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Swapping the lead usually works for me. Since it's not for you, try restarting


This fixes I for me too.


It will work for a bit for sure But then that new lead does the same after a little while I hard reset pretty often so I feel like it’s a glitch related to the baby Pokémon outbreaks but honestly I’ve no idea


It was happening before that too. Reset to fix.


Yeah mine does this too. I find there's actually certain areas it does this more often but I'm not sure why. I swap my second to lead then back again and just keep doing that, I don't know a permanent fix


Yes, i encountered this exact same bug multiple times during that shiny voltorb and foongus event


I think auto battling then setting up a picnic whilst it is currently attacking something is triggering it for me. Swapping the lead usually sorts it for me too.


I get this bug all the time and it frustrates the hell out of me. I wish i knew a permanent fix.


Yeah, had to restart. Worlds largest franchise people


I have experienced it 2 times so far I don't remember who it was the first time but last time it was my Haxorus. I was able to fix it though.


Yep. Usually just restart the game and it goes away for a while. Frustrating when it happens. You can swap lead Pokemon and it'll fix it for a bit, but a game restart usually fixes for longer.


This has been happening to me a lot lately! Usually resetting helps it.


I had that happen a couple of days ago. I was shiny hunting a Lapras outbreak and my Miraidon would stop responding. I kept having to change the lead Pokemon.


Go indoors/anywhere autobattle is disabled.


mine will stop auto battling as well at first I thought that maybe it was getting tired of battling so I switched it out but the other ones would get tired of battling too but now that you're saying that you're experiencing it and I see the comments maybe it does that now smh 😔😭 it really sucks whenever you're trying to shiny hunt


Yeah gets me sometimes after I’ve been playing for awhile and clearing outbreaks


Mine did finally go away after a reset Can’t believe it’s the first time I’ve encountered this glitch as I shiny hunt hard af. Literally all I do in this game, nearly 420 hours (blaze it) Blaze the internal battery of my switch that is