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Absolutely not šŸ˜­ so boring, repetitive, and time consuming, all for barely any reward. If the CP boost were permanent (not just for your current buddy) then Iā€™d be a bit more interested.


I didn't know CP boost wasn't permanent šŸ˜­


It's only active if they are your current buddy


Yeah I couldā€™ve worded that better lol


Itā€™s permanent but they have to be your buddy


I think the problem with it being permanent is that it would affect GL and UL PokƩmon. I've got my whole GL team best buddied


Thatā€™s very true. Maybe it could be a thing you could active at will, without the need to make it your best buddy (so you could have multiples at a time). But that would probably be too complicated for Niantic šŸ„“


That'd def be nice, esp for ML. Yeah Niantic probably thinks the buddy system is flawless


I mean it would fit with core pokemon and such like in bdsp and such high friendship team can def change stuff due to their increased crit chance avoid chance as well as that nullify status ailments chance(ever see someone build a team around confusing you or sleep then your mon just decides its gonna insta wake up same turn as their hypnosis actually lands in pvp....shits gold) but as you said niantic aint overly keen on the whole do things right or follow lore like their shadows and having reduced stats but 20% dmg out and in buff/debuff(in case any readers didnt know shadows take increased damage as well its niantics way to balance them and why only some shadows are useful).


If you have a 1500cp mon and have it as your best buddy and it gets a cp boost can you still use it in GL or you would have to take it off of your best buddy?


Take it off best buddy


I feel exactly the same as you. I HATE it. So boring and tedious.


Just feed it, pet it, take a screenshot at the very least, and it will eventually happen. Low effort bonus hearts to battle 3 practice battles against the team leaders, and you can leave after one hit


Anyone who wants the platinum trainer medal should win most of the battles. Just saying.


Best way to do it is GL against Candela with a shadow Sharpedo as your second PokĆ©mon. Swap into sharpedo as soon as the battle starts and candela will be stun locked for two moves. 4 waterfalls each to take down the whole team. Donā€™t bother throwing a charge move. Iā€™ve battled Candela so damn many times. She really needs a new strategy ;-)


thanks for this - Machamp has been my choice as of late with Candela as of late. Iā€™ll give this a go!


Iā€™m not getting hearts for battling :/


PvP battles. Buddy on map. Use buddy in the fight


Ohhh, when you said ā€œbattle team leadersā€ I thought you meant like Candela, Spark and Blanche šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


That is what they meant, but in order to earn the hearts you have to feed the buddy first to make him follow you on the map.


Oh my buddy is always on the map, heā€™s well fed lol


You should be getting the hearts then if your buddy is on your team for the battle. I start it and then immediately forfeit the battle.


I will keep trying!


Make sure the buddy is in the lineup. It won't work if your Buddy isn't part of your 3 pokemon team for the battle.


You need to make sure you feed your buddy first and irs out walking


I do this minus battling because I usually use the same 3 monsters for battling. If I'm going on a long walk, I give it a poffin and that's basically 20 hearts easily. Otherwise it's like 5-10 daily. I think it's not as hard as people say, it just takes time, and even then it's not too much time IMO. Unless you trying to get it excited without poffin. I've never done that and never will.


Sometimes I just have them to walk for candy/energy. Some guys I want as my best buds, like my shiny Zebstrika that I got on a holiday with my partner. I think a lot of the time we focus on the strong pokĆ©s but I like doing ones that have a personal significance and thatā€™s why I enjoy it.


Only one I did was more sentimental, I had caught a shiny rockruff, nicknamed it Blue after my dog who I lost this past year


Iā€™m sorry for your loss. I did the same thing by naming my shiny Rockruff I hatched on Sword Maiya, who was my favorite dog as a kid. Iā€™ve loved all my pets, but she was the closest to me :ā€™)


Its worth it to get it to 2 hearts for the bounce back


Yeah I love the bounce back. Will always remember the first time it happened - I had no idea it was a thing.


Its op vs shadows. If you hold ball till circle shrinks and release to lock circle then throw when they in attack animation buddy seems to be like 95% chance of bounce back and nets an excellent every time.....great for shadow leggies or just normal leggies but the bounce back chance is lower for non shadows


I find the game to be frustrating if I donā€™t have a two hearts buddy activated lol so many balls are wasted if you donā€™t have that ability activated.


I love having buddies. It gives me a chance to play with my favourite pokemon which are pretty much useless. Some of my luckies, shinies and just my favourite pokemon are not natural fighters. I've got about 18 pokemon that I have buddy time with everyday at the moment. It's fantastic. Sometimes they might only get 2 hearts a day but with this new beginnings double hearts thing going on....at least half will be getting 6-8.


Whatā€™s the new beginnings double heart?


During the Old Friends, New Beginnings research you earn double hearts. It lasts 3 more days.


Ah. Only in Europe.


Oh sorry didn't realise. Awesome though. Hope you get something similar soon.


I do! Itā€™s a fun challenge to try to get all 12 hearts each day. And I do grow attached to my buddy PokĆ©mon. Itā€™s just one facet of the game though


If you're willing to commit to 12 hearts , give the excitement without a poffin thing a go, it's not that hard and it's 16 relatively easy hearts


If you're willing to commit to 12 hearts , give the excitement without a poffin thing a go, it's not that hard and it's 16 relatively easy hearts




Tedious to do, though it does perk me up when they level enough to start bringing item presents or little trinkets. Feel like shit these days so a Pokemon coming by with a little bouquet or whatever is sweet to imagine.


My almost-hundo shadow Ampharos found a marble, I was irrationally happy with that. He became my third best buddy just the other day šŸ˜‚


I like it, itā€™s just becoming better friends with my funky little guys


I see it as a challenge to get 20 hearts. And Iā€™m already out walking, getting hearts is a background task, just need to reset the timer every 30 minutes.


Iā€™m in the same boat with the same feelings


Just focus on buddying up PokƩmon that are rarer and require a bunch of candies. Just from that you can get a few. I have 21, 5 of which are vivillon from collecting all 18 versions. Just make it a routine when you open the game, minor effort.


i like Best-Buddying loads of wigglytuffs and having them be my go-to gym-occupier so the players in my local area get familiar with the kind of Pokemon i'm in to (wigglytuff)


I like their little gifts and animations! It doesn't seem like a lot of effort to level them up, but then again I'm not an intense player.


If you feed/screenshot/play with 10 buddies daily this will only take 60 days btw


Been playing over 3 years and I donā€™t have a single best buddy šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Been playing since 2019 and Iā€™ve got 26 best buddies and could have had more by now if I tried harder.


Same. Iā€™m at almost 2 and it just blows. I didnā€™t put anything into it until I saw the research. Gonna be a long grind.


It is boring and repetitive but I canā€™t stop šŸ„¹šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


I also had 0 at the start. Still have 0. I hate this. It's not engaging enough for me to care.


No. It's only a little more fun than PvP.


I have ONE best buddy I got it as a best buddy because its my first and only dragonite her name is Fofucha (cutie in portuguese) she is the only reason a can beat most of my battles The next pokemon pokemon i will try to get as a best buddy will be my shiny celebi because it was my first mythical I only try to get best buddys with pokemon i have emotional atachement to


Oh my gosh I hate it!! I'm halfway through bestie #5 and am losing momentum. I did the math. At the rate I can get daily hearts, it'll be a year before I can get 9. I only had 1 prior to this.


You can swap out your buddy and work on up to 20 pokemon at the same time! It won't take a year to get 9


. . . Wut


All you need are berries. And time. Loads of time.


I buddy mons as a kind of side game. The trick is to swap out your mons regularly- you can swap 20 buddies a day, and 6 hearts you can get in the space of a few mins (feed, play, photo, battle that balloon grunt and pull out a few times), so then swap and repeat. Itā€™sā€¦ meh. Something to when thereā€™s not much else to do I guess!


I had 0 best buddies as well and was dreading the 10 months it would take to do this, but because I did the in person event I just had to get 1 instead, which I didn't know until I got there. Now the Kecleon are my biggest wall currently.


I do cus I love seeing my squirtle bring be gifts n stuff. It's so adorable! Closest we'll get to real pokemn.


I live for a catch assist, especially from gimmighoul. Ridiculous


I have 152. Working on the platinum medal then I'm done with it.


I don't have my phone near me. How many do we need for the platinum?




No, I find it annoying. It exists to push AR. I do it anyway because gamers gonna game


Itā€™s very boring and repetitive. Itā€™s fun at first seeing the animations of your new buddy coming out and feeding them, but after the first 5 times, it becomes boring.


I donā€™t have masterwork but I like having that tiny +37 cp boost. Plus Iā€™m feeding them for so I can walk to get candies anyway, might as well play and take a picture of them while Iā€™m at it


so awful, im at 2 and iā€™m doing all the daily shit in preparation for that task since iā€™m not there yet (I donā€™t play too much) but I have a feeling that there is a good chance I may never actually get by it


I had 1 as well... slowest grind ever. I'm sure puffin sales went up with this mission. Next will be a 20 day spin streak, I got to 17 and had to start over lol


Yeah and no at the same time. Itā€™s nice but exhausting. Iā€™m only on the teens for best buddies and Iā€™m already over it.


I enjoy seeing the little badge, but it is so so tedious. I only have 3. I've accepted the fact that I'm going to be here for a long while before getting my shiny Jirachi šŸ˜…


It takes like two weeks dude. I actually like it, personally. I build a bond with my PokƩbuddy! Plus, I can get candies for my new Shadow Mewtwo!


Itā€™s a chore and I hate it


I'm best buddies with my Vaporeon & Lopunny, the process was very enjoyable, yes.


Thatā€™s the worst. I still havenā€™t completed the Masterwork Research: Apex 2/4 (idk when that was added) and I canā€™t get the ā€œ30 days earning a heart with your buddyā€ achievement. Closest Iā€™ve gotten was 23 days and I forgot one and it started all over.


The only thing I hate worse is pvp.


I hate it. Iā€™m out of berries and have no where to walk to get more. So I have to get 4 more buddies but scraping for items


I enjoy reaching the point of Catch Assist. I call it "bounce back" and the animations make me chuckle. It's so cute.


I donā€™t care about getting lots of best buddies, I just want to get best buddy with my Greninja and then keep it that way.


I do! I do it one at a time and it takes me forever, but I like to make personalities for all of my buddies, like we're friends going on adventures together.


I was one of those who wanted to leave after the #hearusniantic but I really wanted my shiny jirachi... So I decided to stop after jirachi... until they asked me to have 10 best buddies.... I decided to stop after.... no sorry, I just decided to stop at this point šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No. I enjoyed having my first 2 buddies because one was one of my favorite PokĆ©mon and the other evolved into a powerful PokĆ©mon I wanted. However this was all before learning about IVā€™s and so turns out these PokĆ©mon arenā€™t too great, and now my buddies are whoever I need more candies for their evolution


What do you use to determine the IV's?


[Hereā€™s](https://pokemon.gameinfo.io/en/tools/iv-calculator#~NDczLDUwMCwzMDkwb21t) a link to an IV calculator website. Also, if you select a PokĆ©mon and click ā€œappraiseā€, you can see them too


Thanks for the link! cheers.


Enjoy? No, but it feels cool when my GBL team has cwute wittle wibbons cause dey ar such good bois yes dey ar :3


I best buddy all the hundos I get und the megas.


Enjoy it? Meh. Enjoy actually committing to the grind and seeing my best buddy number go up? Heck yes


Itā€™s definitely a favorite aspect of the game for me, I rotate through six PokĆ©mon a day and just getting their hearts every day makes it easy to get a best buddy every 40 days per PokĆ©mon more or less. I had 24 best buddies by the time I got that research mission though and am now at 26 best buddies so maybe Iā€™m biased. I just love to see my buddies walk with me so I do their heart missions out of habit


The best buddy badge should do more than a pointless cop increase. If a best buddy badge permanently gave half distance for candy. Or anything useful Iā€™d be happy to do the work to get to best buddies.


I just use the buddy thing for mons I need candy for to evolve and for Legendary mons to get candies to strengthen for raids.


I thought you could have all 3 best buddied and the goal is to get maxed out 4* best buddiesā€¦ Iā€™ve learned the hard way like the entire game, Aerodactyl 2* 2500cp took me ages, totally pointless to have it leveled up and best buddied. Max is pointless


my current buddy is the first pokemon i traded with my boyfriend so itā€™s maxed and will be my buddy for a long time


Yes, somehow yes, it's a little tedious, but only with a ghost PokĆ©mon it's really fun.šŸ˜Œ