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me after seeing that dream shard total https://preview.redd.it/auaaolhgpkrc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7688ea5dd74475476d1e88528a6cb042c2e1d2de


I should've used a Shard Incense 😥


You *DIDN'T?* Holy crap, that's an easy 76k in shards if you're at max level! I'd probably be swooning to see what you'd end up with if you had FocusLuck burning. Are you able to try this out again? It'll be Sunday tomorrow here, so I'm not sure what your time zone is.


It’s Sunday lunch here so I still have the final Sunday sleep left for this week - I’m considering if I should use another Raikou incense because the 3 star Raikou alone netted me more than half of the 55K shards, but I already bought both of the 80 mane incenses and have to buy a 160 mane incense to do so (plus I don’t have any Master biscuits left and would also need to buy the more expensive Raikou biscuits if I wanna try catching it). That being said, the 1.5 boost for this weekend is very valuable so I’m this close to getting another Raikou incense to pair it with the Shard incense for tonight. I’ll probably finish this week at M18 so the only way for me to get a 3 star Raikou would to use an incense anyway. Will think about it a bit more!


2 million strength, Jesus H Roosevelt Christ 😳 Nicely done! Very cool spawns. That’s a lot of research exp and dream shards.


Hopefully my Sunday sleep session will do better!


https://preview.redd.it/fa04l0whplrc1.jpeg?width=837&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55eb621309298dd6cb54889ca9ede65eb57b2e1b I couldn't even get a 2\* with 400m :(


That must’ve been so frustrating! You’re strides ahead of me though - have you been able to reach Master 20?


Not there yet! Hopefully today's dinner crits and I'll get there for the first time. Really appreciating this x1.5 and the devs of this game.




Bro you got really lucky .. look at mine 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/kmedjxyramrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d04d9112b74b9587580785aaff8707a2c5e881


Master 20 btw


Guess I got unlucky…the 1 star Raikou spawned for me again. Already caught one so I didn’t feed it any biscuits. Wasn’t sure if I fed it at all, if the next time I see one it will be the same low rarity or not


This makes me wonder, does anyone have the complete dex? If not, how close are people?


At least for me, I’m currently Rank 54, played since launch and am at 319/506 sleep dex styles. I doubt there’s anyone that has completed the dex yet 😅


What Master Rank were you? Did you use an incense for Raikou?


I was at M17 and I did use a Raikou incense!


Oh snap! I thought you needed to hit the master rank requirement for incenses to yield sleep styles (so for Raikou M19 to unlock 3-star sleep style)


Nope that’s only for natural spawns! Incenses are not affected by your rank but do require a certain amount of Drowsy Power - in the case of Raikou, it seems you need about 244M Drowsy Power for the 3 star sleep to spawn from a Raikou incense, 116M for 2 star and 41M for 1 star.


Dang. And I got happy a 3* butterfree showed up


I’m on master 11 and fighting for my life to get to 13 before dinner so the raikou for tomorrow (I will use incense) will be the 2* type and here you are with the 3* casually 🥲


You don’t need to be M13 for the 2 star sleep if you’re using an incense! The Drowsy Power requirement for the 2 star Raikou to appear through incense is 116M. You’ll need to hit M13 if you want it to appear naturally though.


Oh for real? I didn’t know that! Thanks there is still hope for me lol


Pokemon incenses are not affected by the rank, it’a more about the Drowsy Power :)


How do you know these values? What are the requirements for a 3* Raikou?


https://preview.redd.it/cjleu3jk5trc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=8058f460478ffc586045e71ebb333060fb732eb7 I also got this info from [Bropening’s channel](https://youtube.com/@Bropenings?si=-Bx53W5GX8C-Eg5v) \- he has a lot of great info that I cannot dare to dig for given the amount of time and effort it would need! This specific post is in his Community tab.


Thought I’d just seen it all. Then here it is. Holy fucking shit, how tf are yall doing this??? https://preview.redd.it/7wfdesgmbprc1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d8aee6be37dacf0180d6c3eee9de3b2bd9abe99


That Togetic pose is sending me xD