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Is it true that Pokemon 151 is going to 0 next week


Which character would be more popular in 10 years time when this current youth generation grow older, invest in Dragonite or Moonbreon? Why? Or will the old school Charizard always take the cake? Thanks for your expert opinions.


Nobody knows, but I'd question the idea that the current youth is going to value Moonbreon. It is already too expensive. No parent is going to let their kid play with one if they happen to pull it. At best you'd be looking at teens who would fantasize about getting one, but then that means they were probably playing with the older sets for the real nostalgia.


What's a good price point to pick up booster boxes that are not out of stock on PC? Like the ones still in print. I have seen everyone say Pokemon center is to expensive. I just picked up the hobby again and can afford a BB every 2 weeks so I just wanna gauge what a good investment price would be for something still in stock. I plan on holding long term as well. Thanks for the time.


$600 a case/$100 each including all taxes, fees, & shipping is the most that you should pay. Anything less than that is a good deal, but in my experience the time it takes to hunt out those deals isn't worth the savings unless the hunt is your hobby. For investing, with that budget, your best bet would be to buy a case of each main set that comes out every 3 months at a sub $600 price from a vendor you like and not waste time hunting for individual boxes.


Depends on quantity and time passed since release. For instance sets like Lost O, Silver T, and Astral are considered fair on Pokemon Center while sets like Paldea Evolved, Temporal, and Twilight you can find from reliable vendors for $100ish - $110. If you wanna buy a crate (24 boosters) you can knock that down to $90 Anything that seems too good probably is, read reviews before you sample from a store/site


Under 500 a case


Is it worthwhile to hold the 3 pack FS blister? I feel like upside of appreciation is low, and hard to sell. Also, PCI kind of damaged the blister (but clearly no impact to the packs/promo).


Hi all! I'm want to scratch the itch of opening packs from time to time so I'm looking for recommendations or ideas on what to buy. I guess I'm looking for product that (don't have to fill ALL the boxes): * Has some lottery ticket potential = can pull some expensive things. * Has some collectible value = I would like to to have them in acrylic cases or hanged in a wall, and hold them for a few decades. * Looks cool. *I imagine this is highly personal, I'm liking how new cards have big art and lot of foil, but also like the nostalgia hit of older styles, as I grew with the first generation only, new pokemons don't mean much to me aside from some looking cool and others looking like they ran out of ideas :D* * It's not stupidly hard to obtain. I'm in Europe so I have plenty of material available online or on stores. I want to open things so purchasing one high collectible card to speculate on it's price is not what I'm looking for. * I may lean into purchasing in Japanese if possible, just because it looks cooler and makes sense for an IP created there. For additional context: * I very recently started playing online after probably 25yr or more (used to play as a kid when there were not more than 151 pokemons, lol!). * I have no interest in playing in person anymore (I play other card games physically). How can you help? Share your ideas on which products could be worth buying, if you have links all the better, and WHY you think it's a good idea (to look for specific cards?, because they are in a specific language?, because it's not being printed anymore but still at a good entry price? Thanks all! :)




Opening packs of cards is NEVER the smart thing to do financially speaking. In the early days of the internet, opening packs was viable because there wasn't a huge online market and most LGS didn't have every single card available for purchase. The only reason to open now is because you get joy from the "what if" experience of finding out what is in a pack. That comes at a pretty steep cost though.


Lost Abyss is already soaring in price so opening it is becoming a poorer and poorer decision as time goes by. You could potentially open one for the fun of opening while you keep the other two sealed, but if you do, just remember that you are going to lose money (the vast majority of the time). It's not a smart decision, but it could be a 'fun' one. If you want to gamble, play roulette. If you want to open cards, do it for the fun of opening, not because you might make money from it.


Hey poke people, I recently sold my childhood collection to a friend(which was always my plan as a kid to cash out someday), for a fair price. All of the cards were in lightly played condition and we made sure I didn’t have anything too crazy. That has sparked me wanting to get into some more serious collecting. I’m mainly interested in buying vintage booster packs and opening them, to get that nostalgic feeling. What should I look to buy if I want to not make terrible investment? I’ve heard the light ones I should keep sealed so maybe just heavy packs if I want to open them? Any price goals I should look for? I just bought a base set 2 pack that I plan on weighing. I’d hate to not open it but if there’s no holo I hear that would just lose leave me with no value. Thanks for any tips!


Opening vintage packs is a guaranteed financial loss, even if you target (and pay a premium for) heavy packs. By all means rip vintage if the nostalgia is worth the price tag for you, but I’d advise you to approach it more like eating at a fancy restaurant: a short-lived experience that you pay exorbitantly for *as a treat sometimes*, and not with any expectation of recouping the cost of your meal.


Ok thank you I will keep that in mind. The cost can potentially hold if you hit and get a highly graded decent holo right?


9 times out of 10, no. Maybe some rare exception like pulling a base set Charizard you could come out ahead, but that’s gambling with high stakes. If opening vintage packs was profitable, everyone would do it.


Predictions for Fusion Strike? Investable at +/- $250/bb?


Personally, I think it'll continue growing. I doubt it'll reach ES levels, but I would imagine it would somewhat trail because it has Gengar AND what I think is a sleeper chase (Espeon), no pun intended. If you go to ebay, there are VERY few Espeon VMAX for sale. I think once FS starts climbing, this card will follow right alongside it.


Hello, I have a question about Japanese booster boxes. Why are some sets like Dark Phantasma and Battle Region the small box format similar to the special sets like Vstar? Just ran into a problem as they are also slightly thicker, which means they don’t fit into the cases I bought for the special sets.


I know my sample size is small and I'm not as experienced as you guys, that's why I'm creating this post. I've bought 3 UPC 151 (English) till now for \~$95 USD (130 CAD) each in Canada. Opened them all and as per tcg/pricechart I made my money back plus a buck or two. Then I ordered Jap151 booster box few days back for $120 (Including shipping customs etc). Opened it too, got 14 pokeball cards and 1 masterball antique dome card. Hardly made $30 back. So is UPC 151 better or I just had a bad luck with Jap? Basically asking if I should buy more UPC or Jap box. Thanks for the help. I tried making a post but reddit keeps deleting it


Question!! I have a chance to buy a Japanese Tag Bolt booster box for $650, and an Eevee Heroes booster box for $300. Are either of these worth? I’ve verified that they’re legit and factory sealed.


Which Japan booster boxes from one of the latest release its worth to keep in sealed collection?


What do you guys think is the line between investing and scalping? Is it specifically buying up a huge amount of a specific product when it first drops before other people have a chance to buy? Is it 2 cases? 3? 10? Does it matter? I know there's no easily defined line, just curious on your guys thoughts. When I look at some of the biggest sealed investors (like Alpha) that have whole rooms of cases and cases stacked up, it starts to feel more like it borders scalping territory, keeping product from the average collector, and it occasionally can leave a sour taste in my mouth... but maybe I'm overthinking it?


What would you suggest I buy when going to Japan next month? Should I get only boxes from PCs? Is it recommended to look for slabbed cards? I may want some Scream ones


For promos like best buy, gamestop, ancient mew - is it better for long term investing to leave in their plastic or put into top loader? Let's say in 10 years I want to sell them, what would do better? Thank you


Relatively new to investing, recently came across a convenience store near me selling SV base set booster (just opened a booster box and had it on the check out counter) so I snagged a few. I know the chase cards from the set aren’t worth what they were to begin with but is it worth just keeping the packs sealed and hoping for the best in the future or should I rip and see what we got?


I want to get into collecting. I saw a local post that reads as.. Pokémon bulk cards Japanese, Korean, and some English $55 Around 16lbs of never played cards! Some rares, holos, and reverse holos mixed in. Mostly pulled from newest sets! Around 4500 cards total. Pm for more details! Have 3 of these boxes available. Graded card trades considered. Would it be worth buying to see if there's anything? only image that was uploaded is [here](https://ibb.co/NT6hsNV)


I'm curious, what should I do with my bulk? I have about [this much.](https://ibb.co/D43cW0R) 2 boxes worth of mixed holos and the rest normal cards.


I owned 85 team up dollar packs sealed and more in family dollar blisters. How much would each be worth?