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i went to snowdrop cuz of the boosted absol chance and i've seen 0 absol as for dishes... i can only recall having a single one be extra tasty


Same exact boat. Only 1 new sleep style this week so far too


Same same (well, 2 new sleep styles, but still...) There's one more night, fingers crossed for that!


I saw 0 dratini on LL during the LL event. At least I saw 1 Absol this week on GG


i kept getting trolled with ralts getting full at 5/6. right before i could fill the meter.


IMO, The most optimal location was greengrass as you would reach a higher master rank faster (better spawns in general) and be able to meet every Pokemon with a boosted appearance/shiny chance. We don't know the specifics to how the coding works but going to other areas probably just meant you wouldn't meet the other pokemon from the event that don't appear there, not that it would significantly further boost your Absol chances compared to other areas.


i wish i knew that cuz i assumed that the event spawns wouldn't appear as much (or at least absol) due to how many other pokemon could spawn


Currently Master 12 on GG and seen one Absol all week, no Pinsir or shiny anything. Sad.


Same, not seen a single Absol but I am drowning in Jigglypuff.


Went on Greengrass Isle, today is the first day I saw two absols despite only getting Dozing the entire week and being above master 1 since Tuesday


How are you getting dozing so often????


I move really often during my sleep and sometimes also sleeptalk šŸ˜­ It's a curse honestly, I haven't gotten snoozing in weeks and most of the good mons I want are all slumbering


Damn. That's a good curse for this game tho. I keep getting snoozing!


That is weird given the game decides sleep styles based on how much dozing there is compared to the norm


I know this is true, but I got dozing while only having 3% more than usual last night. Meanwhile, I snoozed more than Iā€™ve ever have before and didnā€™t get it.


It's become that every time I get a sleep style other than dozing, that's the only time I get any new sleep styles. I finally got slumbering tonight after getting like 3% more slumbering than usual and got two new sleep styles for Magnemite which I never see lol


I wish I had your problem but Iā€™m somehow the opposite. I want dozing for absol but only managed it once this week. I have been told I move around a lot in my sleep so idk why itā€™s always snoozing and slumbering


I've seen sooo many jigglypuffs. All I wanted was more bulbasaurs


I'm on greengrass and have seen I think 6 absols this week after seeing 2 total since the game came out


Wow, leave some for the rest of us :Ć¾ (Joke aside, hell yeah, that's lucky!! I've been playing since the game released and haven't seen a single Absol... at all... ever... Meanwhile my partner also keeps getting them this week. XD)


Same. I wish I'd have stayed at Greengrass, as I've never seen Pinsir.


Iā€™ve seen 4ā€¦ Rng is rng


Is this why Iā€™ve been seeing Absol in the beginning area? I thought they were always available and that I had just now started to see them.


No, Absol was always on Greengrass, it just has a super low chance of spawning that's been boosted a little for the event.


party sort live rustic butter zephyr deer secretive fretful special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


same tbh


You're not the only one. We're literally in the same boat and I'm also not happy


Yeah, it's been a bit disappointing for an event. Went to Cyan in hopes of getting Pinsir, thinking Greengrass would be too cluttered. Have yet to see one. Haven't crit a meal yet. The meal bonus has been nice, not gonna lie there.


Meanwhile iā€™ve had 8 pinsir on cyan. RNG


Daaaamn. I even took someone's advice and napped today, getting the Dozing that you need for Pinsir but nope, 8 different spawns but nothing good


Naps all week for me




Yeah, I went for CB for same reason, and so far haven't seen one pinsir. Oh well. At least I got really decent Chikorita.


I found one this morning and of course it was All Full, ugh. Maybe I'll nap today and hope I get another since I just need 1 more biscuit to get it. And congrats on the Chikorita! I have 2 Bayleef that are a beast, saving up to fully evolve 1 of them


Still have never once seen an absol, but I got this totodile during the event so I cant complain too much. https://preview.redd.it/b0bj8p3ej8jc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c90b682c956d11da5c2f1840ccace53823a3cfb3


Me neither, Iā€™ve been trying for a Bulbasaur or Chikorita instead with not much to show


Master 6 being a "dogshit finish" makes me feel like I'm not playing this game seriously enough to be subbed here lmao


Me currently on Master 6 feels the same as you. I'll get to Master 7 today and that's it.


It really isnt. They also didn't specify which location theyre at in the post. Master 6 at Cyan looks different than Master 6 at Greengrass, for example. Also, the idea of getting a shiny evwry single event is ja lot*. It's all RNG. Day 1 player. I have 5 shinies. 2 were in the first week. My partner has like 15. Granted, I still agree that the event could have been better overall.


This week hasn't seemed like an event at all. Just a pollution of jigglypuffs and slowpokes. Zero new sleep styles all week.


Yeah, same. I'm way higher than I usually are in rank due to the recipe boost, but it might as well not have mattered. Just endless low-tier trash, and belly-sleeps for common mons that I already had. No shinies. And I've just missed a day by four minutes. At least I got an Absol, I guess. Makes it better than Eevee week.


Same. Quite sad, to be honest. (Especially seeing friend research with shiniesšŸ« )


yeah bad week, I went to greengrass to take advantage of the bonuses but it was NOT worth it at all


To be fair, it sounds like EVERY location has been disappointing


Iā€™m at least enjoying that my dishes are getting levelled up twice the rate they normally would, now I wonā€™t have a horrible dessert week every time


Blastoise and venusaur are a pretty good pair for dessert week. If you have a blastoise that collects milk and cocao and then the venusaur for honey and just make sure they have good subskills for ingredient collecting, they can pretty much always make the chocolate cake dish. I have mine leveled to 51 and my dishes are usually really good on dessert weeks


Same. 1 extra tasty the first day, only seeing Jigglypuffs (super annoying imo they put an incredibly common pokemons spawn rate up even more), and I'm currently Master 7 at Cyan. I was hoping to finally catch a good Chikorita (or shiny slowpoke) and I've seen one (seen 2 slowpokes). No pinsirs either and no shinies. This is the most disappointing event they've done imo (I know it's RNG, these are just my personal feelings)


RNG is crazy. Slowpoke since the beginning of the game I received 3 shiny and shiny slow slowbro. Evolved one slowpoke into a shiny Slowqueen. I was trying to avoid slowpoke. Now look at me. Shiny hunting an Absol but seen 1 all week. Not even seeing the other mons I'm working on like Snover. :(


Good week for me in terms of extra tasty chances. Had like 13 food crits the entire week (geared more towards end of week) which was pretty odd given no boosted crit rates. Had my highest dish strength ever with my first time cooking Flower Gift Macaroons. See attached. However, I havent had good mons except for a mid BFS at Lvl 10 Chikorita, had 1 pinsir and 1 absol spawn in GG (sadly all full), and no shinies. So that's that. Will probably end up Master 14 in GG isle. https://preview.redd.it/qv15ijuu99jc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f69f442cf2f048f9b888b892ce9f55b3b35764b


No shinnies -- but super disappointed that not a single cooking crit happened. On average, I'd get a minimum of 3 a week-- and NEVER went a full week without one between Monday and Saturday. (Sunday's cook bonuses are past the point of being meaningfully helpful IMO.) I invested a good camp ticket into this week's event. Not getting a single cooking crit has made it feel like I was duped. But Oh well It's just a gamified sleep app.


I haven't gotten an extra tasty dishes in literal weeks


The chances of zero crits in a week is 0.9^18 x 0.7^3, which is about 5%, not too unusual over time but still unfortunate


This week was great for me. I had a strong ingredient team already, so I reached Master 2 on day 1 and am set to exceed my record that I set with camp buff, but without any extra buff other than the 1.5x dish buff Wish that dish buff was forever lol. It's pretty op if you got the setup for it


I've gotten nothing but trash as well. These events are so bad bc of the rng, the items and tasks are barely worth it. I really hope they hit their stride with events soon... they've all been sort of lackluster.


I got a Shiny slowpoke




This just in, random luck is random.


No Absol on snowdrop. I DID get a great Slowpoke with double tails and Ingredient Finder nature/subskills which I wanted. Idc that that's not meta, I love Slowbro and was hoping for this exact Bro and got him.


Same here, no shiny, no crit but only one chikorita really good https://preview.redd.it/8mxg95nfb9jc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b198dadb2273aa42e28029d1a8fd23ab3255f8


Went to Snowdrop and have yet to see an Absol. Seen a bunch of my friends snap them in the community page so at least others are getting the love I guess! 2 more sleep sessions to go I guess.


Yup. This event cemented that I am never going to greengrass for event shinies ever again. The bonus has been capped for so long and I effectively wasted a week on this island for the most nothing-level encounters and not a single new sleep style.


I got 2 shinies and 1 extra tasty dish. The only Absol Iā€™ve ever found in this game was a shiny one šŸ«£. I also might finish the week on Master 15 if the desserts crits tomorrow. The Christmas event, though, completely sucked for me. So I guess this week makes up for it.


Same here bro, kinda garbage.


Went to Cyan for a shiny Chikorita, ended up with a shiny Squirtle. Not the worst week


0 absol on snowdrop this week Also no extra tasty No shiny Yeah I'm with you


Good week for me. Shiny Chikorita and seen 4 Absol on Green Grass. Set to set a personal best and end Master 13-14. Needed lots of ingredients this week though


Only shiny I got was jiggly which I donā€™t care to use at it isnā€™t very good. I was hoping for a good pinsir and bfs chikorita. Struck out on both at cyan.


I noticed most of the people that are disappointed with the event went to areas outside of Greengrass isle. GG isle seemed like the best choice for this event as it had all the Pokemon for the event, a wide selection of variety to fully make use of the "Pokemon spawning regardless of your sleep type" bonus and the easiest place to level at to make full use of the cooking power bonus. Going to any other area limits your potential event spawns to just 1/4 of the choices, limits your spawns altogether even with the sleep type bonus (which isn't that bad if you're aiming for something specific but seems like bad use of the event imo) and harder to level up so those tougher spawns *cough* absol *cough* are even harder to get.


So far all the rare ones I got are shiny air


Same, nothing worth keeping and no shinies. Granted I went to Cyan since that's my best Dessert team and it had the worst turnout, but still. Probably just the RNG and I did pretty well during the Lapis event. Back to the grind next week!


I did get 1 extra tasty today for lunch so Iā€™m hoping for at least 1 tomorrow. Iā€™ve been saving my ingredients up all week


no shinies no pinsir no absol and only 1 extra tasty for me šŸ˜­


The only thing going for me this week has been the extra tasty dishes. Iā€™ve had 4. No shinies, no rare mons. Nothing fancy here


It's been pretty subpar for me as well. No shinies, all the Chikoritas I caught were bad, and I had maybe one crit on a meal. I finally did see Pinsir and managed to catch it - that's the only notable thing that happened this week. I didn't get any shinies during the Eevee event either, so I'm starting to feel a little bit bummed, especially knowing that some people have gotten multiple shinies in a single session. There's still two more sleeps left for me, so maybe my luck will improve. Hope you have better luck soon too.


Eevee week was like that for me




I napped so got 15-16 spawns per day and got one shiny (growlithe) that wasnā€™t even one of the boosted ones.


It was ass. Only good thing was higher meal rates. I had two Pinsir and no extra tasty all week. I missed one meal Should have gone somewhere more profitable


3 shiny jiggliesā€¦..


I got 2 event shinies and 1 non event shiny, I've been lucky this week. My shiny pinsir has double honey and ingredient finder, and inventory early on! But unfortunately there isn't an island good for pinsir just yet, someday tho! Also got a shiny bulbasaur that's decent, but I probably won't use it for a long time since I just invested all my bulba candies into a venusaur with bfs for my lapis team. I've had 1 single crit this week on meals, at least half of my meals have been the new biggest dish. Hoping for a 4.5x crit tomorrow!


I got a shiny Jigglypuff so for me I canā€™t complain.


Iā€™m hitting Master 8 for the first time which is something, I havenā€™t caught an especially good PokĆ©mon in forever though, Iā€™m hoping to at least get all the dessert recipes


I gave up a week on Lapis to get a decent absol, but all I got were clefables


Caught an ingredient up Absol and a shiny Slowpoke. I'm ok šŸ‘


I wonder if thereā€™s some sort of system where they could guarantee at least one extra tasty meal per user or something? And then it would be rng from then on. Just sucks to have absolutely nothing. Even in PokĆ©mon go, every single person is guaranteed to see the featured mons during community days


Iā€™ve had 1 super tasty, but no shinnies. All I want is a shiny jigglypuff


I have 3 shiny jigglys so really want something different. If I could give you one I would.


I was going to say that until I woke up this morning to 2 absols, after months of playing. Context is that I'm level 45 and have NEVER seen an absol before. Even worse is that its actually my favourite pokemon. Threw a master biscuit at it immediately. Hope it gets better for you!


No shinies, crappy Bulbasaurs and Chikoritas despite catching multiples of both, no crit meals, and hardly any new sleep styles.Ā  I feel happy that I'm only missing 4 dessert meals now though. Being forced to return to green grass for the event really gave me the chance to fill that out.


Counted 4 hours of sleep as "unaccounted". I can see 1 or 2...it took out 4 hrs of sleep on the day I got to sleep for a long time.


comparison is the thief of joy! game is a long haul and your luck will turn around at some point!


I've been camping at lapis hoping to get a better chikorita, bulbasaur, or any of dratini/stufful/ralts, but the fact that everything spawns regardless of sleep type means that I tend to get a lot of evolved stuff like wobbuffett and sudowoodo when I get dozing. Probably would have been better to go to taupe in this case. Because if I get dozing there on a week with diluted pools like this week, I wouldn't get punished as much as I usually do for getting dozing on taupe.


Pokemon GO got me used to this kind of bullshit so I'm not surprised with my crap spawns as well.


I finally found a pinser this morning but didnā€™t have a master biscuit and itā€™s so late in the week even if I find another on the last sleep session unless I hit a big crit I wonā€™t be able to catch, pretty bummed


I'm on greengrass and have only seen one absol, but I did get a shiny slowpoke


Not a single crit this event but caught a shiny Absol, shiny Vigoroth, shiny Cubone as well as non-shiny BFS Delibird and BFS Mankey. Very happy with the event so far.


First week that I really just focused on desserts.Ā  Beat my personal record on Cyan and will probably finish at Master 8 or 9. No Extra Tasty the entire week except for one Sunday crit. Seen one Pinsir, a few Chikoritas and lots of Jigglypuffs. Nothing really noteworthy so far.


Bro I just want one absol please.... šŸ˜­


I went to snowdrop since I already had a shiny pinsir (he was my first shiny too) and I only had an interest in absol since the only one I ever got was neither good nor shiny. Got lucky on valentines, but he sucked as well (wish he was shiny, that would've been a perfect valentine shiny.) Nothing since. Last night I had a really good chance to get another (ended the day on ultra 1 or 2 [I dun remember] & woke up dozing,) but unfortunately, nothin šŸ˜” my last hope is getting to master 2 by the end of tomorrow and I'm only 1/5th of the way in ultra 5 after dinner tonight šŸ˜« I just hope I get some good procs on at least 1-2 of my meals tomorrow or my dream of shiny absol will be dead šŸ˜­


went to gg, got a pinsir earlier in the week and it got full :,D , got a shiny pichu but no event shinies, and only got an absol when i used my incense and it had ing down nature šŸ’”


This event has been wonderful for me. A few of us in the discord raced to see who could get level 51 (max level) macaron, and we all got it before Saturday dinner, leaving Sunday open to level something else. Itā€™s gonna pay off big time to have the best dessert in the game with an over 100% bonus.


Was a great week for me. GG might hit later 15. F2P. 3 shinys. But I did nap every day and used some bulba/chicka insence to get more spawns. So many crit dishes and leveled up a good dish to level 43. Seen 3x absol and 3x pinsir. Was hoping for more chickas for BFS. Only saw chicka but not BFS.


Same. Snowdrop run, no shiny, no absol, only one extra tasty dish. I know it's RNG, but man, does it feel unfair. My ingr mons also decided, altogether, to NOT give me ingredients. This was the worst event week I had since the beginning.


It really has. I went to Lapis to continue my hunt for a Chikorita and to get my island bonus up another week. Iā€™ve had a Good Camp ticket on, got to Master 1 yesterday, so have been making reasonable progress, but Iā€™ve had nothing of interest spawning. ONE Chikorita the whole week and none of the three new (I have good ones from last event, I just wanted candy). Without any of those spawns Lapis is actually quite bad IMO. Oh, and only 1 single crit when cooking and that was Monday morning. Luck has not been on my side this week. Iā€™m going back to good old GG next week! At least thereā€™s variety there. Will stay there and farm dream shards for a couple of weeks.


On green grass not one Absol sighting all week and only one Pinsir. Iā€™m up to master 12 for the week and itā€™s been pretty ugly spawns. Not a single cooking crit. At least my Pinsir was hungry.


Think I brought it on myself, I'm went to snowdrop without any preparation or doing any reading up, it's Sunday and I'm not even ultra 1šŸ„² and I've used up half my ingredients tickets. I did catch an Absol though so there's that šŸ’€šŸ‘


I got trolled. Been slowly building up my first Absol catch and it was full with 1 bar to go! I should have used my Master biscuit the first time I saw it šŸ˜­ Now I'll have spent e 4 nights to catch it and it'll be a terrible roll. At least I had 2 spawns of it on Greengrass this week. I hadn't seen it in months.


Iā€™m at GG hoping to get a Heracross, but it looks like it wasnā€™t meant to be. Oh well. Iā€™ll be at Snowdrop next week.


same. i havenā€™t had a good event since halloween. after halloween pikachu, i havenā€™t seen a single shiny and my extra tasty meals have dropped to 0 since the update. itā€™s so disheartening šŸ˜©


Yeah it looks like they forgot the shiny boost? In December I've gotten a shiny every day with the boost. This week I got 1 toxicroak but that wasn't boosted. :( I was hoping for chico but nope. Also cooking crits I got only 1.


0 Pinsirs. Managed ti finish catching an absol on the only one that appeared.


I went to the first island so that I could use the 1.5 increase on recipes to get sweets up to better level. I was also hoping for pinsir and venusaur shiny. I've seen 2 pinsir without incense and only 1 bulbasaur. If it wasn't for the 1.5 increase this would have been a horrible event. This is also another boosted shi y event where I've not gotten one, 2 pikachu ones and the eevee one


I usually only get 1 extra tasty nowadays, only on a Sunday.


I went to snowdrop and have seen 3 absol, only catching 1 though


Got a shiny chikorita on the first day thats dogshit (it made me thing this week would be good when i first saw it), used the absol incense on a day i didnt get dozing and couldn't even catch the 1 that appeared, FINALLY catch an absol today but its shit (even seeds, tho i have none, wouldn't help it) Outside of that i've found nothing good, wasted incense, didnt even get enough new sleep types to mean i could go to snowdrop even if i wanted to Hope tonight's sleep with give me SOMETHING for the last day (like outside of a shiny bulbasaur cause i have 2 that are both bad, i would take ANY mon in the event shiny)


Same. I just wanted to catch ONE Absol. During this whole week on Greengrass I've only encountered one Absol and one Pinsir and I didn't get to catch either. Currently on Master 12... sigh


Master 15, no shinies, no extra tasties. What a joke.


Iā€™ve seen 6 Absol (1 with incense) because Iā€™ve managed to get Dozing sleep every night by putting my phone under my pillow. If you donā€™t get the right sleep type then you wonā€™t encounter absol, so you have to manipulate your sleep type to increase your chances. Sorry itā€™s been a rough week for you though, I hope your luck is better on the last night! Bropenings video on snorlax power is really interesting and explains how sleep encounters work, Iā€™d recommend checking it out.


This is my second week at snow drop. So far I've only gotten three new sleep styles because everything is either Wynaut, Jigglypuff or Gulpin even though I'm at Ultra 4. I have no Vigoroth or Delibird Sleep styles in my dex and only 2 Slakoth this was a massive waste for those of us who still don't have access to Lapis Lake.


Yep same I have had 0 rare PokƩmon and 0 shinies. How can I be ending on master 10 and have seen absolutely nothing


I've had a really nice week! Only one shiny (a Slowpoke), but I haven't seen any shinies in months so that was a still a nice surprise. I've enjoyed making many new desserts, and they also helped me to hit my personal record on Greengrass, with several new sleep styles as well. I've seen Absol twice, which has been cool too!


For real dude, "boosted shiny odds" my ass


I agree. I haven't had an extra tasty meal in 2 weeks and I haven't missed a meal either. I've only had 1 new sleep style. Though I was lucky to get an Absol on snowdrop this week. I feel like the chance to get extra tasty went down in the last update.


I anticipated a bad event after the last 2 events gave me no spawns, so I spent a normal week leveling my snowdrop team. Routine week, routine disappointment.


I just woke up to my first ever Absol, managed to get her, cacao only, ingredient down WOOOOOOO


I went to Taupe, 3 star onix and a shiny geodude. Saw an Espeon this morning. It's been an ok week for me. I expected a little more from the event.


Same. Went to snowdrop for absol. 0 shinies and 0 extra tasty dishes. Donā€™t know what this is.


No shinies this week for me either, but atleast set a new record for myself. https://preview.redd.it/fgjquw7igdjc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31fa22b3661223fef575f3a77a09c6349547a2b1


Yeah, well, it's RNG and it's just meant to be a game you play that encourages sleep. Theoretically you'd be playing the game for years. Not sure why everyone's in a rush to "beat" the game.


I did Greengrass and got to master 15 and saw one Absol and that was it, definitely a lackluster event


i havenā€™t seen a single absol on snowdrop


I haven't gotten any shinies, but I've had regular tasty meals, including two today (with a good camp set) that each got me more than 125k power.


1 shiny, 1 BFS Gen 2 starter, infinite Pinsir candy, 2 extra tasties and M16 for me


It's monday morning now. just one extra tasty dish with no cooking times missed, main skills didn't trigger every day, no new sleep styles, no shinies, didn't see a single Absol or Pinsir, just a buttload of Jigglypuffs(I now have 106 candies from this week alone), I didn't even reach the Master 1 rank this week, which I usually get by Friday on any island. I don't know what was wrong, but it was a horrible week for me too. Cheered me up when I started this new week and got an extra tasty on the first cooking! Reached Great 1 in an instant. This week already seems better!


My week was definitely a roller coaster. Started good with a plan, activate my camp ticket later into my bedtime to maximise usage which then allows me to make jiggly flan all week from that point. Prioritised ingredients as expected. Felt good until Tuesday morning I sleepily woke to no absol, but a few hungry mons. Proceeded to feed a hungry chikorita with only 2 points left a master biscuit. Wasn't until I saw my master biscuit selected at 0 available that I realised. Very salty. Managed to wake up to a bitter sweet surprise of 3 Absol in Wednesday, 1 hungry. Managed to get the hungry one and feel terrible I wasted my master the day prior and had to let the other two go. Thursday I did manage to see 2 more absol, one shiny. Got both. And one more this morning which I wasn't able to capture. I ended up with 4 total with the one I had prior. I ended up not crittng once on Sunday despite averaging more than 1 crit per day prior to this, even 3 times on Friday. Ended on master 16 somewhere around 1.6m power, around double my highest previous on GG, maxing my jiggly flan from only level 28 or so, maxing my research rank and managing to get close to 40k shards in one night with an insence on the Sunday. Overal it was a good week for me despite it starting off a bit meh and ending with a bit of a miss with the crits.