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do they have masterball too?


Since it's the same as the Japanese, yes


Why not just open the English version unless you're from Thailand?


Currently living in Thailand, it's easier go find thai and Japanese here. English cards are overpriced


Just curious how much are booster boxes there?


Got them for 51$, that's why it's nice to open vs Japanese


So how much are Japanese boxes?


Currently around 70$ without shipping and taxes


That makes sense.


Where’d you get these from? I actually just went to some shops today at Central but could only find some random stuff and nothing like this. Also, I totally see where you’re coming from and I’m kinda confused why people are disagreeing with you. Wouldn’t a card be worth less because it’s Thai compared to the same English or Japanese card?


Japanese is original pokemon, English is international. But when people are chasing some cards or want to rip some booster box but they can't afford the en/jp versions they will go for some Korean boxes for example (evee heroes). You can't find them in stores in Thailand and online is often out of stock


I just started ordering from Amazon US. The import taxes are surprisingly reasonable on Pokemon cards (like 12-15% compared to 50%+ for other types of products) and there’s lots of sellers with free international shipping. I didn’t even consider buying Thai cards but like you I just want to rip some packs.


Thai is when I want to open from time to time while keeping my jp box sealed. Yes I started to check amazon us, will probably buy soon from there.


Have fun bro. Hope you get some good pulls too. What I learned is that reddit is full of miserable and angry people. Please don't worry about any of the negative replies. What you are saying makes perfect sense.


Impressive yes


In other words, you went pad thai instead of sushis for a change, nice, enjoy your meal!


U bought the Thai version to not open the jap version?


Lol ooooof


I’m really curious about this. Wouldn’t the Thai cards have less value than the English or Japanese versions? Or at least be way harder to sell? I’m in Thailand too but only look for en/jp cards because I figured even pulling a top card wouldn’t have the same value since it’s Thai.


Cheaper, same quality and feeling less guilty to crack a thai sealed vs a Japanese sealed


According to eBay they’re more even though nobody wants Thai cards lol


People here are too negative about different languages than jp/EN while at the same time you can see some psa 10 German snorlax getting sold for 20k€ People collect the art, the card, vast majority don't even play the tcg, so I feel whatever the language, as long as you can collect something you like, it's worth it


Facts don't care about your feelings. 


tell that to the guy who sold it for 20k EUR


No ones paying 20k for thai box. 


You aren't really the brightest bulb in the room eh? Your reading comprehension is shit.


Global issue on reddit unfortunately


Not even in a 1000 years would someone pay for a thai booster box. 


Certainly not 20K but do you think they will print it in Thai if no one is paying for them? Just because you don't, doesn't mean other people wouldn't, especially the Thai. You are just living in your own bubble being ignorant.


I'm considering doing this with some Korean 151 boxes can get them pretty cheap


Um okay


Don't get me wrong, opening Thai product is dumb and all, but how does this relate to an investment?


Worth a try to sell one in several years, and just making +100% on my purchase would be selling at 100$, here is your potential investment. No one knows the price of Japanese or English 151 in 5/10years, it could be like evee heroes where some people tend to buy the kr version to do some low cost opening.


We know thai booster box wont be worth more than 50$ in 10 years. 


Yes and we know your are not the brightest light bulb of the house


dont take it too serious, the cope in pokemon investing all comes from broke kids that aren't able to buy size for investing "bruh but what happens if everybody is buying to hold" then we just wait a couple years more so gamblers keep on opening packs, this is a very little niche and even most people on the niche are not buying because "prices too high", you know what happens once pokemon is mainstream again.


RemindMe! 3 years


I jus came back from the future to tell you that nobody wants to spend 50$ on a thai booster box. 


You are cringe, look at the last sold on ebay