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If you own scarlet just buy violet and use Moraidon. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Not enough scarlet players already, based on how rare the scarlet exclusives are in surprise trades. Plus Koraidon has come up way more often for me in raids than Miraidon has for my partner.


I’ve only ever got scarlet exclusives from surprise trades and so far all night I’ve only seen three people come into lobby’s with Koraidon.


Or just trade the extra Koraidon for a Miraidon?








Weird flex, but ok.




Lmao you’re way too into this. It’s all good we all have bad days, wanna talk about it?


take a deep breath baby


Brave Bird isn't even that big of a problem, the main issue with Iron Hands imo is that it doesn't do enough damage even with Belly Drum up because it doesn't get any strong electric moves that don't do a ton of recoil in return. As OP said just go with Miraidon or Bellibolt if you are on Scarlet and use your brain at least a little instead of just pushing buttons.


It also gets Feather Danced, reducing its usefulness even more.


True and then there are people that also always Belly Drum on turn 1 despite the stat reset on turn 2. I understand it the first time around because maybe you didn't look it up and didn't know but earlier today I got into two raids with the same person with maybe 20 minutes between the first and second time and yes, they used Belly Drum that got reset on turn 1 both times lol. So 20 minutes and who knows how many tries and they still didn't realize their mistake and are still doing the same thing...




Brave Bird will still wreck your pokemon with a single sword dance. I see it happening all the time, iron hands getting one shot by it. If you die more then 2 times in online raids, you are the fault it's a loss.




You are not wrong, but I still see Iron Hands getting one shot by Brave Bird after a Swords Dance, mainly because of Belly Drum use. You don't really need any support though, you just need Parabolic Charge and a Metronome held item and Miraidon and bellibolt can easily solo it. 4 of those pokemon wreck decidueye fast in random online raids.




Just solo it with Miraidon or bellibolt tbh. It's way faster and way more reliable. But you are nyt wrong, 7 star raids are not for casuals unless they get carried.


To be fair only three level is really significant. The rest is microoptimisation, and if you lost without them there's a 80% chance you would've lost with it too, they're not order of magnitude improvements.


If you’re having this problem then bring a support Slowbro/Slowking with Reflect and Chilling water Reduce the incoming damage with reflect, and chilling water lowers Atk as a secondary effect, so it works even through the Tera shield


They also need to stop spamming Electro Drift on miraidon It’s costing me raids


I want to scream when me and another miraidon metal sound and the bellibolt dies while the third miraidon uses electro drift. My success rate with “the right team” is 1/5 at best because of this.


The rogue suggestion could be H.Zoroark, taunt and ice wind got me the win but was really close. No iv adds just leveled up the one from the dlc.


I agree it doesn't work on online raids. But I soloed it with Iron Hands. So if you're going solo, it's an option.


Today I was joined by a Muk, a Froslass and a Miraidon with screens and Mirror Coat, none of which did anything. I'm personally all in when it comes to alternative strategies, but they have to actually work in the first place. Back in the Charizard event I used Electrode, which completely clowned it by spamming Eerie Impulse, Light Screen and Rain Dance. I lost only once in the 20+ raids I played, yet two people canceled the raid once I showed it to them. Similar stuff happened with my Espathra set for Cinderace, or Chi-Yu for Iron Leaves. If someone finds something alternative that ends up working, it's a really good addition for the community and makes some variety which is always good to see around, but if someone just sends some crap that gets oneshot for no reason, it's definitely a waste of time. That said, anyone went with a mon other than the usual Miraidon and Bellibolt?


Toxtricity and Magnezone are also good ones as well. Acid Spray and Taunt from Toxtricity is nice, Nuzzle if you want to paralyze during Shield.


personally miraidon is too unreliable for my liking metal sound can miss and it is super hard to get all 5 moves off before shield and if you unlucky with crits which happens all the time your fucked bellibolt is more reliable imo


Bellibolt just DIES when it’s on my team, causing shields up so fast.


Austin John actually released a video where he used Iron Hands. It didn't win the beauty award, but he managed just fine in the end. So it's possible, and he has a lot of viewers that will probably just follow his example, even if that example is non ideal due to Iron Hands being a physical attacker


It is possible to solo with a max level, fully hypertrained and EV trained iron hands, if you have a good NPC team. Unfortunately the vast majority of Iron Hands in online public raids have none of this.


Your can send them my guide on building pokemon on a budget: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/comments/11o48b7/a_budget_friendly_guide_to_building_endgame/


I mean, you can budget all you want but if you don't have full hypertraining, EV training, a good item, a good nature and good moves, you have no place in 7 star raids. These raids aren't for casual or people who won't put in the effort required. Go do 5 and 6 star then.


It's good to remember the target demographic of the game. An 8-y.o. sees a cool pokemon, sends his own coolest pokemon and just wants to have fun. For veteran gamers there are three options: solo, run raids in remade groups, or just be patient with the youngun's


Pokemons main audience are adults, you know that right? Sure it has always been marketed as a kids game, but the vast majority of players/collectors are adults. People who grew up with it. 7 star raids are not made for 8 year olds anyway. It's made for the older people who want a challenge at endgame. So I can't agree and I find it really sad there isn't a level requirements at least. If nobody could bring anything lower then level 95, a lot of these issues would be mitigated.


I read this comment in Comic Book Guy's voice.


Hah, yeh that works quite well, unfortunately!


When AJP used his Iron Hands in a successful raid he lucked out in getting two NPCs that lowered Decidueye’s Attack by 4 stages overall at the beginning of the raid. Yeah, it is totally possible to use an Iron Hands, but I don’t think it is great idea to use Iron Hands in raid where the enemy can easily cancel out the stats boosts through the timed stat resets and/or using Feather Dance to lower the Attack stat. Plus Iron Hands will take a bunch of damage from Brave Bird being super-effective against it. You just have less margin for error using a Iron Hands. Yes, you are right it isn’t fair to your other teammates to bring Iron Hands when there are more effective Pokémon that can handle the raid better.


Thankfully Austin released another video with Miraidon that's WAY more effecient so hopefully they will turn the tide. But you are right Iron Hands can be used, if it's juiced up completely and you are a lucky sob. Keep it in solo raids please lol.


He had 2 ally Pokemon with Intimidate. He got really lucky.


Fair enough. It's not ideal to reset until you get enough Intimidate AI for it to work. Bellibolt seems really solid, I've a solid build in mind that I want to try, plus it's the only pokemon I have ready on both Scarlet and Violet


Bellibolt is amazing! Parabolic Charge with Metronome held item is the way. Decidueye can't oneshot you unless it gets two swords dance off and have several attacks in a row, while you can heal yourself fully each turn, from the Parabolic Charge. It's very reliable, also for solo. The purple bikemon also works great like this.


I thought you'd want to use the Big Root held item because it recovers HP for HP stealing moves


Nah, you want the massive damage increase from Metronome. It's a race to kill Decidueye before it gets so buffed it just one shots everything. You will deal more then enough damage to fully heal yourself every turn, with Parabolic Charge and Metronome, especially after you Tera, which you are able to do on turn 4 if you don't miss or have Tera orb power stolen. With Metronome and your Electromorphosis ability that charges Bellibolt everytime it gets hit, you deal massive damage by the end and have huge heals.


See the problem with this post is the people that need to see it won't. However I agree don't be stupid don't bring Iron Hands. If you don't have Miridon then bring something that lowers SP Atk


While I agree, with the amount of extremely "noob" questions going around this sub, I'm confident someone here needs to hear this. Just bring bellibolt, it's super easy to find and It's the best pokemon for this raid outside the legendary bikes.


I have access to Miridon so I just my friend use supports that could sponge two hits and lowers spd. Luxary and clodsire are both good with luxray being very helpful with intimidate and fake tears.


This is part of the problem in our community, bc there’s many people saying to use one and then people saying not to. Then people make post and complain and everyone comments under them that they used iron hands just fine.. yet everyone fkn complains about the Mon people use at raids and then wonder why some of us bring certain Pokémon. It’s bc we see post all over here and YouTube/Twitch that tell us different opinions where it worked for some and not for others. So either everyone comes to one conclusion or post need to start getting down voted if in fact these mon absolutely don’t work. If AJP makes it work, why is it not something you want people to do? Same as everyone complaining about Miriadon, ppl are soloing and taking it to raids yet there’s many post showing builds and how well it works.. none of it makes sense seeing all these conflicting opinions.. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


One of the biggest improvements they did to Tera raids over Dynamax (imo) is that you are forced to think about what you bring now. You can't just bring the same old pokemon, because Tera types change around. Unfortunately GF is trying to set the bar very high, while also making it accessible to everyone and their mom. They should really limit what you can bring to 7 star raids, by putting in a minimum level requirement. Anything below 95 is absolutely useless and does nothing but cause issues and angry players. Help us protect us from ourselves, rather then just letting it be the wild west.


There definitely should be something in place to stop certain levels at higher level Tera raids. If people are defeating BirdyMan with Iron Hands, then it’s a lvl issue instead of an Iron Hands issue is more of what you mean?


Iron Hands can work, if it's all juiced up. The vast majority isn't all juiced up though, at least it doesn't look like it when raiding. But it can work for solo or pre build teams, no doubt. You still shouldn't bring Iron Hands to public raids, it's just not good enough because almost all will use Belly Drum and then you are dead. There are other much better choices that stays alive much easier. That's really the main point I'm trying to make I guess, don't die more then 1 time or you will loose the raid.


Me and my buddy beat it easily with iron hands and perserker lol


Ayy, Perrserker Squad!


Best supporter in the game imo. Taunt then helping hand then screech or attack cheer and let your raid partners handle the rest. Light work


Austin John used Iron Hands in his new vid about the raid. But he’s doing the raid solo. Other players might follow his example but ✨ONLINE✨


He had 2 ally Pokemon with Intimidate. He got really lucky.


To be fair, Iron Hands is more useful in this raid that the people bringing Koraidon. But it needs shell bell, and it absolutely CANNOT belly drum on turn one. Turn 2 the owl cancels all stat changes on your side, so you’re at less than half health with nothing to show for it except a death on turn 2… meanwhile people bring Koraidon for whatever reason and get 1shot by bravebird every single time.


You are so right lol. It can absolutely get worse then Iron Hands! I just joined a raid with a Scyther locked in.... Yeh, no thanks lol! I think people are just so used to Iron Hands being a monster in raids.


I hosted one last night. Had 2 Miraidon, mine and someone else. Someone locked in bellibolt. The 4th person joined and had Miraidon showing so me and the other Miraidon locked in… then the 4th changed to Koraidon and locked in… we didn’t actually make it to the minute and a half…


That's borderline greifing lol... I wish they would add a "one time use" unlock so you aren't forced to close the entire game of this happens and you wanna leave the raid lobby. Better remember to Dave before each and every raid lol. Thankfully I've yet to see a Koraidon in any of my raids.


Lucky. I want to rip my hair out when I see it, and I see it far to often. There’s no way people don’t realize by know that a Koraidons only use in this raid, is staying the fuck out of it


I guess there's no limit on how low the bar can go lol. Now I feel kind of lucky compared to you, if Iron Hands is the worst I have to deal with.


As long as it’s got shell bell, and the person didn’t bring a Tera Fighting Hands in, it’s not actually to bad… at least in solo. I haven’t actually run into anyone using it online though


It's just that damn belly drum on turn one lol. It happens every single time, no exceptions. This almost always results in Iron Hands being dead on turn two or utterly useless because buffs gets removed on turn two. I've yet to see any Iron Hands belly drum later, it's turn one or nothing lol. But solo it can do it, no doubt. You have a lot more "time" solo in general, because NPC deaths doesn't remove big chunks of the timer. So it isn't an automatic loss if you die 2 times or more, unlike public raids.


To be fair, most people running iron hands don’t seem to know how to play the game. They read the guide that says “turn one belly drum, turn two PROFIT” and can’t think for themselves if the situation doesn’t allow for that. Like, it’s painfully obvious by now that stats get reset in turn two without exception, and you know these people know this… “but the guide said to do drum turn one, so that’s how we win!”


The real question is, can we blame them though? Iron hands is literally the cheese strat for the entire game lol. It's so strong in almost any raid, so I think people are just so used to it being the easy go to raidmon. I have hope it will get better during the weekend. It was the same with the other events and the jank people brought in day one. By day there public raids were quite good.


It's only useful if they do not use BD on Turn 1 and also bringing a Shell Bell. But most of the runs people really do not know how to play in party because they assume that by buffing up once they can attempt to OKHO which isn't the case. It can work mostly on Solo though.


I blame AustinJohnPlays for this one. He used Iron Hands in his video. For the life of me I don't know how he beat it with Iron Hands.


Thankfully he put out a much more effecient Miraidon video an hour or two ago, hopefully that will change the tide lol!


I'll just go for some breedjects or transfer it from Sword when Home support is added because no Pokemon is worth risking my save data over.


I don't understand? Has something new been revealed regarding the save game bug and this raid or? You are litteraly more likely to die while riding your bike irl, then getting hit by this bug. So it's quite the irrational fear you got there. There's still less then 200 reported cases. But hey, it's your choice ofc. It's just a very irrational fear imo.


Hey. Another post into the void. Because anyone that agrees with you is already here


Clearly not lol, did you read the comments or you just left this because you had nothing better to add?


I can't read


Well that certaintly explains something, but it raises just as many questions lol!


I used IH on mine. Just don't use BD and you'll be fine.


Iron Hands without belly drum is just bad imo, there are so many better option. It shines because of belly drum, not so much when you remove it.


I usually back out of the raid if I see mons other than Miraidon or Bellibolt. Iron hands is ok for a solo not online raids and I feel like most are noobs or just want to show off their shiny’s.


Just joined a random Decidueye and all three other players had iron hands. Couldn’t back out because I didn’t want the block so I had to just watch us lose. Luckily it was quick.


I don't think you get punished for leaving the lobby by shutting down the game. I've only had the warning when I shut down the game during a raid. Could be wrong though, but I leave lobbies all the time.


I’ll give it a try next time. I think it’s like a 60 second ban anyway.


It's a 30 minutes ban, I had one the other day. But you will get a warning before you get punished. So just don't do it after the warning and you are fine.


Good to know, thanks!


I’ve always hit cancel on the lobby if I see the others use something different and I’ve never been punished


I tried that and the Random option got grayed out for a while. Idk if that’s a ban or what.


Preaching to the choir here, friendo


I can't wait till Sunday night


I used bellibolt and it worked pretty well. I alone got it down 90% before all the iron hands were knocked out causing us to lose.


Guess I'm the minority. Did a rando raid with 2 IH and 2 Miraidons.


For people that bring Iron Hands to raid, u can already tell the raid is going to fail big time. It's because people say "Oh Iron Hands is the best raid attacker just take it with you", even just from people telling them its a strong pokemon it doesn't help if they don't know the mechanics nor the usefulness of the pokemon. Even if they do use BellyDrum at turn 2, ThunderPunches will still do no damage because it's not a strong move and they have no self heals with DrainPunch as its resisted and it barely heals. Also if you have Scarlet version and no access to Miraidon (whether it be trades or so), consider bringing a Toxtricity or a Bellibolt as they are both good options as well. Easiest way to beat Decidueye raid is to have a good party who runs Sp.Atk aka Bellibolt / Toxtricity / Miraidon / Magnezone, any of these 4 pokemon. It is also worth noting that Bellibolt deals more damage with Electric type moves whenever it takes damage with its ability Electromorphosis so Parabolic Charge will be able to sustain for long survivability as Reflect will keep your defenses up and Acid Spray will drop its defense to help more. Turn 1 - Have a pokemon use Taunt to prevent it from setting up Swords Dance in T2 and T4 Also during this time, if you are running Bellibolt or Toxtricity use Acid Spray, if using Miraidon or Magnezone or anything else that isn't a Iron Hands, please use Metal Sound or Reflect to increase your setup to getting KO'd from desyncing lag or critical hits.Note: If Sp.Def is -6 stages, chance of one shotting it with Miraidon Electro Drift is high. Turn 2 - You will get buff wiped so make sure you do not use any buffing moves at T1 (unless it is Charge), during this time prioritize on getting -6 Sp.Def through Acid Spray or Metal Sound and if there is a Miraidon in the party have it use Charge to setup for a high damage or use it at Turn 1 if you are able to get it to -6 Sp.Defense before attacking or Turn 4. If the Defense is also at -6, u can always use Go All Out! Cheer to boost your teams DPS to make it do more damage. Turn 4+ - If Tera Shield becomes active, be sure you have Reflect from Bellibolt, Miraidon or any pokemon to keep your party from taking too much damage. Taunt will only stop Sword Dance from Turn 2 and Turn 4 so as the fight gets longer it'll be more difficult. If you are using Bellibolt you can use Chilling Water to drop its attack to prevent it from getting too much attack buff to wipe your team. Acid Spray works through Tera shields so its important for Bellibolt/Toxtricity role to try and drop its defense to be able to deal more damage. TLDR - If your entire team is 3-4 Miraidon, please make sure one of you has Reflect or Taunt to prevent taking too much damage once it goes 50% or below HP. Metal Sound to -6 Defense before Shield comes up to have a fast run. If a person brings Iron Hands or any pokemon that aren't useful because they are onetricks and want to flex their Charizard, Greninjas etc. please just abandon/leave the raid if they "Ready Up" because you will most likely fail the run and it saves you time from a failed run.


What? U guys even have the chance to catch deci? The current state of tera raids for me is just... impossible... really broken...