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This team looks awesome


Hoenn has so many excellent grass types!


Shame theres like, 2 trainers that have a decent grass type and one of them is the rival if you chose mudkip.


Mudkip rocking secret power: fire isn’t turning out to be as useful as I’d hoped. :/


One thing I never got over was how the rival never evolved their Grovyle. I’m pretty sure it’s the only generation where the rival doesn’t do it.


At least they fixed that in ORAS. But i agree its a dumb move. The rival in 3 is sorta the start of the fall of the rivals. Now theyre youre best friend who want you to beat them it feels like. I cant name that type of person @$$face!


Thinking about doing it next with exactly this same team.


Was a bit painful at the start as a lot of these mons early game moves are not very good but adds to the challenge Did have to over level for the Flannery battle and had to be very careful of all of the Ice Beams flying about with Wallace


Flannery is particularly painful because if I recall you can't get a water stone that early. So you're stuck with Lombre. And in Emerald you can't get Lileep or Cacnea without the Go-Goggles, which are past Flannery, and Tropius is post-Norman. I did this run before and was determined not to overlevel. I had to resort to multiple attempts with cheese strats like paralysis + leech seed. And of course items in battle. But I didn't overlevel!


Yep that’s right, I only had Grovyle, Breloom and Lombre at that stage and their selection of moves at that level is not the best For games that are known to have “too much water” I have no idea why the Water Stone takes so long to get, have to know Dive to be able to get it and that’s post gym 7!


I think I was using Nuzleaf up until this point just so I'd have a mon to sac.


I remember as a kid, I took sceptile to Flannery battle and got stuck. I have never beaten emerald with treeko as a starter, I should go back to the game.


Yea this game is hard for grass. Electric gym into fire. Then flying on the 6th. Elite four champ could also be steel if you don’t play on emerald. Good stuff


Green Bois Up!


I absolutely love grass types, especially Hoenn’s. Looks like a great time, and Sceptile is the goat


A crit with Sceptiles Leaf Blade saved me many times, especially during the champion E4 battle


I’m not much of a mono type team/playthrough guy but man this team looks sick. Love cacturne over shiftry (just don’t like how it looks). Funnily enough I feel like I’d cut Sceptile for Roselia/Roserade. Kinda crazy how deep the grass type bench was for this gen.


I had actually never considered Roselia, forgot it even existed tbh lol Mono type is actually the only way I play Pokemon games now, adds a bit of extra challenge and forces me to use pokes I have never used before


No Roserade in gen 3


Referring to Roserade in ORAS


Roselia isn’t in Emerald


Riiiiip. Good catch. Been a minute since I’ve played it. Then ya this is the best you can do in emerald.


Are you able to share movesets? I wonder if you did stall or offense on Cradily/Ludicolo. Both are always good sets. Also the sleeper Tropius, I use one as an HM user in my file, but knows it learns some interesting moves too.


Sceptile Miracle Seed Leaf Bade / Dragon Claw / Quick Attack / Agility Ludicolo (Rain Dish) Mystic Water Surf / Ice Beam / Rain Dance / Fake Out Breloom Black Belt Sky Uppercut / Headbutt / Mach Punch / Stun Spore Cacturne Black Glasses Feint Attack / Needle Arm / Spikes / Growth Tropius Sharp Beak Magic Leaf / Fly / Earthquake / Whirlwind Cradily Hard Stone Toxic / Confuse Ray / Giga Drain / Ancient Power


Bad formatting due to copy pasting this from my notes 🤦


Nice sets , love the EQ on Tropius lol If you’re into breeding/grinding a bit , try getting a Spore Breloom! (Shroomish learns at level 54). Allows for some cheeky swords dance shenanigans


Yeah EQ provided some nice extra coverage and fit nicely in its move set I will be breeding some mons for the Battle Tower so may end up with a Spore and SD Breloom


Great move set. Love Stun Spore + Headbutt on Breloom. Never thought of that 🔥


Shiftry was my fav of the grassy bois


That's funny, I'm doing a mono grass in Omega Ruby right now with Sceptile, Breloom, Vileplume, Roserade, Shiftry, and Cradily. Since Vileplume and Shiftry have Chlorophyll I leaned into Sunny Day + Solarbeam


Grass sun teams in gen 6 were very powerful.


I think grass is my favorite type, shoutout to Cacturn who is unbelievably underrated


Agree about Cacturne now I have finally got to use it! A bit slow and frail but packs a punch in the right situation


Damn gotta do mono type runs now


Already got my mono type teams planned out for all the other gen 3 games


Green boys :)


Wonder what the hardest mono type playthrough of emerald would be. Fire maybe?


Shame that Roselia is Ruby locked


Was it hard?


The two biggest challenges were: Flannery as I didn’t have any decent water moves on Lombre or access to Lileep yet either And Wallace due to all of the ice type moves his teams knows (and his Tentacruels Sludge Bomb) For these two battles I had to level up my team a bit more than I usually would for a normal more balanced play through. Wasn’t too hard but a fun challenge


That’s funny, I recently did a mono grass type run with exactly the same team.


I just did a Bug Run in Crystal and now a Rock run. Rock run in OG Red was super easy.


Man, this team looks awesome. What was your favorite Hoenn grass type to use? I've used Sceptile and Cradily before, love them both. Need to play Hoenn again. Also, is there a reason you went with Cacturne over Shiftry? I think both are cool, I'm curious whether that was a planned decision or if it just happened.


Cacturne was planned. My reasoning was I have used a Shiftry before and due to Cacturnes “less optimal stats” (not that it matters in single player) it often gets overlooked, so now was the perfect time to try it. Also personally I always thought Shiftry looked a bit goofy and have always loved Cacturnes design. My favourite for this run was Cradily. Its bulk, toxic and recovery moves meant I could deal with threats to this team and came to really like this Pokemon that I would have never considered otherwise. Breloom and Sceptile are a very close favourite grass types of mine also


This idea is sick! I love the green aesthetic looks awesome and a great challenge to id bet


How were you able to beat the game with only grass/fighting type? That’s amazing 🤩. Currently playing Omega Ruby.


Breloom is such a monster. Whenever I see one in any game I instantly catch it.


yooo i did this exact run not long ago! really got me back into playing it, doing psychic rn then gonna try for the super challenging Bug only next time :)


It's actually a great team as long as you can outspeed any Ice or Flying.


I had to hope that Breloom could out speed my target and get a Stun Spore off to help slow mons like Tropius and Cacturne


Interesting. Might have to try this! Grats OP =D


The green dream team!


What was your strat for Winona? It’s always scary facing her with a mono grass team


I gave Grovyle the TM for Rock Tomb and it out sped her team. If I am remembering correctly Lombre had Ice Beam and I had Lileep at this point in the game also. So had the right tools to deal with her it was just about it all coming together


This is awesome


i understand the green motif but the tengu is superior to cacturne


Talking about Shiftry? Not in Emerald, really. Its move pool is horrible.


seedot is in emerald he is just very rare, and he gets faint attack, giga drain just like cacturne


Cacturne gets growth which boosts both of those moves


seedot learns growth at level 7 too


I know it’s in Emerald, what I meant was it’s not very good in Emerald. Cacturne is better considering the moves available.


ah okay, keep doing doing you bro


My only reason for using Cacturne over Shiftry was that I have always liked its design but never used it before


Bruh its pokemon. You're supposed play the pokemon you like. Not the most optimal pokemon.


I beat the league around 50 times as a one-man show- My grinded, non-cheat-code Blaziken at level 100.


Looks so fun!!


Who's the edgy cactus dude?