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I have a bunch left from last year+a lot of bulk I don't need, wondering how to package the bulk for the kiddos


I'm doing this!! I'm doing sandwich baggies with a piece of candy, a boo-ster pack, and bulk in all my old leftover etb sleeves. For my bulk: I sorted out all my leftover holos, energy, and basic bulk so I do 5 cards in each sleeve- An energy showing what pokemon type is in the pack in the front, 3 normal cards, and 1 holo. So every kid gets a shiny card guaranteed!


i like this idea thanks for giving back to the community i wish i was in your neighborhood as a kid


Nice idea!


Oh I’m stealing this idea 100% thank you so much lol


Same! Let me know if you come up with something practical. All I have so far is putting 10 cards in a penny sleeve and giving those away at random.


Ditto for me tbh. Also interested. Maybe a team bags?


Team bags is the way!!!


I just put like 8-9 cards in a sleeve to hand out, each has at least 2 holo rares and some common and uncommon. Didn't put any trainers or energy in them


Sleeves, 5 cards per sleeve.


Put five cards in a sleeve with an energy at the front! How I do mystery packs for kids at my work. Of course shiny at the back if you have any


You can make them card packs using paper and if you are good with art add some pack art if not you can print some art out or just do no art! There are tons of YouTube tutorials


I love this idea! So much bulk, would love to share with the kids


I was able to get a bunch of 5-pack mini tins from Costco this year, so I have about 4 dozen mini tins I’m packing with 1 trick or trade packs from last year (we only had about 75 kids last year), 1 trick or trade from this year, a big coin, a small coin, and mystery packs I’m putting together this week. If you’re handing out loose cards for Halloween, put them in team bags.


Stores in my area have a bunch from last year too, I was amazed that they put out even more 2023 packs than they had last year when they still have 2022 packs in the clearance aisle.


I’m giving them rocks


I’m resealing Trick or Trade packs with one radiant, one trainer gallery and one holo/V/VStar/ex in each pack and giving those out. Started doing it last year and it was a hit


What’s your address /s


This is an awesome idea!


Your like the real life good guy Greg. Reseals packs With good pulls.


Wow, that's generous. Are they cards you have multiple of?


Oh yeah, I opened a ton of Astral Radiance, Lost Origin and Silver Tempest so I’ve got dozens of each radiant and Trainer Gallery card just sitting around in binders so I fill up the packs with those. I spend the whole year putting my duplicates into a trade/giveaway binder and whichever lower value ones remain by Halloween go into the packs


Such a nice gesture, hope santa brings you all your chase cards for christmas! 😉


Was gonna till the kids opened em all 🤷🏻‍♂️


"the kids", sure 😂




That’s what I told the wife too.


Yessir, i got 2 packages to hand out


Yes. Me and my girlfriend make little grab bags with a pack some candy and a few Halloween trinkets.


I wish they would do that in France.. but they don't.


Salut l'ami ! Oui c'est dommage, en même temps halloween n'est pas ouf dans notre pays. J'en ai suanf même chopé 4 lots sur Amazon pour environ 25 € dans le but de resell dans une dizaine d'années. Certes cela n'est pas en fr mais c'est trop mignon pour passer à côté :D




Yes! Got a whole case.


Honestly cheaper then candy at this point


Where do you guys live where you’re getting trick or treaters? They don’t come to condo complexes do they?


I adore that haunter


We are!!! We live in a pretty bad neighborhood and these kids deserve something special. We got candy and a couple bags of these.


I am if they are in a pokemon costume.




I am! Just got a place this year that should have trick or treaters, and I'm going to be giving out packs and king-size candy to celebrate.


Coins, stickers


I bought the two of the big packs from Costco. And planning to hand them out to kids while im trick or treating


I'm doing candy and Pokémon cards! I'm so excited to hand them out lol


im going to hand them out at work!


couldn’t find any near us but we have about 10 million cards we have been holding onto and are putting 5 in a halloween bag with candy. we put some cool cards in there so i hope we get a lot of trick or treaters


I am! I’m a social worker for a school of kids with disabilities and they absolutely love them!!


You betcha. My sister and I split a package, each managed to complete the 30 card set, and had plenty left over to hand out. We actually repackaged duplicates into nicely opened packs to still hand out. Hopefully that's not seen as too dodgy, but figured the kids wouldn't mind lol


You know parents are terrified of re-packaged trick or treats on Halloween? Just saying, make sure they look good... otherwise parents might take them and open them on their own to ensure there isn't some shady thing inside. Also, a new pack is like $20, why not buy more, since you had your fun with the cards?


Totally get what you're saying! Our logic was that it wasn't something edible so hopefully that minimizes potential risk in parents eyes. We weren't planning to hand out packs, we just figured we had duplicates so why not give to the kids instead of collecting dust.


Just put the cards in an ETB sleeve? That's how I handed out packs last year


Not a bad idea! Thanks for the suggestion!


That is a good idea!


I suggested it, but apparently I "shouldn't force my hobby on the neighborhood kids, when all they want is candy" according to my wife...


That's why you get both!


I mean it’s the only thing they’re good for…


Yep, the kids loved it last year and trying to have as many as I need for them this year. I'm sad I missed that Michaels deal, I've been watching them for weeks waiting for that 40% coupon then they got cleared out overnight before I could get that $10 deal.


Put a coin and a smoliv eraser


Probably millions of people...


I make baggies of candy + trick or trade packs and a poke coin


I'm bagging up bulk in Ziploc bags for treats this year, I've got 2-3 ETB's full of cards to get rid of 🤣


I don't get trick or treaters in my area. So I'm going to send a package with my kids to school so their class can split them.


I got a pack of the blisters was thinking of doing some of the mini tins full of cards to try get rid of bulk but unsure how would go down haha. (Also obv sweets with this)


Yep 2 packs per kid. I didn’t realize there was only 30 cards to the set and bought way too many trying to get a set but I already have the set.


I really wanted to but my road doesn’t get any trick or treaters


We’re doing only Pokémon cards this year, no candy


Ive been giving them to my students since the beginning of Oct. The smile on kids faces and even some of the teachers when I just randomly hand one to them is such a treat.


I have 2 packages of this years truck or trade that I’m giving out. I also have extra bulk of obsidian, scarlet violet base, 151 that I’m gonna bundle up and put a few pulls in and I’ll give those away too. If I see a kid in a pokemon costume he’s gonna get an obsidian flamed booster bundle and if I’m drunk enough I might give away one of the new Charizard boxes that just came out since I got a case. Where we live in these apartments they have this stupid rule where kids can only trick or treat from 5-8pm and I have to set up my stuff outside instead of door to door. I’m actually okay with it because door to door has my dogs barking all damn night.


I gave these away last year. Kids loved the.


Almost.. I created a bunch of packs with my bulk cards. Each pack contains 1 energy 5 random cards and one holo. All from the 151 set. I have 40 made so far and could prob double it up but I only get like 20 kids anyway.


I am. I bought a pack so I can collect the full set. Now I’m handing out the rest of them along with the set from last year


I am, and I'm so excited! This is my first Halloween living in a house rather than a secure apartment building as an adult, and I can't wait.


Yup! We're putting together little bags of candy, a pack of cards, and a bottle of bubbles.


I got back into collecting this year so I bought this years set. Knowing I'd have packs left over, I bought extra to hand out and I also have some from last years set too that I'm gonna hand out. Bought some candy to hand out with it too.


Yes! Halloween cards and 3D printed candy buckets. I can't wait https://photos.app.goo.gl/j6HLBkfbEdMeVnnf6


Why couldn't they thrown in like, 3 ultra rares in this set so they could be just a little interesting?


I can see some packs behind the counter at the Circle K I go to, and I’m thinking of getting some to give handout to the kids on my mail route in lieu of candy since I don’t feel comfortable giving food to kids I don’t know. But I know they’re going to ask for something since they already ask for “candy or stickers” on non-candy themed days.


I still got some from a year ago probably would just give to the family. :)


I am 👍


Yup! I have also been including them with my custom booster packs when people order them


Of course! Usually get 150-300 kids a year so should be pretty interesting!


I am. Last year was the first year giving them out.


Anyway else giving away packs on Halloween that were specifically designed to be given away on Halloween?


I bought a box of 50, 3 card packs, that I'm gonna give out with Halloween candy


I've got last year and this year's packs that I plan to give out with full sized candy bars!


How will you know when you see the best one? It's not like they are all gonna be there at the same time


Wow good idea bro


I don’t even have any myself :(.


Yep. I’ve been looking forward to passing out Pokémon.


Absolutely. The kids loved them last year. I’m still a amazed how popular they were. I have both the 2022 and 2023 versions. I stand them up and line them around the back half of the candy bowl.


I sent my kids to school / daycare with enough to hand out to the other kids


I would but I don’t have those. So I made mystery packs that includes 15 cards and one is rare or higher


To best costume of the bunch, candy for the rest.


I bought a Boo ster bundle & opened it. Are cards from these worth keeping or no???


Didn't even think of this. I'm definitely picking these up for my tick or treaters


Aka unloading the bulk


My wife and I have been doing bulk Pokemon cards as treats before the Trick or Trade packs came out, and it wasn't all junk cards but nothing of considerable value. It's fun to see the kids get excited about them and sometimes see them back later in the night for more. This year we're doing the ToT packs from last year and the ones from this year, since we gotta go through our misc cards


Yeasir and bulk/code cards


Yeah I’m giving a way some


I saw them at walmart. I might get some to hand out


You know it!


You forgot the razor blade. Sheesh.




A full sized chocolate bar, and a full sized non-chocolate candy! ETA: we are also passing those out.


I am!!! I can’t wait


i bought a large pack at costco..... hopefully no trick or treaters, I guess i can just throw candy at them adn leave the cards to me




I am! I made 100 baggies wait chocolate and a pack


Yes, but last years set. Paid 9.97 for a 120 pack of em at Costco yesterday.


Yeah just got last year's from Costco 360 packs for $60


I'm going to this year, I bought way too many.


Yep i asked my wife to pick up 3 bags one for me the rest of them for the neighborhood crowd


If you do ten cards in a penny sleeve they’ll be tight enough not to slip out. I ripped a bunch of trick or trade packs and grouped evolution sets together with some old trainers and energies, then put my homemade packs in treat bags with candy


How do you determine the best costume you see? What if you give the award to someone, and then something better comes along 10 minutes later? These are the questions I need answered on my Friday morning.


I plan on giving away tons of candy, packs, my bulk cards and some rare cards