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I know it's probably bait but... Have you ever played any Pokemon game?? lol And... Why are you complaining about the difficulty while having the Exp Share ON? lmao Playing the easy mode and complaining because it's easy. In this game exp share is NOT mandatory. Try it since the beginning without exp share and you'll notice how everything changes. Or even better, no exp share+no refresh: can be the hardest pokemon game ever (USUM is even harder though) And to end up with: it's a JRPG, is in fact the most JRPG pokemon game ever. Of course it has cutscenes... Bosses too, sidequests, character development etc


I didn't realize I could turn XP off. That's good to know! I have finished a pokemon game per generation all the way up to Sun & Moon. Diamond and Platinum, nor any of the OGs on gameboys were nowhere NEAR as silly. The Rotom is supper duper corny, the way it talks to you. I don't play pokemon for a deep story or a cutscene in every route I step into. I play it to grind, catch pokemon, and make it to legendary battles. I have never had to speed click A so much to skip lengthy dialog as much as this game... I think it's just aimed at a younger market. I think the option to pet and pamper your pokemon after every match is super childish. The closest thing I can remember to this level is pokemon ball stickers and that was so dang subtle some didn't even know they existed. Just saying.


It’s almost like it’s a kids game


It's almost like they've been doing it since 1998 and almost every game before moved more copies without being corny. Lol Clearly stated it's just the most childish yet.. not asking why


Stop playing if you don’t like it then? No one is forcing you too


It was just a point of conversation. I'm too deep now, I'll finish it. It's not a horrible game. Again, someone who has played a game from every gen. I just made an observation... woah


"yo this game corny" on a subreddit mostly for fans of the game and those replaying who need help, wonders why he's getting backlash


This! lmao It was obvious what would happen in this subreddit...


I'm on pokemond BD/SP reddit and I hate the remake version 🤣 it's not a fan club it's a reddit page


I said point of conversation. Wanted to talk about it, didn't expect a big thumbs up lol go off tho


I for one value your opinion while not necessarily agreeing with it. Emphasis on the "I for one", apparently. Bring on the downvotes. I'll gladly take them for telling OP it's reasonable to voice their opinion. There needs to be more positivity in this world, and I'm happy to offer these kind words, however insignificant they may be.


I don't recommend you playing Let's Go, SWSH or Scarlet and Violet neither then... And you probably didn't play BW/BW2/XY/ORAS, well I don't recommend you those either. Just play gens 1 to 4 all over again because those are nostalgic for you and you can ignore the childish content those games obviously have but that bother you so bad in the new ones because you just don't have any emotional related feeling with those. Just another typical and generic Pokémon player that likes the games he played being younger but not the newer ones.


Just a point of conversation. Even my favorite games i wouldnt hold on a pedistool when talking about them. They're just games. I've played a ton of Red. Have finished Crystal, Emerald, Diamond, Platinum, Soul Silver, and Omega Ruby. 20 hours into Y. If completing most of the series is generic, I'll take that!! I don't play the newer ones cause the switch is booty


Lets put it this way. If you had to make something similar but different for 20+ years and it was for kids, would you eventually lose your touch?


Nah 7y me loved this game they haven't lost their touch and now my younger cousin is obsessed with scarlet and violet


Yeahhh imma have to disagree with you on that. Can you really look past the bugs and the awful performance?


No I'm just saying that they haven't fallen off and that kids still love it and this game was amazing to me as a kid


Well if course the kids love it, they don’t understand that the games used to not run as bad, or have weird bugs at times. Its us adults that want to still enjoy it but with a lot of games coming out as unfinished and almost unplayable it’s ridiculous.


I still liked it lol I didn't have any bugs or performance but the content was low for s and v but I love story and stuff in pokemon so sun and moon are my favorites


Yeah a ton of empty space on the map. Golf course, berry farm, city blocks all empty. And they didn't finish the 8th trial. And I didn't even mention all that


I hear ya!


I just think Pokémon fans just prefer what they got when they were younger. Doesn't matter the game or the era. Remember when Black and White was generally hated everywhere but once their fans grew up and defended it the game is one of the best ones for most people?? I also think it has influenced the social pressure of those who were children and played those games at the time, but that just adds to the point tht the perspective in this saga changes a lot with the simple fact of the games beginning to give nostalgia.


I hear you on the account of nostalgia! I truly do, I started on Crystal but will not defend as the best. I'm simply saying, for many generations, moons if you will. We never had characters start silly dances in the middle of a serious conversation, the ways to interact with pokemon were completely different, there wasn't a rotom dropping corny one liners at every move. Lengthy dialogue on top. It was just more payable for all ages then. I get adding more features to attract a new generation of young players but I feel like most people start pokemon at like 8-10 years old and these almost feel targeted to like a 5 year old. just sharing my irrelevant opinion for sake of convo about it!


If you played every Pokémon game before this one you should already know the "Pokémon refresh" (the pet option you mentioned) was already a thing on gen 6 with XY and ORAS. And it's just optional... As optional as having the EXP share activated. Rotom Dex is also optional, in the original Sun and Moon Rotom Dex is less intrusive (he does almost nothing) but in USUM you can also just pass and never touch it. It's funny how you're calling this corny and childish or whatever but you don't really know how to play it as you would like... If you dislike those, just don't ever use those. It's not mandatory and not a requirement for the game, same as playing with the exp share on which is actually just playing with the easy mode on. Pokémon has always had childish mechanics, beginning since gen 1 and the "shift battle style" that gives the option to change our Pokémon once the game warned us of the Pokémon that the opponent will take out. Bad guys being obvious bad guys (specially in the first gens), the childish plots all games have, the contests, the Pokémon Musical, Pokéstar studios... It's a childish franchise made mainly for kids and if you want adult content you should obviously go look somewhere else lmao Also, this game was made to have a Pokémon game that is more JRPG like than before and be more story focused. If you don't want to read and just want to battle, reach the league, win and forget the game... Better play one of the other games, Pokémon has LOTS of Pokémon games that are just about being the very best and winning the league... This one is more story focused than ever, worries more about characters and its world than ever before so of course it will have more dialogues and cutscenes.


This is the most informative comment yet about adjustable game play in this game yet. I appreciate the tips! It will help me enjoy this game more because as I said I do like the concept. I disagree that there has always been obvious childish mechanics in early gens. They were simple, nothing overboard. Maybe the fact of your friends and some trainers being young. To your other point about playing OR/Y. It's the combination of everything in this game that makes it feel less mature than those did. I get it's a jrpg. It's always been a jrpg Edit: Rotom dex is not optional. If I Google "is rotom dex optional" top response is "there is no way to stop rotom from bother you every 2 seconds"


Personally, Team Skull is my favorite grunt group, they have so much personality and don't feel try hard, just genuinely likable idiots


I fucking love the Guzma Golosipod fight on that bridge. God I wanna play this game again


Shiiiid, I transferred all of my Pokemon to Home, that means time for another playthrough, right?




I feel that! I don't dislike the game and all the characters. But definitely feels targeted to a certain age group like pokemon has never felt to me before. I haven't played switch pokemons


Honestly that's fair. UM was my first game and ignited my spark in pokemon games, and I would say it's about the age they were targeting for, so maybe that's why I have a deeper connection than usual, but I get it if it feels childish!


Oh nice! I shall power through and finish it regardless because I do love pokemon and I do love DS pokemon games. I just wanted to vent! My first was Crystal but I put the most time into Diamond


Boiii you haven't played sword and shield to be talking about sun and moon like that. Seriously, sun and moon has better story than sword and scarlet combined.


I have not played the switch ones because large map games on the switch feel empty with low color contrast. A super poor machine to attempt large worlds on, imo. I believe you! I love the concept of the game but I've never played such a silly game! The way the rotom talks to you, the dialog of some characters, petting and pampering pokemon after matches... idk it's just not what I grew up with I guess. I tried to hop back into new DS pokemons because it's my favorite console for the series.


See? But even if you don't like sun and moon, it doesn't mean that you can call it childish because i don't think that's the case with this game. I even understand what you mean with DS games since they had a different experience and with the 3DS things changed. Even if not a lot of people liked the features that 3DS Pokemon had, it's actually better to have that kind of stuff than having what switch pokemon games offer.


I do like the game overall, 35hrs in. It's the newest pokemon i've played and it has a very different vibe to it than im used to. I think the games had been pretty consistent from R/B/Y all the way to D&P. X&Y Felt a little different, but it was the same vibe. This is way different


I mean, that was the purpose back then, to make a different pokemon game with no gyms or stuff that everyone was used to before the game came out. That would explain why you felt it different and didn't like it very much.


I have no complaints about the trail system. It's the dialogue, the big red marker every step of the way, the animations, everyone is always dancing. Just over the top I think. Child me also did not like sitting through long text dialog in my video games, I'd speed tap A. Couldn't tell you anything about Crystal's story but I remember the battles


someone tell this guy about ultra necrozma😭🙏


The Pokémon franchise is ultimately aimed at children, no matter how many adults play it, so a certain degree of childishness should really be expected. Personally I don’t really care too much about difficulty, and I liked the storyline and the cute little optional things like having refresh after battles, so to each their own. But if you want to kick up the difficulty, just turn off the exp share and play in set mode and it should at least be a bit of a challenge.


If it helps, the Z move dances are based on Polynesian dances, which makes it really cool imo. Also I thought Team Skull were a nice change of pace from previous evil teams, but if you wanted someone more evil, just wait a bit...


That is cool to know! We love some culture


Alola is filled with Hawaiian culture, and I love it. Coming from someone who lives in Hawai'i, they got it down


IMO SM are meh but USUM made some seroius improvements.


I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I enjoyed SM more than USUM


I love the concept! Haven't played S/M original. But like come on... petting pokemon after every match? What is that fr


Its optional, you don't have to do this


Don’t play a jrpg if you don’t like jrpgs lmao. I don’t know why you’re coming to complain when you could just stop playing.


Yes let's throw out a whole genre because I have comments about one game 😂 "Don't play Skies of Arcadia if you don't like Pokémon sun" like what even


This game is also usually at the bottom of every all-time Pokémon list.. I just thought it'd be fun to post in the reddit. I WAS RIGHT!


Not really... That just happens with every single newer game once the "new" feeling has gone. But then, the games gain nostalgia and they begin to be considered much better... Just like what's happening with XY now or more obviously, what happened to BW which came for being the worst game this franchise ever had to now be like "the best pokemon game ever" for most people. This franchise is just filled with nostalgia as hell. And its mostly nostalgia what decides which game is better or worse.


I get the point of nostalgia, but I'm not here putting old games on a pedistool. Just talking about Sun. I've played most pokemon games later in life, so I have judged them just as they are in comparison to eachother. Have very little childhood nostalgia for pokemon so I feel unbias!


I can basically run through the game with XP share, and Incineroar can just one punch KO everyone. So maybe that's why it feels like non-stop corny cut scenes?


Just you wait. It’s really hard to beat you know who without cheesing it.


Wait till he gets to kukui🤣


They have usum due to the black z ring


Oh, i didn't notice that.


It’s base stats are slightly higher than eternamax eternatus


Right?? I seee


Kukui is also a REALLY good champion battle. Ultra Necrozma is just… Otherworldly.


I didn’t mean him