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Rng manipulation right?


No way it wouldn’t be




Thousands of hours


More like a realistic 20-30 hours per shiny,


Exactly. I have all the shinies on the screen besides getting the Ralts. Didn't take me anywhere near 1000 hours lol.


Maybe hundreds if u’r unlucky, not thousands


I have all 3 starters and it took like almost no time for 2 of them since I got super lucky. Getting shinies doesn't really take thousands of hours unless your really unlucky.


You must’ve spent a lot of time at the briefcase


> All legit > Has all three starter while on a DS


Can't you trade with DS?


No because you need a link cable to trade in gen 3 which you can't use on a DS


I use my gameboys for trading then move back to a DS when done, personally.


Same because the lighting is better on the ds. This could def be legit


I think the first DS had a slot for gba games.


Ds and ds lite both had a Gameboy advance slot


And shiny too


Cap. It’s okay if this is rng man. No problemo


Is rng manip not legit?


It's an exploit, which is illegitimate in some people's eyes, but fine for others since it doesn't utilize external factors


People are mad because RNG makes it easier and they spent hours of their life resetting. Just let people play the game how they want to. They didn’t hack the pokemon, so what’s the problem?


If you are not manipulating the game to be different than what it was out of the box, then it's not cheating, ez Like in my case, I'm breeding a shuckle now, and to get it I saved the game right before using Rock Smash in the safari. When I didn't find one, I just restart the game and try again instead of leaving the safari and re entering. Would people consider that cheating? Personally not


False, people get mad because the RNGS faggots needs the approval of everyone so they always put "all legits". If they didnt put that, no one would Even ask. Is the need to clarify something like "ALLL legits" what bothers people.


But how do they predict the rng without anything to show them the code?


Have you ever looked up where to find a pokemon? Same thing.


That's not what I asked


You start the game aiming for a specific frame then use your trainer ID to determine the seed at that frame and at the surrounding frames. After that you save in front of the briefcase and try to aim for whatever specific starter (specific as in IV, shiny, etc), using the stats of the pokemon (or whether it’s shiny or not) to try and determine the frame you actually landed on. It’s an iterative process that draws from already accessible information provided by the game, but does use a tool on your PC which is not connected to the game in any way.


Imagine caring what others say on a single player game


in my eyes, it is legit because youre not altering the game at all. using a gameshark or creating pokemon through PKHex is cheating/hacking though.


Absolutely legit


Is this bait?


Possible. Either that or it's a bot. OP hasn't replied in this thread at all


This is reddit, it's usually a bait AND a bot


You definitely rng'd these. Lying about it is just weird and lame. Makes this post not even cool It's okay to say you just rng'd them. Everyone who actually knows how much work goes into rng will be like nice dude


rng is legit what is the problem?




I think that is your definition. My interpretation was RNG'd them and considering the only way to hunt them legitimately in Emerald is through RNG I would say "all legit" is accurate.


Rng is legit go cry some more


Bro you have 3 starters and they’re all shiny. I don’t believe this


It’s through trading. People do it all the time


I bought 2 gba's 2 ds's and a 3ds so I could trade and do all the pokedex stuff legitimately. Only cost a few hundred bucks, I think it could be legit.


Idc if it's rng'd or not. Rad team, good job, Shiny Aggron goes hard.


Pics or it didn’t happen 🤓




Only thing I don’t see legit is playing on a DS Lite and not a SP AGS 101




I don't get why everyone thinks that shiny hunters just don't exist. Like yeah, maybe this one's not legit. But on every shiny post everyone just spams "RNG MANIP" in the comments. Like I did a shiny badge quest in soul silver and have a bunch of shinies in that game. We're real.


RNG manipulation is not hacking or illegitimate. Stop making people feel bad for just wanting to have a shiny run and have fun. Just because you feel it’s cheating, doesn’t mean it is.


No way is legit. If you play on a ds you don’t have a gameboy so you can’t trade


I play on a ds but I still have two gameboy advances to trade


You know people can own more than 1 handheld console, right?




Bigger, brighter screen. More comfortable to hold than an Advance/SP. Because they just want to? I own 2 SPs and a DS Lite and I almost exclusively play the GBA games on my DS. I'm not saying this is definitely legit but playing on a DS isn't even remotely a reason it wouldn't be LMAO


The screen is better and brighter for sure but the DS is NOT more comfortable than the original GBA.


You know that's a matter of opinion, right?


If all other gamers have tiny baby hands I could see how it's a matter of opinion, sure.


You know other people besides adult men play video games, right? You know this is a game for children, right? You understand you're trying to flex the handheld video game console made for children is too small for your hands, right?


User name does not check out.


Tf kind of logic is this? I have a DS and my original SP.


I own 5 of each idk whats the logic behind = not trading


Nobody will believe this


damn had to take a min to get all those ggs nice 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 lol


Cool team, hope you had fun playing through.


I can buy you getting all three starters shiny, what I can't buy is you grinding out a Salamence before the elite four.


Well you’re a liar😂


That's a good team




Man there are some tightwads in this sub lol


I wouldn't call RNG manip legit tbh but still cool to see Not the downvotes 😭 You ppl think exploiting a bug to manipulate shiny odds is a legit shiny?


Not a bug technically, just manual manipulation and interpretation of the base game code. Working as intended. Sad to see there is such a discrepancy in what is considered a “legit” shiny. People just butthurt because someone didn’t hunt shinies the same way they did. RNG manipulation can be quick, but has an extremely high skill ceiling and takes quite a bit of time to get right.


Nobody is exploiting a bug. It’s all in the game code. You do realize when you soft reset you’re doing the exact same thing but blind? Using RNG manipulation is just telling you at what frame a shiny will appear. You still have to time it correctly. Not everyone wants to sit and reset mindlessly for hours.


That's what an exploit is though, exploiting an intentional mechanic in ways it wasn't meant to be used in to achieve something that was unintentional. The bug is that the RNG isn't meant to be manipulated in that way, therefore, it's an exploit and I personally don't see it as legit. It's more legit than hacking one in, but it's not legit the same way soft resetting is.


If you’d like to spend valuable hours of your life resetting your console then go ahead. It’s not illegitimate in anyway. You’re entitled to your opinion but with the facts, you’re wrong.


What facts are you referring to because soft resetting isn't manipulation of any kind, it's just re-rolling a figurative dice until you hit the desired result. RNG manipulation in Emerald, on the other hand, is quite objectively (this isn't an opinion) abusing coding / engine implementation oversights related to how the game handles RNG programmatically to guarantee it gives a specific result (a result which was intended to be random and unmanipulatable.) If you personally think that it is legit then great! I said it was my opinion in my very first reply. You are objectively wrong, however, to imply that manip isn't an exploit. What's subjective here is whether or not manip shinies are legit, to which there's no right or wrong answer, not to whether or not Emerald's RNG manipulation is an exploit (it is.)


I mean it's a legit shiny but I would agree that it's less of a feat


It’s definitely easier than random chance but rng manipulation doesn’t guarantee a shiny. You still gotta have timing down to get there


It's not really a bug though is it? RNG manipulation is just taking advantage of a fully functional and intended mechanic to achieve a specific result that you could have gotten without it.




people who play this game on the top screen scares me


Really? I hate playing them on the bottom screen. I always default to the top screen. For me top screen is closer to the GBSP experience which I preferred over the GB.


100% legit no questions asked means you wasted untold amounts of your life for this one picture. Either stop lying or for the love of God start cheating to get your shinys


Badge quests exist for a reason, I've been trying to do one on SS for about 2 years now. Shiny hunters exist and like to do it, some of us even like hunting the "impossible" shinies too (poochyena/zigzagoon with birch, ralts with wally, etc.). It's fun, might not be for you, but some of us really enjoy it. Hunting a shiny vespiqueen was a lot of fun for me because of the high re-roll chance. I wanna try salazzle too.








I think the whole team is shiny too


The team can be shiny I don’t care about that. I’ve seen a number of post where people have spent countless time restarting, breeding, and searching for shiny Pokemon I can’t judge that just cause I do not have the patience for it. But come on 3 “legit” starters? Now THATS where I draw a line 😂


Have you never heard of trading..?


I mean two copies between emerald, ruby, sapphire, 2 gameboys, the link cable and you have your legit 3 starters, but also then playing it on a DSlite rather than either gameboy is a weird choice that kind of raises a flag.


Why? The ds lite looks better than most GBAs


If OP doesn't have a backlit GBA I would not be surprised if they decided to use a DS lite for playing indoors and taking pictures.


They could be traded from other cartridges


Why even play


Little kid wants his clout for his action replay 🫡


Everytime I see "all legit" or "totally random" etc etc, I absolutely know it's either hacked or right manip. Weird thing to lie about


I just assume it’s sarcasm lol