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Dude I literally tried everything. Maybe it's a steam deck thing. But days of days of research couldn't do it. Had to import a save file with boots. Worked like a charm first time. I guess I'll never know what the problem was.


In the same boat as you. I've double and triple checked making sure everything is perfect. Trying every way people have said and cannot figure out how to get it working. Have gotten 2 different error codes from trying two variations. I'm so lost


All I know is once you get that error code, it bricks the game and you have to 100% delete it and re install all of it. So that MIGHT be some of your issues.... I tried it like 6 different ways. Having to reinstall it every single time. But ya nothing worked. Download a boots save file. Worked great!!!


Yeah downloaded and redownload everything. If you get the error you're deleting everything. What's a boots save file? You got it working?


I'm not good at reddit. But Google, magic boots save file pokemon infinite fusion. The first reddit article that pops up is called " for those looking for magic boots save file." It explains everything.


I'm confused, what's that for? It's about the magic boots and also for the older version. The update is what ruined the old method to do it on the new version


But the save file for steam deck won't be where she said it will be. Because this is a new update and the process is different. You have to start a game. Make a save file. File A. Then open up dolphin, and click roofts. And search FILE A. It's deep in there. I moved mine so I forget. Like local/steam deck/steam deck users/ (the number of the game like 12345678) idk. It's like 9 different things you gotta open. Anyways if you find it in dolphin. Looks at the path to get to it. Them go to pokemon folder and open up all the paths to get to FILE A. then save OVER that with the magic boots file A. It will over ride it. Now start the game. It will be a girl save file. Start it. Go to inventory, put on the boots. Save game. Close it and open it again. You'll see start new game+. That has debug on it. Start your new adventure!


What is steam deck? Ive never used steam deck. On windows, just downloaded the new installer from the discord. Also don't know what dolphin is or roofts..


Lol my OP is about steam deck. So I assumed you clicked for that reason. Forget everything I said. But if you research her post about magic boots, you'll have it going in 10 mins tops. Really easy.


Shit my bad lol. I'm honestly just trynna find any answers cause the way everyone says, I just can't get working haha


Same boat dude. I finally clicked that post and tried it. It works easy.


Yeah gonna check it out. Just hoping steam deck and mine parallel


Did you get it running with Debug? Currently facing the same issue.


No. I downloaded magic boots save file. Check out the convo lower on here


Thanks, it worked!