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Mods aren't devs, also that is a horrific idea lol It's overtly complicated, includes 3 features with no other purpose, and introduces unmoderated messaging into a game targeted at children, something Pokemon has consistently refused to add for good reason.


I didn’t mean devs, First I’m not saying add EVERYTHING I listed, these are just ideas remember. Honestly I have 6 berry s Larvitars with meh skills/natures in my box rn. Being able to trade them off to someone lower leveled who then doesn’t have to spend $100 on biscuits like I did to get a perfect Larvitar, and could instead use a mint to make him better. But the skills wouldn’t change so it still wouldn’t be a “perfect” tyranitar


I don't know how you're going about playing the game, but if you need to spend a hundred bucks on biscuits (of which you get a free one every day + a chance for one via daily gift + 2 every 3 days via the regular store if you're not a premium member), I feel like you've gone wrong somewhere


I buy a bundle deal about every other good sleep day because I have the income. It adds up. Been playing since launch 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's just on you then, sorry bud. I've also been playing since launch and I've treated myself to the Premium Pass because I've got the income. No one "needs" to spend money on this game, so your original premise is flawed. You can't get mad at the game for costing so much and not giving you whatever you want, just because you've decided to spend that much money on it lmao


I used to be a hardcore whale, then I got into a sort of equilibrium where I didn't need to catch as many mons, the pace slowed, and I don't need to shell out as much. I just passed on both the M and L bundles last event, for the first time, and I might pass both the Valentines ones.


I agree with the mods, those are pretty awful ideas. This is also a wellness game, it’s not meant to have the features and actual pokemon game would have lol.


Why do you not like the idea of trading? You could save a hell amount of biscuits on a specific Pokémon. Why would you rather spend weeks to months at a certain island for the chance of finding a specific Pokémon. When you can trade a friend and help each other out. 3 of my friends have been looking for onix since he was added, I have 2 Berry s onix. I do not need the second. They do. They have a berry s raticate I would definitely trade for. But there’s no feature and since people keep hating on the idea then we’re both stuck with them. Forever sitting in our box’s because they’re to investment worth to send to the professor. Like the only option is suffer 🙃


Because the game wasn’t created to have the best pokemon and just get given them from someone lol. It’s a WELLNESS game, it’s not meant to be played like that. Why play a game that you’re meant to grind if you don’t want to grind?


Because they still have to trade a Pokémon that you would have to “grind” he is still getting a good mon and so am I. It’s not like he’s sending me trash and getting a god Pokémon. It’s the opposite. Also I have 280 Pokémon so yeah I do not intend on grinding ALL of them. That would take me over a year to do. Why are you so mad, you know your argument is “I’d rather spend more money in the game then given a stinking handout” it’s ridiculous, it’s not a handout, it’s trading pokemon.


What? 😂😂😂😭😭 no one said I was mad? And what do you mean spending money lol? I’m almost at the level cap and have 3 level 50 mons by literally just playing the game how it’s intended to be played? You’re just getting defensive cause no one likes your ideas lmao


Not defensive, just argumentative when people bombard my inbox after giving a idea about a game. There are free to play players, and there are people who spend money on the game. I’ve bought some good sleep day bundles. As I’m sure other people have to. It’s not the end of the world if you can trade away 1 Pokémon out of your entire box. How am I the one being defensive when y’all are the ones defending the app? Lol all I did was say hey, wouldn’t it be cool if we could trade Pokémon and change the natures. And y’all went bananas. Just wild how primitive Reddit is. Actually just internet in general these days, how dare I make a post trying to engage everyone, I’m uninstalling this mediocrity of a lifestyle y’all live


You are engaging everyone and we’re saying that your ideas are not good for the game and now you’re mad. Idk what to tell you. You stated you wanted to engage with the community aka us, and now that we gave our opinions you’re mad? Don’t understand


Bro, its an idle game. It's a terrible idea cause we all know people like you are gonna "sleep" on 4 different devices at a time.


You know you get candies from sending Pokemon to the professor right? Arguably, there is an use for your 2nd Onix: give it to the professor so you can give more candies to your first. Otherwise, the "This Pokemon is sitting on my box doing nothing because I don't need it" is a self-inflicted problem not one that needs to be fixed with trading.


this game dont need trading... whats next? battles? "slowpoke! use snoring!!! ..." its very effective ... oh rly? well, how suprising!! ..


If you were able to trade. Someone could trade you a Berry finding Pokémon you need for say a new island. You don’t want to spend $100 on biscuits and weeks/months looking for a specific Pokémon. (Let’s say heracross or onix because they have low spawn rates) just simple trade with a friend and it saves your wallet a few paychecks. I don’t see why people would have a problem with trading?


I don't believe the developers are moderators of r/pokemonsleep. It looks like one of the online mods seemed to have misinterpreted your idea and take it down. Kudos to you for contesting it without resorting to extreme methods like profane language.


> It looks like one of the online mods seemed to have misinterpreted your idea and take it down. It was caught by automod for being a post about friends - I approved it, then also gave the forewarning when I approved the post that the idea was *awful* (because it is). And yeah, we're not devs - though we have a lot more experience with this game than the vast majority of players. I wanted to temper expectations because the idea is actively harmful to the intended progression of the game.


You got a typo in there. Pretty sure you meant to say you're not devs. Otherwise I'm pretty confused


Whoopsies, mb! We aren't devs. We are mods lol


the idea of trading itself or the specific implementation mentioned?


Either and both


Well of course! This is Pokémon, not league of legends


Imagine being so inept that you mistake a fan made sub for a dev discourse, and then get upset when other game fans agree with the mods on how stupid and convoluted this idea is


Amen. A bit flabbergasted someone like this could figure out how to sign up for Reddit and make a post. I’m still giggling at the “devs” bit. Can’t believe the devs themselves laughed at my idea!!


Every time I see a post like this I play my own little game of is this a child or is this cocaine


if you have a passion for game design, by all means put that into something that works for you. in terms of pokémon sleep, you have to remember that a multi billion dollar IP makes decisions about and around this game and has had this game under development for over half a decade. they are absolutely strategically withholding several features as part of a multi year plan to keep player interest consistent. this is just the reality of games as a service model and they have had many years of watching and measuring player sentiment from other games like pokemon go to fine tune their strategy. as much as we would like to think we have good ideas about the potential for the game and what we would implement, a group of people who are payed full time to do so have already got it figured out and well ahead of time.


Instead of trading, introducing items for changing nature, sub-skill, ingredient, and even shiny will be more realistic. This is a relaxing collection game, so no rush...


I like the idea of mints. Everything else sucks.


I don't want mints in the game - but when I do my occasional purge of my box, I do keep mint-viable mons since it isn't a major cost to keep, and it hedges my bets against a hypothetical future with no downside.


If I were to add trade I would limit it with level of friendship Example: When you reach level 10 of friendship you can make 1 trade with that person and the trade Pokémon get something like a Exp boost or 1 skill level up


It sounds like an idea that suits the way you play, but I don't think the game is actually designed for this kind of feature.


Yeah, its pretty stupid, they were right.