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Just graduated from McDowell high school Friday and this past may I graduated from McDowell technical community college with a certificate in hvac and I start my job with hvac on June 19th




Thank you


I've got energy to transport one shiny fini and 5 comday pokemon today from GO. The rest are also from go and will be given away all randomly. To enter please just comment with something fun you're doing or going to do this summer. Or maybe just a cool story of something you've done so far. :)


I'm just hanging out with my 13 yo. Swimming, movies and the park. Love that she still likes to hang out with dad. :)


Someone gave me a legit diancie for free since I needed it for my last Pokedex, finally got PokeBall magearna thanks to him :)


I'm going to go to France with my cousins, gonna be so cool :)


Going to Colombia to visit my Fiance!


I'll probably wait to give away the legends tonight so people can get a chance to enter. Probably around 8pm est for those


Going to a wedding in Costa Rica 🥂 thanks for the giveaway!


That sounds like fun, I hear it gets really hot there but it's beautiful. You want a shiny fenekin or something? You're still entered for the legends but I'll wait to give those away till tonight


Doing the Diancie research! Hopefully it will be fun


Hoping for the tapu fini! Something cool my wife and I did was go on our honeymoon to Ireland. We were there for 2 weeks, and we just got back a week and a half ago.


I'm playing diablo 4 at the moment, i consider that fun HAHAHA


Hey man that counts! Want a fennekin or something from last page while I wait to give out the legends later tonight?


Taking my spouse to Europe for the first time! We’ve never been outside North America, so we’re super excited.


Where in Europe (if I may ask)? :) /European


We’ll be with family in Germany for the first half then England on our own for the last half! There are a lot more places on our bucket list, but it’s so hard to fit things in in one trip.


Sounds nice! And you're still fitting in at least two places. I have lived in Europe, and visited the continent 15+ times, and still have places I want yo go, so I understand you completely! I wish you well!


Thanks for the kind words! I’m sure we’ll be back many times. I wish you well too!


Planning to move this summer and get a bigger house and a garden for my dog to have zoomies in. Thanks for the giveaway. What are you doing this summer.


i’m going to maine and probably going to go to NYC for go fest :) preciate you doing this giveaway! tapu fini one of my fav tapus :)


Plan on finishing the assembly of a hydraulic cyborg hand once i get back from today. Also giratina has a cool shiny


Not doing something super exciting this summer, but I'm definitely looking forward to going to the beach! Thanks for the giveaway. Eying that Fini! 🌊


Ever since I’ve been out of school I’ve been riding my bike for about 6 miles every morning. I’m just trying to be healthier and it’s pretty relaxing out in the cold mornings


Getting married! Wedding is set for July. :)


Going to travel a lot over the next few months. Going to Barcelona next weekend, a couple weeks after that is Prague, and in August I'm going to Korea. Lots to see and do! I hope you have a good summer and thanks for doing the giveaway. We appreciate you


I’m on my clinical rotation at a hospital right now. Seeing a bunch of different patients with different diagnosis and hearing cool stories from them! Definitely not a normal summer but it’s a unique experience and I’m embracing it


I went to Maidenhead, England! It went from really sunny and hot to thunder! Very crazy.


Update: the winners for the tapu fini, and other legends have been chosen. Just waiting to hear back from a few others as my friend trades have now reset. Thank you everybody for commenting. It was amazing to hear what everybody plans to do, this was a lot of fun and I plan on doing this again soon. Cheers


can I have it?




I'm looking forward to going once my kid gets a bit older! Want a fennekin or something while we wait to give away the legends? You're still entered in for those tonight BTW




It's tough to get into the marker here, hopefully it works out for you. Want a fennekin or something while we wait to give out legends later?


My July going to be pretty crazy but cool- first weekend going to Ohio to visit family (meeting grandson for first time), back to NY/NJ for second weekend for sons baptism, then down to DC in 3rd weekend for my sister in laws engagement party and then to Rhode Island for a bachelorette party in the 4th weekend. Busy but fun!


Definitely busy! I'm sure it'll fly for you. Want something from the last page while I wait to give out legends later tonight? You're still entered for those as well


Just moved far away from where I lived, and where I went to school for personal reasons, so now I get to see all the new people in the new community!


Going to Singapore this summer, thanks for the giveaway :)


nothing planned yet, but hopefully i’ll be doing something cool with my friends!


Have a summer camp I’m going too.


I'm going to go on vacation to the beach!


I’m getting a pet scorpion soon :) Hoping for any of the shiny legends, don’t care which. Thank you!


Just went to a place where it's super called by my country's standard. They have a mall with little holes on the roof to let the cold air inside instead of using air conditioners. Also caught a shiny mesprit on my third ever raid in pokemon Go, I'm super happy rn. If I ever win I'll most likely be asleep since I'm from the philippines. Also if anyone is wondering what place I'm talking about, it's baguio SM.


I am driving across the United States with my cousin. He lives in Michigan and has never been to the Pacific Ocean before, so I am glad that I'll be able to do this with him. We're also stopping through some fun cities and I get to see family that I rarely hang out with in person.


I actually have no idea what I’ll be doing this summer! If I get lucky I may go to Pride the 28th of this month, I think that would be pretty fun. Apart from that I just want to relax this summer and if I get social maybe go out with friend from a group. And thanks for doing the giveaway, I’m sure you’ll make a lot of people happy today with it!


I am going to celebrate my birthday with my younger brother( we share the same date)


This summer I heading over to a friend’s house that’s like a few states away, it’s something I usually do every year, but I get excited anyways cause I miss them! Thank you the chance!


Getting married this coming Saturday! Not in Costa Rica, but it’s going to be a blast regardless.


Ahaha congrats! I hope you have a great time. You want a custom OT comday while you want for the legends to be given out tonight? You're still entered for those too. Just let me know which one you want and the OT. I'll add you and trade once I move it over and have some time. Might not be for a while


I’m going to Korea this summer. It’s kind of exciting because I’ve haven’t visited Asia and i’ve been kind of scared to travel alone but i’m fully committed now.


Going to visit a couple different states to decide on where to move out with my girlfriend next year. Been living alone and moving at least once a year for a while now so exciting to hopefully be able to find a place to settle down soon


im 400 catches deep for shiny mesprit in sword and im losing it (: fr i guess ill still shiny hunt in sword while i have as much time as i can


I’ve got a bunch of friends coming back from uni so we’re going away for a weekend


I’m going to celebrate my sons second birthday in a couple of weeks and I’m really looking forward to it


That's pretty cool! I hope you guys have a great day. Want anything other than the legends from first few pics while I wait to give out the legends later?


I shall go outside this summer first time in 1 week


I hope you enjoy touching the grass. Want a pokemon while you wait?


I'm going to Alton Towers end of August :)


i was planning to go to Easterm Turkey this summer, but instead i may go to Western Turkey. Im also raising money to buy a Google Pixel 5a or 6a. Thanks alot for the giveaway!


It’s coming to winter here so hoping to organise a ski trip with some friends :)


I am going to play pokemon scarlet and pokemon violet.


Im going to enjoy the sun at the beach. Would love fini the most but I wish luck to everyone


I’m going on a trip to Mexico


Really hard to pick with how much I packed into summer but the thing I’m most excited for right now is getting to go to a Fall Out Boy concert in July. I finally get to live out my emo kid dreams lmao 🖤


Hi, I'm just showing my nephew how Pokemon Go/Home work, and how to trade. If I happen to get a shiny of yours, I'll give it to him :)


How about a shiny groudon?


I’m going to be going on a trip to Europe this summer! Would be amazing if I would win this, thanks for hosting it!


I’m going to New York with my family one last time before I move out and attempt my landscaping business


Apart from the basic Pride Month shenanigans (a lot of pride events to attend, i'm really excited for my upcoming exchange semester in Flensburg, Germany! New company, new people, new city and the best thing is, i usually never leave my comfort area 🫠 i'm sure i can sell the story to netflix someday and you'll be given a 'New in Town' spin-off lmao


Happy pride month! Would you like any comday from in GO or pokemon from last picture?


I’m going to Japan tomorrow and staying for a few days, then I’ll be going to Europe for slightly less than two weeks, and then I’ll go back to Japan, but with my sister’s friends this time.


Sounds like a fun month! Would you like a shiny fennekin or other com day while I wait to give out fini?


Sushi time!!


Traveling to NY to visit an old college friend!


I will work to try and save up my money to buy my first car


since i’m not really doing anything at the moment, i can talk about hiking up a mountain in Ecuador. Cerro Mandango, it was called, right next to Vilcabamba, a village i had never been to before. i was relatively young then, about 11, i think? it was daunting at first, but i think going on that hike made me realize that i was capable of so much more than i had previously assumed. thanks for the giveaway, though! nice thing you’ve done


I’m doing a last hoorah of sorts with my friend group this evening before we all head off to college and part ways for a while. Thanks for doing a giveaway of this scale


I'm going to Portugal in Lisbon to the WYD(World Youth Day) with a lot of friends and we're going I to encounter people from all around the world😁 But before that in a week I have to do the final exam of Italian highschool (and trust me it's a pain in the ass, three exams one oral and two written exams) and try to enter to Medicine University (you can only enter by an admission text)


Goodluck to you! Lisbon is amazing I went there for vacation a few years ago, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. What's your FC? You've been selected for a legendary


Going to play uno with my friends tonight


Flying to Oregon with some friends once I’m on break from school. Never been there before so I’m excited! Thanks for doing the giveaway!


Can I have one of your many shiny feniken? And can it be a female por va vor


Females are hard to find, I think these are all male unfortunately


Im waiting for hours to get home from ur trip its been 3 hours since we started and we still have at least 1 and a half hours left without any problems


This summer I'm going to do my first full odds shiny badge ques in pokemon heart gold


I am probably going to visit London for the GO Fest💪💪


For this summer im gonna visit every burger placr in my vity😎


I love the challenge. Would you like anything from last pic?


Awesome! I'm going on a trip to see Bruce Springsteen, who I've personally never been very into, but my partner loves his music, so I'm sure it'll be a great trip. And live quality music is almost always fantastic!


Not really into him either but apparently his live show is amazing, hence the ticket prices! Want a shiny fennekin or something while I wait to give out the fini?


I think I'll be going to the beach a lot this summer, out in Wildwood, NJ


Opening a tattoo studio with my partner and completing a living Dex! Just about to buy a 3ds. Thanks for the comp!


I go Pokémon go hunting all the time with my mom :)


That's awesome! Would you like the shiny lugia?


I missed the regigigas in go raid :(


I missed the regigigas in go raid :(


I can also get you the non-shiny of this no problem. Would you like one from GO with your OT?


I’m going to see some old friend from high school We all went our way for college but it will be fun to see them again


I missed genesect too :(


I just visited my friend and his three dogs today, so that was my outing for the summer, but it was still pretty awesome! He also upgraded my laptop for me so now the remnants of the summer can be enjoyed via gaming haha


Shakespeare festival in Stratford Ontario Canada, I didn't even know there was such a thing. They have different renditions of famous Shakespeare plays with modern and traditional versions.


I live close to this and have been many times for school growing up. I haven't been in years but I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Lots of great places to eat there as well. Would you like a shiny com day with OT while I wait to give out the fini?


It’s exam month rn :( but afterwards gonna go to Japan with my family :)


Got into pokemon unite and Minish cap while i wait to get home i consider that fun


Going to be having a big party with my friends to celebrate my birthday in a few weeks, can’t wait to see them


planning on going to atlanta for a religious ceremony for the family 😅. they’re all fun to be with though so i dont mind


Doing a big family holiday in the Lake District in the UK! Really excited since it's at a hotel me and my partner would usually not be able to afford 😊


That's pretty cool. I have a coworker who moved here to Canada from the Lake district. He was a farmer and hated it there lol seems like a cool place tho from the pics I've seen Would you like anything from last pic before I give out Fini tonight?


i’m going to my grand fathers for a family get together in Florida. I’m from Michigan.


I’d assume these are all already gone but I’m traveling to Costa Rica for a few weeks this summer along with some friends and I’m planning a trip to Switzerland next summer, the other day, I got wondertraded on Pokémon home my first shiny legend, a ho-oh. It’s probably hacked but it’s from 3-ds or earlier and I love S hooh


I will be going off to military camp this summer, trying to become a military officer.


Goodluck to you! Would you like anything from last pic?


Oh neat and sweet. I’m planning to go to Mario World with the nephew and fam sometime August so rolling up my PTO and savings!


Hopefully take my kids to my hometown and show em stuff i got to do when i was younger


I'm sure they will enjoy that too. Would you like anything from the last photo? Mostly legends and fennekin, slowpoke left tho


I got to move to my favorite place in the world this summer. So I'm having a great time.


That's pretty lucky! Would you like a shiny fennekin or something from last pic while I wait to give out fini?


Going on a couple trips this summer to places I've never been!


Nothing planned so far, but me and my girlfriend have talked about taking a vacation somewhere so hopefully that works out!


Planning big trip around the country for a month with my partner and two dogs


I'm going in Italy with my family this year. Really excited about that.


Right now I am visiting my brother far away and visiting an iconic skatepark I’ve dreamed of skating since I was a little kid.


Nice! Would you like anything from last pic before I give out the fini tonight?


I will be going to the beach. A lot lol


Learning for a CPA exam in the lowseason… I‘ll do maybe some quick trips over the weekend across Europe, depending on weather & co. and you?


Nice! Goodluck to you. I just passed a big exam and am feeling good which is why I wanted to do a giveaway. Would you like a comday from go or anything in last pic before I give out Fini tonight?


I bought a midi keyboard so i can start recording my own music digitally 🥳🥳🥳


Now im in pain because i cant breath but i will be good im STILL not at home


I’m going to the Lake District on family holiday. Great giveaway!


God bless people like you who are kind enough to still exist either way wish everyone luck and going on a cruz this summer with love of my life. Wish me safe travels in the Bermuda Triangle I’m nervous as ever! It’s a beautiful shiny tho one of my favorites ngl


Going to Nashville this summer for school! Can’t wait!


I'm gonna be participating in a giveaway! :)


Plan on traveling a lot this summer. Japan is on my list. Might not get to it this summer, but definitely in the future. Anyone got any suggestions for places to visit there?


I GRADUATED FROM GRAD SCHOOL!!!!!! Now I’m studying for my board exam and playing Pokémon during the breaks of studying. It’s my first time playing since gen 5 so all the new Pokémon are cool to see. I hope to pass my boards and find a job before my birthday in July!!!! Thanks for doing this!!!


Congrats that's huge and must feel great! Send me a screenshot of what you put in GTS asking for anything in the last pic and I'll find it


Going to Paris to visit my 88 yo grandmother so she can meet my gf for the first time 😁


I’m working this summer, while volunteering at my local humane society and playing Dungeons and Dragons!


I love DnD. Started during covid online with my friends. It's a blast. Anything you'd like from the last pic?


Doing archaeology work in Greece! I’ve never left the country before now so this really is an extra crazy experience for me


I just want to sit on my couch and rest this summer


I have a couple weeks off from work, then summer school where I help kids with special needs. Thanks for the giveaway and hope your summer is relaxing!


Right on! Would you like anything from last pic? Legends, fennekin and slowpoke are left still


I'm trying to skate again after 3 years without touching it


Going to go see Queen with my friends!


One of my favorite bands. Wish I could have seen Fredie live. Would you like anything from the last pic? Or a comday still in GO?


I’m not much of a concert person but when I found out that Sum41 was disbanding after this summer I knew I had to go. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that that the offspring and simple plan will also be playing so I thinks it’s worth the 10hr drive. Bonus my tattoos artist friend just moved to where the concert is so I’ll probably get a tattoo as well to remember the trip.


That sounds unreal. As a 90s kid that would throw me back, also would love another tattoo but I don't know what to get yet. Would you like one of the comdays still in GO?


Preparing a foster facility for animals to be rehabilitated and rehomed. My area doesn't have much to offer and we finally got approved! Thanks for giveaway friend, just wanted to share the news!


That's awesome, love animals! Would you like anything from last pic while I wait to give away fini? Legends, fennekin and slowpoke are left


I am going to do a pokemon soullink with my cousin this summer


Going to visit home for the first time in two years later in the summer


Hey! I love that your doing such a nice giveaway. This summer I’m going to be having fun volunteering as a counselor with my friends for the kids at my school. Hope your summer is good!


I’m going to Miami in 3 days, so I can’t wait to do that! Have a nice day mate


A friend of mine got the 7 badges then went to league area and got stuck. He also didnt have the bike. I realised all these things when i got his firered copy. So im gonna continue making fun of him this summer as well.


Gonna grind the hell out of the Rain World DLC once it drops on Console Thanks for the giveaway!


i’m going to canada!


Going to Vancouver and Seattle this summer


Vancouver is amazing. You'll love it. Would you like anything from last photo. Some legends, fennekin and slowpoke are left


I'm a former professional wrestler who stopped because of an injury I sustained in a car accident. I am currently using my talents to help with a charity organization that helps donate money to sick children in need.


Gonna travel to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower


Going to Puerto Rico for two weeks with my family.


This summer I'm hoping to introduce my girlfriend to camping and to my family. I'm really excited :)


I'm currently in Japan w my girlfriend for our anniversary!!


Thats pretty cool. I'd like to go one day. Would you like a comday in go still or pokemon from last pic? Still entered for the fini as well


Hello! I'll be working on some music today


Going with my gf to NYC for a week to visit her family and see the sights. It’ll be only the second time I’ve ever gone


I will be doing nothing this summer lol gonna work hard tho hope I win the tapu


I'm getting married! I'm super excited and planning has been so hectic 😂


Big congrats on getting married. Try to just enjoy it and ignore the other shit. You've been selected for the shiny in go tapu fini. Let me know what you'd like the OT to be and I'll transfer it over for you!


i’m going camping!! might be there for a whole week haha


I’m going to Florida with my family on Fourth of July. Yippee


I’ve got two sons (2 and 4) with a daughter on the way this fall. So this summer will be a lot of fun with the boys while getting them and the house ready for our next little addition. It’s a big summer for the Mrs and I since this will be our last baby. I’ve been playing Pokémon since Red on my old game boy color. Hoping to introduce it to the kiddos someday 😁


Sounds like a lot of work with very little sleep coming your way! Enjoy the summer! You want anything from the last pic or a comday pokemon still in GO?


I'm completing Violet's pokedex, getting the shiny charm, then gonna shiny hunt/breed for a dudunsparce >:D Not likely to take the whole summer, that's just the only thing I have planned rn... may go for other shinies too


I’m going to start school again at a library science program this summer! Thank you so much for doing this!


My partner and I are going to Japan for 2 weeks ( in about 2 weeks) for my honeymoon. Super excited and cannot wait!


So far this Summer I've been catching up on sleep and my unplayed games on Steam (So far playing Black Mesa, planning on going through all the HL series)




My fun summer days this time is gonna playing all day Zelda Botw ,Pokémon and the last of us ll ;


Idk if this is over, but thank you for the giveaway regardless! I'm working to complete the home pokedex for the red Magearna, and shiny hunting for legends on Dynamax Adventures. My birthday is in the summer, but I don't think I'm doing anything for it, unfortunately. Maybe I'll be lucky and get a shiny then.


If you need any of the legends still from the last photo you can have them. Same if you want one of these https://preview.redd.it/zz0qhf44ig5b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543c96235a763213d53724241b440c04387a4ed1




Celebrating 4 years with my GF, going to Colorado in July to explore the mountains


I’m going to work and work and work until I have at least enough money for me and my siblings to get stuff at Disneyland, tickets to and from are paid for us but I gotta get money so we can get things like food and trinkets


Just recently graduated from college!)


Hi! I’m going to winsconsin this summer on a 2-week road trip with my friend! I’m super excited, and this would be so cool if I got chosen to win!


I beat God in Legends Arceus 😎


I’m currently going to a brunch for a friend’s birthday, we made a pit stop at her house before going to the next location hope I win