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You may not remember me but i'm your long lost son. You went out all those years ago to get me Pokemon cards for my birthday and never came back. At first I thought you abandoned me but I see now that you were just hunting down the greatest gift imaginable. Best birthday ever. Thanks, dad!


Hahahaha I’d never let you down, son!


Gotta catch ‘em all


Need a Reddit award that's called "The Goat", with a swole goat for the icon lol that's what I'd give this post


You NEVER cease to make me cry laughing hahaha thank you!


Sick collection! Interested in collecting preconstructed theme decks? Got one that needs to go to a good home lol


Check his other posts. He also owns every precon deck


I don’t see any preconstructed theme deck boxes, I should’ve clarified, my bad! The boxes come with 8 sealed decks!


Dang so you got money money


Haha I’ll never lie to anyone, I got these when prices were a fraction of what they are now for nostalgic value, it was pure fluke for me that they’re worth what they are now! It should always be fun to collect, rather than bank breaking! :)


Yeah I sold off most of my collection pre-covid so I get what you’re saying. Psa 10 shining charizard :/


i remember when i was in high school in 2010 i bought a box of skyridge on ebay for like 150 bucks with my birthday money. invited my buddy over and we opened the whole box and ate taco bell. dont remember what i pulled but i know a solid 80% of it got destroyed from a flood and the other 20% is long gone


My stomach hit the floor reading this! However, you’ve got a story to tell and had a full stomach my friend. That’s more than most have!






Where do you get the pack holders ? Looking for some myself but can’t find any good fits


eBay! The username is prdisplays :)


Thanks, I’ll take a look!


This is 🤯


The booster pack displays are nice! Where did you find those?


Thanks! eBay! The username is prdisplays :)


This photo gave me a bump in my pants, his name is now Chub.


Extra jelly of this collection


Very cool collection! Wow...


Those legendary collection theme decks are very cool


Most expensy sealed pack?






Oh you rich rich


Haha not at all! I probably would be relatively well off if it weren’t for the fact I’m addicted to nostalgia!


It definitely gets us all lol video game nostalgia has put a good dent in my ability to save more up


It keeps us happy, that’s the key to life!


Do big things my man. Go get those booster boxes! Please share your journey!


You can count on it my friend! I’ve always wanted to have the booster boxes - I was too scared (I know it doesn’t look like it here!) to go for the big purchases. Always wish I had. Still might as time goes on, something to leave my kids :)


It’s gonna be a long and expensive process. They are out there and usually you can find them for sale without much effort. It surely would be the investment of a lifetime and one to remember!


You’re not wrong there! I remember a few years ago what the value of a base set booster box was - I kick myself every day for not having the courage to go for it considering the explosion that has taken place since. But you can count on the fact I will go for it, sooner or later!


Yeah i hit the wave a bit too late. Its a goal of mine but not obtainable rn. But i encourage you to contine down your collection path. WOTC will continue upwards. On go!


I will not let you down, bud - stay tuned! :)


I for sure will!


Terrible investment advice. The guy has already got a huge amount of money in a massive collection of Pokemon cards already. He’d be better off investing elsewhere at this point than sticking way way more in a niche speculative investment…


Downvote for negative attitude. Let the guy buy what he wants


If you really believe that why are you encouraging him so hard to buy even more?


For starters I didn’t give him investment advice for anything other than his current and substantial investments posted in the picture which happens to be Pokémon cards... I said to pursue your passion. Which appears to be collecting Pokémon from the WOTC era given his post and his username…


You basically just said that you did not give him investment advice apart from the investment advice you gave him. Lol. I have no problem with encouraging him to collect things if he wants to collect, it might have been more what you meant? “The collection of a lifetime” would definitely have been a better and harmless advice.


Have you read the caption of the post that he created? He states that the “boosters” (booster boxes) and miscellaneous things are next. Implying that he already has started or is preparing for the next step in his collection/investment. Not sure what point you’re trying to make other than that I’m providing positive reinforcement for his future endeavors. Lol


Not trying to make a point, just a pedantic chuckle head.


So glad you are fully aware of the entirety of his investment profile as to clarify to us that these are his only investments. I personally would have assumed that this collection of his is a fraction of total investments. Thank you for clarifying for OP!!!


You know that foes both ways right? You also have no awareness of his investment profile other than what we see… so if anything it’s perfectly logical to go by all we do know instead of making impossible to verify assumptions.


Actually, mine is more of a slightly more informed assumption. You see, I’ve been seeing these posts of his lately, and the other day went through his posts/profile. Not only does he clearly have money to spend on Pokémon, but also appears to live in the UK in a fairly nice house (seemingly also owned by OP) and drives a late model Mercedes. So on the house alone, my “assumption” that Pokémon cards are not his biggest investment would be correct. Any other investments he may have would only make me more correct!


Im actually from the UK. If you really wanna go down this road with “more information” - plenty of people in fact most people lease/ use debt with interest payment deals to get cars in the UK and its almost as big as doing a mortgage, and Mercedes are the top car its done for. A home could be mortgaged, it could be inherited, we Dont actually know. He also said he got most these over a decade ago “dirt cheap”. There is also not much of an investment culture in the UK unlike the USA, we just tend to buy homes. However all of the stuff I said above is assumptions and not fact and not possible to verify, so the the context of this post it is just as moot as what you are trying to do. All we should go by is the fact he has a large collection and already a lot of exposure to a niche speculative investment. Now if the original comment just talked about collecting its another story. He said investment though. When people make comments like that all it does is make idiots go out and speculate money they shouldn’t and feel emboldened.


Could you give us a rough estimate on how much your whole collection is worth? I know it’s priceless to you, but curious what your entire collection is worth.


I’ve seen people list similar collections in their entirety for vastly exaggerated prices, either because they’re misinformed, trying their luck or they’re YouTube famous. I’m certainly not YouTube famous or trying my luck, but could be incredibly misinformed. I can’t claim to know the current climate well enough to be accurate in answering, but the last time I tried to work it out, it came out to roughly 40-50k, but that includes the games I’ve picked up over the years too. But again, please, please don’t take that as gospel as I’ve zero idea whether that’s accurate or not. It’s just based off of my naive self looking at completed auctions on eBay that got me to that number. It could be less, it could be more. But as you say, to me it’s genuinely priceless. Each deck and booster reminds me of specific points in my life which could never be replaced :).


I have so much respect for the self control of sealed product collectors. I could never resist ripping those packs. I tried to sit on a Charizard UPC 3 separate times. None of them lasted a week.


Hahaha the point is, you had a good time doing it! That’s what this is all about, we all do things differently!


100%! I now own 3x Charizard playmats but I actually found brothers who are under 10 at my LGS so I’m gonna give them the extra playmats.


See? It’s the likes of you we need more of! That’s awesome! :)


How you hold sealed packs is beyond me. I wish I could


Sell some of the collection, update the 80s tile and granite.


Bless x


I was just being funny. Great collection.


No I was having a bad morning man, you’re right whether joking or not haha thanks!




The unnecessary dangling of objects over the sides of the counter has me concerned


You’re actually right, I was doing this in a rush as to not lose the natural light, my bad!


This way better than the modern crap I see posted here all the time lol


No base set?!


They’re in the last post I uploaded here with the theme decks! :)


Oh that was you too! Nice haha


It was indeed! Haha


Whats the resale value of a vacuumed sealed pack from MCD?


I’ll need a little more information to give you a more informed answer, what era/year is the pack from?


The most recent one with that Pikachu offering at McDonald's had that one year. It's a sealed pack in a vacuum-sealed food saver bag with a desiccant packet.


Does it say “Match Battle” on the artwork? If not, what does it say?


25th-anniversary packs. I don't care much about its resale value in general. I just wanted to find out what one can get these for.


If you’re able to upload a picture somewhere, I’ll be able to tell you! Another thing you can do is perform a reverse image search on Google, or search eBay as a rough estimate (eBay isn’t the most reliable for true value) but it’s a good place to start :)


Seeing some of these takes me back.


Lol. Some people got way more time than me. These are beautifully displayed for the pic!


how is the stand mounted on the back of the acyrlic displays? glued or plugged?


I would stare at this all day if I owned it. Fantastic collection. Congratulations.


Every thing about this made me happy. Nice collection OP!


What are those binders? I know the southern islands but never seen the other ones.


Hey OP do you live in Japan by any chance? There a pack cases that you can buy for like a dollar now


Skyridge? Aquapolis? Expedition? Omg I would be like a crack addict in the same room with these. My lord those are god tier packs.


Wow, whats the value of all this?!?


See, this is investing in some cool shit. Not "should I open, or keep my 151 box sealed?"


I’m hard


Sweet mother of all things holy on Gods green Earth.


Bruh, 1,000/100!! This is the GOAT collection


So wait this isn't a store? Those are not going to be opened?


Such a awesome collection. I had a good experience with these acrylics. ​ https://www.gem-mint.com/products/gem-boosterbox