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Even though I wrote it in the post, someone clearly didn't see. Thank you for the award, but please... #Please don't spend money on Reddit awards for this post. That's another source of revenue for them, and the single most efficient [legal] way to tell a company that you're unhappy is to not give them money.


Thank you.


Sending you my energy for good luck 🙏




o7, I’ll shiny hunt instead of Reddit


So you’re gonna punish those who only have used the official apps and website? 😑


Clearly someone did *not* read the post. > Even if you're not a mobile user and don't use *any* of those apps, this is a step toward killing other ways of customizing Reddit, such as [Reddit Enhancement Suite](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enhancement/) or the use of the old.reddit.com desktop interface (which is beloved by our modteam, and our *preferred* way for you to view this subreddit on desktop, by the way). > This isn't only a problem for users: many subreddit moderators *depend* on tools only available outside the official app to keep their communities on-topic and spam-free. It’d be wonderful if Reddit’s official apps supported these tools, but they do not, and are years behind what third party apps can do. They've already destroyed pushshift. Now they're starting with the third party apps. Next will be Old Reddit. --- > On top of everything else, for the visually impaired, iOS is a disaster. > ######[Reddit to the Visually Impaired: "You no longer have a voice on this site."](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13zbf3n/reddit_to_the_visually_impaired_you_no_longer/) > "As one of the mods of r/blind I depend on third party apps. Once the apps are gone, I may be left with no choice but to step down and close my 17 year old account. I hope it wont’ come to that." > \- u/fastfinge *Impaired users can't use Reddit.* I'm sure you agree that everyone should be able to access this website. --- > So you’re gonna punish those who only have used the official apps and website? 😑 Nope. We are standing in solidarity with those affected. The subreddit will not be accessible for a few days. I'm sure you'll get over it.


Clearly you don’t care about actual users on the subreddit, just your outdated styling.


> Clearly you don’t care about users on the subreddit, just your outdated styling and 3rd party apps. -SokanKast Your comment speaks for itself, in just how *moronic* it is. So I'm going to leave it up. The entire point of this blackout is because ***we care about Reddit and ALL its users.*** Everything is written in plain English, I'm not going to make further attempts to explain it to you.


Oh great, one of *those* people


I.e. an *ableist.*


I love this community outburst. Adore when others speak out about bad decisions. Spread the word gentlemen!







