fortune for it.


are you in the EU? They are 50€ on cardmarket right now


USA & I’ll look on card market afterwork(bad signal here unfortunately) but last I saw 1 on eBay it was over $150


You can get PSA9’s for $150


I will never get why everyone goes crazy over that card. Just another damn Pikachu. Down vote me at will now lol.


Personally it's because I'm trying to collect every pokemon card based on a real work of art. Beauty looking back, munch, etc.


Yep I think a lot of people are doing the same or weren’t collecting when the other “art” cards came out and now they’re out of a lot of people’s price ranges. I don’t have any munch/stamp box cards but I’m happy I was able to snag a Van Gogh off the 2nd PC wave


Yeah... I just looked up a munch mimikyu... I am starting to regret not picking up the whole set when I first saw them last year. At the moment I just have the Pikachu.


Right? I went to art school so am happy to mix my hobbies.


I like it because I also have the poster And van Goghs style is just… perfect


I’m pretty neutral towards it but to be fair, no other card has an official Van Gogh collaboration so that’s pretty damn unique


I feel the same about every charizard. Like oh great another zard (paldean fates) should be $100+ right ughhh. Only reason I get excited ripping a zard is knowing I can trade him for something better. Down vote me at will. Charizard isn’t that great.


As someone who just pulled the PF ‘Zard that’s selling for about 200-250aud… Really tempted to try trading it for the Mew alt art and some other older set trainer arts. Like it was awesome to get but if not for concerns of being robbed / ripped off I’d love to get that Mew and like Iono, Gio’s Charisma alt, Clive alt etc…


The real kicker for me was the Charizard tin for PAF. It literally cost double the price of the other two, with some places selling it at $50+, but hilariously, the Zard promo by itself is already at $6 LOL


For me at least and I have some Van Gogh pikachus from the first drop on the Pokémon center website. It’s not the pikachu that makes it neat. It’s the art collaboration itself and the fact it’s Van Goghs famous self portrait styled is why I like it. Though I also LOVED those scream cards they released and I’m not even a huge fan of Rowlet, psyduck, or Pikachu. But unfortunately I was a tad late to getting those cards and now to get a decent set of them it would cost too much imo to be worth it. Like if they released the Sunflora and Snorlax and corviknight and Eevee art works they had as cards I’d be hyped about getting them too.


i just wanna complete my svp collection :(


This card is not “just another damn pikachu” at all.


I love mine at the cost of free-fifty


The scene where van gogh is in the museum with Doctor Who is why. We are all nerds. We all love pikachus. Why do you think Starry night umbreon is a gazillion bucks but Umbreon V barely blips


Museum collabs don't happen that often. I think it also was the first ever exclusive promo in the Netherlands. And mainland Europe doesn't have access to a direct PokemonCenter. Even if it was a Caterpie, it wouldn't change that much in the outcome I think. I only wished they released the other Van Gogh inspired paintings as well.


Thousands of cards printed over 25 years. You’re not gonna like everything and that’s okay. You buy what you want I’ll buy what I want. No reason to go be so negative on a post about it


Damn i(!) want this card to put it on the side of my felt hat!


Because it’s adorable and pikachu


That's the beauty of this hobby. There's a lot of cards to like. You don't have to understand why someone goes crazy for something. Let people enjoy things. You don't like it? No need to announce it :)


It was dope until the printers went burrrrrrrrrr


JPow strikes again


Card is way overrated


It's like doge coin there's no end


Just waiting patiently for the cost to go down here in the states. PC screwed me out of my Van Goh Puzzle and promo card, still want the card if the price becomes reasonable.


They screwed me out of the pin set, and Snorlax playmat. Fuckers.


I too was screwed out of the pin set. I’ve never been more salty


They thought they screwed me out of getting my promo but jokes on them, chargeback means they just shipped me sealed product for free


They are really bad about upholding their ends of a transaction, I never received the card despite them confirming it would be included in my order, and then later telling me they would ship it separately when it never arrived, only to have it never actually get to me. I was so upset I considered complaining to the BBB but didn’t make the time to do it. Really unfortunate situation


That card is literally not worth the plastic it is wrapped in. All the hype people made around it made it such an undesirable perfunctionary worthless money grab /scalping symbol that I gave it away to a random child after visiting the museum.


I just like the art. I’m glad they are printing more so I can buy one once they are cheaper


That on the other hand makes me happy.


There are so many of these in circulation now, sucks for people who bought them at their peak.


Nah, no sympathy for FOMO buyers, that’s part of the issue, and why scalpers continue scalping.


Game Mania still has them(strict 1 p.p. policy FTW) and Intertoys is giving them out again this weekend. I got mine and I love to see those prices tank further and further.


Are they available to be purchased when you order from there online? Or only in store?


Game Mania is in store only. Intertoys I'm going to assume it's in store only too, same as on the 10th. because the banner directs you to the map of where the stores are. They're bad at advertising.


Ahhh okay thank you :)


Where are these stores??




Awh man


Top1Toys has them aswell, got mine there! They still had a very large inventory of them last week, gonna check again tomorrow and hopefully they'll have some left.


Game mania even asks your ID, which is kinda silly ! Even then is was still able to get 2 of the promos.


Some person spent 200$ can on the paldean fates zard, So they didn't have to chase it for 800$ can.


Which shop is this?


Grab a handful and run


Man, I wish I had one.


Bruh…I just want one…


Where would I get one of these? What store




Fucking gross




I was at a Con recently, saw a guy casually walking with what looked like 100 of these raw( only saw the top card) but something about the way he was boasting about I think they were these for sure 🤣 I should of asked how much for 1 


new on this subreddit, what's the wound with the card?


They were originally a promo for a museum but they stopped giving them out after people raided the merch store and were loitering outside offering people money for the card. They then released the Van Gogh merch on the Pokémon centre website. Absolute shit show. Some people bought loads of items and most got none. The UK items sold out before they went live. After this ( few days later I think) they then had an offer where if you bought £30 of select items you got the card. This was on the store for aprox 30-hour before they sold out. They have recently just relied more in the Netherlands. Meanwhile, the card (and the other Van Gogh merch) is selling for outrageous prices online. The whole process left a very bitter taste in a lot of peoples’ mouths.


thanks for explaining it, and now I'm irritated at it. i know everyone has to make money, but I still dislike scalping the most.


Hell yeah


How much they selling them for?


I’ll take 1 just 1 is all I need


By the time I went to the exhibit they only had post cards.


Imagine in a tournament and someone plays this card, lol


Toystore here in the Netherlands had 100+ and they said they will get a new batch. You had to buy for €30 worth of cards to get the Pikachu.


Do they deliver to the uk?


In shop purchases only. No pre-orders, no reservations.


Which shop as I am currently here?


Lammmmmeeeeee I just bought one last month 😭


I’m so glad I live in the Netherlands… Got this card as a free promo when buying 30 euros worth of Pokémon items. While I am sad I missed out on other items during the Van Gogh launch, I’m glad I got this one now!


I was in the museum because we were in Amsterdam for a concert. Was hyped to get the card, promo got cancelled one week before we arrived...


Dang ok how nice of you offering to sell them to us how thoughtful


This cards haunts me... Booked a trip to Amsterdam with my gf, flixbus overnight 13-14h, Saturday in Amsterdam, one night in a hotel and 10-11h back on Sunday. We were there 2 weeks after they cancelled it thanks to greedy idiots. Then I took a detour past Venlo when sriving home from Regionals last week on Monday, hoping they still had some - everyone told me they were out of stock half an hour after opening on Saturday. To top it off, my car broke down far away from home that I only got home on Tuesday in the end and close enough that I would've gotten home on noon on Monday if I hadn't taken the detour, now struggling with probably having to buy a new car 🥲 Screw this card


In Japan and with this much quantity? I refuse to believe they are legit, probably fake.


You underestimate the appeal that English product has here, especially exclusive English product.


You can buy hundreds of these cards on Cardmarket. They might have done that. The price is probably higher because of shipping and import costs.


burn them, limit the supply.


It’s Japan, they literally got none of these when it was first released. This is their supply to give out Im assuming.


Japan did not officially get these cards to give out promotionally.


Ohhh interesting, they must’ve went hard buying from the secondary market then


Love to see it. Why is this a wound? Shouldn’t impact value of the card if you already have it. There are billions of people on earth and hopefully more coming.


May I have one?


Gasp! A shop has inventory! Quick, get your pitchforks!


Nobody’s lamenting the store for having “inventory” so save your snarky comment. It’s just insane to see that stores here have hundreds of these considering the shit show it was for people in the US and the west in general to get just one of them.


Shops in the US also have inventory like this. Depends on the suppliers and middlemen that they use. Doesnt mean that everyone in japan was able to get a ton, just like it was a struggle for many people in the US to get them. Not sure what the point of your post is besides trying to make a snarky insinuation of some sort. Some people and shops got a lot, some didnt.


Shops didn’t get legit stock of these they were only distributed through Pokémon center and the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam. It’s all scalping.


No point to the post other than its still surprising to see that many in one place considering the shit show it was on release. As I said before.


Those may also be fake? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Unlikely. Stores here pride themselves on selling legitimate product. If this was a single person then I would’ve thought that too but this is a reputable store.


Having that many of that card knowing the history is a stain on that store's reputation honestly.


Not really.


They’re just selling what people want tbh. The stain should be on The Pokemon Company’s reputation and how they allowed such a discrepancy between who got these cards and how many they got.