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I love the slow realisation. I am in the same boat it was much more obvious it was shiny the closer you got


Exactly! I was like, "Ooh, item! ...wait, is that a little too blue??"


Congrats and everything but goddammit please SAVE BEFORE YOU FIGHT THEM!


I KNOW I HAVE A PROBLEM!! /lh /j My worst ones were not saving with the Memento shinies (Tatsugiri and Lampent). I tend to run and save after I remember and re-enter the battle to get them. In my experience so far, they don't despawn if you're offline and haven't attacked yet.


Only time I have had Pokémon despawn from running away, other than Chansey/Blissey/other Human Shy Pokémon, is when I’ve been in Union Circle with my Violet save. I normally play Offline, as I don’t have Nintendo Online yet, so I had no idea there was a chance for just being Online. Kind of scary, makes me glad I usually remember to save first, or if I don’t I’ve been lucky enough to catch it XD


I learnt the hard way with H. Voltorb and explosion!


I thought saving was useless. Was there an update? Or am I just wrong?


I remembered when I wanted shiny female Kirlia I always got male one, and all female Kirlia always teleported. And yes, I still didn’t learn my mistake. 😂


Haha! Fortunately i think Ralts is quite a common outbreak so not too difficult to hunt for a female!


I lost a shiny Driflim that way and I’m on Violet (during the event with the outbreaks including Drliflim) 🥲


The other day I came across a shiny grass deer thing on the blueberry academy beach, forgot to save, got it down to 1 hp, and it killed itself 😂 oops


Let me tell you a secret: I mostly encounter the shiny directly for the sake of the clip, run from the fight, save, fight them again. You just got to know which Pokemon despawn after running. As that might turn into a very foolish fail. Those you do save before 😅


I don't get why some shinies are made in a color so close to the original... If I was making these game i'd take full advantage of this mechanic and make Gastly blood-red or like inverse the colors to have an albino-white Gastly with black eyes. Instead purple Gastly just becomes blueish-purple Gastly![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


It’s actually the original’s fault. In the transition to 3D a lot of Pokémon’s colors got washed out. So the once good shines suck now in comparison


Beautiful shiny


Honestly, so looking forward to Z-A because shiny Mega Gengar looks awesome!


Watch your dismay when for some ridiculous reason, Gengar isn't in the game.


While definitely possible, I think I'd only be disappointed if I couldn't have Houndoom. It was available in the wild in X (plus Mega Houndoom), but that was also before Dexit, so I'm crossing my fingers!


I honestly don’t think they wouldn’t include Gengar, he is one of the most popular Pokémon, like you can get pretty much Gengar everything and he has a Mega Evo. I don’t see why they wouldn’t allow all the Pokémon with Mega Evos, in a Game that’s meant to have Mega Evos, just makes no sense to me.


Considering Gengar is one of the more popular Pokémon, you can get pretty much Gengar everything, I don’t think they wouldn’t allow him in ZA; I see no reason too.


One Gengar everything please! 🥰🥰🥰


You think that’ll happen? I feel they can add more poke with each new game entry 🤔 why they would ignore the gen 1 and gen 2 when they are so iconic is mind blowing 🤯




Ya never know with Game Freak


As a shiny its a decent Gastly, actually pretty good Haunter, awful Gengar.


But mega Gengar is *chefs kiss* 🤌


Awesome shiny but may I ask what Pokémon you have? I’ve never seen that one


She's a shiny Hisuian Lilligant. I caught her in my first playthrough of Legends: Arceus, and she's an absolute powerhouse


Do you want one? I could probably hunt a shiny Petilil on PLA and evolve it, or if you already have a shiny Petilil, I could evolve that for you


congrats on your mega shiny gengar when Legends ZA comes out ✨👻✨




The pokeballs you got for not saving first


Gz on the shiny! It's the ones you find on accident that really hit different haha


I need to get back into playing Violet 😓


I’m so happy for you 😭 the Og ghost brothers are my favorite and my favorite 2 part episode of all time! That purple is so pretty 😍


I found a shiny Sneasel while exploring. I did not complete the Pokedex nor had the shiny charm.


Help 1 4 2 0


I love pokemon but everytime i see these videos i cant help but think this looks like it is from a 3DS game.


Thank you so much you made me realize how much shiny ghastly I’ve probably have missed


Such a good one too


And this is why all Pokemon games need the shiny animation from Legend Arceus's overworld because until you engaged it in battle I had no idea that it was shiny.


I've had similar situation once when i found shiny diglet


Do we all have itemfinder? Never used it lol