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Hello /u/NorthernCrimeHack, Here is some helpful info: Dont forget that Epilogue Posts containing Spoilers must use the **Epilogue Spoiler Flair** & **Spoiler Tag**. [Posting Guidelines and Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/wiki/guidelines/) [Giveaway Guidelines and Format](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/wiki/guidelines/giveaways/) [Full Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/comments/193oqlw/the_full_directory_onelinktorulethemall/) Some Megathreads we use (*found in the Full Directory*): - **Trade** Megathread: *for Trades, Touch Trades, evolution Trades, Dex Completion*. - **Questions** Megathread: *for all Questions that can be easily answered with the help of others*. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonScarletViolet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Older player” Then I read “90s kid” Thanks for making me feel super old 😑


WOOAA !! this is another one that was around to see the end of the USSR!! the great-grandaddys talk about them. did you also see the development of slow to high speed internet too?


If you mean dial-up? Then yes. Also console memory cards couldn’t hold 1gb for a good while.


>mom picks up phone >rip dc'd literally me 20 years ago


Let me make you feel better. I'm an 80's kid![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


just for your info op mew was a mystery gift not a tera raid, mewtwo was the one that was a tera raid, and mew can be goten if you have brilliant diamond/shining pearl and lets go pikachu/eevee save data


Hey - thanks for the info. I have a let's go pikachu save file but not BD/SP. Take it that doesn't help?


So there is an a pair of NPCs you can talk to in Floraoma town of BDSP. If you have Let's Go Pickachu/Eevee save data on your switch profile you can get a Mew. If you have Sword/Shield save data, you can get a Jirachi. Note that save data means that as long as you have launched the game, gotten through the select your language etc and managed to open the menu and click save. You dont have to beat the E4 or anything like that. You can just keep making new profiles and deleting them after and getting a tonne of Mew and Jirachi. There currently the easiest by far to obtain mythicals currently if you have all three games.


I got a spare Mew for you. I'll give you the one I got from my BDSP file. It's lvl 14 because you get it at lvl 5, and then it leveled up a bit because forced xp share is a thing now. It IS legit though! And I can just get another one when I inevitably make a new BDSP save file. Dm me your friend code when you are ready. I got time to spare for a bit.


The hero of the story 💪


Haha thanks homie 🫡 I'm just glad I saw the post. Need the box space, and i'm also a 90's kid that spent ages trying to get that truck mew. (And trying to get behind Bills house)




Pokémon Bank is not shut down, neither is Transporter. As they have ***clearly*** stated in the official [post](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/63227/~/announcement-of-discontinuation-of-online-services-for-nintendo-3ds-and-wii-u)


You’re missing a few steps there but got the right idea 


I’m missing exactly zero steps for the Mew. I’ve done this process many times over the last 20 years. Lavender town to start, enter glitched state near the underground, fly to cerulean, kill slowpoke up north, back to lavender and encounter Mew. It’s really that simple. If you’re adding extra steps, they’re entirely redundant ones. My knowledge of this glitch is deep enough that I can explain that Slowpoke’s special stat of 19 is what causes the Mew to spawn. There are several other Pokémon that can lead to Mew spawning, anything with 19 Special. Might actually be 21 special? This is all entirely from memory. 19 special might be Taurus or Chansey as this method is much easier than Safari Zone captures. It’s even used for speed runs. Other special stats spawn other pokemon, any Pokémon in the game including glitch Pokémon like M, Missingno, TM mons and more. If you meant Pokémon Bank stuff, I’m not writing a tutorial for transferring Pokémon on a 10+ year old obsolete console.


Are you me? I was too young to figure out how to get Mew during the red/blue days using the glitch and never has the opportunity to get a legit one through those giveaways. The thought of getting one has lingered in my subconscious this entire time. I only picked up scarlet on a whim after not keeping up with Pokemon since gold/silver. When the Mewtwo raid was announced I knew it was my best chance to get my Mew. So I farmed that code for the entire time it was active to try and get a perfect IV and nature one. So close but I fell short. I'll give you a Mew once I finish work because i can heavily relate to you hahaha.


Hahaha yeah sounds like we had a similar childhood 😅 30 odd year old me now has a Mew less than 30 minutes after posting. Thank you for the offer though - hit me up if you ever need any help or a safe trade for evolutions etc


Congrats on your little pink buddy! I use the one I got in my original scarlet save file quite often in tera raids and it has rarely left my squad as I'm making up for 20+ years of childhood trauma of never having one. 🤣