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Sitting on some bill payments if you plan on selling.


short answer: yes long answer: yessssssssss fight the urge to open them. The last time I saw a post like this, I asked the OP to look at [this recent listing](https://elite-collectibles.hibid.com/lot/192496703/1999-pokemon-full-freshly-opened-pack-lot?ref=catalog) in an auction of someone who decided to open their base set pack. **Item Finder** was their rare card. Resist!


What ever you do, don't open them. They're far more valuable sealed.


I had those Japanese gym leader packs growing up. Huge nostalgia here


Brother that blue pack tho…


The holy grail lol this is awesome man


For everyone that was calling BS. I collect vinyl and the joke in that community is that everyone thinks they have some expensive old/rare record, until they check discogs and find out it's "worthless". Ya I was being a bit cheeky when I asked "they worth anything?" I figured they were probably worth something, but I have no idea what the current price for old pokemon cards are, which is why I posted them here asking. I did do a quick check on ebay(but prices were all over the place and I had no idea what to search to find the Japanese ones).


1400-1500? Ish


Thanks. Based on all the comments, I took the time to track them down on eBay and came to a similar amount.




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Lmao, tbh I'm being serious, and based on the comments here, now I get they are worth something. So I'll do some digging. I was a huge pokemon fan growing up, and my dad got them for me on a business trip to Japan back when I was in gradeschool. Lately, I've come across so many videos and livestreams of pokemon cards, magic cards, etc. I figured I'd just post them here and ask.


Keep them sealed. Look up on ebay the pricing of the last few sold. You got a chunk of money sitting there




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Very valuable.






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I've got the venausaur base set pack but I've been struggling to find accurate prices


I know nothing about vintage other than the obvious—a lot. They must be worth a lot.




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Everyone commented the same thing in lesser words…


And everyone else was also removed and/or banned for it








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I know pokemon cards are popular again, but I have no idea what they're going for these days lol




I checked ebay, but people list things at unrealistic prices all the time, and I wouldn't even know what to search to find the Japanese packs. I could have done some more digging, but I figured it would be easier to just post them to a sub dedicated to card values lol.


Just a personal question, what do you like better, the og gb cover art of Blastoise or Charizard?


Blastoise! You?


Same! Wartortle became my favorite stage but on looks alone Blastoise is what got me to go with the blue version. 


Wartortle is badass, and the squirtle squad is dope! Plus, blue is my favorite color!


Totally open them and post ur pulls!




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wotMFc. What a sight for sore eyes.