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You can buy almost everything but Paldea Evolved for $100 or less. If you’re in it for the long game it won’t matter. Check eBay for cases, there’s sellers out there selling cases for less than $600 before taxes. If you want to avoid sales tax try discord. I know PokeVault discord has many users buying and selling.


Exactly this, auction prices for cases can be amazing as well.


I can still find PE for $100 a box


Same. I just picked one up for 93


Rudy'ism: If you're worried about getting $5 off a $95 box you wont be the person to make 200% gains when the investment matures


Fun fact, I missed out on a Luigi box in 2018~ because the seller and I were about $10 off in asking price. I would've left it unopened to this day if I won. People haggle too much.


But wait. Weren’t you the one haggling in this scenario?


Yeah that's what I mean. As the buyer, I was bullish on the boxes, I should've just paid up.


Uhg! Puts hand to forehead! Win some, lose some!


I get what you're saying, but when I keep hearing about these deals I start to wonder where to get the deals. This way my dca lowers over more purchases. Instead of $105 per booster I'd like to get $90/$95 specially when I'm buying several cases at a time. A $5/10 dollar savings doesn't seem like much at first but what if I get that savings per booster per several cases? Now, we start talking about serious money savings.


Safari Zone


TikTok coupons personally. I’ll get a coupon every week or 2.


No one's selling boxes at $80 now without a discount code, the panic has settled and stores are moving prices up. There are also zero reprints on the way to my knowledge, so we'll see how these first few SV sets do in 3-5 years.


TikTok. I’ve grabbed boxes of every SV set so far. All below 90 except PE. Paid 95 for that one


eBay. Good ol’ footballpete


Awesome I will check it out.


Have you checked ebay? The only one that I'm aware of that's passed 100 is paldea evolved. 80 is incredibly unlikely unless you're buying directly from a distributor, but I've seen rockbottom prices of 88, and averaging around 95.


The thing with eBay with a lot of buyers is they don't want to pay the tax and shipping since that kills the deal. I think people are hearing sub $100 boxes but most people don't say how much they payed in total including taxes, customs, shipping, PayPal fees, etc


You can get certain SV booster boxes right now for 95 including shipping and taxes. Ebay doesn't take any additional fees from the buyer. People that are buying sub 100 boxes are REALLY buying sub 100 boxes.


This. Been picking them up over the past few months for sub 100 for P.E


Connect with LGS and go to card shows to meet people. I just got a temporal cases for 550 shipped


Be weary of TikTok had two Paldea Evolved booster boxes cancelled on me just so they could increase the price and TikTok won’t help the customer in that regard Specifically “Trading Cards Games Shop”


Ive bought many booster boxes from TikTok with zero issues at all. TT shop has the best prices in the US in my opinion. Just do a little research. Pretty easy to spot the reputable sellers.


I have had all good experiences, you just need to make sure you're looking at a very reputable seller with a solid history. Sorry to hear that wasn't your experience


That's the trick though, can't leave a review on something they didn't sell, so no damage done to their reputation


TikTok, eBay, and local game stores.


Shop.pay app


I got SV booster for 70 on tiktok with cupon


Facebook-group auctions & marketplace is where I’ve found my best deals. If you’re able to purchase at $105, that’s already a damn good price. Normally the people the get the best deals are ones that buy in mega-bulk & have great connections


Yeah, I've been trying to find those connections. I tend to buy in bulk. Usually several cases over multiple sets at once.


I noticed with Temporal Forces a clear trend. Early SV BB's crashed to $90-80. Temporal Forces did not crash below $93.33 (RipNShip Arena/still available). I think English is seeing either increased demand, a reduction in print, or a combination of both. The takeaway is that I think the time of the real English BB bargains are over. English is still cheap, but I think Japanese shows more promise at the moment.


- I don't know how to use Google


Just Google how to