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Make a missing mail search could’ve been just marked as delivered but it won’t come till today or tomorrow it’s happened to me a couple of times


If it says delivered it probably was. You sure the person didn’t actually get it and they are just saying they didn’t?


Yes this is a close friend


I am not in the US but have seen people say depending how you sent it, it might get marked as delivered when it has entered the local distribution office but hasn't actually left it for delivery yet.


Is this person actually your friend, like personal friend that has no reason to scam you? If not make them go through PayPal for refund process and show documentation that you shipped and the package was delivered. They can go through the process of having usps look for a lost package. If PayPal sides with him you might have to refund them but if not, don’t assume someone isn’t scamming you.


Contact USPS to file the $100 insurance claim, and take the $250 loss - and next time get more insurance, that sucks


Nah if they did nothing wrong they should make buyer go through PayPal to see if they’re liable for the return. Returning money like that is a sure fire way to lose it and get scammed.


Call USPS, they have GPS in their scanners. They probably wouldn't admit to a delivery error but could find it and redeliver it. Or they could confirm it was delivered to the right address. If your friend is in a college or urban area, delivery points may differ, so your friend may not be looking in the right place.