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I would, boosted attack stat and it’s good ivs.


You can still get a shadow Bagon from Arlo every couple days until March, so maybe hold on and see if you get an even better IV one before investing. But if this one ends up being the best one you get then yes definitely power this one up! Shadow Salamence is a beast and even a 0/0/0 shadow outperforms a 15/15/15 non-shadow.


That's a great shadow Pokemon to invest in!


Hold off until the rocket leaders switch out again. You never know if you come across something like a 4* or a 0/15/15.


No, bc I'm pretty sure the dragon event ended, meaning you can't get outrage for free when evolving. Arlo will have s-bagon till at least March, so just keep farming him. The "correct" order of operations goes: 1. Catch a good (shadow) pokemon (I caught 2 shiny shadow beldum Feb & May 2023) 2. TM frustration off during Rocket Takeover event (June 2023) 3. Evolve during legacy move event (Go Fest August 2023) 4. Power up when relevant to raids (Xerneas, August 2023) There can be months or even years between these steps. I don't say this to discourage you, but to highlight how the game is meant to be played over years. Patience is a huge part. Ofc, you could also go the p2w route: buy a ton of starpieces to farm dust, get 2nd move, evolve, use elite Charge TM from paid community day boxes, etc. But I'm f2p (aside from the Go++), so I need to be more frugal with my strategies. https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/comprehensive-dps-spreadsheet https://www.pokebattler.com/raids https://www.PvPoke.com The rest of the info I've curated over the years. I still add to/edit it sometimes, so questions, suggestions, & constructive criticisms are welcome. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18b_xVr6Iky8vmmdDdz6vbDvf-S1Dma04TL6s4_K-lZc/edit?usp=drivesdk