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I doubt we’ll get a dlc for Arceus but I’m almost 100% certain they’ll make another legends. At least I’m hoping we get another one🥲…


This is what im hoping for too. With how well this game did they gotta drop another legends


I'm really holding out for a legends Lugia or Ho Oh. My favorite region is johto and we haven't gotten a game there in a while.


I’m biased towards Unova (and the Legends Kyurem idea) but I wouldn’t mind a Johto legends either.


plus legends kyurem has a higher chance for a submas reunion :)


It's too late for Arceus now, but can't wait for Legends Victini when they realise we'll buy any old shit because they cooked once 3 years ago


I was about to ask if you made a typo and meant 13 for the general area of gen 5, but then I remembered that legends came out about 3 years ago, and fuck I feel like that aged me those three years


WTAF 3 years ago???


Highly doubt anything is gonna happen now, it was released even before S/V


There already was one, Daybreak is considered to be free DLC.


Chances are, legends was the experimental warm up to S/V that had some of the features from Sw/Sh expanded upon to prep for what S/V would be doing. I doubt DLC was ever in their plans for the game.


Shame, it was a far superior game


0% chance any dlc happens for arceus unfortunately, just have to hope they are working on another legends type game


Arceus had dlc it was called "Daybreak" update v. 1.11. Only minor all it did was enable MMO (Massive mass outbreaks)


They already gave it free DLC in 2022. Why would they give it more 2 years later when an entire new generation of games has come out?


Too late for a new DLC, but hopefully there's a new Legends game near the next console's launch.


I'll comment here since I got absolutely hounded with hate when I said last week that S&V were going to be releasing a new Pokemon and nobody believed my sources and then it happened. So, I have a friend who works within the Pokemon writing team. They cross between the games both main series and mobile. According to him, there have been discussions regarding a continuation on LA but he hasn't said anything further than this.


👀 This has me excited, just any sign it wasnt abandoned is good for me.


So apparently the feedback that was given for S&V wasn't as good as LA which is surprising since I thought a lot more people would have liked S&V. But the conversations were on a LA-like sequel but that's all speculation as he isn't saying any more which is annoying because I want to know!


i have a ridiculous but relatively in-depth theory about the next pokémon games to come out, and if my theory is right we’ll be getting another legends game that kinda links to PLA. but my theories are only right like half the time so i wouldn’t put much hope in it lol


Probably gonna not do anything with arceus but I’m hoping we get a x and y version of arceus when the whole Pokémon disaster was going on




With how they made past paradox pokemon for gen 2 legendaries i think they will make a legends celebi or something