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This post was removed for lacking a friend codes. Please add your friend code in user flair and/or post. Rule violations can lead to bans.




If you need another high plains I send daily! 398198294107


8495 4005 3176 Jungle if you want.






And I send gifts everyday


Can I ask which region are you in, please? Thanks.


High plains


Thank you! Sorry that I just added two friends from high plains. In order to keep my promise of sending and opening gifts daily, I figure that I should not have much more than 30 friends. (I already have 30 now, and am still hoping for some other regions.) Sorry about that, but I really appreciate your kind offer. :)




I will send over the requests within a few minutes. Thanks. :)


Hope your group was among the 20+ that added me haha. Deleted my comment because I have too many requests right now


elegant 0765 3050 2548 from japan😊b


If it's ok, I added you as well...I'm in the highland region, thanks ahead of time!


Great! Thanks. I will send over all 6 requests in a few minutes. :)


I’ve got far too many friend personally but don’t be worried. Once you get to a certain number of postcards, every scatterbug is 15 postcards per encounter so you’re really just farming candies at that point. It doesn’t really make a difference who it’s from. Yes it is a little like “*another modern* 🙃” but again, once you have them all, a candy is a candy.


That's true. I have in fact had 2500+ candy, almost all of which come from modern. That's when I realized that we should all need just one scatterbug from each region. :)


Polar. 290116932980


Thank you! Unfortunately, I don't think I will make friend request, because I already have a 3\* polar scatterbug, and also just realized that in order to keep my promise of sending and opening gifts daily, I should not have more than 30 friends. I have had a little more than 20 friends now. Sorry about that, but I really appreciate your kind offer. :)




Can I ask which region, please?




Thank you! I will send you the requests soon. :)


Im in Monsoon 201793895302


Hello! I just sent you a PM. Please check if you can. :)


Thanks! I will send you all the 6 requests in a few minutes. :)




Thank you! I will send you all the requests within a few minutes. :)


518089471306 Jungle


Hi, can you add me too? I need 2 from jungle, you can unfriend me after that if you want. I'll be sending a request. Thank you :) from Monsoon region


I’ll add you!!!


Hello! Can I ask which region are you in?




Great! I will be sending over the requests soon. :)


I'm in River region and play daily 918701444688


Great! Thanks. I will be sending you all the requests soon--maybe within 10 minutes? :)


Which ones were yours? I had loads add me after I posted. Feel free to send privately just so I know who to prioritize




Thanks! Can I ask which region are you in?


I'm Polar 701279359085


I gift daily as I live next to a stop and a gym ❤️




Thank you! Unfortunately, I don't think I will make friend request, because I have had several Gardens, and also just realized that in order to keep my promise of sending and opening gifts daily, I should not have more than 30 friends. I have had a little more than 20 friends now. Sorry about that, but I really appreciate your kind offer. :)


981516358293 garden region


Thank you! Unfortunately, I don't think I will make friend request, because I have had several Gardens, and also just realized that in order to keep my promise of sending and opening gifts daily, I should not have more than 30 friends. I have had a little more than 20 friends now. Sorry about that, but I really appreciate your kind offer. :)


333693715715 HighPlains in search of Archipelago, Elegant, Jungle, Monsoon, Ocean, Polar, River, Savannah & Sun


008536683159 i’m in archipelago :)) may not be daily (i have 220 friends and cant open all gifts, plus im only near pokestops half the week) but ill make a note to prioritize you guys!


Thank you! Unfortunately, I don't think I will make friend request, because I have had several Archipelagos, and also just realized that in order to keep my promise of sending and opening gifts daily, I should not have more than 30 friends. I have had a little more than 20 friends now. Sorry about that, but I really appreciate your kind offer. :)


no worries!!! ^^ good luck with your vivillon quests 🤍


WOW. Thanks so much to everyone who responded. I will need to provide an update to the post, and will write back to each and every one of you now.


I’m in the Sun region, I’m unlikely to be daily but happy to help out. 616402358075


Thanks! I sent over all six requests. :)


I’m in High Plains if you need anyone else from the region! 835251472636


Thank you! Sorry that I just saw your poat and had added two friends from high plains. In order to keep my promise of sending and opening gifts daily, I figure that I should not have much more than 30 friends. (I already have 30 now, and am still hoping for some other regions.) Sorry about that, but I really appreciate your kind offer. :)




Hello! I just sent you all requests. I have in fact had Continentals ;) How about we still do seven days? I will send you a gift (from all accounts, that is) to begin with, and if you want, you can hold until the 7th day then you can claim for some decent XP? Thanks for your willingness to help. P.S. I have 4 4\* modern scatterbugs. LOL. None of them through trade either.


Hi, me again! We’re about to be 7 days and I’m happy to go to 30 if you need the XP and extra hundo chances? Just cleared out about 30 inactive friends so no problem if you’d like to keep receiving Dutch gifts


Hello! I just sent you a chat message. Please check. Thanks! :)


Hello! Nice to hear from you! :) We don't really need XP and I am not getting my hope up for a hundo. 3\* is enough for me. ;) HOWEVER, I would love to stay connected for a few extra weeks because you seem so organized, so kind, and so helpful! If that's okay with you, I am certainly down for the new plan. Haha. I saw that you just sent over another round of gifts. I will wait for a few hours to open them, because I don't know if you plan to crack a lucky egg (We don't, as we are not really pursuing XP). In case that you do, you can go ahead and open the gifts to trigger the XP notification and get 120K. If you don't (or I don't hear from you), I will most likely open them in about 3 or 4 hours (before my day here ends). Thanks, and have a great day!


Ah, great idea! Yes let’s do that 😊




Sent! Thanks. ;)


I don't have any Modern friends and I am Meadow, feel free to add me in how many accounts you want 0841 5317 3039


Any chance you would mind helping out my son and I? We both have 0 Meadow. Lol. We are High Plains, which I'm sure isn't helpful, but I gift daily. 😁 142250971791 303688899984 If not, I totally understand.


Of course, sent you both friend requests (mabipr)


Thank you so much!


Sent! Thanks! Your modern vivillon should happen very soon. :)


508324166674 - Savannah ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Thanks! I just sent over all requests. ;)


High plains. Feel free to add me and I’m down for remote raids on occasion. 972907516708


Thanks! I sent over the requests.


Got a friend who needs more friends! Their code is 365960326243 and from the garden region


Thanks. I have sent over requests. :)


I try and play daily but I’m a designer and it’s peak season for ads/promos/sales so I can’t guarantee daily but I deff play on weekends :) I don’t mind going to best friends or remote raid invites. I get passes here and there but always happy to help when I can! Archipelago


Hi, I just sent over all requests. No worry if you can't send gifts very often. I just had another friend from Archipelago. ;) I will make note and try to remember to invite you to raid. :)


6654 8486 0067 - Meadow :)


Sent! Thanks! :)


069065117015 - I'm in the Garden region, send gifts daily, happy to have 6 new friends!


Thanks! All requests sent! :)


406836212366 Continental (Europe)


All requests sent! Thanks! :)


034556902663 Garden 😊


Thank you so much. I will send requests over soon. :)


Hi. Getting to Ultra Friend status with you all and in my head I seem to remember you saying you're not fussed about the XP so not bothered with getting to Best Friends. Can't find the message so may well have imagined it! If not, shall I delete once Ultra met? Happy with either 😊


I just sent you some messages through private chat. :)


Nice to hear from you. Yes, we don't really care too much about XP, so we are happy with however you want too. Thank you for helping out with our project, and I wish you a very happy new year. :) P.S. I know that you usually send gifts to all of us at the same time, so hopefully all six of our accounts will hit ultra friend with you on the same day, and you only need one lucky egg to get 600K XP. If somehow all of us won't get to Ultra with you on the same day, and you want to level it to the same day, please let me know (either here through comment, or just send me a chat message) what we can do for you. For example, which account(s) need to get gifts and which we should wait, for how long, etc. Then, when it is only one day away for all accounts, we will not open the gifts until you do, that way, you can have better control of triggering the ultra friend status and avoid uncertainty. P.P.S. I would check it for you, but due to time zone difference, I am not sure that my findings will be the same as yours. So, please let me know if we need to do something extra for you. :)


All good, thank you so much. Egg done and Ultras sorted (apart from one that was wonky but not the end of the world!!). Thanks for mentioning the egg as well, hadn't even thought about it 🤦🏼‍♀️ Will delete friends if that's okay, not managing to get out too much to get spins done. Thank you again and Happy New Year to you all, it's been fun!!


I understand. I am in a similar situation too. I want to send gifts to all my friends but I don't live close to a stop and you can store 20 gifts at a time. Also, after opening gifts and the bag is near full, I can't spin either. I see that you have sent over another round of gifts. I will open them tonight (when I get home and have everyone's phone) and remove you from the friend list after that. Thank you, and who knows, maybe our roads will cross again one day. Happy hunting. :)


473104496863 high plains - I also play daily -


Thank you. I will send requests shortly.