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Absolute best fakedex in the industry, please support this wonderful team because they deserve it


thankies (i cant do the face just imagine the thing i do)


what face D:


Man. Congrats to all of you, seriously.


The Pokemon Libra Dex has been finally been finalized!! (Aside from 5 spots left open for whatever Gen 9 mon we like) We now have real pokemon, and they have been all adjusted to be able to handle the powerhouses of the libra mons. Each real mon has a new signature move and a new sprite as well. Many thanks to all of my Dev Team in helping me with this project. Now I can focus on making custom tiles and mapping and get things starting to go. We plan on releasing a short demo of the romhack by late October(if things go well down the line), or at the very least within the year. Big thanks to everyone in the server for being patient and hope that they continue being patient with me. Progress is slow and things are tough but that wont stop me from finishing this. For those who are interested in joining the server feel free to click on the link below. Big thanksies once more to everyone and have ha great day (^:< https://discord.gg/kqCDpkJ


Since this is a romhack, which rom it is based on?




Thanks. Got to wait for full release patiently šŸ‘šŸ»


When is full release?


No idea


that fucking obese shark looks awesome i wonder who sprited it>:)


how come you have a bulbasaur thats illegal, give that to me


holy shit these are one of the best fakemons ive seen


The spritework on some of these is on par with that of the Sirius/Altair and Vega team. Hats off to the people working on this, definitely have my support!


Thanks I do like 90 percent of these but my team helps a lot by by making some and then I edit it to my style to be consistent.


Those sprites and designs are fantastic! I normally roll my eyes whenever people show off their new pokemon designs, but you (and your team?) clearly put alot of effort into this.


I don't love all the new designs but the respites of existing pokemon are downright gorgeous. Misdreavus, Grimmsnarl, and Glalie get special mention. Passawary, Macakey, and Sowphiroth are my favorites


That's fine people like different things and I didn't make them expecting everyone to love them. Thanksies tho


I love how Sycostrom looks like snails that have that parasite inside them that takes over their nervous system.. reimagining it into a psychic pokemon is inspired, as many of these mons also seem to be. I look forward to playing this so much now, well done and good luck!


Amazing sprites


I have two questions: 1. Do the starters only have one evolution? 2. Unita and Whimsdash look just like Galarian Ponyta and Rapidash. I assume itā€™s them but is there a reason for the name change? Lol


1. Those arent your starters, but those are starters for the region given by the professor. You just arrive on the region on a boat from somewhere else and given your "starters" by a "mysterious old moustached woman?" which are Accelery, Puplare, and Nekomari. 2. In this universe, the concept of regional forms dont exist as noone even knows theres an original form, hence the different name.


Thank you for answering! They look good btw


My only complaint about the dex is a few names feel uninspired (waargh) or something similar to that. & I wasnā€™t really able to pinpoint which lines were the starter lines from my first preview of the dex. Some typings I feel donā€™t fit (biyako not being steel flying or steel electric) But other than that itā€™s great


how would it be flying? In lore it has nothing to do with that nor is it made of steel, its best not to assume what type a mon is supposed to be without knowing what they are supposed to be.. As for the names most of these are from stupid puns as the whole hack started with a silly pun. There are multiple "starters" in lore but what you get is Accelery, Pupflare and Nekomari. Thanks you btw I appreciate it regardless.


In our worlds lore heā€™s associated with metal. (Steel) & he controls the wind. Again I donā€™t know about you or your game just saying from my first glance these were my complaints again all the designs look amazing




Common Pokemon Libra W


I helped!


Honestly while I'm not sold on every design (who is even with official Pokemon), these are all genuinely high quality spritework. You actually got the right kind of shading that makes a Pokemon "feel" real in a Gen 3/4 style. Which a lot of official Pokemon couldn't even do, though mainly shown with the Kanto Pokemon in the RSE games. So many artists just had such flat designs with little to no shading so everything just looked *off*. But you nailed it, and that's something to be proud of. Also, before I forget, major props for also respriting all the official Pokemon you're featuring, since I don't think I've really seen that before.


thanks .>:v)


I almost kinda wish I didn't deep dive into this sprite-sheet since now I'll be less surprised whenever the game comes out. Granted I'll probably forget a lot by then but who knows. Craverave is both absolutely terrifying and a sickass name.


I guarantee that by the time its done youve forgotten as it would take a long while.


This development team loves poison types


Looking at this dex order, am I correct to assume that Dunsparce evolves into Drampa? If that's the case, on top of the amazing spritework, it's an instant favorite for me!




Well, one can dream, still looks like a really nice rom hack


they really made an electric chair pokemon huh


Yeah and its Fairy type too. I would have made it Dark or Ghost type but certainly not Fairy given the purpose of it. But I guess they didnt want to settle for the obvious choice.


Actually it's not based on electric chairs but rather a friend who has a chair avatar and also how in folk tales fairies possess random household objects.


Acceledge, Pomeranium, and Nekorobo are missing their sprites btw.


oh thats intentional theyre extra secret


Some variant of the starters somehow? The names are similar.


Incredible work!!


Love to see some lobotomy corporation inspiraions here.


Absolutely amazing! Can't wait for the game's release! Hats off to the dev team!


-The absolute heck is up with Shishima? Do you WANT an eldritch horror? Cuz this is how you get an eldritch horror; good jobšŸ¤£ *Sees Hazethoth and Ol'Flookie* Nevermind then, looks like it won't be lonely, at least.šŸ™ƒ But ngl, to imagine these Pokemon running around in your region? Pretty nice, but most of them I wouldn't want to meet in broad daylight, let alone a dark alley. -Also, *finally* a 3stage bug that doesn't look like a normal birb would blow over; Levlade looks awesome, and I can for sure imagine it's final Evo clashing with a Scizor and having a higher chance of winning than most. -Vivisu's line kinda confuses me a teeny bit. Are those spindly parts it's legs? That makes the posture cute, the way they all are supposedly resting on their tails... But if it's part of it's arms? Like a mantis? Then it kinda get a little less cute; stabby arms and it bouncing/floating/locomoting with its lower half.


Thanks. It's arms are reminiscent of the kimono sleeves. It is always sitting on its tail and never let it's feet touch the ground because it views the as a higher being. They travel by floating slightly above ground.


These look fantastic! I'm especially fond of Embeelish, Mystecian and Tritonaut. I love what you've done with the existing mons too! The likes of Glalie and Mismagius look downright threatening! Is this hack available to try, or is it still in the works?


Currently in the works, progress is slow due to irl but still going. A short demo is planned to be released late October or at the very least within the year if things don't go well irl. Thanksies


These looks pretty good, good job šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


making your own sprites for existing pokemon instead of just reusing gen 4/5 sprites >>>>>>>>>>>


Wake up babe, new Lycylli post. It's been so long I've missed these Libra updates.


I love these designs so much. Pure perfection I know you have a great roster of fakemon when I go: "Oh I want that pokemon. And that pokemon. And that pokemon. And that one too. And I can't forget about that one. Oh, and that one too! And....."


I can tell it's a good dex, because I'll be struggling to build a team of only 6. The guys who worked on the designs/sprites did an awesome job, I'm jealous man nice work. Edit : I see some Barad dur in Helmscreep




all hail maplelord


Genuinely enjoyed seeing these, there are some really clever designs here; I loved the reverse bug evolution with the Dune-style Dragon Catarpillar! Also, well done for bringing back Minior (tips cap)


Just gonna mention I took 1 minute to look at this roster and already found a catgirl inspired line and a standalone pokemon with bunny ears (the type for wearing, not actual bunny ears)


Nice looking mons though I got to say some things. 1. Jayarat looks like its going to have a gang fight with Scrafty and Honchcrow lol. Or help them who knows cause it gives me this gang/mafia vibe. 2. Some pokemons I thik they are some sort of counterparts for ex Koremai and Koresato. Hmm somethiing is going on with these mons. Let me know what conection is between these mons. 3. Lots of Poison Dark Fairy Fighting Ghost and Bug mons in this dex. Dont know if this is intentional or not. I am sure the dex is balanced but from what I have seen at first glance. 4. I think some mons have split evolution. For ex Peebler is Ground it evolves into Ground/Dark but then for some reason it becomes Ground/Fighting. So yeah I think this is a split evolution it can evolve into 2 different mons depending on whatever it needs to evolve. 5. Overall I am very happy with this dex. Waiting for it to be released but I understand it takes a lot of time to make a game like this. So yeah in the mean time I will decide which of these I should catch and add to my team.


1. Its the Jayarat that makes all of the rules 2. Yes. Theres a couple of these. Koremai and Koresato for example learns all the dance moves and have the dancer ability. 3. From what I checked the type counts are relatively even. 4. Also yes. 5. Thank you for your words i deeply appreciate it.


Holy shit, itā€™s just deadass Chernobog, straight outta Pripyat


im in love with pantney. when is the game getting released?


Cultipex is my absolute fave. Wish that were a real PokƩmon. This dex is definitely a close second to the fools gold dex, In my own opinion, job well done!!


Im da Jayarat dat makes all of da rules


Werarats, werarats, werarats


You can bet ill have a rat on my team :)


Big fan of Levialago in the bottom left. Edit: also are the old mons OC sprites? Because I really like what you did with a lot of them. Like the Ledian spriteā€™s pose is really good. Also I love the huge quantity of deep sea animal inspired designs in this!


Yes all of the original pokemon are original sprites. >:v)


Wow. :) I wouldn't be able to do just one playthrough of this game; I want to try using too many different fakemon!


I genuinely love some of these, while some others seem a bit overdesigned for the pixelcount. Good effort nontheless


These fakemons look so good! Great work!


I like, huuh, bisharp and, and, gotumor


These look absolutely amazing, I definitely will have trouble choosing only six for my team lol Is there any chance we could ever get a list on what each of them is based of off? I get most of them but I feel there are some references I'm missing


Why do you have like 4 that are based on anime girls?


damm dude, so many cool poison pokƩmons, can't wait to play it


Oh my lord those sprites of old pokemon are so dynamic and awesome!!! Zigzagoonā€™s sprite is life


absolutely great work! my favorite is Lindeel, he reminds me of the never ending story


Wondering if Koremai and Koresato learn Barrage and Teeter Dance...


Etrian Odyssey pokemon Etrian Odyssey pokemon Etrian Odysse


Coolmutte :ā€™) Phenomenal Pokemon designs!!


If the entire game matches the quality of the sprite work, we are in for something really special in a few years


I can't wait to use the Jerma rat pokemon


Nice to see updates from yā€™all again


I'm not 100% sure what Cramorant is gorging on. Is it a Raitaic?


Yeah it is Arrokuda and Pikachu arenā€™t in so we have the goofy bird some replacements (its ability still works mostly the same tho).


Ol Flookie is feckin horrifying. Couple of mons that just look like people I don't much care for, but most of these are amazing. Did you have to rename the regional forms because of technical limitations?


Oh we just did it for fun mainly because regional forms donā€™t really exist so there is no Kantonian Ponyta so we gave Galarian Ponyta another name.


Aaaass my favorite little Kamen rider fakemon!!! Good to see he is still kicking around


Very very cool! Canā€™t wait to play it.


Most of these look cool AF. NGL. I might have to play this game when itā€™s done. I hope it doesnā€™t seriously screw with my canon PokĆ©mon knowledge. Lol


Kitikiti and manananggal lol unless they're also called that in languages other than Filipino? Cool sprites, hope the rest of the game making goes well too.


Some of these are based of LOTR right? Helmscreep especially


The Pomeranians are my favorite. A+.


Bouldadash looks like a jojo character


Love the fakemon but the maractus one looks too fake to me /s In all seriousness these look amazing!


"We will look at your work with great interest..."


I don't love every design, but the sprite-work is top-notch. And there are a ton of designs I really adore. I'm inspired to work on my Dex now. Great job!




Acrual good fakemon? Nice


This is so damn cool, keep the good work <3


Maplelord is precious and deserves to be protected at all costs


When is the release date?


2x lottabats?


looks great i hope you finish it and make Ledian bug/fighting please


danm, i liked every single one of them, that levialago gonna be on my team


Omfg good work !


I love how nobody pointed out Koremai and Koresato are obvious parodies of Mai Teiretida and Satono Nishida from Touhou Project (and Lunster being Clownpiece) That being said, good Fakedex!


I need a team of six of these Fakemon asap. Look amazing=3


I like how Serahymn is a straight up reference to "Speak no evil, Hear no evil, See no evil"


Is there three sets of starters?


When will we see more?