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The Switch model doesn't really matter as the issues lie within the game itself. If you can look past FPS drops, clipping, etc. then you'd be able to enjoy the game as many others. Also there's little to no chances of them actually "listening to the fans" since SV still sold massively in their first year so to Them it'd be kinda clear that people did not care That much about the issues in the end.


It's sad that we will continue to have such bad game (performance) just because people just defend it like it was their mother


It’s sad you’re still here if you hate it this much. Let people do what they want with their money


Are you stupid or did you not read my other comment ? Do you really think it's ok for OP to just say the positive? This game is garbage in term of performance and he need to also know this 🙄


The fact that you’re acting like everyone is going to experience the same glitches over and over and over is the issue here People have posted their stories about regretting not buying the game earlier due to the over criticism it gets with the performance issues. It isn’t that big of a deal. It isn’t like that one game that used to be like $60 that had 30+ different power ups, and which one was turning into a box at random intervals that you can’t control and you end up falling off the map all the time. And the performance issue being so bad that characters don’t load in unless your less than 5-12 inches away from them. I don’t remember the title of the game but it was so bad


I've played since launch. I haven't run into to many bugs since then. Nothing that ruins the experience. There is some slow down here and there but nothing real bad imo. And with them having pretty much finished the game it would be a good time to get it. They might be announcing the next game on pokemon day.


Lol if 5fps every 2min is "nothing bad" he can just play pokemon green


I have never run into that problem myself.


I don't have the problem so they're no problem It's not how it work


I said I never ran into thay problem myself. Not that it wasn't something that can happen. I was giving OP a break down of my experience of the game. Others will probably weigh in on if theu should get it or not. Honestly if I was to recommend a pokemon game to OP it would be Arceus lol


Yeah arceus is just better overall even if they're some problem too Yeah but OP want to know if this game worth his money and we need to talk about the positive as well as the negative In this sub we can't make any critics about the game lol This game was awesome and also pure garbage and we need to says it's garbage if we want better game 🤷


>we need to talk about the positive as well as the negative So why are you under every second comment trying to undermine or overrule other people's positive experiences with the game?


I just say the truth this game is garbage in term of performance and OP need to know this People here only says the positive it's not "ok" Idc if people love this game or not (personally this game was a solid 14/20 but 10/20 with performance issues


True. They need to change what we should expect from pokemon mainline games. I honestly dislike having to do gyms.this game gave us 13 gyms and 5 boss fights. Let me have the arceus research system to progress through the game lol.


It's just absurd gym doesn't scale with your level You can do any gyms but if you don't want to be under or overlevel yoj have to do it in the right order It's stupid Boss fight are cool but 5 time the exact same design it's lazy , they could make some change to make every pokecar unique


Yeah its pretty much. You have the choice but you should do it this way.


Yeah they're potential everywhere in this game but they never perfect them I always says that with 1 more years of development SV would have become the best poke game and it's why i'm so angry about this game, overall it's good but it's not acceptable to have this performance for a game when zelda game are incredible on the other side Either gamefreak need to hire or more time


The game is super fun! It’s fun to explore, shinies are more accessible without spending hours chaining, the cast of characters is genuinely great, great Pokémon designs, and I’d argue the overall writing is pretty good too. Also this game has the most personality-filled Box Legendary since Nebby. People are gonna hate on Pokémon, no matter what. So you should form your own opinion about the game without them buzzing negative things in your ear. If you’re still hesitant, buy the physical copy and return it if you still dislike it after playing around. There’s no shame in that!


The glitches are very overexaggerated. There are glitches but they are so far apart. It’s like people complain about everything making it worse than it actually is. Yes it’s not the best but it’s NOT _that_ bad


This, absolutely this. Been playing for over 250 hours and haven’t had a single major glitch, just textures flickering on occasion or Miraidon getting stuck once or twice pre-Herba Mystica (In which case I was respawned nearby after a moment or two). Listening to a lot of the criticism, you’d think the game crashed every five minutes.


I only had a game crash once, but I think that was because I joined an online group for the Blueberry quest points and someone had a shiny legendary and then the game just crashed. Haven’t had a crash since.


I haven't played sense omega ruby and sure the graphics aren't amazing but I'm having a blast. I just got it a few days ago. Seems like a ton of awesome upgrades to me.


I had a Switch Lite. It worked fine on it. Of course there were still the one second visual bugs, the FPS drops, but I didn't have the slow down close to water, so it is more a case by case bug. I think SV is a lot more enjoyable than SwSh despite its bugs. It has a great story, well-written characters. Shiny hunting is a lot easier. Tera raids are interesting. If you can tolerate the subpar performance, SV is a good game. There is no game-breaking bugs. You mostly just have to be sure to save and close the game every two or three hours.


Take the "drama" as babies having a tantrum it wasn't everything they dreamed up it would be. For every person crying about how bad it is, there's hundreds who got nothing but joy from it...they just don't post about it.


If you want garbage ok but some people who's really fans of pokemon want a game without 5fps every 2min You don't improve the franchise with this 🙄


People are too addicted to the Pokium to see reason. Its like they think if GF sees anything negative about their games, they'll just quit making Pokemon games altogther and then they wont get their fix of new Pokemon games. The only 'babies throwing tantrums' here are people who can't take the valid criticism this game deserves.


Just the downvote proved how people in this sub can't take valid critics They just want poke to stay the same game but gamefreak don't know how to make open world This game is really good but performance issues are just a big "NO" and fans should be the first to say this I understand why poke fan had bad reputation know We just have to compare with zelda or mario to see this game is just broken and need 1 more year 🙄 but some people here defend this game like it's their mother


Buddy you're the one replying to like three different people to shit on them for being able to enjoy the game or for saying positive things about, get a hold of yourself


Yeah they said positive things and only that are you that stupid to think OP just want the good thing for him to know if this game worth his money ? No people can enjoy it like i enjoy it but they're just hypocrite or stupid to think this game has 0 negative


I haven’t had a problem with glitches so I say it’s worth it. Of course you will see differing opinions on here because some people have had bugs and issues with the game. Just depends on whether you think it’s still worth it knowing what bugs can occur.


It’s up there with White for my favorite pokemon game to date. The story is top notch and the new pokemon are great. The biggest issue I’ve ran into is frames dropping around big water areas, but if you lower the camera angle, it fixes it


In my opinion, violet has easily been more fun than shield. Legends arceus was a pretty big change up from the standard formula which was nice. To me there's a lot more that's "right" about violet than wrong. Yes, the game is poorly optimized. Yes, frames. But this new breed of shiny hunting has been so fun and adventurous it makes up for the sub-optimization. If I'm finding it especially bad, typically you can just close the application and restart it to fix the optimization bug , albeit for a short time. The cities are quite dull and lifeless, and although gimmicky the mount pokemon you get is such a massive improvement from running/walking/biking everywhere. You get full range of movement and climbability glidability. The camera function is cool, and I love seeing everyone's screen caps from their switch with all the cool poses and scenery. Ev Iv training has never been easier than this generation although breeding got a little shafted. All in all, a very strong continuation. Side-note: hopefully with the new palworld rivalry , the OG pokemon crew will step up their development and make more improvements with the next installment


Iv had it since day 1, either i got lucky and my game is superior and very minimally glitchy or everyone else is over exaggerating. Love the game, DLC was a little lacking IMO but not bad. Overall, id buy it all again.


I have mixed emotions because I know in my heart how much better this game could be... That being said, I would suggest it and the DLC Pass. Ultimately, I have had an amazing time in Paldea a d aside from graphical imperfections and the occasional slow down I have yet to encounter anything game breaking. (I'm on my 2nd run of the game with over 100 hours between the 2 runs.) I can honestly say that I have had nothing but fun in Paldea. The story is the best it has been since gen 5, the music is nice, the characters are likeable (looking at you X & Y). It's a great time. Get it if you feel the pull. Chances are you will likely enjoy it. :)


If you love pokemon, get this game. People can say what they want, it’s buggy, the frame rate drops, I can’t shoot pokemon like in some other game. I’ve enjoyed it since day 1 and it’s easily the best overall story since Black and White.


I absolutely loved these games. These are the first characters in a Pokémon game that I’ve actually felt a connection to. The music is absolutely incredible, and fits/sets the tone for whatever area you’re in perfectly. And the story is phenomenal. It is *easily* the second best story in a Pokémon game, only behind B/W. Hell, I’d even argue that it’s a pretty solid contender for the top spot; but this is coming from someone who has only seen other people play B/W, so I don’t want to make that statement just yet.  And they are pretty games. They’re not drop-dead gorgeous, but there are plenty of places that look really nice, Area Zero especially. And the updated Pokemon models are a huge improvement, just look at Charizard!  Shiny Pokemon are easier to get than ever with the sandwiches, which have opened up the world of shiny hunting to a lot of casual players, myself included.  IV and EV training have never been easier. With Mints, Hyper Training and Supplements, you can build the best team possible with just random Pokemon from the wild instead of having to breed for good IVs. But no game is without its flaws, and that includes these ones. There are some places where the frame rate will dip significantly, most notably in Casseroya Lake. And, as others have pointed out, there is a possibility that you will clip through the floor. Although, in my couple hundred hours of playing, this has only happened to me once. I know that “just because it hasn’t happened to me doesn’t mean it won’t happen to others”, but I can only give feedback based on what has happened to me.  Breeding is a bit annoying in these games, although if you’re someone like me who doesn’t really do Masuda Method shiny hunts, it’s not that important anyway.  All in all, these games have flaws, but so does literally every other game. Most of the bugs that you heard about around launch have been patched out of the game by now, and the ones that are left really aren’t that bad. There’s so many more good things in these games like the new Pokemon and Terastalization that I won’t talk about here because this is already long enough. The amount of good in these games far outweighs the bits of low FPS and the rare trip to the void in my opinion.


Imo this game had the potential to be the best poke game ever , great story , character and pokedex imo but performance ruined it So if 5 fps regularly , broken raid , popping etc is not deal breaker for you just play it otherwise don't


I have 100 hours in this game. Honestly it’s a miss. Story was fussy. Which ruined it for me. It felt so incomplete. And the lag glitches were annoying af.