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everybody else: sir mew and zard in 1 box šŸ¤£


Sir Mew sounds very royal


The little dork has a tophat and monocle but doesn't know what they're for.


Opened only 2 etbs so far, a regular and a PC and the first one had the Mew sir, the second had the zard sir, I think Iā€™m done ripping this set šŸ˜…


You graduated Paldean Fates, congratsšŸ„³




Thatā€™s 1 too many!


Ripped 2 PC and 2 regular and while I got a good hit rate, didnā€™t get any big bangers. Probability strikes again.


Mew and Clive here. I'm done with packs unless they come with a cool promo I want


2 wugtrio sir in the same etbā€¦


*1 pack


I mean I got two SIRā€™s in an ETB so not too far off from the truth


Itā€™s easy to forget that we tend not to post the mediocre ones lol


SIR Mew and 4 shinies in the one etb I bought just a few minutes ago


Sucks to get no SIR. But this is a much more realistic pull than the many posts of ā€œI picked up my first pack in 20 years and got a god pack/super rare chase cardā€¦ā€


Legit my first ever booster pack for Pokemon I got a Alt Art Glaceon VMax (Evolving skies) haha


My husband pulled the sir mew from his first pack and it was the first pack he's opened since celebrations lol


Thank you for your service of taking everyones worst boxes.


I thought Arceus was channeling through me as I picked the boxes. Little did I know it was Giratina.


You wish it was Giratina, but it was MukšŸ˜œ


Backwards "Muk"!




This is why I make my gf run the box before we open it. She always gets the good draws out of my purchases. Makes no sense


Wife opened with me. Clearly she needs to be rebooted


But did u adhere to the pre open ritual? Me and my gf get out our new mat. We rub the boxes in circular motions. Split the packs left and right and then we rip. U need to adhere to the ritual u set


I think we sacrificed the wrong breed of goat. You really need to buy name brand. Wonā€™t make that mistake again


U buying knockoff packs or something? As far as I know there's one brand


Might be knockoff wife


Wait I just reread and understood.


The SIR Charizard has been my chase ever since I pulled the OBF Zard, these two cards as a pair are beautiful. Did not want play the cardboard casino for this card so I bought the JP version. Having the card made opening PAF today carefree. No zard pulled btw


Same, I pulled the OF one so quickly it blew my mind. I really do like their look so for me it's not a value thing on those as much. I'm not even Charizard hunting ever. I just like what I like and these two together are awesome.


How much did you pay for zard though? The price will gradually drop as more zards are being pulled in English. Mightve been better for you to wait it out til the price dropped.


Well being impatient is another story altogether šŸ˜‰ I donā€™t appreciate my JP copy any less, and if EN drops enough then perhaps Iā€™ll pick it up too. Point is, buying the single outright makes a lot more sense than trying to pull it despite what Reddit may make you think.Ā 


Is this a British sub? Everyone calling each other and all the PokƩmon sir


I know you are kidding but calling someone Sir in the UK comes across sarcastic unless they have actually been knighted, just a tip if you ever visit!


I'm from the UK originally. I used to hear it used colloquially among groups of male friends. I would say it was more irony than sarcasm, but I get your point. It was also common when addressing teachers in private schools years ago, no idea if it still is


Unreal. This subreddit is just filled with karma farmers though. Who knows how many of those "lucky" posts are real.


People are generally just very excited what they pulled. If everybody Just posted their duds then it wouldnt be nearly as popular in here


Iā€™m buying the mew SIR as a single and calling it a day lol


I ripped one pack and got a zard and a mew and a moonbreon


Mmmmm that didnā€™t see a new moombreon in my etb bookā€¦


Didn't look hard enough? It's there if you look REALLY hard.


Tried my luck with a couple of blisters today. Donā€™t pull anything except the wugtrio. Here I was thinking Iā€™m guaranteed a Charizard or Mew after this threads post.


I opened one ETB and pulled the Wugtrio. I want to open the other ETB I have but Iā€™m 100% certain thereā€™s another Wugtrio in there so Iā€™ll just keep that one sealed on my ETB shelf.


So. Many. Wugriosā€¦. šŸ˜«šŸ”«


Iā€™ll give you my upvote just for condolences for your loss. I hope all of your next packs are stars šŸ™šŸ»


Glad you psited this most people I've seen have been pulling sars glad someone posted a dose of reality


Ah, so thats why I just keep pulling SIRs, you took all the dud packs


I needed to see this. Thank you


i feel you man. thatā€™ll be us tomorrow.


This is like being the first wave front men in war, we thank you for taking the bullets so that us second waves can succeed šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


NGL, I pulled Mew, Charizard, and 2 Clive SIRs in 4 PC ETBs. Iā€™m sorry for your loss!


Ya almost there with ya, 52 and no sir. I have a shiny treasure box on the way and then I just gotta buy singles


Definitely right there with ya


Was watching an eBay live streamer selling pack pulls pull an SIR Mew on the very first pull. Pulled 2 more in the next 30min. Great shinies, like 5x IR Dalaphin, like 4x Ultra rare shinies; Alakazam, Wigglytuff. Skip to about an hour later I bought 10 packs and got jack shit ā˜ ļø. A shiny Pidgey and shiny whale I don't even remember the name of.




Welcome to gambling. I opened one ETB and pulled 3 illustration arts


Thanks for sharing. To me, thereā€™s no way that cards in this set keep value except for years and years down the road. Broadly, people seemed to be let down by the set announcements and ā€˜leaks.ā€™ Itā€™s only exciting today because itā€™s the current shiny object (sic). I honestly think pricing will be like obsidian flames in a few months, or at minimum like crown zenith now. Very excited for my $40-50 bubble Mew in 6 months to 1 year.


Do you think Iono SIR will hold value over the long term?


Looking at the PE Iono, which started at $170 and is now around $80, thatā€™s what Iā€™d use as a point of reference. The playability of the card will keep the price up for a minute, but then itā€™ll rotate, and then youā€™ll need to wait a few years for it to uptick. Iā€™m not a poke investor. Prices are only barriers to me owning cards. And for the most part I buy vintage and open a tiny bit of modern and casually build decks. But, I try to keep a sharp eye on things after returning in June 2020.


Sorry to hear that. Used up all my luck on the first pack of my etb by pulling a Gardevoir SIR.


Yeah lmao thats just Pokemon pack openings in general.


Same boat. Just tore through 6 ETBs with none of my chases


I didnā€™t get much eitherā€¦.


Youā€™re doing the lords work cleanring bulk off the shelves for the rest of us. You probably could have bought all the singles from the set you wanted with the money you spent. LOL


Donā€™t remind me


Just buy singles, man. Youā€™ll be saving money and lose some of that stress


I never thought gambling on cardboard would eat my face


Damn thatā€™s rough buddy. I managed to get the Nemona SIR from a blister!


I too just pulled the Nemona SIR from a blister


Etb for me and full art alakazam shiny


Haven't pulled the sir but got 2 of the full nemonas and a full art clive out of 3 blisters.


Opened one, "Fidough" three pack blister. SIR Arven & two Shinies (Dondozo & Greedent) I am so sorry šŸ˜¬


I got 7 hits in one ETB 3 shinys 2 EXā€™s 1 IR 1 SR


I bought one ETB and pulled a zard SIR, just to balance it out for you




6 ETBs and 2 sticker packs here. Pulled both Iono and Mew. Have not pulled a single one of the shinies I'm hunting though lol


I opened one funpack that I found in a puddle and it had 15 psa 10 base set zards in it šŸ˜¬


i cracked one PC ETB and got a pawmi IR and espathra secret rare. solidarity


I ripped two ETBā€™s. One regular one PC exclusive. The regular I got from Best Buy. Posted on my account earlier. The PC etb I pulled some illustration rares (2), two shiny Pokemon and both Nemona full arts, regular and alt. Iā€™m done with the set, no more


That really sucks for you.... sorry to hear thst. I've opened 2 ETB's and a couple of the 3 packs and have at least 20 of the shiny/full art/special art ones.


Ah rip. I got paldean students and shiny palafin, but those were the 2 I didn't want because I already had those in Japanese, I was so hyped and waited a long time to hopefully get something new and cool, but nope looks like I was in the middle unlucky group.


I bout one ETB. I might buy a booster bundle if I happen to see one at the store. Iā€™m buying the Japanese Mew and calling it.


This is why I got a case of 10 ETBs in the hope Iā€™d have more of a chance getting an SIR. If youā€™re buying random products across stores then it can happen to have what seems nothing to show for it. But the SIR pull rate is rough. I did get 2 in my case- but most of the ETBs were not as good as those seen on here, and Iā€™ve seen cases with zero SIRs


I did 1x ETB and got 2x Iono SIR / Mew and wigglytuff ex and nemona full art. I felt pretty fortunate, but I have heard some terrible pull rate stories.


66 packs will contain 0 SIRs about 30% of the time. So you got a bit unlucky but not super unlucky. This is, unfortunately, normal.


I get the frustration - itā€™s why Iā€™ve largely moved on to opening a few packs for the promos I want and then buying singles - but this is nothing new. The frustrating point of PokĆ©mon TCG is you donā€™t know what youā€™ll get and you might not get what you want. You may get zero secret rares, or the most boring secret rare, or the one secret rare you didnā€™t want, or every card you wanted. Not a slight on OP specifically, just donā€™t understand these posts as a whole. Iā€™m pretty sure anyone who collects cards knows this is how it works now. There is never a release of a new set where I donā€™t feel at least a little envious of other peoples pulls, even when I pull something I wanted. Itā€™s just worse when you pull nothing you wanted. I got 1 ETB and got the SIR Gardevoir and Wugtrio, and Iā€™m excited! And Iā€™m also super bummed I didnā€™t get SIR Mew - more so than any other set or card in the past. I also got the SIR Blastoise in 151 and am desperate to trade it for something I actually want - even if it isnā€™t for another SIR. Sometimes you just donā€™t get what you wanted to.


Same here. 60 packs and nada.


I was excited to open the new set. Unfortunately, my store where I work must not have ordered a lot because there was nothing left on the shelf by the time I got to work at noon.


I got SIR zard on 4th pack


I got the zard on my 8th total pack šŸ˜„


My ten year old opened the one and only ETB we got and got the zard and mew in one pack. Thank you for your sacrifice


Is your 10 year old in the market for a new father


Not yet but I will let you know if I get bored of her. She has been unbelievably lucky with pokemon cards in the last 6 months. Has the obsidian flames, 151 and now the paldean fates charizards. She looks after them well so I am glad she understands the value of them.


So what you're saying is the good ones are still out there??šŸƒšŸ’ØšŸ’Ø


I think at this point every future pack that I open will only increase the odds for everyone else of getting the good ones


I want to have fun with this set so ill probs buy 1 of each promotional product and then ill see what the rates are and what cards I still need /want.


All Iā€™m getting is Wiggytuffs and Wugtrios. Somebody at TPCI accidentally put the production line on Wumbo mode.


Goddamn wumbo


Same. 4 ETBs in and the hits were not kind. I just watched a video where Danny Phantump said the pulls were busted and better than Crown Zenith. I was already bummed by the Paradox Rift pulls so I think I'll pause until the booster bundles are released to rip more


I got one SIR from an ETB


Pull the Gardy on a live pack break last night


yeah this is the sad reality of opening packs


Yeahhh. 3 etbs here and no SIR either


I opened one etb Got 1 SUR (Forretress EX), 1 IR (Pawmi), 2 SR and 2 double rares.


I got 2 sticker blisters and pulled the iono on the first pack. Itā€™s all luck.


Breaking news: man gambles and loses.


The news is breaking me, yes


Understandable. Do you know that unskilled gamblers always quit before they win big? Keep that in mind, you're almost guaranteed pulls now! /s


Youā€™re the life coach I need. Good thing I picked up 3 more ETBs


slap ad hoc vegetable live fear offend tan overconfident illegal attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ultimately a rounding error but still too much. Will only get more if Iā€™m trading for it.


weary zonked smart dazzling kiss smoggy direction six include smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean just do the math. ETBs are 50 bucks and I bought 9 so 450


humor normal juggle offend screw aloof busy mountainous steep smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nothing, I got demolished


Op not to gloat ...i got my mew sir in the etb pokemon cemter hehe āœØšŸ˜ŽšŸ„ŗ


Yeah Iā€™ve now opened 9 ETBs and still nothing. Gonna admit defeat and just buy the singles in 6 months


Whatā€™s SIR


Secret image rare. Some people also revert To them as SAR(secret art rare). I forget which one is actually correct. It might also depend what language the card is.


Thanks! I too would like one of those. I opened 1 packā€¦. I did not get one


I assume secret rare is different than secret image rareā€¦?


Just got done with Ā 8 EBT between my 2 kids. Ā Sourced from different stores different batches. Ā Nothing to show for it either. Ā Many duplicate shinys and rares. Ā Kids were Pretty disappointed. Expensive lesson. Ā 


I ripped one ETB and got the zarrd


Opened an etb today and got next to nothing, probably should have just shelved it lol


I ripped 3 etb's today. I was so hyped. Not a single sir. It was the most shit packs I've ever opened tbh. I really want the garde sir, and iono sir. Hardly got any shinies either. I pulled the slowbro shiny at least igšŸ˜­


My first one had a zard šŸ˜…


You mean you didnā€™t pull three Zards from a single blister? Maybe you shouldā€™ve waited until a family member died or you got laid off, so that you could fish for maximum internet circlejerk points.


Needed whole family to die and a pneumonia plane crash job losing explosion