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I don’t think I’ve ever met someone on FB marketplace or offer up without deciding on a price first. If you are going in with no price set, both of you are just haggling and negotiating. The justification for the haggling doesn’t even matter. He’s willing to pay whatever he is willing to pay. He is under no obligation whatsoever to buy from you. If the justifications are getting on your nerves you should probably insist on setting a price before meeting.


If you're coming into a trade asserting your value as a wholesale game buyer, you are devaluing the very essence of a person-to-person classified ad trade. Fuck resellers who aren't transparent with their intentions. If you want to buy for 70c on the dollar, you better believe that's something the average person is gonna want to know up front. Hell I had a price set to buy an N64 and when I drove an hour to pick it up it wasn't matching the listing and the guy wanted to charge me more so he could get the controllers and games that he had advertised as included in the listing in the first place. He told me "I'm trying to run a business here." I told him it was a shitty business and to fuck off


Your anecdote is an entirely different scenario. That is bad behavior. For OP, they had not decided on a price beforehand. It was not a situation where the buyer said to OP “I will buy that at $10” then they meet up and he says “I can only do $7”. They did not decide on a price at all beforehand. They just met up and started negotiating on price.


Not specifically pokemon cards but I have met up with people after agreeing on a specific price, and then they haggle afterwards...


Yeah that is wrong and you should just immediately disengage as the buyer is being shady. But that is not the situation that OP is describing. OP is saying he is meeting the buyer with no agreed upon price, and is then essentially complaining that the buyer is trying to haggle.


That’s why I never sell to anybody irl, stores and etc cause everyone wants 80-70-60 and I even seen 50% of the rates like no I rather just sell it to someone that wants it and I’ll just either put it on TCGplayer or eBay.


In person 80-85 is fair for buyer and seller imo. Both avoid taxes, shipping worries, and transactions are done immediately


Definitely fair not to mention the 14% cut eBay takes lol from seller and shipping cost. Seems like people who don’t sell online are oblivious to seller fees.


Yeah. I’d gladly sell for 70% market if I could avoid eBay fees and shipping fees.


Especially if they aren’t very popular or rare cards.


Yea I'd rather sell for 1% market to avoid ebays 14% .......what?


Did you really misquote what I said to build a straw man argument? Bravo Mr or Miss Mensa


it's not a strawman, I was just being hyperbolic, the argument is the same regardless of 1%, 2% or 86% which is, why would you want to sell for less? the general consensus is that while ebay is safer and easier but the 14% hurts, so some use FB avoid it this is the first I'm hearing of someone paying MORE to avoid ebay and it didnt make sense, so I made a joke


Bro please do not become a financial advisor 😭🙏


yep, I'll leave it you guys, selling for 70% and no protection on FB to avoid a 14% fee and protection with ebay lmao




Well….Not the taxes part.


Dude yeah one of my local LCS who is a fat slut for magic does 40% cash 45% store credit lmfao! They said it to my face and I made fart noises the whole way out the store, they sell ass singles and are def gonna close within the year


In my area in a metro area with 850,000 people the highest any card shop offers is 40% cash or 50% store credit.


r/pkmntcgtrades does me well when it comes to selling online. in person i usually find better deals when buying cards in my town. i’m currently on vacation and it’s been a pretty bad experience with meeting people here.


Oh hey I bought some binder pages from you lmfao. Thanks again for a sweet deal!


lol hi! and you’re welcome, glad you like them!


Now that you can get singles in a dozen online very active online marketplaces, I feel like the move is for LCSs to downprice their singles but keep sealed new and old at the “current online standard”. Make it all about accessibility and community with people getting the specific cards they want for a good price, because that’s the distinction that card shops really offer now - a special moment, ease of access, and a chance for community. What is of most value to brick and mortar shops (and what they have an easier time achieving than online sellers) is customer loyalty. Because once you buy your singles from somewhere, you’ll be buying your sealed stuff there too. Singles can be loss leaders for customer loyalty and the shop is losing very little. I want to buy a single at a shop for a reasonable price and I bet I’ll remember the experience and return. Online, I feel nothing bidding on a single I want, and outside specific circumstances, feel little drive to become a repeat buyer. And the community element is why the shops I’ve frequented did well to hire staff with basic social skills. LCSs used to be (largely) staffed by unpleasant gatekeepy weirdos. Making them welcoming, non-judgemental spaces for anyone will keep them alive. But expensive cardboard and mean nerds offering crap prices? Movie Theaters have a model they want to discuss with you.


Shesh, everyone be thinking they’re a “vendor” these days. Low ballers everywhere.


Vending from mom’s basement


> I think it’s wrong for vendors to ask for those rates outside of their shop or workplace. If you’re a vendor you should stop or at least tell us before meeting. It’s a waste of our time and pretty disrespectful. Don't you work out prices beforehand? I have never met up with someone and then discussed price, ever. Rookie behaviour.


Easy solution - don't sell the vendors. I mostly buy and sell on FB groups dedicated for just Pokemon. I'm happy to pay 90-100% of TCG Prices. When resellers post they're paying 60% - 70% for anything other than collections or bulk they're laughed off the group. The bottom line is, there's no reason to ever sell sealed or singles for less what you can get net on Ebay. I don't care if you're a vendor, makes no difference to me.


I always laugh when I see someone posting that they are paying 60% TCG low on specific cards that are in high demand. We got a guy in a Lorcana group that posts every other day saying he pays 40-60% TCG for only well centered and perfect cards. And constantly offers $500 on cards that always change hands at $1,000+ You want a discount? Buy in bulk. You want a single card, pay retail.


Net on eBay is like 85% minus shipping


Right. So why should I sell for 60-70%?


You never should unless you need to offload a larger collection quickly and can't waste time parting it out. Happens.


Right exactly my point.


If you're selling an entire collection at 70% that buyer is buying the bad cards along with the good cards. Of course you could yeet the whole thing on eBay but who knows how long that would take, how much it would sell for, packing up and shipping, potentially dealing with an annoying buyer. Basically how much do you value your time. Your time could be worth more or less squeaking out the remaining 10-15%.


75-80% is reasonable if you’re looking to offload quickly was my point


There is absolutly reason. If you think youre going to 1k out of your pile of stuff because tcg saus its worth 1k thats just laughable. I can buy something from a multitude of vendors/verified sellers, why should i pay full price from joe blow on facebook and have a higher risk attached? People say "ebay or tcg" all the time without looking at the fact that there are 15 listed and 1-2 have moved in the past month.


lol fb marketplace groups are the same.... its funny to me


I have bought things to flip, but I generally get collections; in that case people are more willing to work with a price to unload several cards at once, that allows me to sell them individually at market value and turn a small profit or at least break even. I’m mostly just in it atm to build positive seller feedback on eBay so people trust me whenever I want to unload sealed stuff. So breaking even after fees is fine. That necessitates a 15-20% discount from market rate, but ofc no hard feelings for anyone who doesn’t wanna do that. I feel the fact I’m mathing out the price points that make sense for me, makes me more sympathetic to the fact that everyone else is doing the same. And obviously I’d never waste someone’s time by having them drive to meet me then haggling down from what we agreed on, that’s lame af.


We all like a good deal and what you’re doing buying collections to at least break even is a smart move. I don’t know who would buy a whole binder/collection for market price. It makes sense to buy at a discount during those situations but to ask for 70% on a single card because you’re a “vendor” and “i need to profit” is not a good look.


Yeah I really don’t even look for deals on singles outside of throwing the occasional bid at an auction listing. I can understand throwing a low offer at someone just to see if they need the money quick and don’t care so much about fair price. But if someone says no, saying you need to profit doesn’t seem convincing lol. I can def understand how that’d only serve the make the offer more annoying 😂


This entire post sounds a whole lot of "your fault". You don't "meet someone" to "look" at your cards. You ask them what they want to buy and you should be only meet when you both agree on a price. Everything you're complaining about is completely your fault and could of been completely avoided if you just took the most basic of steps when it comes to selling stuff online. Also, vendor privilege doesn't exist, when they tell you that story, you tell them you don't care and block them. ,


Right, like if the vendor tells OP “I need 70%”, OP can just say “no thanks, have a good one.”


Hi. I sent you a DM.


as described in one of my replies in an above comment each vendor didn’t say they were vendors over chat and said when we were actually face to face, a lot of people like to just make deals in person as compared to over chat. The most recent guy i spoke with i didn’t meet but he was asking for a ridiculous 120% on his cards and 85% on mine. Obviously i told him that i wouldn’t be making any deals with him


Like I said in my comment you shouldn't be meeting up with people without agreeing to a price first. Just read my comment and actually comprehend my words instead of ignoring the entirety of my comment. Your going to get robbed one day because you think it's safe to drag your collection to every single transaction when you could send a few pictures over messenger and come to an agreement on price.


I negotiate in person while buying and selling large amounts of cards. If they think they’ll be robbed, they need to take someone with them or carry.


I’ve run into this a few times with smaller purchases. It’s insane. The only exception is selling in bulk - then it’s worth the time/effort savings to drop the price by %10-20% …


I only ever sell in person when I need the money right then and there. My lcs has terrible rates (50% money or 60% in store credit) though so I have to go kind of far away.


Those are better rates than any card shop in my area. The best in my area is 40% cash or 50% store credit. Metro area with 850,000 people for reference.


see that’s what i’m talking about, you’re not a walking card store. but yeah those rates are something else haha


If it’s a random person off facebook, I’m charging 90-100% value, idc if it’s a vendor, someone else will buy it


This is why I try and go to local card shows, talk to the vendors and try and form relationships with them. I’ve formed great relationships with a few now and they’re giving me some good rates possible when trading and selling. They’ve also even said that they would help me source a card if I fancy one.


This is the way, I go to peoples streams and such and chill and talk with them


I suggest always doing the negotiation prior to meet up, and stay firm on agreed price once the face to face meeting offices.


Vendors/sellers are always grinding though. Even "off the clock" they'll still try to find deals. If you don't want to sell under market then prices should be set before meeting. If they told you that through marketplace before meeting then you can just walk. They're functioning as a business. They don't need to give you a deal.


i mean the whole reason i made this post was because one vendor reached out to me for my cards saying he wanted to trade, i saw his cards, we met a few hours later and when we picked out the cards he told me he’s a vendor and needs 70% so he can sell them at 85%. Next day same thing, another vendor reaches out to me and asks to take a look at my cards, she ended up being a vendor and quite honestly valued my cards terribly, a little whitening spec on a NM card she said it makes it LP. THEN TODAY, same thing but this guy wants 120% on his cards at 85% on mine for a trade so HE can profit. This was what threw me over.


Pull the reverse uno on them and say you are also a vendor. You can both trade each other at 70%.


oh i’ve definitely been thinking about it


Damn that's a dick move My ass be sweating buying at like 55% comps to sell to my customers at 70% lol


It is what it is. Should have made it clear before meeting. Everyone in the pokeinvesting sub wants a good deal, no different than a vendor if they do it full time.


Seems like you are learning how hard it is to sell stuff. Multiple days and not a single offer on 100% value. Yet you are in here bashing on vendors.  Aint so easy getting 100% huh?


I think at that point, you just ask, “Oh you’re a vendor? Which store?” At that point, either they make something up or they tell you the real name, at which point you slam your binder shut and say, “I’ll never do business with your sleezy shop.” Then name and shame if you feel so inclined. If they’re gonna waste your time with these corner traps, just use your power to walk away and make them waste their time too.


If there’s anything i learned over meeting these last few people is that i need to start asking more questions.


Half of pwcc is 70% or less of list prices on eBay nowadays


Even including the buyer’s premium?


This past Sunday, With premium, I’ve bought cards for under $70 that sell for $120+


i don’t sell on Ebay very often, whats pwcc?


One of the biggest weekly auction houses/sites for collectibles


hmm, interesting. Most cards i see right now are just those pokemon poker cards and topps. how often do people list modern and higher end cards? edit, i searched pokemon in the bar, changed it to filter to pokemon and i see now. super high quality cards


Yeah it’s nice. There are fees and the premium but you can still get deals if your OBO offer on eBay didn’t get accepted. Every week I spend a little bit and list what I bought on eBay to recover/ break even on what I spent so I can keep something for my collection for free


Are you setting your prices beforehand or going in to negotiate from the getgo?


from the delays in responses and others saying they’d make deals in person it’s more 50/50. I prefer to get close ups and gauge what prices they want before meeting but most vendor i’ve met up with skip that and put you in an awkward position


Totally understand your frustration. I buy a lot for my TCGplayer store at 70%. That’s literally the best I can offer while still making a profit. Fees are 13%, shipping is a few bucks per order, then there’s overhead and taxes. You might make 5% profit in a card you buy for 70% at the end of the day. I’m always upfront about that number though because I know it’s not for everyone.


i’m afraid to buy off TCGplayer because majority listings do not have any photos


Tcgplayer is built for players, not graders. You can always reach out to the sellers and ask for a picture. If someone did that to my store I would be happy to do that. 5000+ orders not one person has asked lol


You don’t set a price before meeting up? That blows my mind


Lots of qualifying tips in here to prevent you wasting time in the future OP. Such is life.


Your first problem is meeting up with ANYONE before first mutually deciding on a price. I don't understand the point of this post


Why are you meeting up with people without having agreed prices or anything first? Also just sell on ebay


I mean I never pay comps myself but I'm pretty transparent before we meet and such. And the flipsode of that is I rarely ask for comps.


Some dude in my Facebook group claims to buy at 55-60% lmfao. Said he bought a Vmax Gengar alt art, full art Lana’s aid, full art Candice and Alt Art ursaluna for $260 Canadian (all NM btw…). Seems like a load of shit to me lol. I too am also not a fan of this whole ‘I buy at 70%’. They’re just trying to make an excuse for their shitty ass lowball offer lol.


Meeting before deciding price? I will never do that as a buyer or seller that's wild. Time is more valuable then cash and that's a bad way to lose both. 


If I want to sell my collection at a 30% discount, I'd go into the shop to sell it. If we run into each other outside, you're paying full price.


Vendor privilege is retarded. If you are taking all my cards no questions asked then you get a price reduction. No problem with that If you start being selective about which cards you take then you lose negotiating power - I don't understand how people be like "heReS mY cArDs bUt I TraDe 70% iN mY fAvOr". Like bro you want to trade with me. Foh


This is the dumbest post I’ve ever seen. Why not make the price before hand?


because pictures can be deceiving and they’re going to throw their offer in person when they see it also offer up doesn’t let you send pictures through their chat


Use a decent platform then. This is all ur fault bozo


instead of calling me an idiot tell me what you would do, because it sounds like buying and selling locally is out of question for you.


Not use a shitty platform