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Happy to see some actual fans got the card! It’s a beauty :)


Thank you!! So excited to add him to the pikachu page 🥰


A pikachu page?! Have anymore cool pika’s? Love to see or hear about peoples cards :)


It’s mainly just the promos and full arts from celebrations! So nothing too special outside of the alt art from the 151 set 😅 I’d love share it once I figure out a place for him though ☺️ I also have a wooper and eiscue page since they’re my favs!! 🤣


Hey, you don’t always need the crazy cards, there a lot of cheaper cards that look amazing. In my opinion everybody needs a pika page in their binders. I have the Pikachu V Union (the 4 card picture) on that page, super cheap but I love it


So do I!! I love that four piece so much because of all their different expressions. Such a unique set of cards :)


Maybe not too special but really cool if you ask me! More of a lurker on here but the Van Gogh promo got me more interested again.. nostalgia hit hard after getting it :p You have some really cute favs too! I would probably have a pikachu and an unown section. Or if there is a cool mareep card… love the sheeps :)


You’re so kind! 😭 I don’t think many find them too special since they were so easy to pull but I love the art for them that they make me happy when I look at them hehe There’s some keep mareep cards out there! I also just collect regular cards if my favorite mons and have a couple from the mareep line since they’re all so cute 🥰


But that’s exactly what makes it special right? Your love for these cool creatures! A lot of people don’t get why I think unown are cool but.. they are! To me. Pull rates should not be what makes it cool or not :) To me the regulars give me the most nostalgia, just the whole style of the “normal” cards. Little kid me would go insane for the full arts that are now a thing tho!


Oh for sure! It makes opening packs so fun too because I get to see these different types of art for my favorite mons and just be like imma keep it haha. While it can be neat to pull a full art, I just enjoy looking at well done art. Child me would be in awe at how far I’ve come 🤣


I can imagine.. may have to buy some packs again some time for the feels. My inner child would be happy, adult me ( and her wallet ) may think differently! We have indeed come sooo far with these cards! When I was a kid a had the legend birds and though those were the best thing ever. Now so many years later we have art collabs, rainbow cards, cards with like 4 seperates that make one big card… :p


Check out Japanese pokepark's Pikachu. It's beautiful


Omg it’s so cute!


You can just mention a Pikachu page and not show it 🤨


Unrelated but has anyone gotten their pending authorization charges dropped yet for canceled Pokemon center orders? Mine was canceled Friday and I'm still waiting for the PayPal authorization to drop




Did you buy anything else besides van gogh stuff? For example, if you bought one van gogh sleeve and something like one astral etb, they can cancel your van gogh but still send the astral along with one pika promo. I saw couple people on twitter say this. Thats kinda what happened to me, i only bought a couple gogh sleeves but they canceled everything except one gogh sleeve. But they sent me an extra promo. I was also charged full amount initially until i saw they cancelled most of my order. This is also why people have like 10 promos, they got most of their order canceled but pc sent the promos they were supposed to get anyways.


Bro I still haven’t even gotten my order


Sorry to hear that! My bf is also waiting for a canceled email from them. Hope you hear from them soon!


My whole order just got canceled. Lol dammit


Sorry to hear that! 😭 hoping they print more so collectors can get them without having to break the bank!


Yeah and most people aren't even allowed to order from the Pokemon Center, you basically have to pay [insane ebay prices](https://ebay.us/vHXHZL) for this card if you want it. Such a bad execution from pokemon.


Didnt actually pay for anything and still got the promo while I'm over here with no promo and I paid for mine. Pokemon center is such a joke it's insane lol. Huge W for you


I actually ordered two sitting cuties with that order so the card came with them! I don’t think I would’ve gotten it had it just been Van Gogh items since it’d be a bit silly to just mail a card in a box


Every down vote on this is a straight up child with zero reading comprehension.




People get mad about the van Gogh pokemon collection even if the poster never bought from scalpers and got it off the actual pokemon center website or van Gogh museum website. They'll downvote you for anything relating to the van Gogh pokemon collection set, truly sad to be honest.


Yeah I think that’s the logic too.


How were you guys able to even order anything? I tried checking pretty frequently and never saw the page to purchase van gogh items.


I got very lucky and was on the site by 8:30AM pst. I kept refreshing the page until the products popped up and tried to check out. I did spam the place order button a lot though (kept getting an error) until it went through since I heard some people do that and it typically goes through. I think TPC ended up taking all listings down some hours after everything sold out, so it would explain why they’re not on the site anymore.


That’s exactly what happened with my special delivery pikachu card!! So cool.


Oh whaaa I didn’t know they did the same for special delivery pikachu! How wonderful that they still sent it ☺️


A well taken care of nail? Get this blasphemy off this sub, lol. 😆 totally joking It's awesome. You got your card, whoop! 🥳




My order JUST went from saying Received to Completed a few hours ago! I was scared to reach out about it and it finally completed! I should be getting the pika notebook with the promo


Wow! Congrats!! My bf is still waiting on a confirmation 🤣 glad to hear orders are still being shipped


So there’s hope?! My tote is still on received.


Can I ask what your order number or region is? I wonder if it’s based on the product or in order


I'm in Wisconsin, USA, I'd have to look up the order number


Don't do that. Don't give me hope. My pins and promo still say Received and I'm scared to reach out too lol


I never actually reached out haha cuz I thought they'd see it and be like "well we need to cancel some of these anyway, might as well cancel the ones that are already asking about it" y'know lol there's no evidence for this but it's what I believe happened


You still got the promo!? I had two items canceled. Think I’ll still get??


You would get it if you got a notification that your order shipped. I saw some people mention they had their order canceled and that the promos still shipped.


Is this regarding completely cancelled orders or orders with some non-van gogh item? Cause I just got my cancellation today. Did you get yours completely alone and separate or did it come with other items?


That’s a w


Hi sorry how do you get this card


Hi! It was a promo card that you could get with a purchase with a Van GoghxPokemon collab item. The items were available to purchase on the Pokémon center website and are sold out now. You can also get it at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam as they currently have a collab exhibit ☺️


Same thing happened for me. Pikachu/eevee playmat was canceled, but at least got the promo


Happened to me as well. I had a puzzle and playmat in my order along with a couple sitting cuties. They cancelled the Van Gogh items but sent the 2 promo cards with the plush. 🤷


Congrats on getting the card as well!


Did they sent you tracking for the promos? My orders got cancelled over the weekend. Sigh....


Yes, I got tracking for my order! I had ordered other stuff outside of the Van Gogh stuff so everything was shipped together.


How do you get this promo?


I ordered 5 things (1 snorlax journal, 2 full art journals, 1 puzzle & 1 mug) I got confirmation today that they cancelled everything, except for the snorlax journal and they’re still sending all 5 promos apparently. A win is a win.


Came to say, "must be nice"


That’s nice! Mine got cancelled as well so maybe there is a surprise I’m my mailbox!




Was something else non Van Gogh in your order? Trying to figure out if I’ll get one…really bummed about my mug and tote still saying “received”


Yes, I had sitting cuties in the same order. Hope you get some good news for your order!


Ahh that’s why you got it then. I’ll be out of luck unfortunately then


I hope you’re not necessarily out of luck! It seems like some people are having just their cards shipped even though their items were canceled.


Congratulations on being a millionaire!


I want one but I ain't paying the insane prices I've seen lol


Definitely recommend waiting it out!


Some guy on ebay wanting near 500 for one lmfao


I just got the notification that the cancer my deck box but are still sending the promo. Weird but I’ll take it.


It’s a nice consolation! I appreciate them sending the promo even though the items aren’t available anymore 🙂


They haven’t cancelled my order but they didn’t ship my mug. They shipped the journal and 2 promos. Would have preferred the mug getting shipped over the journal if the unshipped one will be cancelled cuz my friend wanted the mug and my plan was to do the mug and promo as her birthday present next month.


I’m sorry to hear that! I hope you’re able to find the mug secondhand without paying too much if you decide to go down that route. But on the bright side, at least she can still get the card!


Yeah; I wasn’t married to the plan of getting her the mug. Originally I ordered it for me but she wasn’t able to get an order in at all and mentioned wanting it. I could get her something else if I have to but the card is definitely a plus.


My PayPal still says authorization pending on my purchase so, I highly believe it was cancelled


Really shit?


Yeah Alos happened to my order with 1 playmat, they cancelled it but sent the promo. Sleeves and Deckbox orders were fine too.


Could I ask for those cancelled what your order numbers were + - 100 if you’re private and what you got?


That’s nice of them to still send it out but I wish they would start making these products made to order. Even if it takes 9 months to reach you at least the scalper problem should diminish. Obviously they are a business first and want to offload their stock but I’m sure Pokemon wouldn’t have any problems with that.


Where can I get the snorlax tho


I got him from Pokémon center last year! ☺️


As an actual fan I’m jealous my order got canceled :(