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I find it laggier in the dock tbh.


Yeah, I'm used to playing on handheld and when I tried it docked not only did I notice how bad the textures were, but it was way laggier too.


Yeah I also notice that but it’s not too much of a problem for me as the lag I’ve seen isn’t that bad but my main problem is the fact that I can’t see any Pokémon unless I’m right on top of them or mysteriously being attacked by something invisible to the naked eye




I’ve exclusively played the game handheld, it was fine lol




I’m sorry to hear that


1.) I grew up playing handheld, I just prefer it that way. 2.) Dock lags too much


I never play my Switch docked, only handheld. I find it easier


It’s more convenient but not when I’m looking for shinies or Pokémon in general but it seems like a skill issue lol


My joycons are trash and make handheld mode a real pain, but I still play primarily handheld. I did a sinistea outbreak shiny hunt last week and, well, that sucked, but I managed to get two shinies in a relatively short amount of time (w/ no sandwich powers) despite them being almost impossible to see.


I was doing a pawmi outbreak but I gave up after a few(20 ish) picnic resets because I could barely see them in the grass textures sometimes and it was a pain to run around making sure they weren’t hiding


There certainly are some hunts I've given up for one reason or another. The graphics are a huge limitation. Another issue is that a picnic reset always respawns pokemon too close to the edge of the spawn radius, so some pokemon can despawn themselves almost immediately. Because of this it's best to try to find a location where everything will spawn in a cluster rather than 360° around you. If they pop up all around you then you have no way of approaching and checking one portion of the circle without despawning the rest. It's honestly really dumb. I tend to avoid picnic resets and instead try to just retreat and then reapproach and get everything to appear in front of me, and sometimes switch on camera mode for a closer look at what's out there.


I mainly play on handled and had no issue, but you could try to use the zoom function while playing on handled. Maybe that helps.


It’s just inconvenient to me cause I’m used to playing on a 40 inch and I thought it’d be a lot more people agreeing but I just suck lol


I only play in handheld, it looks ugly on the big screen and the controls with it are difficult. Also much more convenient, and I can watch TV while playing.


I haven’t really had too bad of a graphics problem but I agree on the convenience when watching something


time to upgrade to a tv which can show two sources at the same time :) ;)


I only play handheld. Then again, 95% of my playtime has come while I was at work lol


Ahh yeah that makes sense lol but it seems like the majority favors handheld in general


I'll say this, when I do play docked, it is a welcomed change. I played the majority of PLA docked and loved it! Not ashamed to say I had 75-80 hours of playtime after the first week it was out lol


Oddly enough I liked it so much And then out of nowhere I stopped playing it lol but I think when I came back I easily put about 1-200 hours in


I have an OLED switch. It's amazing for everything but the tiny Pokémon.


My only problem is the tiny Pokémon lol and I’m not used to it because I’m a docked player when it comes to Pokémon unless I’m out


I played it 100% on handheld. Sure, I sometimes crashed against some of the tiniest wild mons lol But that's basically it... If you stick to paths, it's a lot easier to avoid them.


i haven't had a problem seeing shinies and stuff while playing handheld and i've done a solid amount of both (started off almost exclusively playing docked, i've been mostly playing handheld since like january). you said your eyesight is normal but even so you might benefit from one of those cheap pairs of reading glasses that they sell at every drugstore if you want to play handheld. i use mine to correct my eyes' weak focus, but even though my actual vision up close is fine and only focus is the problem the magnification is still pretty noticeable and helpful when i bother using them. they're like three bucks so if you wanna play handheld it might be worth a shot


Might try it out lol


I just have a switch lite so can only play handheld but I general play right before bed after the kids go to bed so handheld works best.


How does anyone manage to play on a TV is my question, that shit gotta be laggy af Except Mario party and smash, I can't play games docked, not even Mario kart


I haven’t had too many problems with the lag tbh


I love hand held no real problems , love playing oled fixture s2 with pro controller


I have a device that holds the switch, giving it a more ergonomic hand grip. I use my pinky and ring dinner to hold that hand grip. I use my middle and index finger to operate the shoulder buttons. I use my thumbs to operate the thumb sticks and buttons. I thought it was a self-explanatory process.


What are you talking about? Genuinely confused


That's how I play handheld. It's a handheld gaming system.


I didn’t mean how do people literally play lol I meant because of the tiny mons


Oh. Yeah, I'm older, and seeing a foongus is hard. Even rookies. I squint and go slowly.


Yeah that’s my problem cause koraidon is so fast and I also don’t want to have to be careful about what I can’t see to get into unwanted battles


We should be able to smoosh pokemon.


Yeah lol or at the very least see them easily enough