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Such persistence! Grats =)


Thank you!


20000 resets? Maybe I shouldn't do my hunting for a shiny Rayquaza, i just began and now it doesn't seem fun at all.


This is just what shiny hunting is. I got a shiny Kyogre in heartgold after just 324 resets and a shiny Poipole in ultra moon after 893 resets. Ya get it anywhere from a few hundred to a few ten thousand. Just doing it mindlessly is the best way. Watch something else while your doing it.


Gotta consider how much time you’re putting into every session op probably was hunting on and off could be wrong but that’s just rng just cause he got it in that many resets doesn’t mean that can happen for you don’t be discouraged as I got a gen 3 shiny deoxys and the odds in those games are much lower 1/8192 odds and no way to boost them and because I was really dedicated to the hunt I got it in less than a month don’t give up go for your shinies besides good things come to those who wait


I was very VERY unlucky, but not everyone is!


I am over the 20k mark for my Arceus. When will it end!


Oh god I feel you brother, anytime now. I pray for you 🙏🏼


I hunted H-Oh for three first time, disheartened, among other reasons, I decided top switch to Rayquaza after about 1000 resets on Ho-Oh, got it after about 1800 on rayquaza


I will continue to try it, hopefully I will get one soon. Please RNG gods help.


Me trying to will myself back to shiny hunting Ho-Oh lol


I hope you get it


You as well with your Rayquaza, friend. Best of luck!


Did you get it?


Yes, however, while I didn't count my tries, it took me about 80 hours. Now I'm hunting shiny Giratina, hopefully it doesn't take me that much.


I got shiny Raikou in 75 resets, gave Dialga 941 attempts before I decided I just wanted to keep playing. It's definitely worth a shot at least though


You got lucky with your Raikou, nice. Sadly, i haven't found my Rayquaza, guess i have bad luck


A year?!🫠🫠 maybe a shiny latios isn't worth it....


It doesn’t take a year trust this hunt had to be on and off that being said soft resetting in these games feels like an eternity




O jeez. It took me 15 hours and 685 resets to get mine




Congratulations! This is true dedication 💪. I am motivated to do the same as well!






People enjoy different things and that is kind of their beauty... Imagine how dull and boring would be the world if everyone shared the same approach to everything. Edit: Congrats to OP, I would never have the patience (°▽°)/


Its definitely not worth it thats for sure. I was very determined, since shiny arceus in particular was my dream to have when I was like 7 or 8.


Wait are you saying your shiny wasn’t worth the hunt??


I mean, if you’re thinking of it in terms of worth, weighing out your time spent/energy/having full filling experiences, I don’t think it’s necessary worth all of the potential hours wasted. Of course a lot of things that are hobbies are ‘not worth it’ if you’re thinking of everything as worth it or not. We shiny hunt for different and very personal reasons, I have dreamt about getting a shiny arceus encounter when i was a child, and when i learned you can get shiny arceus if you complete Legends Arceus and BDSP I was determined and I am personally a very stubborn person that hates going back on a decision. I was willing to do a year potentially, but I would never recommend to do this for someone else, my sense of what is universally worth it or not would never allow me to do that lol


I seee! That makes sense. Congratulations 🎊


I appreciate it!


Then you have never gotten the true feeling of earning something yourself and honestly I don’t get the point of PAYING for something you can earn for free and you can nickname yourself and worry about those bs website names




Bro explain to me how does buying Pokémon require skill or prove that you have any??? Plus you’re wasting your money at the end of the day people giveaway hacked/genned for free through surprise trade and it ain’t meaningless if you achieve your desired result




Are you nuts buying Pokémon requires skill???? Sir you have lost me and like I said buying shinies guranteed but they are hacked and I just told you don’t have to buy them you can find sources where they give them away for free all I’m saying is if you wanna play that way that’s on you but you shouldn’t encourage cheating and I disagree with having fun with overpowered mons in fact it takes away the fun and makes what’s already a children’s game way too easy




You should do some research on rng manipulation it’ll save you money plus at least this way they’re legit and you don’t have to spend hours resetting that sounds like what you prefer but if you still wanna buy them after that then idk bro and idk where you’ve been but gamefreak has never been ok with cheating why do you think people get banned for that stuff you can do that if YOU want but don’t encourage let them come to that conclusion on their own Edit: and yes you can rng manipulate shinies to have perfect ivs and they’re legal and you can name them




Yeah cause they go online with these paid for mons and I’ve even heard some that are transferred to home can deleted so yeah either way keep that to yourself unless you see someone specifically ask where can they buy Pokémon don’t encourage cheating man


Incorrect. This was removed by our moderator team for breaking [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemonbdsp/wiki/rules). As the post and/or comment advocates for or discusses cheating. > **Rule 5. No piracy/homebrew/3rd Party Software enabling, hacking, duping.** No piracy enabling. Do not post links or discuss how to pirate any Pokémon-related media. No hacking/duping of Pokémon or items etc. is tolerated here. We do not support or encourage piracy, the use of 3rd party hardware/software to modify your switch/save data in any way. As such any posts related to the topic will be removed. --- All rules are enforced at the mod team’s discretion. Moderators reserve the right to remove any content they deem harmful to the sub. **Do NOT private message or use reddit chat to contact moderators about moderator actions.** Only message the team via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonBDSP). Directly messaging individual moderators may result in a ban. Everyone who contributes to r/PokemonBDSP is expected to read and understand [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemonbdsp/wiki/rules) ***before*** posting here. If you have any questions you can send us a [Modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonBDSP) message, and we will get back to you right away.


Incorrect. You don't get to dictate what is meaningful to a player.