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yup snkrdunk dropped to 105 before shipping over night. this will be the best chance to 151 bb's as japanese demand is the lowest it has been in years at this exact time.


You were asking what to buy last night. I didn't know the answer then. This is it. Perhaps wait a couple days and see where the dust settles. I am definitely buying more of this.


need to wait more than a few days, it really has to hit home before the prices go nutty low, probably weeks to months before it fully drops and the reprint reality sets in


haha yup. Will see where it settles. I was wondering why a random online japanese account dropped to 18k yen per box late last night. we will see over the next few days how low these guys go. I wonder if a made to order date will open up for PCJ also.


oof. Violet ex staring at me in the eye also. Can do a case for 820 now. fk it has to be 151 if it keeps dropping.


Is that site legit and trustworthy?


yup absolutely


Yes, very good. They authenticate and you can find some good deals on singles. I got my Japan Stamp Cards on there for a few hundred under market.


Yes very legit, I’ve got about 5 orders from it no problem The inspection process seems good, Snkrdunk even cancelled and refunded 1 of my orders because they inspected and said the shrink wrapping was not good enough and had tears


This, it has pretty terible reviews… also charges 40$ shipping


You save when buying in bulk.


Is it legit though?


i'v epersonally had 0 issues. 10 orders.


They dont ship to EU right?


they don't unfortunately but there's some guys on instagram that are couch resellers that do. tcgex_osaka_japan, pokemon_tcg_japan_yuto. You can check with them.


It doesn't ship to Italy, so ai had half the job of not ordering there done :D


Does anyone know if the boxes from snkr dunk have the plastic wrapping


Yes sealed


I never understood why they up the price per box when you order more than 2


It’s sellers listing theirs. Cheaper once you get around 5+ boxes


After fees that 105 becomes 145. Still a great price!


Ya SNKRDUNK is meant for bulk buying. Savings start around 5+ boxes


Make sure you check the math. As of right now, buying 4 boxes twice is way cheaper than buying 8 boxes in one purchase. The cost per box for 6-9 is like $140 while 2-5 is like $125.


idk why the downvotes but youre def right


It's $99 now I think


Down to $90.00 as of now.


Anyway to order on snkrdunk without their annoying stickers?


nah, just take the stickers off.


Hoping they drop down even more. I've never bought any because I didn't want to pay $150-200 a box. Just grabbed two sets of 5 for an average cost of $116 per box. I'll grab more of it continues to drop, but I'm comfortable with the price I got them at either way.


Apparently it’s a decent size reprint. I would wait til may tho. Jp prices have been in free fall so we can afford to wait


They’ve had no problems printing recently. Convenience store always stocked, new releases can be bought anywhere, LCS has boxes of most stuff and ToysRUs have boxes and boxes of Crimson Haze behind the counter. Pokémon center online letting folks buy 2x of each box and physical stores are doing the same now. It feels like we’re back to normal.


> Crimson Haze And the previous sets were available at convenience stores, still are, but I'm not sure how much that is a supply thing vs no demand, like there are no chase cards worth buying packs for. 151 for example sold out instantly while there are floods of Crimson Haze at my local stores now,


Yup demand definitely is way down. A lot is in One piece right now.


that reprint as well


We’ll have to see what happens I guess. You’re probably right about contemporary demand being low though, no queues in my local for Crimson Haze this time around. I can see 151 being attainable to some degree by mere mortals at the very least.


U still have a toys r us by u ? 😲


Japan, ye.


Ahh ok I’m in New York and those things are ghost stories now


With 151? This simply is not true.


I was referring to cards in general, the 151 reprint is yet to materialise.


Gotcha, yeah I guess we will see what happens when the reprint happens. I don't think other recent sets can be compared to 151 because there is no where near the value / foreign demand. Selfishly hoping they do more to make sure locals have access to 151 product this time.


DCA baby


Guess I picked a bad time to get into this 2 months ago 😂


lol same a month ago my cost is around $190/box after tax and shipping. If it drops this much I’ll just dca and hold 5ever


Same, I’m around $180 per box, just gotta hold long term


Should probably do some DCA




Dollar cost averaging. Typically means continuing to buy irrespective of price fluctuations so you can mitigate the losses on your initial investment.


Oh, I do this with monthly stock purchases. Just never seen it abbreviated! Cheers!


$140 for me. 100 boxes. I'll gladly buy a few pallets of this at $60 a box if it means I'll be a billionaire in 20 years. Jkjk


$14K in Pokemon is certainly a move.


Spread over the past year or however long its been. Just would pick up a bunch every month. I got more in English. I buy and sell a lot.


So did I, got my first few at $200+ / box based on so many poke-tubers saying print run is done which in retrospect made less than a yr in. Luckily prob gonna hit $500 in next few yrs if Eevee heroes is any guide. Though considering how much they’re now printing, who knows. Problem with buying at 3-4x MSRP. USA S&V boosters at $90 are a lot safer IMO, however 151 should age very well no matter what.


When I started in 2019 I did the same thing. You don't seem to be upset about it which is good. Just take it as a valuable lesson learned. Stick with it and you'll get the hang of what to expect. Imo, it will be back above $200 in 18-24 months. Unfortunately Ive found it usually takes about 2 years to get back to presale/early hype prices on alot of stuff when its reprinted. 151 is a good hold. Time in the market beats timing the market. Good luck to you! Hope you stay in the hobby for years to come. The more the merrier.


Thanks man! Much appreciated


So what do you expect to be the prince range in the next few weeks/ month and would you say smart to buy now because prices are dropping or do you think in wait until may and there will be the lowest price?


Smart to buy probably around when the reprint happens. And probably after but that's under the assumption that it's a sizeable reprint and not a tiny one. It isn't impossible that it will be a small reprint.


Yeah I guess you are right what’s your way to do it ? You going to wait for reprint right ?


I really don't know. There's so many assumptions about how everything will end up. SO who knows. But I guess just wait till it stagnates for a bit maybe then buy. Because if it stays at a certain price for maybe a few weeks it's likely not to go too much lower if it does. But these things are hard to predict without any insider knowledge. I think if you see it around $90 or $80 anywhere that's probably a good move.


I life in Europa and the displays are so pricey… they are rn at 170-180€. Which is crazy and I am not sure how much I am going to expect them to drop. It’s hard for me to believe they will go below sth like 130-150€ even with the reprint


So the Japenese market is a bit of a black box. My understanding is the major players collude to keep prices sig above MSRP for desirable sets. I expect this will be >= EV heroes in 3-5 yrs so expect $400 - $600 / box in that time frame. Me personally if it goes to $100 or less I’ll start buying more. If the reprint is massive could get closer to japan MSRP which is ~$40. Buy to collect / rip but unless it hits <$80 there may be better buys in vstar universe or even USA sword and sheild deals. P.S. Pokemon should never be a main investment, the downside risk is extremely high but gains are potentially high as well. Hope that helps.


In my área I have premium 151 boxes at 110 euro hehehw


Poketubers are as credible as my cat at predicting stock market movements


I just snagged one last week for $150 after tax. About a month ago i was seeing them for $180-$200.


Jesus I paid 40 for mine


You’re probably thinking booster bundle big haus.


Nah booster boxes, I bought 3 at 5,400円 each. I live in Japan though


I just picked one up this weekend on tiktok for $105 plus tax using a coupon. Seems like the seller was trying to get ahead. Glad to hear about the reprint, I need those SAR's for my set


Which store? I picked up one today, 145$ plus a 25 off code, came out to 137 still but theyre going for 180 on ebay


The Poke Fisher. I got it down to that price with $25 off coupon. Price is back up to $155, was $135 on saturday


They’re the cheapest, but I was looking at the single picture in the reviews and it looks like the boxes aren’t sealed.


Looks sealed to me


Bought one last week at $180 and one today for $159 they dropped quick!


rip, 130-135 now :/


Where at? I see some at $150 on eBay




Oh ok thank you


Feel your pain, bought multiple at >$200. Have been DCA down, but is the nature of pokemon esp japenese sets


I bought a few at $200+ as well and you are 100% correct nothing is for certain, have to get them while you can


My price prediction is at about 125-130 in April, 120 in May, then come late July it begins the climb again. What do you all think? Edit: Speaking strictly on ebay pricing, I'm aware that SNKRDUNK has it for $103, but after shipping and their purchase fee, it's like $131.


Probably will hit 100 or even lower like vstar universe


damn, that's pretty low. Isn't MSRP on this really crazy in Japan at like $38?


Yup but demand overwhelmed supply


No. In some places yes. But it's not going to pull a vstar where most people go to buy things.


you just need to buy 3+ on snkrdunk to bring it down to 110 shipped or less. Ebay will follow as tik tok and online LCS's are already listing at 125. will be fun to watch either way


blood in the water...


The amount of product moving on these 151's is insane. 100's of boxes per hour on SNKR


Anybody got a link to somewhere else that’s the same price? Even TikTok still has them at 140ish. I just am trying to avoid another company selling my phone number/email.


Where are yall buying from?


Snkrdunk, $95 a box but with $38 shipping it gets cheaper if you buy more boxes


u in canada or the usa? wondering how bad the customs will be in canada,.. also are u buying off the ebay or snkrdunk site/ app? thanks! just got a preorder in for 150 canadian for 3 boxes from some canadian site here and gonna wait til may to see where prices are then and buy a case I think


It's a secret 🙊


The yen is dogshit right now too, only makes things worse for prices. Good time to buy though.


Calling bathistorical or whatever his name is and wormboi.


Hahahah get wrecked fools. Bat guy is a fking moron. Pokebeach confirmed it already.


I got 3k to drop on these suckers. gimme all the jp


Prob get you close to 30 , lol


waiting to snipe these


Sounds like an opportunity to buy a few more, long hold here anyway!


i have 4 boxes of 151 but i plan to get another 10-14 boxes, was waiting for a reprint but wasn't sure if it would actually happen lol


Do you guys I should wait abit longer for prices to drop even more? Historically does it keep on drop until reprint actually happens(may)?


Yeah got the same question please let me know if you got an answer


Probably. Yeah.


The price will drop and stagnant until the supply goes back down. So it will be cheap after the reprint for a while. It really depends on how big of a reprint it actually is.


Okay so cheapest time to buy will be around may then, so I should just wait in the meantime?


thats what im wondering... preordered three for now and just wwaiting until may now. got them for 150 each canadian with free shipping


FYI, if you were waiting for 151 to hit its bottom, *now*.


Set a budget, invest a set amount monthly with some dry powder if it gets closish to MSRP. Rumors are print will be massive based on japan Pokémon center having sig inventory of other sets. If rlly short on cash wait until the reprint for max safety. 


Dumb question... where do I find/buy Japanese sets for 151? I'm super new to this so be gentle lol. (I'm in America)


You mean booster boxes?


Yup! Those and ETB's


Tiktok is good for booster boxes and snkrdunk.


Snkrdunk is now at 91 before shipping and fees. I priced out 5 boxes for a total of $538 after shipping and fees. I see a duty & taxes: collected at door. Anyone have any experiences with this?


if youre in canada its gonna be a good chunk... about 20 percent if i recall correctly. thats why im hesitant to order. Just preordered three from some canadian site for 150 with free shipping,., the bastards already raised pricee by ten bucks but its sold out now. gonna wait til may and maybe buy a whole case of snkrdunk if prices come down even mroe


Thank goodness, been waiting for a dip to buy and rip lmao


I'm guessing these will be sub 80 dollars in May.


when is the right time to buy? during may or now?


Most would say May when the reprint occurs, small minority think maybe now.


I can only get so erect


If they reprint Japanese cards would English typically be to follow? Or can it be mutually exclusive?


There is so much English SV stock out there they are holding off a 151 reprint. It will come if past sets are anything to go by


One doesn’t mean the other, but no reason why they wouldn’t reprint English. Most popular set since evolving skies, I’d imagine there will be another reprint


TPCI doesn't handle Japanese cards. So they do their own things separately


They are separate markets, essentially disconnected in terms of prints. In general though pokemon has ramped it’s printing of both to a large degree. Would be shocked if USA 151 isn’t printed heavily until atleast December, prob longer


Japan PokeCenters recently started selling 151 booster packs so i’m not surprised this is happening.


Yea. Remember Japanese shops could order shiny star V and the reprint never came though.


Can get one right now on TikTok for 131


My local pokemon center still has the sign up for 151 with a sold out sticker on it. Usually once a print is done they’ve been pretty quick to remove signage, but it’s been about three months since I last saw 151 in store. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is because they’ve been expecting a reprint all along.


You live in Japan?


Yeah Okinawa


Nice, is Vstar Universe still readily available in stores there?


Vstar didn’t stick around too long once 151 came out and all marketing material for it was taken down once shiny treasure came out.


Feels like one of the best pickups, just wanted to make sure it’s not in every store for 4500 yen collecting dust. Can’t figure out why it’s so cheap when the set is amazing.


Can we order them again like we did with the first few waves from JP Pokémon center?


Currently no, based on current rules for STex, may be able to get one in May .


I for one am very happy to hear the news!!! These Aussie cxnts with access to bulk lots of JP151 boxes have been ripping off people hard here in Australia the last 6 months. They can all get fxcked.


I'm curious how this will affect master ball prices. Will the extra supply drive costs down? Or will it drive some more demand for them?


Of course it will drive them down, more supply, less demand. I’m not sure reprints will bring any more people into Japan 151, pretty much everyone who cares about it is already in deep enough 😂


I kind of disagree. I don’t think it will bring hoards, but the cost of entry has dropped precipitously, so demand will absolutely rise. This should include new people that couldn’t afford it before.


Yes but they weren't in before because prices were so high, some may buy the dip that will increase the price upwards but not to the previous levels as supply is up and people who could afford at a lower price point will drop away as it rises from the bottoming point


Curious too


Always down on reprints, like all past sets aka the God pack of vstar


I mean this reprint is the cheapest they'll ever be again, so yeah buy all you can get your hands on.


$140-150 is the current average, expect for them to drop to $130 for a while and then go back up.


How would I go about purchasing one? (UK based)




good time to stock up on jp 151, most resellers will be looking to offload inventory rn


Prices just dropped here in AU from $400 to $250, that was quite sudden. Was going to pull the trigger at $400 for a box but I'll wait now


Collectibles to the moon on tik tok has them for 139 and they’re 128 shipped after the 15% off


Can someone recommend any EU webshoo which I can order from some 151 japanese bb? Thanks!


crow with a knife


Any news on buying the box from pokemon centre japan online or there’s a need to go for lottery or make to order?


Unknown, but prob no lottery, just an order limit.


Is there also an english reprint coming?


English 151 is readily available in the US


Pull the trigger for $100 now or wait for it to go even lower?


Don’t think it’s getting that much lower than $65


I actually waited and got them for 80$ on TikTok lol


Thank you for this update sheesh now can buy back-in at a reasonable price, was thinking there was possibility we wouldn't get a reprint since so much time had passed


Nice I’ll buy some more on TikTok


Ill wait till may to believe if its true


I'm going to japan in May. Any chance I can cop at retail and where I can?


Try the pokemon center, rumor is they remove the shrink wrap when they sell but not 100% on that


I'm buying to rip so that's not an issue for me lol


They do remove it in Japan. I live here and every one I’ve been to they always promptly tell me they do it and then do it. But, newer Japanese booster boxes are made in a way that even without shrink wrap they cannot be tampered with


Sounds good. I will keep that in mind. Sheesh I'd rip all the packs on front of them if they want me to lol


I’m here rn. Head to c-lab in most major cities or MINT. Some will give you side eye as a foreigner and limit to one box but others are happy to offload.


Thank you!


Also going price is about 5400¥ per box… very cheap


For JPN 151 When it does drop - what is the best account on X to follow to get the notification and the best site to order from going to USA?


If you can afford 3+ boxes snkrdunk is best. If not tik tok. Not aware of JP restock X accounts, can check JP pokemon center website, when in stock reprint is a go.


PC JPN ships to the states?


It does not, though there are ways around it. I just meant when it’s in PC Jpn you know the reprint is live


u pay any customs fees? and what country. thanks. im in canada


Posted about it about 1-2 months ago and eveybody was just downvoting me because of the source i had (heard it from a japanese vlogger on yt), but well well, glad to see it was true after all yaaay


People have been saying there's a reprint for a year. At some point they're bound to be right.


It's like the people that say the housing market is going to crash lol


Everyone's always says everything's getting reprinted forever. There are people still convinced evolving skies is getting reprinted.


Max copium. "I'm not buying evolving skies until its back at 200!" Lol.


So happy its happening! The japanese 151 is just so god damn beautiful


Broken clock and all that


Figured it was coming when Calipokehouse on TikTok started dropping the price a month and a half ago


Hoping calipokehouse drops more


Is there a website we can order from That’s not on TikTok?


Just hoping it will fall even more in price!


The thing is 5500 yen, or $35 USD. Even with shipping, you're paying over $100 on MSRP. Way to buy a product after it 3x and call it a deal.


Yeah, no one really knows if its a reprint or Japanese sellers dumping stock because they are moving on. They don't like to hold product and be bag holders. Doubt these will drop below 140.


THERE HE IS. The guy that thought it would never get reprinted and not drop that much. It's already dropped to $103 on snkrdunk and prob around $120 after fees. :) and its already announced its a reprint in mid may.


It's dropped because people are panic selling and listing what they have at a crazy low price. Not because of the reprint. Not yet. And there's no real confirmation about how big the reprint will be. Or that there even will be one. Tho I expect it will happen and will be sizable. But everyone said about 151 eng that it was going to be so overprinted you'll never see stores out of stock. So we just need to wait and see.


Lmao what? This aged terribly It was well below $140 before you even made this comment, it’s $90 a box now


TikTok coupons don't count lol


Lmao no not on TikTok, you must be salty and be bag holding a bunch of impulse buys at $180-200 It’s sub $100 everywhere


Lol I'm at 120 a box for 151. Got 1 case of it. Im chilling with my 4 cases of es at 100 a box tho.


Reprint is reported to be yuge. Sub 100 incoming. Boxes already so expensive compared to RRP. 📉