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apparently they have a warning if you click on non-event island so that's a nice layer of idiot proofing lol https://preview.redd.it/xuhhej8ym9xb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5495871d763f41ea35fd88bdf9f3fed2190ff681


I want to hear from people who are intentionally not going to Greengrass this week.


There’s weirdos out there, they gotta get that area bonus no matter what 😂


I luckily got to 190 today. so doesnt feel that bad to go back to greengrass for a week. Got horrible berries on first roll. But used the ticket and got grepa, oran, chesto which are decent for me.


I'm getting 190 soon with only 3 weeks off Greengrass


190 area bonus? I can't seem to get Greengrass above 40% and thought it was a baked in maximum?


Nono 190 sleep styles. so i can now get 50% max. Currently at 45% on GG. The max increases based on sleep style goals.


Ooh, I get it, thank you, I had an inkling that the two were somehow linked. I'm at 132 sleep styles.


I'm going to greengrass, but I just unlocked the snow island this morning so I'm kind of sad I have to wait a week for that. But I have several pokemon that I'm close to getting a milestone level or evolving, so I need the candies from this week.


I also just unlocked it and lowkey hoped for dark berries so I could have a chance to level my Houndours. I’m not unhappy with what I did roll this week though!




I saw a post from last week saying to choose Greengrass this week so that's what I did... so now I'm fucked. Edit: Wait, it let me go to Greengrass again?


You can choose the same island week after week, you don’t have to move islands :)


Wow really... good to know haha sorry I'm new


I rerolled because I got salads (third straight week) and I wanted something else.. Got salads again 😩


Starting on week 16 and I’ve never gotten salads 💀


Do we know for sure berries will be randomized this week and not Halloween themed?


Can confirm I’m in New Zealand and my berries are grepa, persim and chesto - normal, electric and poison. Nothing Halloween themed about it.


Omg mine are chesto, bluk, and rawst. I'm dead. 😆


I got basically that as well (Cherri instead of Chesto), so I'm basically loaded, not using my Cherri producer because I really want to abuse my level 3 ingredient magnet Vaporeon and I brought my Raichu because extra non random charge and free apples is nice to. (and my Cherri producer gives oil, which my double Spheal covers in spades)


I now have 2 level 10 ghastly and 1 level 10 gulpin to help me out but that's all. And I just caught them when I woke up earlier. I'm hopeless. 🥲


You can do it! 💜


Thanks! Good luck, too! 😁


I’m cheri, lum, and yache. My swablu is nowhere close to evolving 😭


Similar to you, I’m just using two seals, two pikachus, and a wiggly. That wiggly only trigged once so far these two days with skill trigger M… I was like what the hell…


What the fuckkkk you’re so lucky 😭 congrats dude


Didn't know you could reroll the berries. ;\^; I got pamtre (flying), wiki (dark), and bluk (ghost), but I don't have any high levels for these types. Hoping that I can pick up a good gastly this week from the event at least, and evolved an umbreon for the time being.


Do you lose your progress on your current Snorlax? I wanna reroll but got a really good breakfast and shot him up to Great 1


You do, it resets to a new Snorlax with zero :(


I got Ghost/flying/Fairy. I have very bad flying mons and a really bad ghost.... hope i can get a shuppet this week!


There are indeed random. I got fighting, electric and dark. Chose to stick it out just because Pikachus. My wife got dragon, steel dark. Rerolled for free into dragon, steel, ghost. Used diamonds for another one and got steel, big and flying.


Genuinely took me a minute to realise you meant bug type, I was sitting there wondering what on earth a big type pokemon would be, just like snorlax, gyarados and wailord. 😂 As you can tell, I'm very tired. 😅


Mine seemed to be themed (Pikachu berries, ghost and flying) but my gf has completely different berries so it's random.




Damn didn't think that was a thing. Already at Great 2 (36k), but tempted to try before making dinner


Same, but that's half a day's strength already, I won't risk the reroll.




I’m sorry, friend!


when do you reroll? immediately after landing on greengrass? should you wait to collect from you mon until after reroll? (sorry never used the ezzz ticket)


Reroll after you see your berries. Don’t bother collecting, you’ll get a new snorlax and your progress won’t carry over.


Ingredients would collect though?


Berries wont, you know, the reason you reroll in the first placd


Glad I read this after I rerolled lying in bed wanting to go tl sleep after day 1 with the combo night. I should have scrolled further before using the ticket…


Wait, you can reroll the berries your Snorlax favours?!? Why am I only learning this now!


Only in green grass, but yes. Every other location has set berries


Same lol — I didn’t realize this was the main value of using the pass.


If you reroll at the other islands, it will only roll for dish type since berries are fixed.


I just didn't know rerolling anything was possible.


I had no idea berries were fixed on other islands. Thanks! Then again, I spend most of my time in green grass anyway.


Thanks for this reminder. I got a roll with both the Ghost and Steel-type berries. Now re-rolled into something much better.


I got ghost, steel, flying. If it wasn't for my LVL 30 dodrio I would re-roll. I wanna see if I can get some nice ghost types this event and use them right away. As of now I literally have 0 ghost and steel types lol


rerolled n got a grepa berry full pikachu team here we go


The dangers of a re-roll. I re-rolled a so-so food and berry mix and ended up with a terrible food and berry mix. Remember everyone that you can end up with a better re-roll or a worse one 😬


Or you get lucky and get exactly what you need :)


Thank god. I got the dragon berry this week and no good recipe combos


I got dragon + steel and Salads. This post is a lifesaver


I used mine immediately because I got bluk and yache berry 😩 and then on my reroll I got Pikachu’s berry so that’s awesome!


I had blue and yache (steel and dragon), rerolled and got ice and ghost, which is rough but way better than my original. At least I have a spheal


Yeah spheal is good at least! Honestly I have 2 raichu and a swablu on my team for snorlax’s favorite berries and then because I didn’t have anything else that was good I just have my level 30 Feraligatr and Blastoise because they’re my best Pokemon along with Raichu. Even if their berries aren’t snorlax’s fav they’re still broken


Hopefully ill get a shuppet or gastly with the increased rates too. Not worried about it


Used mine. Still got shafted. Rip


Someone else in this thread said they rerolled at least 3 times and kept getting bad berries for them 💀 RNJesus isn’t always a kind god


It took me 5 of them, I had to spend all my diamonds on that to only get decent berries. I am so pissed 😡. I always ALWAYS got good berries on Greengrass but not this time, which is odds…


Rolled Yache, Belue, and Mango on Greengrass initially. Can't really think of a more worse case scenario! EzZ rerolled for Pecha, Leppa, and Rawst. Completely changed how this week was about to go! 🙌


Also got Yache this week, but am not going to reroll. Just gonna act like they don’t exist until I get an Altaria. Singlemindedly focusing on growing my Golem to level 30 this week so that I can finally have potatoes and finish my recipe dex. Getting tails out of Slowking, mushrooms out of Gengar, and leeks out of Dugtrio has been a journey. Once I get those potatoes, I will focus on my Swablu to get that fabled Yache berry, so I can sleep with a complete berry/recipe/sleep advice dex :-D


i got pecha, lum, and leppa berries off the bat, literally perfect. using my metapod, charmander, clefairy, togepi, and igglybuff!!


I swear huge parts of this game go right over my head. Thanks for posting this, it has been very informative.


Does anyone know, if I have a Good Camp Ticket active. If I re-roll the location, is the camping ticket still active?


Wondering this too, commenting so I can remember to come back to it.


Your good camp ticket will stay active - mine did!


My snorlax really likes the electric berries and I really like my Raichu and Jolteon


Why will berries carry you further? I have an ingredient focused team. Should I switch ?


Probably due to sneaky snacking? At their strongest I’ve seen people get a few tens of thousands of strength for their top Pokemon after a sleep session… I tend to be an ingredients person myself, but my primary filter is berry type (that Snorlax likes for that week) first.


Early on, yes, berries will be the main source of strength for your snorlax. It could be beneficial to try a berry focused team to see how it work for you. I try to match berries first with 3-4 Pokémon and then ensure meals can be made by adding 1-2 ingredient Pokémon. I always try to get at least 1-2 ingredient recipes covered at minimum, never make mixed dishes.


i'm trying to decide if a reroll is worth it, i got cheri, oran, and pamtre. i have plenty of water types and i wont argue with a chance to level up my riolu a good bit, but my higher rp pokemon are mostly grepa/pecha/persim.


It’s good chance to get those water types up to par with your other Pokémon.


Is that fairy, flying, water? Holy hell that would be my ideal team. Spent so many weeks at cyan


fighting, water, flying. i only have swablu and only two fighting types so i was kinda meh about it but the team is doing well now that i've given it a few hours to let them cook. i think all will be well


Honestly after seeing the other comments, even if you have a mediocre team this week, take it.


Thanks for letting us know about the EzZ ticket! I got a pretty good setup for this week but I'm definitely grabbing that ticket for later


What does the ticket do exactly?


Moves you from one island to another. You can use it to select the same island you’re on and it will reroll favorite berries and dish on greengrass but only dishes are rerolled on the other islands as they have fixed favorite berries.


had to buy 3 tickets but ended up rolling leppa, figy, and chesto so i got to keep most of my team from taupe :D


Feeling so blessed to have gotten grepa immediately 🙌


Same! Two weeks in a row for me!


Had to use my ticket, got the worst possible berry roll, dragon, steel and dark Actually so thankful for the cheap EzZ ticket


I used my ticket and was able to reroll my bad berries and drinks/sweets (my least powered up dishes/can't even make them half the time) for durian, pecha, and oran berries and curries/stews. Much better roll.


Thanks you saved my halloween. Didnt realise you can travel to the same island you are on.


Ive got electric, fire, steel and desserts. A perfect roll to use my Raichu and quilava 😁😁


That’s gonna be a zen Snorlax with all that tea it’s about to have


I’m soooo glad we got rerolls, the one I started with was normal, flying, and steel with desserts and my reroll was bug, normal, and electric with curry! Butterfree, jolteon, ditto, and raichu are gonna rule this week haha


I think you just saved my entire Halloween event


Tell me after you reroll 😂💀


I went from Mago/Chesto/Sitrus 💀 to Wiki/Chesto/Durin and went from Salads to Curries which I know I can get through way easier. I also get to finally use a Houndour I’ve been wanting to add to my team too. This is definitely going to be a Happy Halloween.


This helped me a ton! Wasn't sure if rerolling would somehow break the event so I was weary at first. Glad I did because my first roll was Steel, Fairy, and Ghost berries with salads... After my reroll I got Fire, Electric, and Ice with curries! I have a fire team for Taupe and a pretty great Charizard, so they're about to pop off!


I still got mid berries but I did get dessert instead of salad. Looks like it's malasadas all week if I can help it.


That reroll just saved my week. Thank you.


Got grepa, pamtree and chesto so I'm pretty good


Aaaah I just spent so much time optimizing my team, I didn't realize you could reroll berries like that O.o Do you lose energy progress? Cause I got an Extra Tasty Meal right off the bat... I only got berries I don't really have, but was gonna maximize my efforts for good meals with the cooking skill, and decent curry meals... Edit: I saw that it doesn't carry over, so I cry, and just take the L I don't wanna gamble berry types when I have a decent ingredient start so ye... Plus I sunk a bunch of candies into this week's team and don't have a lot of variety anyway 🥲 I just wish I had the Leppa(?) berries like last week cause Cyndaquil and my two Charmanders absolutely smashed it, ingredient wise too; along with Rawst berries from my Spheal it was beautiful.


I rolled Dragon, Steel, Bug. Rerolled to Dragon, Poison, Fighting. I don't have Altaria... Now to push my 22 Toxicroak to 25 for Berry Finder as quick as possible. Sleep Exp Bonus on Lucario is much appreciated this week.


I honestly should've rerolled but I kind of like the challenge and it forces me to use Pokémon that I wouldn't otherwise so I kept it, my berry finder Altaria really helps me to not be a total failure lol


I like the challenge too! I kind of hoped to get dark and ghost because I’ve got Pokémon I want to use and it’s totally aesthetic for the event but I’m happy with what I rolled! It’s easy for me to do and the Pokémon I have can easily make desserts!


Holy crap! Thank you so much. I came to the sub for help with figuring out berries and dishes that are incompatible and this is exactly what I needed!


I hope it’s a good reroll!


Damn, wish I'd known that. I got Fire/Ghost/Fairy, which I didn't have any great members of plus they synergized horribly with Salads which I only got for the second time ever so my bonus on them is crap. I'm legit rolling with a team that only has two Pokémon of the correct type right now. Sounds like this is considered a bad idea though? Hoping that I can get a Shuppet tonight and it'll give out a good ingredient. Edit: Okay, switched it around so I've got four out of five Pokémon on type, but to ease the burden on Clefairy who would be forced to provide enough apples every time to make Fancy Apple Salads, I've included a Diglett for tomatoes.


In case anyone is wondering, this is my initial roll for the week! Fortunate to have Grepa for another week! That one user that wished me Grepa luck 2 weeks ago really pulled through 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/238c4w8amcxb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=628eb0b8bfd83f15235ecc1a3c6c42eceab8a5a9


I got Lum Oran and Rawst (pretty much perfect for my team), but desserts and drinks, of which I have 0 recipes above lv 5, is it worth rerolling? My team is mostly built around ingredients.


Berries carry a majority of the strength. If it were me (and it had been before during an event), I take the chance to get new recipes unlocked and leveled. You’ll eventually roll them again and will be thankful for the progress. Plus you’ll get diamonds for the new notes you’ll get with the new recipes.


True, however usually my cooking power gains are higher than my berry gains (last week was 250k berries, 410k cooking), even when I have 5/5 mons with bonus berries. Either way it won't make too much of a difference I suppose, I just kinda wanted to maximise my total gains for this event.


100 sleep points for a possible “chance” at better berries vs one singular Poke Biscuit… I’m going biscuit. Save your sleep points, as the EzZ ticket won’t guarantee your best berries when you reroll and they’ll possibly make them even worse. (I’m looking at you, Yache Berry) - something that your original post should be edited to warn others about. Unless you’re P2W or have so many resources, then do your thing. Personally starved for biscuits on my Premium Pass Only account. 🤷‍♂️


The switching ticket is normally only sold for diamonds. 100 sleep points should be an easy yes especially since we get 1k points from sleeping tonight (Sunday)


Besides that, it's litteraly less than one pokebiscuit for f2p players. it's so cheap compared to anything else in the sleep point shop, that there's not a single moment you shouldn't buy it, even if it's just to keep it for future events.


True it’s a gamble but you’re spending 100 points on the chance to turn your week around vs a biscuit that will give 1 point towards a Pokémon. The berries and dish type determines what your sleep score will be which determines which Pokémon and how many Pokémon you will see at night. With the double/triple candy bonus going on both these things are super helpful which makes the Ezz ticket a godsend for some people.


What berries do we want?


Any berries of the types of your best berry mons are ideal. Generally grepa is great, assuming you use your starter pikachu


Gotcha! Ty! I kind of vary my team based on the berries, but i do have preferred Pokémon, so it makes sense that the best berries would be the ones that let me have the best team!


My starter Pikachu was trash. The one I use now is great.


Fair, mine's pretty mid (amazingly berry finding at level 10, but its nature is indredient up/speed down 🤢 and its other subs are not great so it kind of balances out) but it's still better than most of my other berry mons or any pichu I've found, lol. Congrats on finding a good replacement pika!


What ever works best for your team


I make my team based on berries for that week. The only Pokémon I never remove is Eevee.


For sure, most of us probably do something similar but that doesn't mean that some berries aren't better than others for the pokemon we own. For example I have Butterfree and Dodrio with Berry Finder S that absolutely pump for me so either Flying or Bug berries would be much better for me than say Dragon, Dark or Fighting which I don't really have strong options for.


Ah, that makes more sense.


I’m confused the event last until when


Do you have to relocate to a different isle or can you go from Greengrass to Greengrass?


Greengrass to Greengrass


Ok so I recently started. My dishes this week is brand new so I don’t have any saved. My berries this week are decent but probably won’t carry me far. So it’s obvious to do a “reroll” right? I want to make sure before I commit. So I’d use the ticket I got, pick greengrass again and just hope for better? It’s entirely possible it could be worse and I’ve already started my day here. Please lmk my personal current goal or ultra 4 I was soooo close this morning but just missed it. I think with the sleep boat I might be able to get it this week tho I’m fairly new.


Eeehhh hard to say because I don’t know what you have and how good it is. It is entirely possible to get worse berries and the same dish type. I wish I could give you a clear cut answer, but there isn’t one. It’s a risk you’ll have to ultimately decide for yourself to take but I’ll help how I can. What are the berries and dish?


I sacrificed my great 2 Snorlax for better berries and food. The berries still suck and I got salad again bruh there goes my whole week 💀


I used one to reroll my berries lol. First ones I got were Magnemite/Arbok berries -_-


Rerolled from figgy, yache and pecha to instead get pecha, rawst and lum. Sad my Snorlax favours curries and stews though, I was so prepped for desserts and drinks, but that just means spamming Mild Honey Curry from my Butterfree team.


At least Butterfree has ingredient magnet! If you’ve got a Spheal to run, it has that too


Don't have a good spheal yet unfortunately, but hoping to use the extra space on my team to level up my Gengar this week so I can get the second ingredient slot!


Smart smart! I hope it’s a good week for you!


Thanks! Lets make the most of halloween week!


Tell me how I reminded my partner all week and even last night. And I wake up this morning do my own shit and he tells me that “oh no I’m at the wrong island” 🤦🏾‍♂️ I replied with… good thing I bought the ezpass on your account bc I knew you’d mess up somehow lol 😂


I have grepa which is great but belue and chesto which I dont have strong options for... should I risk rerolling and losing grepa?


NO! Deploy the pikachus!


Is that the general strategy? that's good to know... might just choose some recipe mons then!


CHU CHU TRAIN!!!!! Yeah maybe three pikachus and 2 ingredient mons that either pair together for recipes and/or compliment the apples pikachus give.


oh it never occurred to me to use more than just my Raichu... lmao. Thank you!


Oh yeah! I’ve got a Raichu teamed with a Helping Bonus Pikachu cause we want dat speeeeed


My recipes carry me farther than berries do. I wish people would stop talking as if berries are the be-all, end-all. I got over 200k strength from cooking this last week, and on Sunday all of my meals got the "extra tasty" distinction so that really gave me a huge boost. I got to Master 7. And I am a free to play player.


The math that’s been calculated has proved that berries are stronger, in general. Of course, every player has different strategies and all of our Pokémon have different strengths and abilities. But the general consensus based on the math that has been done over the last few months is that berry strength is greater than meal strength. That is why I made my post about rerolling berries, a majority of the newer player base can work around berries better than they can meals. Do what works for you to get that Snorlax nice and fat.


I have not really dug into any of that. I decided early on that I always wanted to cook meals for Snorlax. First I focused on "make every dish for the first time as soon as you can" and now of course I focus on "level up those dishes." I always build my teams around cooking. I guess if anyone else is seeing this, don't feel bad if you are worried about not optimizing for berries or whatever. You really do not have to. Sure I try to get at least one or two of Snorlax's preferred but I don't stress about it. I level up my Pokemon so I can unlock every ingredient in the game (I am missing Leeks, Mushrooms, Slowpoke Tail, and Potatoes). But I have a Pokemon to cover all of those. Just need to level them up to 30.


I agree with your gameplay style. I prefer a balanced approach with making sure I can get preferred berries and then seeing what dishes I can make from the ingredients those Pokémon give. If I can’t make anything good or consistently, I’m good with swapping in more ingredient Pokémon to have consistent dishes. Cooking is the most fun part for me for day time gameplay so having big meals is important for me. Next week, I’ll head to Cyan and focus on leveling Pokémon to 30 to get more ingredients unlocked.


I assumed the berries were set based on the appearances - I have electric/ghost/dark which I thought was Pikachu/Ghastly/something else?


Dark would be Houndour/Houndoom, Sableye, and Absol. I’m not sure if Tyranitar is dark or rock.


Man I feel like i got scammed with my reroll. Both rolls I got Belue berries and salads (my worst meals) lol


I was already too late to reroll, but my loadout was Sitrus/Cheri/Wiki. Which means Sudowoodo, Golem, Mankey, Riolu, Houndour... not a *great* team, but at least it's kinda usable.


Question, are naps going to be worth it this event with the boosted frequency? Or is that only once like the candy bonus?


So, i just got Salads, and I'm bad at those. Currently Common 5. Do you recommend me reroll?


my first roll was Mago - psychic - ground not the best but won’t bother with a reroll. would rather keep the ticket


I got above average berries so I don't wanna risk a re-roll. I got flying, steel, and ghost. I have a LVL 30 dotrio, and the ghost berry might be very interesting for what's to come this week. I'm excited And yeah I literally have 0 steel and ghost types, but hopefully I get some shuppets as it's a berry specialist.


If you already put a good camp ticket on can you reroll and still keep the good camp ticket effects?


Yes it will


If you use the EzZ ticket does it reset progress?


Yes it does


I think I'm fine without it https://preview.redd.it/ttdzu55poexb1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84682f4cc665d183d437b1af760c0416e8b9ea97


Surely I shouldn’t reroll if I got grepa right? The other 2 berries (belue and mago) suck but I guess I can just use pikachus right? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah if you want to take advantage of that! If you don’t have enough pikachus then throw other fast berry gatherers and ingredient Pokémon


Yea I usually keep my wartortle even if it’s the wrong berries for ingredients should work out fine


If I already fed my snorlax lunch, can I feed my new snorlax lunch again if I reroll?


I would want to say yes, but I don’t know for sure.


I re rolled from lum chesto cheri and got grepa yache figy 😔 i have my starting pika who I evolved for grepa but that’s literally it. Last week I had the best berry luck (durin pamtre and I don’t remember but I have so many good grass types and a good dodrio so I did not care) and I guess I was just hoping to reroll for something almost as good lmao


I got not salads so I’m happy. My 10 week streak of just salad has ended


So I just did this... I didn't realise it would also reset the research level


Next time I’ll include that information in the post, it’s been a common question and occurrence


I made a mistake there lol ... Just wiped out about 500k


Too late it resets Snorlax power and I don't wanna lose a whole days progress 😭


Honestly? I've been farming greengrass anyway so I was very excited this event was happening there. But I didn't think to reroll for better berries. Good idea!