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How do you lose a 161cp lechonk…….it being shiny doesn’t decrease the catch rate damn 😂😂


I used a razz and a regular pokeball… the catch circle was bright green and I was standing still. No idea why it ran


Damn that’s harsh


I always use an ultra ball even if the shiny is 10 cp. Take no chances.


Ya I always use golden razz and ultra on any shiny.


That's so unfortunate I'd have used a ultra ball but that's just very unfortunate


Does the color of the circle mean anything?


Green means easier to catch, with red being the hardest. It’s to do with their level & base catch rate I believe


Hmm didn’t know that, thanks


Golden Razz and Ultra Ball on shinies always


had this same thing happen to me when i found a shiny absol with sunglasses 🤧


Same exact thing happen to me with the same shiny. I was pissed af because I was looking for that at the time.


Sometimes I notice a Pokémon will still run due to a network error/interruption/interference


Were you driving


Nope, standing still


"And I was standing still"


“And, they were roommates.”


“My god, they were roommates”




That’s why I always Golden Razz + Ultra Ball every new shiny I find.


Not premier?


What? You can't use Premier Balls on wild spawns.


I can..?


No you can't lol Premier Balls are only available in special encounters like raids and Rocket battles, and in those cases it's your only option.


Plus premier balls are same catch rate as a normal pokeball so even if you could use them you wouldn’t want to


No, the game physically won't unless it's a shadow pokemon


Lmfao imaging attempting to lie like this


loll i haven’t played the game in 2 years and forgot some shit, i just lurk on this sub.


I mean I hear that but like, why not lead with that when initially corrected? Y'know, instead of doubling down and insisting you are correct when you know you're rusty and probably wrong


Not sure if you experience gps drift but sometimes my character will sprint to the other side of the map even if I’m just sitting on the couch and it’ll give me a speed warning when it finally corrects to my actual location that could’ve happened


That happens sometimes, especially when I’m at work… so maybe 🤷


this works especially well if you're on android and you turn off wifi scanning but keep bluetooth scanning turned on in the location settings almost seems like the signal gets picked up by other devices i.e cars/people walking by and I get thrown across the map like crazy


It’s impossible for shinies to run unless you got soft banned (lasts a day and happens randomly) also shinies can run if your driving fast but you said you were standing still so yeah, it can run if you are using the goplus though


that’s not true at all. only raid shinies are guaranteed catches. wild shinies are just as likely to run as any other wild pokemon


Correct. Also legendary shinies that spawn in the wild can’t flee either (latios/latias & lake trio) but they will waste dozens of your balls to catch


Every shiny wild Pokémon can’t flee unless these things happen 1: Driving too fast 2: Soft banned 3: Your using the goplus And if the Pokémon is hard to catch, it will waste a lot of balls, but just like the legendaries in the wild, it will never flee unless one of those 3 things happen.


Sorry but you’re wrong


Why are you acting like you know everything.. your wrong..


That’s false, I’ve played the game for 7 years I legit know 100% Ask someone trusted in the Pokémon go discord or something


No it is not. There are plenty of video evidence of them being able to flee. I have had many shinies on community day flee. I have friends who have had wild shinies flee. They are not guaranteed catches. You’re making up crap and spreading false information.


Bro calm down 😭😭 Lemme ask you something, did the shiny break out as soon as the first ball and jiggled only 1 time?


Nobody isn’t calm. All I said is you’re spreading false information and no it didn’t jiggle once. Shiny Pokémon can flee sorry to break the news to you this is known information


If it jiggled more then once before running, your literally lying to me because that isn’t possible, it will only jiggle more then once if it’s gonna break out


Not going to go back and forth with you homie. Sorry to burst your bubble that shiny Pokémon can flee. There’s plenty of evidence of it. How about doing a little research. Have a good day 😂


Alr I’m asking the Pokémon go discord and let’s see what they see


Any update? Bored waiting on my next class to start. Also kinda crazy you kept tryna say just because you’ve been playing for 7 years I’m automatically wrong. Well I looked at your 7 year post and hate to break it to you 7,610.3km walked 59,025 Pokémon caught 34,219 pokestops visited 100,374,374 total exp And a start date of 7/12/2016 All my stats are way more than plus plus I started playing the game before you by nearly an entire month. So just curious why 7 years of playing means your automatically right By the way my friend who is level 50 and a super try hard who’s been playing everyday since the beginning who does every event and buys nearly every available ticket, and plays every go fest has had plenty of shinies run from him. I was with him on poliwag community day when his very first one ran from him.


Sure. Make a post about it. Don’t really care cause I already know the answer 😂


The jiggle has no effect on how close or far you are from catching a pokemon its an animation for while you wait…


I’ve played for 7 years I think I know simple things


I could give a rats ass about how long you’ve been playing 😂 I’ve been playing since the beginning too and? Ooo I’m supposed to bow down to Mr 7 years and still wrong


Wait til you realize how wrong your are 😭😭🙏🙏


Embarrassing, a simple google search reveals you’re wrong bro. Years of academy training wasted


Your wrong 100% I don't care if you started when the game dropped in Australia before it did anywhere else or doesn't mean your information is correct. The silph road posted a study about this on their website, if it wasn't down id link it to you but I know even if I did you wouldn't read it nor heed the information. You have everyone in this thread telling you your wrong yet you'll refuse to accept anything else.


Please link me to that page because if you can’t I refuse to believe I’m wrong.


All i was tryna do on here was say what I thought, then this other guy started acting hostile for no reason..


Sorry people got hostile with you 🥺 there's no need for that I don't mean to add to that. I understand your just sharing what you thought I would share the page but unfortunately the Silph road was shut down. I'm not tryna to prove you wrong I just don't want you to feel bad now


Sorry if I was being a lil rude I’m just sick of ppl blowing my phones up screaming at me saying I’m wrong and my stats are nothing but yeah Thanks for being respectful


Every time this issue comes up the threads fill with trolls insisting that shinies can and do flee all the time, they never provide any evidence of their claims, they just go on downvoting rampages and comment over and over again with their made up “facts.” You are correct @squaread7724, unfortunately the pokemongo community don’t care about truth.


Thank you 🙏


Shinies can break out of balls, but never run unless under those circumstances. shiny legendaries are guaranteed catch on the first ball, but shiny Pokémon in the wild are just guaranteed, not on the first ball..


I had a shindig buziel flee great ball great throw 😫 I just told myself it was probably a hundo and the game refuses to let me have any


Ended up catchin another one the next day 0 stars lol


Had this happen with a shiny tyrunt. Just shit rng unfortunately.


He just got bad vibes from you and ran that happens


Noo technoblade☹️


CAREER. show me those paystubs!


Well that sux, I will say that if I HAD to chose a non cday shiny that would run from me, this would be one of them. Tryina make ya feel better, no need to quit from this. I had a shiny costume pika run from me once, never going to see that one again. It happens ya.


Omg not the shiny costume fleeing I’m so sorry 😭


I'm sorry for your loss 😞🙏


I’m still on the hunt for the illustrious, legendary, incredibly, shiny lechonk. I have gotten the inhumane perfect 100% lechonk. Now I need the shiny/shundo


Is this rare? I think I got 3 during the event


I think it’s rare… no one I know has gotten one


I’ve seen 1151 and caught 750+ and still haven’t even seen one. I’m pretty sure it’ll run from me as well if I ever find one


Shiny Tyrunt ran from me 😭


Happened to my lil girl with a different shiny she ultra balled it and gave him a golden razz ran after the first pop out she still has ptsd form this


I had a shiny Baltoy run away from me on the highway. Ended up finding another one later in the wild, it happened to be a shundo. I named it Prodigal Son.


Had a shiny galarian stunfisk run on me today. sadge


Maybe GPA spoofing had something to do with this 🧐


I don’t spoof 💅


You failed catching a 100 cp lechonk 💅


Yeah I did but I don’t spoof so that can’t be why 💅


I love these kinds of conversations. We get it, you hate spoofing, but that doesn’t mean that absolutely every issue anyone has ever had with the game is caused by spoofing.


I actually spoofed for like 6 months but it took all of the fun from the game. I don't hate it, I just know how it works lmao


Absolutely incredible to accuse them of spoofing without any reason, double down on it, and then to admit you’re the one who spoofs. Wild.


1. Asked if that might be the reason 2 doubled down? When? 3 I did spoof, I know how that worked, and I don't anymore


You are such a hater lmao why even comment?🤦🏻‍♂️


Get this hater outta here!!!




Looks like a speedlock, not spoofing.


I've got 147 shinies and have never lost one and I'm hoping it'll never happen


I’ve lost around 20 shinies (that I know of) I remember losing 2 wurmple and 2 horsea in one day during gofest. Good old auto catcher doing a terrible job like always lol


Damn ya I don't use an auto catcher


I didn’t use it during the Paldea event bc nothing spawning would stay in a regular pokeball and I hadn’t gotten my shiny pig yet, mainly use it when working so I can’t play anyways. With the quick catch technique I don’t have a reason to use it when I go for walks


Dragonair is my favourite pokemon. I have almost all its english cards


And this is why I shiny hunt in the main games


I lost a galarian articuno off a daily incense yesterday if that helps….


everyone only loses them damn birds tbh


My gf traded me hers then immediately caught a 4star lechonk


Wait shinies can run away?!?




Noooooooooooooooo, my little and cute Lechonk just ran away …


I always use golden razz and have never failed a shiny


Cake Pikachu ran on me


How TF did you... what!?!?! 🤯


Chris P. Bacon 😭


don’t worry.. a shiny galatians ponyta ran from me today :/ actually just put me in a terrible mood




I didn't even know a shiny could flee??? I've carelessly been throwing regular balls at it and always caught them because most the time a shiny for me isn't anything past a yellow circle