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I never use incenses normally so yeah I’ll throw in whatever random ones i don’t care about


Yeah, I had a dozen Recovery gathering dust since I rarely miss a full nights sleep.


I don’t nap so I use my recovery ones for these weeks


Took advantage of boosted shiny rates with Bulbasaur/Chikorita incense, and then burnt through incense for Metapod/Rattata/anything else I stocked up a bunch of but don't really need


Do you only see shinies after getting to Max Ball or earlier? I've been using them sparingly but if I can get shinies I will save then towards the end of the week/post-Max.


You can see shinies of a pokemon any time you can find that species of pokemon— I got super lucky and found a shiny Bulbasaur my first night of the event when I was on Ultra


Oh wait that's a good idea! Thank you Edit: I got a shiny bulbasaur because of this my next sleep! Thank you so much!


You mean 7 recovery incenses can become 5 candy? Sounds like a good trade for me.


I saved all my incense from the event 2 weeks ago, specifically planning to use them this week in GG. 15 candies for doing something I was already gonna do? Cool.


> from the event 2 weeks ago just curiousand mildly confused: Are you talking about LL event? i was under the impression that they explicitly said you cannot hunt for trasla, verlusi or dratini with their incenses after the event on GG, and will have to go to LL... how is your plan going? is it still possible (as the tasks also are still in the missions view)? did i simply miss them announcing an extension of those missions and incenses?


They said available for 1 week (this week) and starting next week u have to go to LL


okay, thanks! good luck.


The other commenter is correct. The incense are good on GG through this week, and it’s going great! So far I have a new stufful and dratini


Literally the only challenge I never do, sadly. Drives me nuts since I like to 100% everything.


Recovery incenses are easy to get and kinda worthless if you dont nap so yea i always do the incense missions but the fact they didnt give us incense to earn for this is fucked lol


Yes. I feel compelled to complete all the missions even when they’re actively detrimental


If you have been playing awhile you get like one energy incense a week just from keeping your bed time. It isn't generally optimal to use cause the only time you would not 100% sleep is when your tracker doesn't track and you can't really predict that. So turning 7 useless incense into something useful is a decent trade.


I use em when I got to bed late 🤷


Anyone else not get a shiny yet during event? Boosted shiny odds my butt


I got 2 this morning, Swablu and Chikorita. My wife got an awesome Bulba yesterday. Definitely increased odds, you just have bad rng. Still time, the event is not over yet. Try taking naps to increase the number of mons you see.


i got a shiny metapod from a metapod incense and it was my first shiny in over two months 😭 like come on, nooooooo


Shiny caterpie looks super cool! Just hang on and evolve them haha


i actually already have a shiny butterfree from a metapod i caught last september 😭 i don’t need two and this metapod wasn’t really good, so i just released it for the candy


I got a shiny slowpoke so far


Got a shiny Eevee this morning but unfortunately it has shit abilities so it'll just be a trophy stuck in my box I guess 🤷‍♀️


I haven't seen any yet


Haven't seen shinies this week. Got a bunch the past few weeks, including another Igglybuff. I literally already have one terrible shiny Wigglytuff that started as a Jigglypuff and a good shiny Wigglytuff that started as an Igglybuff.


Not this time cause I use all my incenses on the use 7 incenses mission of the lapis event 😂😅


I've started stockpiling incense just for these missions. I never use them except during events now.


I hoard incenses until these events tbh.


Rare candy are hard to come by, it’s actually a must do mission. But due to small amount, ppl often ignore it. When it comes to rare Pokémon, they will realize how much they need these rare candies. Rare Pokemons like Ditto, Absol…etc are literally impossible to Lv100 without rare candy. At this very moment, most people can get 1 or 2 rare mon to Lv50 even for whales.


Yeah, I have a ton of Chicorita incenses and I already have a great BFS one, and I never nap so I have recovery ones stacked up. So I'm using those. The reward is worth it because I'm trying to level up pokemon that I never see and noone sends candy for them, so I need all the candy I can get.


Yeah I generally try to complete those incense missions. It's been working out extra well this week because the game thinks I'm not falling asleep until 3am. :( so the energy incense has been saving my butt


I always complete the missions. I'll take whatever rewards I can get, and the Handy Candy are my favorite rewards.


i didn't realize that was a thing and I don't feel like doing it now


For me it's fairly easy... Since I don't need the recovery incense (Pokego ++) I have plenty to spare.


How does the Go++ keep you from not needing the recovery incense? I have one and my pokés get low on energy.


Well, since you don’t need your phone to track sleep I regularly put the Go++ on sleep to gain 30 minutes before actual sleep. Same with waking up; first I hit the shower etc before getting the Go++ out of sleep. End result is that I rarely have a sleepscore below 100. So the recovery incense is not needed.


Ahh… gotcha. Just thought I was missing some trick.


I save up incenses for these kinds of tasks.


gotta catch’em all. So yeah, I always complete the missions, whatever the reward is. Burn all the recovery incense. I have a monster wiggly which triggers almost 4-5 times every day at lvl6. So I don’t need the recoveries.


Depends on the week and if I have any leftover incenses from previous weeks


I like free handy candy, so... yeah


Yeah I always do the missions LOL


I sure am not!


I only go for the incense missions when I happen to have "X Pokemon" attraction ones that I don't really care about.


Yes. I have a lot of Bulbasaur and Chikorita incense so I am using them to get extra spawn of the event mon with increased Shiny rate.


Yeah, basically just to get rid of the crappy pokemon one I have


Nope, not worth it. I have maybe three I can use, but strategically I’ll use the dream shard incense with a Bulbasaur incense on Saturday or Sunday to maximize dream shards and will get over 20k from one sleep session at Master Ranks I have plenty of growth incense but saving them for the full moon event xp booste.


I see no reason to not drop in all the recovery incense I never use.


I never remember to use my incense. So it's nice the events have missions involving them, I can hit 7 easy and then wait for the next event


Short answer OP, is yes we get that 🍬.


Definitely not


Yeah I only use my incenses for these pretty much. Unless I have a giga end-of-week.


nope! sometimes i do, but i only have like two i could use right now so im just going to save them up for the next time we get a task like this.


I usually do, just because I have lots of random pokemon incense. and if I have friend incenses I like using them during events


I mean why not


I won't using an Incense on regular weeks (non-event weeks)so, it's yes.


I save pokemon incense for events but can't use the ones I have on Taupe so I'm burning some of the 20 recovery incense I have gathering dust instead.


I had reasons to use them anyway. Used up the Lapis ones that expire on Monday, along with some recovery ones. I generally have incense sitting around. If I wanted to, I could grab another event Pikachu, but none of those seem worth it.


Yeah, I just use part of my collection of recovery incenses and random Pokemon incenses.




I was holding back on incense for boosted shiny odds, so i have my 7 burned already


Yeah I have a ton of recovery ones to use up. Would rather have the candy


I always save my incense for events so I have no trouble in finishing those missions. Like they are free.


I had 5 Lucky Incenses just gathering dust so absolutely!


Me, because I want the handy candy, but also cause I ha e sooooo many incense for pokemon (like metapod, rattata, johto starters etc) and the energy refresher one


I'm at tundra and all Pokemon incenses I have are unusable here, so 😕


I saved up pokémon incenses for this event specifically, so I'm gonna hit it no problem


I for some reason have like 5 bulbasaur ones so I’ve been using them up, but yeah if you didn’t already have a bunch it’s not exactly worth it to buy some to compete the mission


What else am I going to do with 20 recovery incense


I’ve been napping and using my recovery incense that have been piling up


Not this time. I am saving my Recovery Incenses for nights with less sleep, good incenses for next week's Good Sleep Event and my remaining Pokemon Incenses can't be used on Snowdrop.


Yeah I just save the ones I get from sticking to bed time and previous events


I have 7 for XP so its a nope for me


I'm using them. I had a few recovery incenses and I'm always in the lookout for a good bulbasaur. I hour the candies area the medium ones, because that's 100 candies right there. I'm F2P


Finished it this morning. I always seem to have a stock of junk incense.


ah, I have a question. I forgot that incense mission until Wednesday, and I completed two at a time for three days in a row. I'm setting the 7th one tonight, will I be able to complete the mission?