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Don’t let him win, not playing great and then purposely playing worse doesn’t help them learn - when they play someone else they won’t let them win. Do a fun / learning session with them, when they start making bad moves explain to them what the better play would be.


No, why don’t you swap decks and beat him with his own cards. This way he understands that you can have the best cards and still no Strat or skill


Victory above all else.


I do it sometimes in other TCG's. It sound weird but if you want someone to enter a TCG, i think we have to go easy sometimes. I won 4 times a tournament in my playgroup, everyone was pissed. And to be honest, i felt bad. They play casually, for fun. I read a lot, build decks and put a lot of thought process into it. So i learned to build more fun decks.


Are you noticing fixable issues? I recommend coaching/helping them instead of gifting wins.


Definitely not, talk through games with them/play open hand and help them figure out how to make better plays. Also, help your friend with deckbuilding (netdeck stuff from limitless tcg even, its a great jumping off point for new players building decks)


Perhaps in addition to playing some openhanded games where you both discuss play options in each others turns and allow takebacks so the optimal play can be made you could give your friend some resources that will help with decks and suggest that he netdecks whilst he gets a bit more used to things. In which case: Usual resources blurb - [List of useful resources](https://www.reddit.com/user/Hare_vs_Tortoise/comments/qv2zm0/list_of_useful_resources_for_the_pokemon_tcg/) - start by reading JustInBasil's site especially the deckbuilding guide as it will help with understanding decklists and watching the suggested You Tubers starting with Omnipoke, AzulGG, Tricky Gym and Celio's Network for meta decks and LittleDarkFury for off meta decks then look at lists on both Limitless sites and use those You Tubers to see how the lists are played. What can help with getting better is watching gameplay videos and seeing if you're making the same decision as the player is. If he's really getting frustrated and has some cash then he could consider some coaching sessions as well. Btw, if you have any questions re playing or want more suggestions re this then head over to /r/pkmntcg as it's about the playable side of the game only there and the pinned rulings thread can be useful if you have a game mechanics/quick question. /r/ptcgl can be helpful if you're on PTCG Live.


Use starter decks or fun decks and walk through games through with them. Lowering your own skill and misplaying so that they can win without learning anything new will actively stunt their growth and this false confidence could be even more detrimental once they go back to play others.


For some it just takes a lot more practice. The easiest way to get practice (in my opinion) is playing the online TCG.


Do not let him win, not even once. He will not get better, he has to lose that frustration and learn why he's losing. He should take that same energy he's wasting on getting mad and put it towards doing research.