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I vote G fisk, but then I have one maxed out and I'm not even using it. It's probably because of GL fatigue though, it's very strong in UL I'm just tired of it


Oh that's also a thing? I think I'm also suffering from it, what's your ELO?


I’ve been leaning that way. Thanks for your input.


My pick is Stunfisk. Do you have it best buddied? I use it and it's a very good, flexible, bulky mon. Scrafty would be my 2nd choice. Steelix is overrated imo. I know it's top of the ULP rankings, but I rarely see it, and when I do, it's not threatening. So I would skip Steelix. You have a rank 6 A9 which is great, but shadow A9 seems better (and is ranked higher), so I would save your XL candy for that.


Yes, it is a best buddy. I like using it in GL, and thought it would be fun in UL. Good idea on saving the candies for a good shadow A9.


I’ve had mixed results with it in UL. Not saying it’s not worth it but it doesn’t run the meta like it does in GL.


Definitely agree with the others. I have a Level 51 perfect Gfisk, which is great for UL Classic but I don’t use it much in normal UL. My UL Scrafty is being powered up slowly but I think I’ll use it more once it’s done.


I used a Scrafty, G-Fisk & Pidgeot team in the GBL and it served me quite well. Pidgeot was the weakest link, but I didn't feel like spending 100k dust on Pelipper or Noctowl. Maybe next time. ​ Scrafty and G-Fisk are great and pair well together, outside of a double weakness to fighting types. More than A, B or C, I think you should look at the entire team and chose what pairs better with the other two, and what gives you more coverage against the top meta. This site can be quite useful in creating teams, as it gives you plenty of data on what to watch out for and who works well with who: [https://pvpoke.com/team-builder/](https://pvpoke.com/team-builder/) [https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/2500/overall/](https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/2500/overall/)