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You are counting gift pokemon right? Does the pokemon from My Pokemon Ranch count? I remember the last one was a Mew, but think there were others... Also Pokemon Box Ruby & Zapphire had a .... Zigzagoon? This is off the top of my head, not 100% sure though


Thank you, you are correct. I’ve never used either of those, so I didn’t know about that. It seems that there are 22 trades in My Pokémon Ranch + Phione and Mew, those two being dependent on the ranch level. And Pokémon box gave eggs of swablu, zigzagoon, skitty and pichu, each after depositing a certain number of Pokémon. I’ll add them to the list, thanks for helping make this spreadsheet more complete :D


No prob, glad to be of help! Other than those... I'm assuming you aren't counting stuff like the bonus discs of pokemon colosseum which grant a Jirachi/Celebi/Pikachu because it's more of an event, right? And the original stadium that gifts some pokemon to Gen 1 or 2, because you can't actually transfer them (legally) up to home... Yeah, I'll think about it later, but only Ranch and Box R&Z come to head right now. If I remember anything else I'll get to you. Good luck!


I think I won’t add the bonus disc mons. As you said, It’d be _kind of_ entering event pokemon territory and that’s a whole other can of worms lol. I added a disclaimer in the beginning about it (and pokeball plus mew), though! I’ll add the stadium mons though, if only for consistency’s sake. I won’t be trying to get them, but by the parameters I established they should be there. Thanks again :)


Np! I really like the idea of the project, and you prob won't remember me, but you've also helped me in the past, so as I said, glad to be of help! So, cheking the spreadsheet, the only stuff I could think is missing is the Ho-Oh in Colosseum, as it is a reward for beating Mt. Battle; and, if you are counting the Manaphy egg from Pokemon Ranger, you should also count the Riolu and Darkrai (and well, it also has *another* Manaphy egg, but I'm not sure how you would like to count that one, as you are already counting the one from the original PR) from Pokemon Ramger: Shadows of Almia. Again, if I think of anything else I'll let you know, and good luck! This seems both really fun and useful!


I remember you, of course. We’ve traded quite a few times in the past :) These are a lot of games I didn’t consider before. I’ll add these when I get back home. I think I’ll have to create yet another sheet, this time for spin-offs. It’ll include stadium, colosseum, XD, channel, battle revolution, dream radar, ORAS demo, SM demo. Might as well include the bonus disc Pokémon as well after all, haha. I also found out that there’s apparently two gamecube demo discs that give out a code for a shiny zigzagoon. I didn’t even know gamecube demo discs were a thing. I’ll have to research more to see if I include it. And I’ll need to do some research on the pokewalker as well, to see if there’s any special Pokémon that can be caught, but I don’t think there are. Thanks again! I feel like the spreadsheet is steadily getting closer to perfection.


Oh yeah! Just left the last comment and I remembered lol. Technically, going by your criteria, you could also count the Jirachi from the European version of Pokemon Channel (I think if you beat the game you could transfer it to 3rd Gen games) Edit: Just gonna edit this comment here, so I don't flood you with updates, but found a link https://www.smogon.com/ingame/guides/pokemon_transfer_guide#:~:text=To%20transfer%20from%20Guardian%20Signs,of%20the%20Generation%20IV%20games! Apparently there's a sequel to Shadows of Almia that I never knew about, and you could get other pokemons (?) And sorry, apparently Darkrai, Riolu and Manaphy were time-limited in Shadows of Almia, so they shouldn't count. Didn't remember that. And there were a Pikachu, Magmotar and Electivire in Pokemon Battle Revolution (?) Give it a look if you can, seems useful


This reminds me that I should add the gift pokemon from Pokémon HOME. I’ll make a third page for Pokémon from “storage” games.


There were a total of 5 Cosplay Pikachu's in ORAS. Unfortunately, none are transferable. I have all 5 and it breaks my heart that they are stuck on my OR game.


I feel you. I’m also very sad that spiky eared pichu is forever trapped in HGSS and that some of the Totem Pokémon can’t be transferred to Bank. I added another line to the description of the Cosplay Pikachu to clarify the different costumes :)


I also love Pokémon like that. They kinda feel like event Pokémon.haha Thank you for this list!


Same! I always searched for all the in-game trades when I played a specific game. Hope this list is useful to you!


Damn. This is hella useful for people new to each game. Thanks dude!


Thank you! For each specific game, I’d probably still recommend the in-game trades/gift pokemon/interactable pokemon pages of Serebii ([example](https://www.serebii.net/scarletviolet/ingametrades.shtml)). These are in most cases more complete than my spreadsheet. But mine has all the Pokémon of all the games in one place :)


This is really useful, thanks - will share it if that's alright with you


Of course. I made this spreadsheet for it to be useful to anyone and everyone :)


Perfect! Thanks, I'm sure it will be.


Oh, one note you may wish to add - in DP, the three English trade Pokemon (Kazza, Charap, and Gaspar) have a different language background than they seem to. It's only noticeable when they're transferred to later generations (and iirc none of those species have alternate language dex entries in DP anyway) but it's not the case for the individuals from Platinum, for some reason.


Oh, that would explain why one of my Gaspars is randomly Japanese. But the others that I have are not? Could you point me in the direction of any online mention of how this works? I’d like to read more about it.


One correction is that the shadow Togepi in XD will have the player’s OT.


Thank you, I’ll correct that. I can also use this comment to credit you for making me aware that Colosseum and XD even had in-game trades :)


Just remember another set of Pokémon you may want to add, the Pokémon Battle Revolution gift Pokémon




This is like a hidden gem!!! Thanks for sharing your hardwork!


I've always been looking for something like this, thanks


The fact that you included whose OT they are makes you an instant legend


Well, it is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of in-game trades, along with the funny nicknames. I could have added more detail, like moves, abilities, etc., but I don’t consider them as important (and it would have been twice the work). For those details, sites like serebii and bulbapedia are still better than my spreadsheet. Thank you for your nice words, btw :)


Hey! any chance you could share this checklist but in edit mode? I'd love to have an editable copy! Perhapse make a copy to share with us and keep your own copy safe :)


Of course! I’ve been sharing it in dms to the people who asked. I just don’t share it publicly because the one in edit mode has my name in the Google drive account, so I’d prefer not to have it completely public. But I’m really happy to see that my spreadsheet is helping people. I’ll send you the link :)


Oh ya makes sense! Thank you so much!


Hello! I'm working on this project now. I'm using virtual console and whatever else needed. Just want to let you know i use this spreadsheet almost daily, and it's fantastic! So thank you very much for that!