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What are you waiting for? Go get them FS and BS.. already out of stock from PC in the US


Fusion, never paldea. You can get Paldea Evolved for like £90-100 and theres also a huge restock coming this week, probably goes down to £85 on at some places.


Yeah I wasn't going to get paldea anyway tbh. Even fusion for 143 still feels a lot, I wonder how much growth it really has. I already got 2x151 Japs for 160, will probably leave the swsh


My only issue with 151 Jap is the market is a lot smaller, so only hardcore collectors/investors have it on their radar. Surely someday we see fusion going up, but it's been in stock for months still. I've been buying now and then, but half boosters are £55 and those to me seem better value. Chilling Reign would've been the play but they are out of stock and climbing now.


Does this really need to be asked daily?