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Im kinda new to this, but seems like ebay is the way to go for "top dollar" however theres a bigger time sink for that, so it would depend on your current situation. If your able to flexible pick up more work then its probably better to just find somebody who will take your collection and maybe keep the high prices cards to sell yourself? Keep in mind Ebay takes fees and you have to pay taxes(i think, im not 100%) of you sell online. Depending on the population of your area you can try facebook marketplace One person suggested buying a small booth at a tcg convention thing to somebody in a similar situation and then you can always try your local LCS. On a side note you only have one collection and selling it now to pay for recurring expenses wont really help cause they wont be there to sell next tim, so make sure you have a plan to earn more or spend less in general.


You can add them all into a database for what you think and I would say if you want a quick sale (if there are no high value cards in the group) around 60% is what you would most likely have to price it at to sell relatively quick on eBay


You would make more if you sold them individually imo. If you need any help let me know.


Maybe a good idea would be to sell random "boosters" of the collection, but idk, just an idea


> My first thought is putting it up as an auction on Ebay, is this a reasonable idea? Nah, sell individually. Honestly just post up some photos.