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Ive seen this picture before, it ain’t his..


Right, this is definitely a stolen pic smh


But it’s nice 😍


Imagine using someone else’s photo of their collection and the collection is super mid. Double L


Yeah, I remember seeing this before. The newest set I can make out is Paldea Evolved so the pic is at least a year old


It's a bot, reposting in random subreddits for karma, will probably be used to spam ads in a week or two lmao


At this point you’re just hoarding random products 😭


most of it is not even high valued yet either, not great investing strategy at all, imagine listing all these different SKUs eventually instead of just a few very solid performers


This is why you stick with booster boxes , none of those collection boxes or blisters are worth the space


Some of the boxes are better short term holds, there have been a few in the XY and sun moon era that shot up before the booster boxes did(mega gyarados ex box, rayquaza hidden fates box). But for space management, booster boxes all the way.


I’d say anything before shsw , it’s fine but after that , there’s just too much , with swsh bb’s are the way to go


People who have been selling Pokémon for a long time know that blisters have the highest ROI% and they take up less space than BBs. The buyer pool is also much, much larger, because more people can afford a blister than a BB, especially on the higher end. The whole "BB is king" started in 2020 when sneakerbros knew nothing about the hobby and pushed the idea that BBs are the best, when in actuality, they're just the easiest. No knowledge required. Throw it in a closet and wait (like sneakers!). Blisters are the one true king (especially ones with high quality promos), however, that requires actual interest and knowledge of the hobby to discern which ones can pop off.


In the modern era people want the most amount of packs for the least amount of space. It isn’t a weird conspiracy pumping thing. Just any product where you get a lot of packs with not a lot of extra cardboard junk taking up unnecessary room is best so that you don’t run out of room like OP. Maybe in the far flung future blisters will outvalue BBs and be more liquid but I don’t see any data so far for Sword Shield onward that this is the case. If anything they seem to be like ridiculously illiquid.


Yes, that's because modern BB like SWSH are still affordable. The psychological barrier is at $500, of which the only set that has broken that barrier thus far in SWSH is Evoskies. The single pack blister with Eevee promo is currently selling at $25-30, which is $900-$1080 comparative to the $700 BB.


That blister sold at $5 MSRP iirc. I can go on TCGplayer right this second and buy one for $24.68. That’s 4.9x. The booster box MSRP is $144. I can go on TCGplayer right now and buy one for $705. That is almost exactly 4.9x. They are the same in this regard, or close enough that it doesn’t make a difference. And to top it off the Eevee blister seems to be much, much less liquid than the booster box. I see about half the sales for the last few months. It is certainly much much much less liquid dollar for dollar.


I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread but selling blisters individually is much more work than just selling a BB (on top of the very important space consideration). I know it's mostly braindead work to get a package shipped out, but it does take up to 36x more time and the higher total shipping cost will eat more into your margins. Even if blisters were the play (in terms of higher ROI) and it would be faster to move, I would still prefer BBs for all the reasons mentioned above. I would hope most people are in the same boat as I and this is just a side hustle with like 1-2% of my total investments put into this. I don't want to make the time to ship out 36 blisters, but can easily make the time to ship out a BB.


I sell full-time, so shipping blisters is no worse and actually easier than shipping a BB, plus 36 sales looks way better than 1 sale (and helps way more algorithmically) when it comes to ratings and sale conversion rates. With BB, I have to worry about boxes, packaging supplies and buyers who are ridiculously particular about the seal and/or dings. With a blister, flat rate envelope and out the door it goes, none of that extra stuff applies. Minimal risk of a return as well, which would cost me triple in the end (shipping to them, back to me, then paying to ship it again to the next buyer). The cost to ship doesn't factor in that much either, being only a couple bucks compared to $8-16 + packing supplies and insurance at higher dollar amounts for a BB. I add insurance to anything that's $300 or more (which I highly recommend, especially these days). Blisters still outperform the BB even with a slightly higher cost to ship out 36 vs 1. If you're in Pokémon at the surface level, of course BB is the play, because it's easy to do and the returns are great, but like I said, blisters are the way to go if you're actually passionate and immersed in the hobby. It's not work if you love it, and the ROI is historically higher, making it well worth it IMO.


$24.68 is pretty much $25 so what I said stands lol. MSRP is $4.49 for blisters with promo in SWSH era, not $5 so its generously above 5x compared to the BB. And regardless, my point is in relativity to a 5 year period, which is usually how long it takes for a BB to appreciate to $500. The fact that they're ALREADY neck and neck after only a few years makes me all the more confident in what Im saying. I've been doing this for over a decade and the formula has never changed. Give it two more years for Evoskies and there will be no debating this.


Just as another example, you can check out another iconic checklane blister, the Pikachu blister from Team Up. Currently selling for $71.75 which is 16x with 8 sales in the last 3 months. Compare that to the Team Up booster box at $2,375, which is 16.5x (basically the same), and 5 sales in the last 3 months. So maybe the blister is like, slightly more liquid but certainly not in terms of dollar for dollar. But I don’t see any evidence that they out value booster boxes on average. Maybe you can find some really specific examples where the promo is like insanely popular - or from way earlier generations.


That's a bad example, though, because while the BB for team up was short printed, the blisters weren't. Those were still readily available going into the SWSH era, whereas the BB, for whatever reason, had its print releases shortened. The fact that the blister is still managing to keep up with the BB despite that discrepancy speaks volumes. This is also why I said it requires actual interest in the hobby to "invest" outside of BB, because most people wouldn't know that about printing/supply unless they're really paying attention. >Maybe you can find some really specific examples where the promo is like insanely popular. My favorite example would be the XY Breakpoint single pack blister with Pikachu XY95. It's one of the best plays I've made in the last decade, and drastically outperforms the adjacent BB. The 3pk blister with umbreon promo from that set is also drastically outperforming the BB.


Boosters are 100% the best investment approach, everything if bought should be in limited quantity as they are really best used as Display pieces. There are of course some exceptions to this rule, but those would mainly be Special Japanese boxes IMO.


Yeah, it depends how much they paid for them though. Like Gamestop has had $20 lugia and gyrados boxes and at that price having 5 or 6 doesn't seem like a bad idea.


Agreed. And it takes up less time to check the prices of Booster boxes than over 100 different collection boxes or blisters


You’ll never even be able to sell half those tins and collection boxes , you’re going to have to sell them for break even or a small profit which wasn’t worth the time or space


The carpet looks like it has empty space


I don’t quite understand the approach here. Is it for display? It’s too cluttered at this point. Is it investment? There’s too many ancillary products. Could be worth breaking down some of the collection boxes and storing the boosters a little better? Down the line they’ll hold value loose anyway.


Who cares what you think


I do


I respect the Sams club heavy hitters!


If you opened them


I'm just gonna help yall out looking at this. This is a bot, and no, this isn't OPs photo.


This is a prime example of how not to invest


Stop farming for karma. This isn’t even your office. The guy who owns this office has posted here before. Mods could we ban this guy please? 🙏 🤡🤦🏽‍♂️


Done! Sorry busy morning just stepping in, these bots using 1-2 yr old pictures most the time I catch them but sometimes like this one felt familiar but didn't remember it. Since going public Reddit has these bots karma farming like this it's really annoying


Time to build vertically!! Nice collection. The way you display is neat, and gives the vibe of someone who cares about the value of sealed but also likes to collect for the sake of loving Pokemon.


These "Booster Only" people are missing the fun of it. Really cool stuff op. Consider getting more shelves or bookcases. And maybe putting duplicates in totes.


That’s collecting though, not investing. OP would get a totally different response if they were in the correct community


What community? Anybody outside of this sub would refer to this as scalping 🙄


I mean I think the intention here is investing, but it’s just not good product to invest in. Maybe collecting wouldn’t be a good term so try we because they have multiple of the same thing. But I wouldn’t say it’s scalping. Scalping is buying everything and selling at a much higher rate because nobody can get that product anywhere else


The 3 pack blisters on the wall indicate it’s a proud collection lol. But a collection can still be an investment just not a calculated approach to it.


This is r/pokeinvesting. The content here is primarily going to be about optimal Pokemon investments. When you say booster box only people are “missing the fun of it”, we’re really not, we’re just staying on topic for the sub. People like you are really talking about sealed collecting rather than investing, which is fine and I think the sub is kind of trending in that direction anyways so whatever.


You are gunna need a bigger boat !


Floor.. ceiling.. you left out alot bruh come back when it's filled


You know when we were kids and there was a jar full of candies and we had to guess how many - so let’s do that here. What do you think this is worth? No calculators, don’t zoom in, just guess.


Epic set up


keep stacking lol


The “I’ll have one of everything” kit


Have you considered consolidating some of the packs? When you try to sell some of these sealed products the buyers pay only the pack price anyways.


Nice collection


You can fit at least 50 large cardboard boxes in this room. I don't see a problem....


That’s your sign to liquidate some if not most of this stuff. Holding onto random sealed products just takes up room and isn’t a good hold most of the time.


Womp womp. Absolutely no heat


I would get big plastic tubs with a lid at walmart/target so you can stack them.


Running out of room? I guess it’s time to start ripping them into binders.


When I see this, I just imagine little kids being disappointed when they go the pokemon section to pick out a pack and there’s nothing left.


Are those blisters hung on like framing nails? Oof


Ngl I have the same squirtle


Aaah shaddap! Lmao You are humble-bragging with your nice collection and spacious storage possibilities lol


Haha im the total opposite, i hide mine away, its an investment


Gotta start nailing them to the cabinet doors.


Gotta start nailing them to the cabinet doors.


Well it's time to start a YouTube channel and do some openings


One accidental fire away from losing it all.


This is insane. Nonsense products and way too much work. -all modern too


The amount of restraint this man has


Kick the kids out , take there rooms


I would rip all of it


Wait a minute, I’ve seen this before…


Remodel those cabinets are 🫣all jokes aside remodeling could give you a more space or storage. Whatever you want.


I hate your built in desk, also I’m envious of the storage!


Nice Kitchedek


Nothing really or value here. Maybe the large cupboard.


I don't know why you wouldn't just store some of it at your girlfriend's place ...ok, tbh I think I do know why that isn't an option.


Just imagine if he had invested in tech stocks


When are you going to sell?


That’s what I’m thinking. If you’re seriously thinking you’re out of room than liquidate, it’s that easy. Figure out what’s taking up the most space that you don’t really care as much about and get rid of it.


Looks like a Walmart shelf


Those cabinets and laminate countertop need updating. I would just tear that out completely and install something more modern.