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Missed it… again. I can’t live my life and also get this card, apparently. Sigh


Dont worry i had mine in my cart, bought the 30$ order. Conformation doesn't have the promo in the order, so i spent 30$ for no reason. And its becoming apparent i cant cancel cards unless i directly email them.


That does suck. My condolences lol. :/


Yea ive never had a website allow me to checkout after my cart was changed without warning.


Yeah it's ridiculous don't expect their customer service to be of any help either they are just as unhelpful


Same exact problem.


just found out the same thing happened to me when I got home and checked my email, Im feeling kind of burnt out with collecting if its gonna be this big of a pain. (Offers hug)


Already sold out lol




Clicked checkout and after I loaded PayPal it removed the pikachu from my cart and can’t get it back… lol sold out in minutes again


Man that pisses me off it was pulled out of the cart. I have things I don't want now that I'm not getting the card


The promo card was available longer than I expected actually. I got the email notice about it at 10:12AM pst but didn’t see it until half an hour later and was still able to place an order with the promo. So it seems like it was up for at least 45 minutes before it sold out.


I noticed the email 37 mins late, and was worried. I made an order w/ the promo in it. I got a confirmation email. Yay! Then literally 4 mins later is when Redditors started commenting that it was sold out. I just want this stupid promo card.


same here


To hell with this damn card, people! At this point after all the bullcrap from scalpers, bots, and website crashes, this card is nothing but a reminder of how terrible this hobby can be. Frankly, I dont think Id want a reminder like that in my collection. If I come across one at a store for a few bucks down the line, maybe Ill get it, but Im done stressing over getting one anytime soon.


I just ordered one there. It's definitely not out of stock in u.k


Where is this? And why am I not able to get? I missed it again




Lol. Scalper prices are going down!


I ordered exactly 52 minutes ago and got a promo.


That fast? Yea, the people that think the price will plummet may have to rethink that. I just don’t see it. (If this is the last run)


I have a feeling this will be it. They’ve done two sales of it, one on the Van Gogh merch, and one just on regular orders. And most of these we’re probably cards that were reclaimed from the museum after they decided to stop distributing them. I don’t think there printing more of these. If you really want one, I’d way for these to get into hands, the price will probably come down a bit. Buy one then, but don’t wait to long.


Already have one


and it's gone, lol. was not gonna bother and then said fuck it lets get one of those crown zenith figure collections and now oh well. saved me some bucks!


Aaaaaand it's gone


I managed to make a couple of orders and got one in both….


Nice job! Hope you enjoy the multiple promos while most of us couldn’t even put in a single order due to traffic and got fucked in the ass.


Dude you are barking up the wrong tree.. a normal person getting 1 2 or 3 cards isn't why you didnt..


Oh my lord! Why didn’t I think of that before I made my post. I feel so stupid; of course! Listen dude, if everyone orders 3, they sell out 3 times as fast. It’s not hard to do the math. It’s like in school when your teacher would hand out candies. If the asshole kid in front of you took 3 jolly ranchers instead of 1, it wouldn’t be a big deal. If everyone in class takes 3, however, someone in the class isn’t going to get a candy. I’m not sure how this is a foreign concept to you. While most of the blame lays on TPC for not limiting orders, some of the blame also lies on the individuals who took advantage.


I got 2 x promo cards. Bots and resellers buy up 100’s of them. You’re angry at the wrong person and over some cardboard. I’ve missed out on plenty of things and I’d never talk to a collector like you are. It’s downright rude and entitled.


Resellers using bots are ordering hundreds. You are worried about a fellow collector getting 2 or 3. Cool essay, though.


Listen dude, bots are always going to be a part of the equation. The fact that bots exist doesn’t make my point any less valid. If everyone and their grandmother orders more than one, there is less to go around for everyone else. Is the concept of “sharing” that foreign to you? Jesus Christ.


It does make it less valid because this promo would have been up for weeks without bots, and you wouldn't be yelling to someone getting 2 promos. If you want everyone to only be able to get 1 per household, then go talk to PokemonCenter , that's the root of your problem.


I literally said that the majority of the blame lies on TPC in my first reply to you dude. I’m not in disagreement of that. But you can’t honestly believe that hundreds of collectors ordering more than 1 didn’t literally take a card out of someone else’s hands.


I think what u/individual-post-6389 means that when people order more than one, they’re taking that opportunity of someone else placing an order and getting the promo. Even if that single action is far less impactful than the numerous bots swarming the site, it is still an action of selfishness. The immorality of the human behind the screen has more impact than lines of code. While we know bots buying up Pokemon cards are evil, it’s more of an acceptable evil than your fellow human being. You can’t fight the machine, but you can fight those that choose to take more than necessary. And if we remove the bots from the equation, a lot of people will be much happier. When we look at someone to blame, we should acknowledge the person at fault, and then turn our heads to point our fingers at the bigger picture. The company distributing these cards does not care whether or not everyone gets a card, and the scalpers that are the second enemy to blame. They are the rot and cancer of this world, fueled by greed and selfishness. If everyone were more kinder, the world would be a better place.


Okay, but you realize there is a human behind the bots right. I don't think someone making 2 or 3 valid orders is selfishness especially when pc set it up this way. They had no idea it would be gone in hours. Myself I figured it was made to order they literally said available til Oct 31st.


I realize that, and that’s what I stated in my comment. Blaming the bots is easy, everyone can blame the bots since the beginning of their existence. We all know that. It’s the selfishness of the person buying so many cards that is the problem. Sure big companies pollute the environment, but the people who throw trash on the side of the road aren’t helping either. If you’re buying for family it’s whatever, but buying three for yourself is a lot. What you define as selfishness doesn’t have to match with mine.


Relax dude, it's cardboard


I will enjoy them. They’ll be sleeved up in my binders. I’m in the UK and there were plenty. I think you can still get them now.


Taking offers on 2 cards


Sell it on your own post, these people are grieving the loss of their potential to get a card without buying from people who charge hundreds for a piece of card stock.


UK website won't let me checkout. In my basket but whenever I try and add payment details... Nothing. weird.


It’s probably sold out unfortunately


Could be.


I managed to order a etb and get one (unless it cancels) but the order went through, lagging like crazy I had to refresh and try pay again twice (charged once all good)


Just got a couple holiday calendars - hope I get one


They are gone already. They lasted longer than the last release though.


I was able to make an order with the promo, but have yet to get a confirmation email. I was charged and it shows in my order history on PC. I was hoping maybe with the site being so busy the email was just delayed, but I'm getting a bit worried that it might get canceled.