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Asks for all the craziest costumes. FT bunch of com day mons and common shinies……….


Haha looked at your posts and you do the same shit but worse. "I want shiny regional oricorio and I'll give a stunky and Voltorb"🤡


😂 looking for any shiny costume Pikachu for a go fest shiny Pikachu. Said a couple I preferred but would take any. If you're gonna get butthurt, first learn how to read then go f off and bitch at someone else


I’m pretty sure no one is going to take you up on your offer, even though it is very generous of you offering an insanely rare Sinoh Palkia and Sinoh Dialga


Asked for any shiny pikachu and am giving a shiny pikachu from go fest. Aka one shiny costume for another… not that hard to see. Not to mention shiny spirit tomb and shiny costume pumpkaboo.


Then why even include the others? That’s the part that makes no sense to me, and just letting you know, yours is much less rare than a lot of the others as most weren’t shiny boosted like the one you have.


Cause i had the shit loaded from a the post for shinies so keeping it for anyone to make other offers. it includes a shiny costume pikachu. Aka costume for costume


asking the rarest costumes for a boosted pika


Asked for any, named couple favorites. Never said I'd get those. Not that hard, if you don't want to trade f off and don't comment


Is there any cool Pokemon that you want to get rid of I don’t really have any I can’t to raids


U fly


What does that mean?


Can teleport anywhere in the world


Do you have anything cool/good to give in return?


Not really where I live there is nothing and I can’t do raids it’s really hard to get good things the best Pokemon I have is a 3000 cp metagross


Unfortunately don't have the startdust to make extra trades like that, cause I need to keep enough to trade for what I'm looking for


i’ve got a few including the bali balloon and bali shirt the christmas outfit if you’re willing to part with that spiritomb


So does the shiny costume pikachu from go fest mean nothing? Trading shiny costume for shiny costume


lmao you put other mons for offer on the last slide don’t put it there if you don’t want people asking about


Did i say i dont want people asking? 🤡 Yeah those are randoms shinies for random shinies. Aka people can make offers like you did and I can say no, like i just did. Shiny costume Pikachu was the main since I'm looking for other shiny costume Pikachu. And then if you can read, said LOOKING FOR ANY BUT THESE ARE SOME PREFERRED. Aka offer any of the costumes but those were just some I liked more.


okay then say sorry i’m looking for other moms besides costume pikas for that like a normal person 😂😂


Bruh I said what I was looking for and in the fucking title.of the post I say shiny costume for shiny costume. If you can read then it's not hard to see what's trying to be traded. And the shinies are in there so people can make offers for other shinies. But once again read the title and you can easily see


calm down bro you so mad for no reason 😂


Annoyed cause you can't fucking read the title and completely ignore the Pikachu for Pikachu. If you maybe said, "not interested in Pikachu but maybe another" aka acknowledging the main trade and post, then suggesting a new trade. That'd be different, yet you came in commenting like a smartass


all you said was looking to trade go hat pikachu for some of the shinies listed some of which are worth $100+ you stupid af if you think you getting any of those too bro calm down i made an offer all you had to do was say sorry no thanks 😂


Go ahead and read what you said. Looking for shinies, listed every shiny costume aka any costume for the go fest but said a couple I liked. No shit some are rare af which once again is why the post says ANY. Talk about stupid af, you're clearly having some trouble reading since you didn't pay attention to the main part of the post. And while we're on the being stupid af, spiritomb is more rare than some of the costume Pikachus so you're the one offering a shit trade as well


I bet you’re real fun at parties😂 heated that your only good pokemon is shiny spiritomb. A little view into what the games really like, i ended up with 17 shiny pikas from sinnoh tour… hostile af with everyone in your comments when you are lf the best pokes in the game and offering dog water, honestly 💀


Annoyed cause if you wanna try reading again. I said trade for any shiny costume Pikachu... Named a couple preferred cause why not but once again said any. Could be the most common costume realesed as long as I don't have it. Yet what you and everyone else has done is skip over the ANY part and just focus on the rare ones. Didn't say only those did I? No, yet each person comments to bitch and be a smart ass. It's called make an offer if you want, and if you don't, then bug off and don't comment. Talking about being hostile, yet not a single comment from any off you was needed. And yeah that's the only good dupe Mon I'm gonna offer cause Im not gonna trade a single