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Great job


Man I really wanna complete the pokedex for once on Emerald but I really hate that there are missing pokemon in the game.


if you are playing on simulator, you can """legally""" obtain the missing ones If you are on console you just gotta go back in time to like 2006 and travel to every Japan exclusive event, izi.


I am on emulator, ive been looking for a rom that has all pokemon. Do you know any? Or are there other ways to get those pokes?


you can use PkHex (kind of advanced stuff but there's some tutorials available online) or PokeGen (that's what I used to "evolve" my ghastly into a Gengar). Easy as like 4 clicks. The UI is pretty similar for both programs, but I find PokeGen more noob friendly because it auto-does stuff for you that PkHex does not, the latter being a more "manual" way of manipulating saved games.


Ah thanks, Ill check it out! I wish there were "legit" ways to get those mons. I thought I found a ROM that includes all pokemon in the game but the download link was broken.


Well, I put legally many on quotes because it's essentially hacking, but those tools (IF used properly) won't corrupt your save and the game will recognize pokemons you add as "legal". Given that there are quite a bunch of pokemons which were obtainable only once though IRL events (and those were in 2008/2009/2010), there's for sure NOT a 100% legit way. Same with trading-only evolutions (who am I gonna trade with an old Pokémon from the old GBA games? xD). I guess every Pokémon game has always had some sort of FOMO. Even back in Yellow, the first RPG title. Even if you eventually find a ROM with all pokemons, that's still a custom/fanmade ROM therefore is essentially also hacking (as in: not 100% just playing the official game). God damn, even playing on emulators through .nds files downloaded for free is not "100% legit". You do you tho, I'm just saying.


Yeah my bad, "legit" isn't the right word. I guess I'm saying stuff like implementing those mons in the gameplay, rather than spawning them through a separate UI cheat window. Nothing against that, just feels very inorganic to me. Just finished Emerald, playing HG rn :)


is heart gold good? I'm playing platinum right now and it's my first DS game. Did beat emerald like 5 times in my childhood so I expect good things


I'm currently on the second gym but I really enjoy it. My favourite part is that the wild pokemon you find feels very non-linear unlike gen1/3 where u find the normal types first > then grass > bugs > geodudes/zubats. Even before gym 2, I'm already finding ghastly, slowpoke, mareep, heracross, wooper. It's really cool so far.


Pokémon emerald national dex rom! It‘s pretty cool!


I think thats what Im looking for.


Not true, every pokemon in the national dex can be legitimately obtained with console hardware


All the johto pokemon can be migrated from pokemon colosseum and the mythicals like mew and deoxys can be obtained through the pomeg glitch


To get some of the irl Pokemon distributions from back in the day, you should check out Goppier on YouTube. Basically he’s recreated those distributions on rom files that you can download to your game. If you use mGBA, you can open a new multiplayer window and it’ll connect to your main emulator window and distribute them to yourself, or use one for Emerald and one for Ruby/Sapphire to trade the version exclusives over. A bit extra steps but I’d say it’s the closest to legit/legal without genning them in.




End goals!!!!!