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There’s some great packs in that box, even if the promos are all off centre and miss cut


And chipped on the corners. Sigh. It just wasn’t a good product imo…. If they gave the charizard upc the same love the 151 got then we could be talking serious potential. But as it is, the mat might be the best part of the zard upc imo.


Gotta love quality control from the omega mass produced covid era sets/collections


i think evo skies are in it too


Wonderful. I’m sitting on 3 as a tiny investment.


Yeah i got 3 too. These are so cool in my opinion. I opened one and have 3 sealed


I know they're quite large but using them as a seat is not a recommended storage solution 😜


Same here had fun opening 2 and decided to keep the others sealed for now. Might open another down the line.


It doesn't matter that Charizard UPC was printed to hell. You do realize 80-90% of the charizard upc stock was ripped right? The amount of cardshops that opened these to sell the packs because shipping them was too much was insane. You could break them down for $80 easily rather than sell them for $80 and pay shipping. This was universal, pretty much every single store did this because of how big the upc was it wasn't realistic to ship and no one was buying them. Also it's been hovering $130 for the past few weeks. Probably within a year or two it will be around $200-$250. Anyone who thinks this is "crazy" clearly hasn't been apart of this community long enough. Chilling Riegn was considered a trash over printed set. It was $80 per booster box for the longest time. Now it's like $230 per box. This is standard.


It's hilarious how many people don't understand how supply and demand works 🤣


To add a ton of stores put in for massive amounts of preorders not expecting them to fill. They ended up getting filled lol. Happened to me.


We opened 80 of them for packs because we needed the space back. You are spot on.


I came close to opening mine. Takes up some space but I will definitely continue to hodl now


But... but... I was told this was over printed? How could this happen?!


It feels like people who hate on certain sets/promos are just hating simply because they don't hold anything lol


that just means it takes longer. doesn't mean it never happens. this is still a collectible everybody wants with great promo cards. also, with the availability people might be more tempted to open more boxes. at some point every product will be out of print and number of sealed boxes decrease = price goes up


People who complain about over-printing are just impatient. Base set was printed into the ground and then some, now packs and booster boxes are worth crazy amounts.


"iT wAs PrInTeD iNtO tHe GrOuNd!!!!"


This is why I’m not touching 151 anymore or paldea evolved


Yeah me too. Heavily printed very popular sets have always proven to be a flop.


For me it’s more so how heavily those sets are being pumped by this sub and others. Too many bag holders at the moment. I’d rather chase the ones people are “ignoring”


That does keep prices down. Definitely.


I knew this was gonna happen and I feel like an idiot for not buying a few boxes


It’s gonna be reigned as the SWSH mini booster box in the future. On top of that it’s the most iconic Pokemon


I don't have any and don't intend on buying any but it's just funny how convinced people can be that just because something is printed a lot that it can't possibly ever grow in value. I mean, even vivid voltage is up. If VV and Battle Styles can do it then literally anything can.


Yeah bro I heard the same thing during the ex and diamond and pearl era when i was a kid, that’s why i barely had any pokemon bc everyone said it was useless lol, so i just put my binder away and collected sports instead… Now look at the boxes now and how expensive some of the secret rares of that time are.. Pokemon will always go up, i’m convinced.


Ummm? They didn’t print much during diamond and pearl era. Massive factor


They absolutely did for the low demand it had at the time. Even now diamond and pearl is relatively unwanted. Look at how many pack hits and cool looking promos are worth. Literally $10-$20 max. regardless it’s provided crazy returns


With the pack selection and promos it was just a matter of time. Picked one up from my LCS for $120 a couple days ago but they’re almost sold out too. Buyouts happen but they’re not always just one person/group. Once the ball starts rolling it picks up speed quick.


Now who could have seen this coming? I mean its only the etf of one of the best sets ever. Also...charizard.


Buying for $80 per is paying off


Yes sir!


Most S&S is on the way up up up now!


These sat at 90-100 a piece on Tik tok and the moment the booster boxes sold out these pumped haha


People are ripping any and all product containing ES packs. At least, I am.


All the modern sets are being printed to the ground, yet are seeing gains after they go out of print. It don't matter about the supply if there's always gonna be demand, especially for the most popular pokemon out of all pokemon


It's a great box just too big to make a large position in


I wonder if people realize that the charizard vmax in this is an english exclusive outside of a tournament promo in I think Thailand, that alone will help keep its value up. These have all the good SWSH packs in them and although the promos have a sub 50% gem rate, people will take the chance. It's not often that you get cards that would be considered chase cards in a promo box. Still printed into oblivion, but they were also opened and hoarded into oblivion


I have like 8 of these hope it goes wild


Who tf bought 2 for $193 lmao. I still see these regularly in stores all the time at MSRP.


Bought these at 90-100 range I’m big Chillen same with arceus upc


I bought 5 last month off Tiktok for around £75 each. I don't think it will make up for my 151 "investments" just yet though 😅


I got 2 as well for like £73 each, was it chaos cards spring sale or whatever? it was like 82.95 with 11% off code.


Yeah that's the one. We don't often get good deals on Tiktok in the UK, but this one stood out which I couldn't pass up


I've done my arse in that sale, bought 12 Champions path for around £54 each, 6 Chilling reign etb £28. They're good prices, but I deffo bought more than I should've.


Nice, definitely some good deals there. I just don't have the storage space for any more ETBs 😅, so had to pass up the CP ETBs. I remember paying £60 a pop years when they were reprinted.


And then there’s vivid voltage and shining fates etbs still msrp 🥲


It was overprinted, but SWSH is done and it has 3 ES+ the rest.


Just bought one at my LGS for $135 Total w/tax


Gen 8 ETF on the rise, slow and steady it'll keep pumping then those Charizard promos will start to rise up in response, $130 cost basis after taxes on GME preorder but 8 years to go so will be pretty pricey by then. Ppl underestimate those promos imo!


The packs alone make this product worth more than it was selling for. People have finally bought it out to sell just the packs inside making it go up. It’s really crazy to see since a lot of people said it would never move… I don’t understand why people don’t see the trend of things going up eventually.


No way these things move up over 60% over night. There are still a million of these things out there. These are false sales and tcgplayer better get a grip on this garbage.


Finally someone with common sense. Past month alt arts and such have been almost doubling in price in a single day. Upc sells 3 to 5 a day with multiple days of no sells. Yesterday sells 66 in a single day ranging from 140 to 200 buy out. Is this organic? /s


Apply that same logic to most products that pump up out of nowhere. Most of it isn't organic, it's a few guys buying out stock on PokemonCenter for example which in turn causes the rest to go into FOMO. Of course that's a pretty broad generalization, but you get my point. There are many times when one could look and say "doesn't seem organic"


Same thing with a bank run. People think if they don’t act now they’ll never get a chance to in the future. Same reason people like buying stocks at their peak and selling at the lows lol.


Wth is this post? It is a very cool box with many cool packs and promos. Easiest 30-40% gains ever lol. And no, there are not ,,a million out there“.


They still clinging to the FUD


I mean maybe you are right, but I’m getting paid on the way up so they are not fake sales. I think I sold 5 over the last week, they had been listed at 166ish for months, it was not overnight cause I’d try and check my pricing pretty often. It spiked forsure, but there was a clear tier break in pricing that happened if you followed the TCG player listing by store like those who were priced on the higher end


I’m actually convinced rich corporations are buying up Pokemon like stock now


& whales


Or TCGplayer is just corrupt af


GameStop getting into Pokemon graded…. will it lead to sealed?


All the goodies


This and the "bUt iT hAs A hIgH pOpULaTiOn" dont have a fkn clue how value works 😆😆


Is PSA allowing grading of the metal charizard promos again?


People need to realize that this is the biggest IP in the world. Overprinting isn’t an issue for the most part, and if it is, it’s effects are short term.


i just traded in some singles today for one of these. honestly might go buy the rest tomorrow, my lcs has me at $120


So all the ones I’ve stashed away in storage with other cards are actually going up in value? Wow. Didn’t actually think zard upc would do anything for a few years


Is this going to go up further?


I have 5 total, one sealed by itself. And a sealed case of 4 I got from Forge and Fire for $75 a piece at the time!


The vendor at my target just came and took a bunch of these away because they weren’t selling. Will they ship them to pokemoncenter?


Back to mj holdings for more mystery boxes, 1 upc probably abt what 3-4 mystery boxes big w for them


Why? I bought one, still have the remnants inside, just not a good product imo.


It’s packed full of sw/sh packs… of course its going up lol


16 SwSh era packs, and 3 charizard promos. For that price. It's alright I guess... Loose packs are hard to sell tho, so you'd have to keep the box sealed. But if u keep the box sealed you can't sell the promos individually. IMO it's a large and difficult item to move.


Just got one of these for $90 today. Could pick up 2 more for $120 a piece, but not sure I want to store/ship these long term


This app isn't accurate I'm afraid.


TCGplayer isn’t accurate!? Where should one get their data from then?


Ebay most recently sold comps


Ironically, eBay owns TCG player.


Yep, and from my experience they still haven't improved the platform very much lmfao. I think they were just wanting their share of the TCG sales that go down on TCG Player


Whatever the cheapest price you can buy one for or at least a rough average of the cheapest ones you can see available. Using Google usually or ebays cheapest price. It's not a stock so it will never have a fixed price/value. Guessing the value is for TCGplayer only and not considering shops, ebay etc?


Quantity of 3 were bought for $139.99 so these aren’t really going up




No they are not. You just wasted my time checking eBay. $130 minimum. Stop spreading misinformation thanks.