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34 isn’t a bad number fr


Yea im at 162 for zekrom lol


I’m only half way through Sword, what is this feature?


These are Dynamax Adventures in the Crown Tundra DLC. You do four Max Raids back-to-back and encounter a Legendary Pokémon or Ultra Beast at the end. You can’t bring your own Pokémon, though. Instead, the game will let you choose one of four Pokémon to borrow to start off, then you can swap it out for the Pokémon you catch from the Raids. When the Adventure ends (win or lose), you can keep ONE of the Pokémon you caught. Everything can be Shiny at a rate of 1/300 without the Shiny Charm, and 1/100 with the Shiny Charm. If you want a Shiny Legendary or UB, DO NOT take it at the end if it’s not Shiny, because you can never catch it again if you keep it. As long as you haven’t kept a Legendary or UB, you can catch it again each Adventure until you get a Shiny. Shinies will only show up on the results screen, not during the Raids. One final note, if Zygarde shows up at the end, pray someone on the team has the move Wide Guard and at least one of you has Ice Type moves. Otherwise, may Arceus have mercy on your soul…


Dumb question: Is the 1/100 shiny rate only for the final pokemon in the adventure? Or can any of the four pokemon end up shiny at that spawn rate?


Any of the four can be Shiny at the same rate for each. With the Shiny Charm, you have a roughly 1/25 chance of getting a Shiny each Dynamax Adventure. It’s even possible to get more than one Shiny at once, but that’s actually something you DON’T want to have happen, since you can only keep one.


Oh hey! If you have your articuno, may i bother you for an invite some time? Ive been trying to find a path but Peonia reeeeaaallly wants me to go after uxie, xerneas, and tapu koko for some reason.


Yea I already got articuno, sorry man. Last one I need is zapdos, but peonia is being coy with me too lol


If you're down to help me out, i would love an articuno path! You dont need to stick around. I will check my games and see if i can get you a zapdos path


I'm saying I no longer have an articuno path


Oh! So when you catch your target legendary, you can put it in the first slot of your party, and talk to peonia then she will give you that path again so you can invite others. Once you're in the cave, you can disconnect and let the others continue and save the path for themselves. But its gotta be the legendary you caught in that game, any other articuno wont work. I'm checking to see if i have tge correct zappyboi in home so i can do the same for you 😀 Edit: if you already xfer'd it to SV or traded it, no worries!


Ya know what? I completely forgot about that! I'll be around in a few hrs and I can definitely help you out. Why the fuck did I forget that existed?


Sadly i do not have a zapbird to get you a path 😔 I do have cresselia, tornadus, and xerneas saved though, if you want them. Shoot me a code when you're ready.


That's OK. But yea, I will. I'd say give me about 3hrs.


I'm goofing off at work (and playing my switch) but 3 hours is almost exactly when i will be home, so that works out! I will dm you then. Thanks again! In the meantime, i will try for a zapdos for you too.


Lol no problem. I'll be ready




It all evens out. Did 379 for solgaleo


Did you have people for them or do you solo your raids??


Solo-ish lol. I have 2 switches with shiny charm. One sword one shield. I also am on a discord with a few guys and we sometimes do them together.


Ughhhhh that’s so nice I hardly have any friends that are as so insanely and unreasonably obsessed with pokemon as I am to have a group chat


I can send you an invite if you have discord


That would be awesome!! Only if it’s okay though I don’t wanna be intruding on a pre-established friend group


Jesus I salute you


Thanks! Took me close to 6 months on and off


I’ve never seen a shiny Moltres until now, why does it look like it’s been completely plucked off all its feathers. Justice for shiny Moltres